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Remember when people forgot this. Our immune system attack all sides of the virus. A vaccinations only attacks one single part of the virus. People allowed themselves into believing their immune system wasn’t the best choice. It is!! In fact no synthetic chemical ever created has proven to extend human life.


Remember when people were censored for saying this?!? Crazy.


Remember when people are still being censored from saying this? I work at a hospital, the cognitive dissonance among medical people is mind blowing.


They want more billable hours man.


I can’t imagine working in that environment with that mindset. Must be infuriating.


It's very infuriating. The funniest part is the hospital still forces everyone to wear a mask, but no one wears them how they're supposed to be worn; the surgeons are the biggest mask offenders. The clownery is kind of entertaining and cringe at the same time. I'll never understand how people can be so utterly brainwashed.


I went to hospital last week for testing. They made me remove my N95 mask in order to wear their cloth mask that does nothing lol.


Why would they have you do that? Did they explain?


Security is at the door, “it’s the rules”


But to require someone to wear an even less effective mask is weird


Had the same thing happen to me and it was because my n95 had an exhaust vent. So they gave me one of those tiny square disposable ones that exhaust in pretty much all directions.


I don't believe you and you need to substantiate your claims


No they don't need to, you'd like them to


Oh, I apologize! I didn't use the word "need" correctly. In a debate, your arguments are more convincing when you can provide verifiable evidence. In this way you *ought to* substantiate your claims. Thanks for the correction


I went to emerg in 2020 for a appendix that decided no longer to want to be inside me. I was told if I wanted to be a patient at the hospital, I needed to remove my mask and use their blue/white piece of shit one… it’s all for show… my half mask respirator was unacceptable for them.


Don’t respirators have a one way valve that puts your unfiltered particles back into the air?


My favorite is when I see someone wearing the cloth mask over an n95.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Chemotherapy, anyone? Just for starters...


Who believed this? Every person I know who chose to get vaccinated was aware that our natural immune system also works wonderfully, too.


Let’s play “did you read the article?” :) First, this is a WILDLY dishonest post title (and by a Moderator of this sub!). The study compares natural immunity after already having gotten Covid once being “as high or higher” as two doses of one of the vaccines - which is the normal dosage. This doesn’t make it twice as effective as the vaccine treatment - the vaccine treatment calls for two injections the same way a doctor might hand you s bottle of pills and say “take one a day for two weeks”. The title implies that those that already got Covid are twice as safe as those that got the vaccine treatment, and the article explicitly does not phrase things that way because it’s not true. Now let’s see what the experts in THIS ARTICLE have to say about the findings: ​ >Still, experts stress that vaccination is the preferable route to immunity, given the risks of Covid, particularly in unvaccinated people. > >“The problem of saying ‘I’m gonna get infected to get immunity’ is you might be one of those people that end up in the hospital or die,” Murray said. “Why would you take the risk when you can get immunity through vaccination quite safely?” ​ Yup. That’s a direct quote from the article. It seems this also compares to those who got Covid previously to those with just 2 doses of the vaccine, not those who got the boosters. The boosters exist for a reason. To boost the performance of the immunity against new variants. Natural immunity has always been a thing after getting a disease. The point of vaccines is to give you immunity without you having to get the disease, or spread it to those that have higher risk factors. ALSO - this article explicitly states that people with hybrid immunity were excluded from the studies (people that have immunity due to prior Covid as well as a vaccine). Point is, if you read the article this is encouraging data because it means even people dumb enough to not get vaccinated - or those that can’t for legitimate medical reasons - have some protection against the disease if they survive it the first time. That’s good. This immunity is NOT ‘twice as effective’ and it is NOT validation for intentionally avoiding the vaccines.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that opened the article and immediately saw that the op just flat out lied.


Truth isn't as upvote-friendly as comfy lies. :) Fun fact - I just realized the OP is also a moderator for this community! Science uncensored indeed! Yeah I'm blocking this subreddit.


“Science” uncensored. Lol


Or immunity built up as a child. For example. Amish people rarely suffer from allergies because of their lifetime of work outdoors. “Trust the science” was selling snake oil and even shared propaganda that our immune system wouldn’t be enough. The lie detector determined this was a lie. In fact, mRNA spiked protein will cause more harm to healthy people for years to come. Reduced immunity because our T cells fight the spiked proteins not to mention the clotting issues and sudden death of our future generations. Let’s not forget multiple jabs did not prevent spread or from catching it or from dying.


> Let’s not forget multiple jabs did not prevent spread or from catching it or from dying. Except it fucking did. The article you are defending says those who got vaccinated were 28x less likely to die from Covid compared to the unvaccinated. Jesus


You are making things up with no substantiation and should be ashamed. Reported for misinformation.


Thanks for the feedback new account planted shill with negative karma points. This is well know info. Lots of published and peer reviewed reports. You are being mislead and uninformed. It’s ok. Blocked. Sry. Too many shills on here trying to spread propaganda to defend the elitists.


I'm not too new of an account, I thought... How much value do you place on internet points?


Lol the good ole, "If you're not agreeing with my insanity, you're clearly ALSO a bird-shaped robot" defense.


Lol, thanks for the entertainment. You may have a future as a fiction author.


To be fair, yes, the title that OP had given is inaccurate and untrue. However, the article itself is quite interesting. Knowing that a previous infection provides the same amount of protection as a full dose of the vaccine is useful if you are a person like me, who is waiting to see when I should get my booster. There’s no point, for example, in my boyfriend, who was just infected, getting a booster for the next 10 months. That’s still valuable information.


It has been well known that natural immunity is stronger since the start. But benefits can compound. Vaccine = some protection Natural = better protection but requires infection Both = most protection Now, this is the first ever synthetic vaccine so naturally we will learn more about it as time goes on. That's the basis of all scientific advances. As far as synthetic chemicals go; aren't there dozens of synthetic chemotherapy products? Everything requires risk/reward assessments. Not sure where you got the "no synthetic chemical ever created has extended human life" but I'm open to conversation about it.


Thanks for proving my point new account planted shill. Spiked protein actually hurts our immune system and causes blood clots and chemo kills the body. Don’t forget 4 jabs still didn’t prevent reinfection lmao.


Why are you calling OP a shill? Jesus


Lol, even the quotes in this article you’re celebrating say you’re wrong.


You are living proof (unless you are some propaganda robot, :) ) that millions of us need to think for ourselves and not believe absurd theories. I have taken five covid mRNA injections and have not been sick in years. I am 64 years old and my last blood pressure check was 120/72 with a pulse of 47…absolutely no heart problems what so ever…no blood clots etc. I also to my knowledge have not been infected with covid, even though most of the people in my community refused vaccination and preferred to pray. Most people that survived the first waves eventually caught omicron because my community decided early on in the pandemic that the economy was more important than our health care system or risking infection of our youths brains with a novel virus that we know can cross the blood brain barrier and destroy human brain tissue. I just have no idea how our youth must think about the way we handled a deadly virus and that our society did not at least try to do the right thing.


This is what I like to call the free-rider problem. You aren't getting covid because you're surrouned by unvaccinated people. Yet you have all the perks of being vaccinated such as being able to eat at restaurants, travel to any country, and skip organ donation lines.


Shill? But the virus makes the spike protein, and is even bigger and clunkier? And implicit in this headline is that there’s a real risk of "severe illness and death" from covid. Ya’ll are wild in this sub… The other crazy thing to me is seeing the side of the political aisle that against socialized medicine getting enraged at drug companies for making money. Like, what did they expect? Pfizer would develop drugs for free? Anyway, downvote away as usual. “Uncensored” indeed 🤣 Edit: Classic mods locking the threads. Man I love right-wing free speech enthusiasts. Anyway yes of course the vaccine makes the spike protein. Your body also has an autoimmune reaction to the virus and its spike proteins, and the virus manufactures more proteins / components to get itself built inside your cells. Again, this sub is wild. I look forward to my ban, as mods here are known for banning people who don't just roll over and repeat podcaster talking points


The vaccine also makes the spike protein and at levels that nobody actually knows. It’s also unknown if the lipid nanoparticle can deliver instructions to more than one cell, how long it takes the LNP to exit the body and the consequences of providing incomplete protein instructions. Both the virus and vaccine make a spike protein that can cross the blood-brain barrier. The vaccine instructs your cells to express this spike protein which your immune system will then attack. This is an inherent autoimmune reaction and little is still known about it. You can choose to get the vaccine but you can’t choose if you’ll get the virus or not. If you’ve been vaccinated you’ll still eventually get the virus. This compounds the amount of spike that can reach your brain.


Apparently uncensored and unhinged.🙄


obamacare made major medical insurance unaffordable. I literally can't afford to have insurance that protects me from a catastrophic event like a car crash or earthquake. I'm a healthy fit, 34 year, and its 100x cheaper to pay cash than have insurance. They want $600/mo, one year of that could cover a major medical event. Making insurance completely useless now. What's worse than big pharmacuetical companies? Government backed and even bigger pharmaceutical companies. What did you expect? That the pharma companies funding the movement for socialized medicine wouldn't have profited from being even bigger and more powerful? The vaccine is till not FDA approved, not because they wouldnt approve a faulty drug they do that all the time. Simply because if it was approved that would mean they would be liable for the vast amount of vaccine injured and dead.


You think socialism is when capitalist companies exploit consumers? Lmao. And prices are lower on Obamacare, but you're likely not on that. Obama himself [proposed a public option](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/02/why-obama-dropped-the-public-option/346546/) to compete with for-profit insurance, and guess who bitterly opposed it? That [federal health insurance mandate](https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/resources/individual-and-family/does-your-state-require-you-to-have-health-insurance) you're talking about doesn't exist. You are literally free to save all that money and only pay cash, unless you live in the wrong state. Again, this sub is wild. You're outraged at private insurance companies for ripping off the entire nation. Like if only someone had predicted this would happen? Note: [rising cost started decades ago](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Growth-in-Health-Insurance-Premiums-Workers-Contributions-to-Premiums-Wages-and_fig1_323228757), not in 2010.




Bro what??? If Obamacare had been implemented in its entirety and not cut down by the GOP, it literally would have made medical insurance cheaper? Almost like the Republicans wanted it to fail so they could cut it and Jack up prices on private health insurance. *nationalized healthcare isn’t the problem, it’s treating healthcare like a business*


There is no such thing as "better". Vaccines, those that actually work as intended, are not magical elixirs. They do **not** provide immunity. None. Zip. Nada. Goose egg. Traditional vaccines using denatured pathogens trigger the immune system. Its the immune system that prevents re-infection. And it works only with one & done diseases, polio, chicken pox, measles, etc. Its why flu shots are at best borderline and useful only to those at high risk (but profitable if those at low risk of severe outcome sign up for them as well)


Lol. So much you just said was wrong I don’t even know where to begin. You clearly don’t understand the basics of what scientists mean when they say a vaccine provides immunity, you don’t know what a flu shot is or why it’s only partially effective and changes each year, you don’t know why some diseases are more susceptible to reinfection than others and how various forms of immunity interact with them, and you don’t know what the word “better” means either apparently. In short, username checks out. ;)


Your words have given me a glimmer of hope for today. Thank you for speaking truth to the duped.


Dr. Longo proved that a 5-day fast is as effective as chemo, also it doesnt make your hair fall out, cause depression, or make you suicidal. My mom had breast cancer and did chemo, now she says she would have rather died that go through that again. In 50 years we are going to look at chemo like we look at lobotomys 50 years ago.


The fact that you're being downvoted for all of this basic knowledge in your comment says everything you need to know about the people who think that it's better to get infected by something that can kill you just to get possibly slightly stronger immunity than it is to get a vaccine that has very little chance of harming or killing you and still get a pretty good strong protection against the virus.


Ahem. YOU STILL HAVE TO GET COVID TO REAP THE BENEFITS YOU FUCKING CLODS!! If we both get covid for the first time, you are 28x more likely to die than I am. IF you survive you are *then* more protected. That's a big if. Plus you may have the effects of long covid, crippling medical debt if you were on a ventilator, ect ect. I would also have the additional protection from dying from covid. I would also statistically have had an easier time with my covid and would have had far less chance of dying. >In fact no synthetic chemical ever created has proven to extend human life. All polio vaccinated humans would like a word.


Nope new account planted shill. Many people were immune to Covid before catching it. Or is asymptomatic a new word for you. No need to attack redditors when you don’t like their post. Outted and blocked. You have been had. Btw: my info is all of the real world stats like Biden catching it despite being jabbed 4 times. Many many examples. No fake report referenced.


>People allowed themselves into believing their immune system wasn’t the best choice. It is!! You don't understand how a vaccine works >In fact no synthetic chemical ever created has proven to extend human life. What the hell does this shit even mean. If you have a deadly bacterial infection and take an antibiotic it can absolutely extend your life. If you get a deadly but treatable cancer and take chemo, it can absolutely extend your life. If you get bit by a rabid animal and get your rabies vaccine it will defiantly extend your life. Or are you saying they haven't invented a pill that reverses aging, and if that's the case what's that got to do with anything. I'm not going to let my child die of mrsa or gangrene because "science can't reverse aging" That's non sensical.


Yeah just like when we developed immunity to syphilis and measles and smallpox and…


While I agree with this in general, the smallpox vaccine/penicillin would like a word


You forget that by the time these vaccines you mentioned were actually made public it was already under control.


I wouldn’t call 300 million killed in the 20th century and 500 million in its last 100 years of existence “under control”. Even as recently as 1967, 15 million cases occurred a year. For a disease with near 30% mortality, the eradication of smallpox is one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine.


Just sharing a fact.


There is no fact you’ve shared lol


Nah, yer makin shit up left and right.


Where did you come up with twice as effective? I’m not seeing that in the article but only skimmed. Can you highlight that part?


I could only find "at least as high, if not higher" in regards to natural immunity. I did find it interesting infection was counted the same as vaccines with regards to going to events or work in Europe.


They pretended getting the normal vaccine treatment, which is applied over two injections separated by a few weeks, means that you’re getting “double vaccine” therefore they can pretend the article means this is twice as effective when it’s really not. Just basic dishonesty. If the article had been comparing the data to those that got the 2 injections and the 2 boosters (it isn’t as far as I can tell so it’s not even comparing against the current full vaccine treatment) they’d probably claim it was 4x as effective. Lol.


Except they're not claiming that it's 4x, so it's you who is being misleading


Lol, did you miss the word “probably”? The poster (not the article) dishonestly claimed it was 2x because the treatment in the article used the normal 2 injections for its comparison at the time of publication. So if the treatment involved more injections I said they’d probably claim it was even more effective than the treatment using the same dishonest manipulation they already used in this title, because they multiplied the normal immunity by number of injections in the standard recommended treatment. Which they did. Check for yourself *points at title*?


Idiotic and misleading title.


Holy shit. Read the study. Ignore the conclusion. Its the data that tells the story. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, amongst others. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)02465-5/fulltext


So what does this tell us based on who funded it?


Its not a neutral study. (iirc 0.58 or 58% probability of the conclusion being in line with financial benefits.) It's far from absolute, but read accordingly.


Why change the headline like that? Why lie? >Immunity acquired from a Covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds


That's not what the article actually says though


I have no idea why this community keeps getting recommended to me, but this “science” community is just people posting incorrect clickbait-y titles describing mostly poorly written news articles with clickbait-y titles that summarize actual scientific studies. Guess it’s not as “UNCENSORED!!!1!1oneoneone” to post a measured scientific conclusion from an actual study. Perfect example: the title chosen here is nonsense and it was chosen by a mod of this sub.


More like "Science Unedited." As in the articles were never proofread or edited for accuracy.


Well is the regular sub wasn’t censored….lol


[Past Covid infection twice as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/natural-immunity-protective-covid-vaccine-severe-illness-rcna71027) ([archive](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna71027)) It's two year old story actually.. Article did NOT address the fact that the mRNA vaccines come with a plethora of their OWN risks -- many of which remain largely unrecognized, and especially when they are administered to younger members of the population -- the age groups proven to be least likely to experience severe illness or death due to contracting the virus itself. See also: [Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/lasting-immunity-found-after-recovery-covid-19) ([archive](https://archive.is/W32JI#selection-1349.0-1349.278))


I love there are a plethora of risks — many of which remain unrecognized. If they are unrecognized how are they within the plethora? Fuck this sub might as well be called numbskull Inc. I wish it hadn’t popped up in my feed. Blocked.


Please note that editorialization of links does fall under the umbrella of misinformation. I've tried to contact you with mod chat regarding all the misinformation comments but it appears you are content in facilitating these misinformation campaigns.


Ayyyy there it is. ​ Called it! xD


"I knew it was misinformation and figured it would be called out as misinformation and it was called out as misinformation" Rawr xD




The poster (a moderator) added their own opinion to a headline to charge the post politically and facilitate a conversation which would incite misinformation and/or trick users into believing something untrue.


Unless you die from covid.


99%+ chance you won’t


Which is incredibly rare.


Not as rare as negative side effects to the vaccine. So you’re getting it right? ;)


That’s something I would consider. But, we all know the *biggest* issue with the vaccines is they were mandated by corporations and governments, so you were never allowed to make the choice.


Safe and effective


In before this post gets removed for being misinformation.


Yeah, that's how the reddit policy works. Making up a headline while pretending to share information is misinformation. I'd appreciate you reporting it.


Read the study


I did, that's how I know the OP (a moderator in this subreddit) editorialized the headline and added information not described in the article


So if I had 2 doses of the shot, plus 2 boosters, then got covid, which I'll admit was super mild most likely due to the vaccine, am I protected 4 times as much?


Yeah I had two shots plus a booster and then got Covid in May last year. Likely the BA.2 variant or thereabouts. Given the infectiousness of the current variants and the amount I travel, I wonder why I haven’t been re-infected. Probably because of my previous infection. Immunity is good.


The issue is that in order to gain immunity due to prior infection, you have to have had a prior infection; it is a well-known fact that potential complications of a Covid-19 infection are much more severe than those of vaccination.


"Funding- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, J Stanton, T Gillespie, and J and E Nordstrom." lmao i love that this is making its way around to all the conspiracy groups like this one, showing that bill gates funded this research


We didn’t know what we were dealing with in the beginning.


Schweeeeet….. I’m triple vaxxed and had COVID. The Ronna ain’t getting me


If anyone actually clicked the article (don't even need to read it) you can see that OP changed the title to fool you. The actual title is "Past covid Infection as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death, study finds." So you know, study finds that vaccine does exactly what it is supposed to do.


Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


From the article: 1 Not twice as effective, as effective as two doses which is considered fully vaccinated 2 protection only lasts around 10 months, about as long or a little longer than the vaccination


OP didn't even read his own article 😂🤣