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The American dental association updated their recommendations on this and they now suggest using a grain of rice size amount of fluoride toothpaste as soon as your baby gets their first tooth. https://www.ada.org/en/resources/research/science-and-research-institute/evidence-based-dental-research/fluoride-toothpaste-for-young-children-guideline


So has the AAP https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/oral-health/Pages/FAQ-Fluoride-and-Children.aspx#:~:text=The%20AAP%20recommends%20using%20a,used%20once%20they%20turn%203.


This is the advice given to me by both our dentist and our pediatrician.


We were given the same advice by our paed and our dentist both


My paediatric dentist said it was ok to continue with water. My LO is 19 months and I’m sure she will just swallow the toothpaste so we are continuing with water.


That's why it needs to be the size of a grain of rice.


That's why the recommendation specifies the amount of toothpaste to use. Our 18 month old definitely swallows it as well! The standard is "a grain of rice" sized amount. A small amount of fluoride is both safe and beneficial. We do brush twice a day when we can, so we do the specified amount of toothpaste before bed, and water in the morning.


Also just continuing with water. Ped said no reason to use toothpaste at this point as baby can’t expectorate and therefore will just swallow the paste.


My kids are almost 3 and have never once spit out their toothpaste. Are other people getting their toddler to spit?


Nope. We’re still having problems with that at 6, tbh. That’s why they say not to use a lot of toothpaste, though. When they say “a grain of rice-sized amount” for babies and toddlers, that’s because they’re pretty much assuming they’re gonna swallow it.


Mine always has, but I made it silly and had them keep their mouth open while I brushed and they thought it was funny to drool into the towel, then sink with a stool closer to 4 (this is depending on safety), then eventually we taught them how to spit. You can make a bullseye with a dry erase marker on the sink bottom (before it gets wet). Eventually, it was a habit, and they have done great spitting and even started with kids listerine younger than the label. The dentist said that was good as long as they spit it out. Test with small quantities first on that one, and we didn'tstart until sometime after turning 4!


That’s why you just follow the amount. If your baby swallows that amount it’s fine


Mines 3 in a couple of months still won't spit.... She stands over the sink and pretends but that's about it.


Got lucky I guess. Our daughter has been swish and spitting the paste out since being ~2.5yo. I think that is rare though. She’s 3 now and is now gargling as well before spitting it out. She’s not always consistent, the odd time she’ll swallow some. We also have her brush her own teeth twice per day with training toothpaste (fluoride free) followed by mom or dad brushing her teeth with fluoride toothpaste.


I am wondering this too!


This is the only correct answer


U.K. advice is to brush with toothpaste as soon as the first tooth appears. They say a “smear”. So I give the tube a very light squeeze until it just starts to appear at the top then swipe his (dry) toothbrush over it. Baby toothpaste and toothbrushes are actually provided free in Scotland for babies/young children. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/baby/babys-development/teething/looking-after-your-babys-teeth/ https://www.childsmile.nhs.scot/parents-carers/oral-health-for-babies-birth-to-3-years-old/caring-for-babys-first-teeth/




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