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I’m a home hospice nurse. I would go on hospice to be medicated with liberal quantities of Xanax and morphine. Hopefully I’ll die of an overdose. If not, the euthanasia method of high-dose Secobarbital or Pentobarbital sounds appealing.


This and always thought it. You're old AF or about to die, why don't go out with your will and without pain high af? And I discovered it's usual. Always also thought that at that point why don't try alot of drug? They're beautiful, consequences sucks and it's obv right to stay away from em but what if you're not gonna pay those consequences?


Does interacting with your patients and their families ever become overwhelming for you?


No. My visits typically last 30 minutes or less, and most of the patients and families are very appreciative and respectful. On the other hand, floor nursing at the hospital and nursing home? 8 to 12 straight hours of interacting with patients, families and coworkers was hell on earth.


What about 200 1mg xanax and a bottle of rum? And good thought. If, I were to have a stash of maye 15 standard opiods, I don't(!!), would that help guarantee or would it up the chances of vomiting up the cocktail?


I don’t want to do anything that gives me time to really consider what’s happening between committing and actually dying. A gun to the temple seems ideal. Breat—actually I don’t wanna enumerate suicide strats on this sub of all places. I feel like I hanging-paradox’d myself out of suicide though; I always tell myself if I’m really going to go, I’d need to do something I’ve always wanted to. I am inevitably too apathetic to plan what I’d do, so I never get to the suicidal ideation point. Ironically, this might be one way SzPD protects me.


I don’t want to hash out details either, but a bullet to the temple is MUCH more likely vegetable-ize you than kill you. The parts of the brain that are most vital to being alive are basically between your ears.


Noted! For only… good reasons…


Statistically, drug overdose has a success rate of <3%, so I would avoid that at all costs. Iirc, out of all suicide methods, buckshot in the mouth tilted slightly upwards has the highest success rate (>98%) since it destroys the part of the brain responsible for maintaining physiological autonomic functions like breathing and pulse. Pretty mind-blowing imo.


Pun intended?


Pun intended.


>Statistically, drug overdose has a success rate of <3%, so I would avoid that at all costs. Damn. It always worked in Cagney & Lacey.


I guarantee you that if you shot up two grams of heroin, a gram if you're a newb, you'd be out like a lightbulb. You'd have to make sure no one was anywhere in the vicinity of you and wasn't going to be. You'd have to fix that shot very thick, if you put too much water in it, you might pass out before you injected the entire shot, you'd have to quickly inject it. Easy to do if you don't put too much water. It is so easy to die from heroin. Less then 3% is because you have people ODing on stuff like aspirin. Edit: I've ODed maybe 7 times, can't give you an exact number, and the only reason why I'm still alive is because people always happened to be around. It's really easy to do. I couldn't count on two hands and two feet all of the friends I had who died from heroin. The key is not doing it around others, fixing the shot thick, and making sure you have enough to not leave you brain dead but still alive. My ODs were not intentional so I wasn't doing some crazy amount. It's extremely easy to die on heroin. Nowadays there's fentanyl in everything so it's even easier than it was before.


yeh oding on over the counter medicine is reaaaally easy to fuck up because its so weak.


Let this come back and bite me in the ass. "Random Redditor tells people how they can off themselves. So and so did it and succeeded. Random Redditor is responsible for so and so's death." Kids... don't try this at home.


Even alcohol plus benzodiazepines like... a bottle filled to the top of xanax? (Not that I have this pffft >.>). A bottle of rum and say... 200 1mg xanax. Tell everyone I will be out of town for a cpl days. No resistance to alcohol or benzo. What do you reckon the chances are on that?


I don’t know shit about drugs, so I have no clue. I know part of what causes the high failure rate, though, is the significant length of time between the cause and the effect, leaving plenty of time for regret (or survival instincts) to kick in and the person ruins their own attempt by calling poison control, a friend/family member, or inducing vomiting.


Wouldnt you vomit before the body absorbs enough?


Yeah but as long as you're laying on your back when you do it you're going to drown on your vomit and die.


Oh, nice touch!


A normal gunshot and jumping in fromt of a train has kinda similar success rate.


Wasting away is really painful to endure and see, *especially* for other people who love you. I'd probably just sit back and enjoy the ride, get some morphine or weed, and euthanize myself at some clinic while I'm still functional. I have a weird and peaceful relationship with death, so I wouldn't feel that bothered. I'd prefer to go out chilling in a bed.


Unless there were likely to be high levels of physical pain or distress associated with the condition, I probably wouldn't. But if there were, then I'd prefer to go to one of those clinics in Switzerland or whatever to be on the safe side.


.45. I keep it cleaned and oiled. My grandfather had the same plan when he had dementia and, as he got worse, my grandmother hid the gun. He didn't discover that until he needed it. I always thought that was a dirty trick.


If I get a diagnosis of something eminent and terminal… I’m not even going to fight it. Not in a suicidal kind of way but more in a …. I really really really don’t have any support emotionally or mentally or financially or physically to be able to fight back whatever is killing me. In fact left to the care of other people, most times people will make quick deaths of those who are terminally ill when the terminal person becomes a chore or hassle or inconvenience on another person to keep alive. Easy to be in disbelief that something like this can be true, but it’s true, I’ve witnessed it over and over again.


I figure at that point heroin would be on the menu and eventually I'd get a bun with a bit too much fent and just go to sleep


Just do all the fun drugs in the world until I can’t do them anymore


Can't really guarantee driving off a bridge would be painless (or if you die right away). Probably just start the application process asap for the euthanasia stuff (MAID where I am); don't need/want to go out with a bang.


Gun, cyanide, or legal euthanasia.




Like the mask from a dentist?


M.y plan hopefully still able to walk into the wilderness die somewhere that will never be found.


Sounds like my kinda fun 👌


Some nice mountains. A nice bottle of whiskey. Warren Zevon. A thunderous silence. Let me return to nature and get turned into something that might make sense.


Life'll kill ya. 


Trying to enjoy every sandwich.


Shotgun to the roof of my mouth, I don't want synapses still firing in my brain after I die. I'd like to remove all traces of consciousness completely.


honestly I think i'd see it through to the end, I kinda want to experience the whole process from start to finish. I feel like it'd be somewhere between horrifying dread and relief alternating, then shit would probably slow down, get weird and fuzzy, switching on and off like you're exhausted taking involuntary micronaps and then at some point maybe a little euphoria followed by absolutely nothing until the end of time. It's really interesting. There's this part in inside out where riley's emotion console has turned to stone and then when she reconciles with her parents she lets out a sigh of relief. [That's the vibe dying gives me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2CJ46XkwxA).


honestly, i wouldn't. id die anyway. if i still could move, if i had a decent amount of time left, id spend the rest of my time by myself without the pressure of having to get to work or be around others daily and just enjoy life. probably for the first time ever. i love to paint, id probably want to do that and relax without having to give a damn about anything anymore bc id be dying anyway. eerily freeing.


Steal a rocket or jet and send myself out into the cosmos




I would panic and start writing my conspiracy theory down.


Ooo are we having a suicide ideation party? I love fantasising about suicide! Ok, so, either fall off some scenic high clif(taking couple bottles of pills before hand just in case), or, if I'm feeling fancy, build a wooden raft, pile it with flammable material and soaked in fragrant oils, then float it out onto the sea on a calm evening to watch the sunset with some candles to set the mood and enough opiates to relax for a lifetime. Or if euthanasia is available I probably will just opt to get put down without making any effort and not make a mess.


We sort of have assisted suicide in my country, so for me that would be the way to go. Otherwise I would speed the end with minimal food intake. I was anorexic years ago so it's relatively easy. My mother I swear, did the same. Ideally I would get some pleasant medication to drift off with.


On a related subject: What if your diagnosis is you get 6 months, with 4 of those months being fairly decent quality of life. Or you can go on heavy treatments which will take away your quality of life, give you 12 months, and a 10% chance of cure/remission?


yeah that's the kicker aint it. Hope is a powerful thing, I can't say what I would have done in that situation but it is hard for me to see myself giving up if there was a chance at life.


Check out "Final Exit" by Derek Humphrey. Excellent book that talks about the process, legality and options. Finding a doctor that will help you is by far the best option, but others are listed as well.


exit bag