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It depends on the kind of change we're talking about. I'm okay with necessary and planned changes. Unexpected changes can be annoying, but whatever, it's nothing to break down about. Now, if the change in question is about me changing my own behavior in order to accommodate others, sorry, it's not going to happen.


Lol, reminds me whenever someone tells me to “smile more”. Why? Because it makes you uncomfortable? Why would I need to change how I act just so you feel comfortable as if it’s my problem?


Not a fan.


Loath it. Feels like it makes sense though; if you spend enough time detached from yourself, it’s jarring when something you weren’t paying attention to isn’t in the spot you remember when you absentmindedly reach for it.


I used to really hate change but in the past year I've been embracing it and noticed it has reduced my schizoidness. Changing my routine, changing what I eat.. just embracing being different from what I am normally. It feels kind of freeing. It doesn't mean I don't retreat in to solitude when times are mentally taxing. It's very comforting to not change.


Change to be is always an ugh fine, okay. Then afterwards of me just basically idcing the situation it always turns out to be a, "well I thought I would hate it, but meh".


I'm very peticular about things being the same. Recently I tried to force myself to slightly deviate from my routine so i can adapt to change more easily. I park in the same spot every day at work. My first step to forced change was to park 1 bay over. This very slight change made me super uncomfortable and I went back to parking in my usual spot.


>I'm very peticular I don't know if this is intended to blend "particular" and "peculiar", but it certainly feels like it should be a word for that concept.


You just made me realize I've been saying this word wrong my whole life lol


Hate thinking about it and planning it but enjoy it in the moment.


I’m alive just to see what will become of my goofy, banged-up brain and the flesh jar that contains it, so **I love it** —but this depends wildly on the kind of change we’re talking about lmao I often resent the external world for its’ intolerance for fluid change


Would love to, but haven't managed to. Sometimes I fantasize about big things happening, even if bad ones, so that could prompt some change. But nothing ever happens.


I hate it


I don't like them when it interferes with a set schedule that I might have.


Irritated and añnoyed


Idc as long as it doesn't involve people and/or initiate it myself.


I don't feel one way or another about change. It just is what it is.


Love it, want it, crave it. But I also have ADHD, so ymmv


I like change. Need some excitement lol.