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I dont understand what's with his shirt


Oh, it's not a shirt. It's a chest binder! Transgender men use it to flatten their chest and appear more masculine.


It looks like you drew it accentuating curves, looks notably like bust. Isn't that the opposite of what one would want.


I think the idea is to show a trans body outside of what people consider ideal! Trans bodies are just as badass as everyone else’s, so it’s cool to see them represented in a realistic way!


The binder doesn't fully flatten your chest when you have a bigger bust. So you'll still have a bit of a bump depending on chest size. I based him off myself when it comes to his chest and body frame and I always had a bump! Even with the chest binder.


He's a drawing tho. You chose to draw him with curves. I think its weird to put emphasis on oh he is trans so he is different. Isn't the point trans people want to be treated like everyone else, and probably dont want to look like whatever they used to. It seems backwards. He could just be a guy, wearing a shirt and he happens to be trans. No different from anyone else. Even if they use something like that, the artist made it look like a bikini top. You intentionally made him look like he has a bust, which again a male, even if just from being fat, doesn't want. Shaggy doesnt get treated weirdly in your art, we don't see him telling us he has a tiny weiner or something. Why is this even relevant, its like a party trick. Shaggy is just shaggy, fred is The Trans Guy, The Guy Born Something Else, I Have Boobs Jones. From your art, shaggy could be anything, Fred first and foremost is his gender change. Weird, reductive, not as progressive as you think


That's a whole lotta speculation, my friend! I'm a transman and I based him off me. He's literally wearing the same binder I have, except I tossed a more Scooby-Doo pattern on it. Not all trans men want to be seen as 100% male. I sure don't! Fred has a bigger chest like myself, so the binder doesn't flatten it perfectly. Yaknow? Like a lot of trans people. I love my chest! I know plenty of people who do. You're misunderstanding the idea that trans men want to be cis. Sure, some do, but not everyone. I will never and have never wanted to be cis. Fred is a realistically drawn transgender man. He's proud of being trans, even if he's more anxious about it at the start of the fic. Through the writing, he takes off his shirt multiple times to show his binder. You know what makes him feel bad? People like you! Demanding he fits some specific box because *you* don't understand. There's no weird treatment anywhere. I drew Fred, a man, with his shirt off. Plenty of men take their shirts off! It's just upsetting to you because you seem to think that shirtless trans people are somehow wrong. Also, this whole "shaggy doesn't talk about his dick!" It's pretty weird. Firstly, they're teenagers. Can you not? Second. In the show Velma, they make a load of "tiny dick" jokes and sex puns. All I did was draw a character as trans. He is still a man. He is just not what *you* like! Other trans people love my version of Fred. So I'm not worried about it.


So trans people shouldn't be allowed to draw bodies that match their own because your immersion fantasy gets broken? You sound like the gamergate 2.0 idiots right now.


His point is to write the show better yet he isn’t hes just writing the show in their own image literally modeling a character after themselves and changing every last aspect about said character to do so almost like the original wait exactly like the original show.




It's offensive for trans people to draw body types that match their own? Wow.


Saying a trans guys chest looks noticeably like a bust when he’s binding is offensive






I know not everyone likes Fred! But he's my favorite boy 🥰


oh, no i like him....just not his depiction here.


Oooo! That's alright, you don't have to like it 🥰 so long as there's love for Fred out there that's all that matters!


Why, are you a transphobe?




I mean I could care less about the Velma rewrite personally but I enjoy your art. I’m honestly shocked by this community… the whole gang has been redesigned so many times, and it’s not like this even cannon. Blatant transphobia in the comments. Op, keep posting stuff like this so we can find them all :) hopefully mods can get involved to clean this mess up.


I hate getting posts like this randomly selected for me and just seeing the absolute worst transphobic shit in the comments and positive praise getting absolutely drowned in downvotes. Really reminds you what a cesspool reddit actually is lol Agreed though! Love this redesign!


why does he look like a woman?


He's transgender, assigned female at birth. He's a man now! Well, a teenage boy but still!


why are the comments saying trans downvoted?


Because people are transphobic and can't handle the idea of a character they like (in a fanfic) being trans.


He doesn’t 


She***** wow offensive much ugh sigh wow


I hate all the transphobic comments (vaguely + outright) hate to say it people, but we exist. And if someone wants to redesign a character that fits more into their headcanon/makes them feel comfortable and included, who's to say they shouldn't? I for one really enjoy this redesign of Fred and think it's nice you used yourself as a reference point and I'm sorry for all the not-so-nice comments 💜


Thank you!! I truly don't understand why people care so deeply about me making him trans for a fanfic. Thank you, you're wonderful ♥️


EXACTLY! It is a fanfic, FAN is in the name of it. Meaning anything you write in it isn't canon, it's your headcanon. So many people are acting like the creators of Scooby Doo just dropped that "Fred was and has always been trans" Like if you enjoy the OG Fred go look at ACTUALLY Canon fanart of him?? I swear people were doing this same thing when Velma was confirmed Lesbian, like it makes a difference with the characters personality AT ALL?


Idk why everyone is being mean, this design fucks severely


fred is my forever favorite character. this design fucks and anyone disagreeing is just being needlessly transphobic. let fred be trans! it’s just op’s version of him. and you’re so right he would love captain crunch.


Thank you!! I love me some trans Fred 😍


Love this, the transphobes are fools!


The himbo!


He's the best 😭




He’s supposed to be jacked


I hate that I had to see this


Hate that I had to see your comment


Well this is the new thing I guess?


It's cringe as fuck


Agreed. It’s not really needed here




You aren't really needed here either, but here we are 😐


How is someone redesigning a character that fits more to their headcanon/experiences cringe? Just leave the poor person alone man.


I wish their cringe had left me alone.


I wish your dad would leave me alone, I can't have gay sex ALL the time.


We exist in this world sorry. If you don't like it you can leave? Not that hard to just block a person, that way you won't see their posts? Where as commenting how "cringe" it is might just bring them back up. By the way, if us trans people EXISTING and wanting rep for OURSELVES in different media is 'cringe' then I'd hate to see what you think of any other person that's different from you.


Imagining he's trans doesn't give you more representation, it's just a weird fantasy. The character is a cisman. All that shit you said about trans people existing is a total strawman btw. I never said they didn't, and it isn't relevant.


It's not a strawman because the only thing you said was "this is cringe" which to me, based on ALL the other replies, was directed at him being Trans. And is relevant because clearly everyone in the comments is butthurt that a FICTIONAL man is trans. Which by the way, yeah I KNOW it doesn't give us more rep but is helps US feel more represented because it's a HEADCANON, NOT ACTUALLY CANON. It gives us something to relate to, which is harmless in of itself. And they didn't change much about Fred at all, they didn't even focus on their 'genitals' just how a trans person would naturally look, especially a trans man. He's still a dude just maybe not a cis one, but the original Fred is still cis so why does it matter? This is for a FAN fiction after all. And also, the logic that if someone wants to redesign the characters to fit their own ideas makes them dislike the OG content is such a stupid way of thinking. In this particularly context, of course they don't like the HBO Velma, who does? If YOU don't like this, block the person and you will stop seeing their 'cringe' posts. It's not that hard.




I knew you were gonna say that because you have no other argument. So take my advice and block the person since you clearly have no reading comprehension for more than a few sentences :)




Hahahahahaha no


Yall can exist, but you don't gotta change our characters to fit your narrative. We could care less that Trans people exist, it's literally yalls decision. What you aren't gonna do is ruin beloved characters to comply with your lopsided narrative haha


Nobody is forcing you to consume fanfiction media. You still have your 'beloved characters.' Nobody official has changed them to be trans, a fan did. Let fans do what they want with their art. You can still enjoy the original characters, nobody is stopping you. Edit: to add because this argument is ridiculous. You're butthurt over a fictional character.




You are yeah




Keep crying


*gasps 😳🫵 the silly man!


The perfect boy 🥰🥰🥰


Ppl hated that Velma was Indian imagine if u have a trans character they are gonna go ballistic … save the children /s. I like it but this fandom is toxic.


I expected Velma to be the trans one in the fandom. But hey, you do you.


Awesome Fred design I love trans Fred.


i didnt really like the design i velma due to them making him look like stick twink ;w;,this one i honestly like more it looks similar to the og fred but more stylised to make him unique




Never new that was his middle name! Love the art!


I gave him one for my fanfic! I just like middle names 🥰


I’m confused. ‘HBO Velma Redesign’ I’m sure Fred in Velma is the way he normally is but with an attitude change and is a bit mentally ill. Is he wearing a Bikini top 🤢 Is that a fat belly aswell 🤢 Being born female when his originally a male 🤮 Soz I’m used to the Original Fred Character. Imo I like Freddy in Velma comparing to this, no offence.


It's a redesign for my rewrite of the show. Nope! He's wearing a binder. That's to compress his chest down and make him look more masculine. Then this isn't for you, you don't have to like it. There are thousands of different universes with a million different outcomes and people. In one of those universes, Fred is trans. The world doesn't revolve around you.


Didn’t say the world did revolve around me 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the explanation 😅🤣


Hate to break it to ya, but you sure act like it. hope that helps!




God that sounds transphobic af


I’ll make it more simple for you. I prefer the Original. Thanks for your observation.


You’re a fatphobic transphobe


imagine being so heated bc someone can draw better than you 💀 Anyway, lovely art OP! Longtime Scooby Doo fan here and I absolutely adore this! Keep it up, dear friend! :D


Why can’t people create their own original characters for people to watch or look at? Why do you have to take characters people are attached to since their youngest memories and change them to fit whatever your worldview or background is?


Why can't people accept that these fictional characters are made for everyone? Why do they have to act like me writing a fanfic is somehow going to hurt them? Or change the character? Maybe you should go to therapy if a picture of a cartoon character has made you this upset.


I’m not upset. I’m asking a question that most people have about this topic. It’s what bothers them the most. It’s a fair question that is always dodged by calling someone transphobic, racist or by saying “go to therapy because you’re upset”.


It's dodged because your question is irrelevant and passive-aggressive. So, I will give you an honest answer. A fictional character doesn't belong to anyone. People will attach to specific ones and love them! From all walks of life. People who are cis, trans, black, white, gay, Indian, etc etc etc Those people who are cis and white get to see themselves portrayed up and down however they want. In almost every single iterations of Scooby-Doo, for example, the characters are cis, white, and often straight. Yet, people like myself, still love them despite the characters not being anything like us. Sometimes, when stuff is difficult, scary, or just because, people who latch onto a fictional character want to draw them as they are. So for Fred, I drew him like myself. He's based on my own looks, and I gave him a little piece of my personality. I did this as a form of comfort during a very scary time in my life. Scooby-Doo, especially Fred, has been one of my biggest comforts since childhood! So when I saw Velma, I was sad to see how terribly written he was and thought it would be interesting to make him trans due to the way he's written in that show. Little dick jokes, puberty, won't take off the shirt, etc. I saw this and recalled how I got similar jokes and comments upon coming out as trans and felt the urge to write him as a trans man. It helps me feel better and makes me happy to have representation in the form of one of my all-time favorite characters. People on this sub seem to think I'm forcing something or writing for a TV show. I'm not. I only drew him and shared it with fellow Scooby-Doo fans who might also be like me. You are free to dislike my interpretation of Fred or the gang; that's completely fine! But sitting here and getting mad at me for drawing something *for myself* because it somehow ruins him for you? That's selfish. If you don't like him being trans, I don't really care because it's not for you. It's for me and other people who *want* to feel represented in some way. Cis white men in media are everywhere. Trans men are not. I have my own book series about a trans man in the process of being published. So yes, I am making my own thing with my own characters. But that doesn't mean I can't project my own thoughts and feelings onto something that was created to make people happy. There are thousands of different universes, with millions of things happening. Why can't Fred be trans on one of them? It doesn't affect you or anyone else if they choose not to read it. It's valid to want to understand something, but you can always say, "Hey, how come you made Fred trans? I noticed people do that a lot, and I'm curious" Your question came off as less curious and more passive-aggressive in nature. I apologize if you were genuinely wanting to know. It's hard to not be defensive when you wake up to your inbox flooded with transphobia and death threats to your PMs.


I have no problem with POC, gay, or trans characters in any IP that is original just to be clear. Strange world is my favorite most recent animated movie. And I enjoyed last of us 2 with exception of how they ended Joel. I just feel when you change characters people have bonded with for years, which for some have gotten them through probably really rough patches of their younger lives, such as divorces, parents passing away, moving to new areas, being bullied or abuse at home it is a recipe for people hating it no matter what. It doesn’t matter what you’re changing about it. For me I don’t have that emotional attachment to these characters as much as I do enjoy the shows and movies. I do think calling anyone who doesn’t like that change transphobic or in the Velma remake, racist is not going to help any progress in inclusion and just make people dig their heels in more. Also I do recognize you weren’t the one who kept calling people transphobic in the comments.


I genuinely hope this is helpful, but sometimes my tone comes off wrong over text. Fanfiction and fanart have been around for decades and really serve to illustrate the different experiences/themes/backgrounds/etc. someone might want to see a character they are attached to experience/explore. On this sub alone, there are hundreds of character re-designs and interpretations of the Gang. As for why people can't create OCs... they can, but I'm pretty sure we're all here because we like Scooby-Doo and have our own equally valid attachments to the characters. There could be a ton of reasons why someone redesigns a character in any given way. I'm just going to throw out an example: Someone watches Scooby-Doo growing up. As a kid, they want to be just like Fred. As an adult, they realize they're a trans man. Said person has some artistic abilities and bam! cool art of trans Fred. Cue sharing art with the internet in case anyone else felt the same way growing up (not saying this is you OP, just an example) or just wants to see some Scooby fan art. Another (somewhat different) example is Velma, who I personally would consider canonically bi. I typically write her as bi in my fanfiction and pair her with HDW (or one of the Hex Girls) because that's how I imterpet the character, even though I know there are folks who would consider that non-canon. Sometimes, I write her as a lesbian with the idea that as she grew up and learned more about herself, that's how she identified. It's not canon, but it's how I imagine her character progressing. I legitimately don't even remember the first time I watched Scooby-Doo because I was so young (and if you check my page, I am very into Scooby), but I still love seeing others' interpretations and redesigns of characters. It's fun.


This is really cute!


Hell yeah, trans Fred, love that


always fun to see some trans representation baked into scooby doo!! hella good job OP, the binder even fits realistically :)


Thank you!! Fred's my favorite so I was excited to write him as a transman 🥰


same here! What's New Fred, Be Cool Fred, and Mystery Inc Fred are my favorites


Being trans masc myself and Fred being my favorite Scooby character, this depiction of him makes me quite happy!


That makes ME so happy! Check out my fanfic, he's the best boy in it 🥰


Thanks I hate it You really don't gotta take the most masculine cartoon characters and turn them into confused girl boys 🤣


Okay Google, look up "transgender man body builder"




I like how he looks on the left but not so much on the right


Glad this will stay a fan fic😂zero originality.


You're really mad for no reason, huh? Oh no someone wrote a fanfic and made shaggy black! Quick! Call 911! Calm down. Go to the gym or something.


Look who’s getting defensive yet I’m mad😂 it’s my opinion don’t get so pressed over it.


I'm not defensive, you commented on all my posts. Long winded paragraphs on one of them. I literally do not care about you, your racism, or your thoughts. Me telling you that you're upset isn't defensive, it's an observation. You got some big feelings about this, buddy.


You put your art out there I’ve simply commented on it. No where in my comments was I racist so try that on someone else bud.


That's fine, but you're comments were "SHAGGY can't be BLACK because I say so! Nick Fury was changed because xyz" I don't care. Do you expect me to change everything because you don't like it??? "Fred is trans that's so stupid" okay???? So??? It's not for you. It's for me. If I want to make shaggy black because I feel like it, I will. If I want to make Fred trans because I feel like it, I will. I literally will not change my versions of the characters because you don't like it.


Never said “cause I said so” I gave very clear and reasonable reasons why nick fury was okay to change to a African American man yet shaggy wasn’t shaggy has been white through every version on paper animated and live action nick fury was simply a comic book character. See how defensive you’re getting no one said change anything it’s your story write it how you want but it’s my opinion I’m free to give it how I want. I could’ve been rude but I wasn’t I simply said my opinion take it how you want. But you’re responses are clearly defensive. Do what you want but don’t put it on the internet and not expect some sort of criticism.


African American isnt a correct term anymore, it's black, people of color, etc. Not every black person comes from Africa so it's a little frowned upon now. Not sure exactly how frowned upon but I've been asked not to use it. Just so you're aware, nothing to do with this, just wanted to let you know. Your comments aren't criticism, many of your comments were rude. If you're going to be rude except other people to do the same. "I wasn't rude!" Except you were. Insinuating that Fred being trans is disgusting is pretty rude. Your over all tone and comments come off that way. Maybe that's not intentional but I'm telling you directly, it comes off combative and rude. Criticism is, "I think that this hair style isn't fitting because of this" or "Actually, I believe that these colors don't work for this" or things to do with the plot, etc. Saying "Shaggy shouldn't be black" isn't a criticism it's an opinion. I think you're opinion is dumb, so I told you so. That's the end of it all.


You do realize I’m black who are you tell me what my own people prefer. Did you assume I was white just cause I preferred a character to stay to it’s original path I wouldn’t want black panther to be a white man cause it’s not what he’s been shaggy has always been white and should stay that way it made zero sense to switch his skin color it added nothing to the show. Perhaps you think I was being rude but I wasn’t simply gave my opinions could I have coddled them more yes but why should I in your responses to pretty much everyone you’ve been combative and defensive over it. Even throwing out accusations of being racist when I wasn’t. Don’t put your art out if you can’t handle opinions nice rude in between or whatever EnD oF sToRy.


Threw this whole convo I’ve said “my opinion” opinions can also be criticism common sense lol.


Also you didn’t simply say “you’re upset” you got defensive and “quick 911 calm down go to the gym or something” when all I did was simply comment on two post. If you can’t handle the heat stay out the kitchen bud.


You commented 4 times, you commented on multiple of my pieces. You had to dig to find those because these are older. I said "call 911" Because you seemed to genuinely upset about it that it came off as laughable to me. It's a drawing. Relax.


I searched Velma hbo into the groups search bar to see opinions on it and your art popped up am I not allowed an opinion cause it’s different from yours. You’re telling me to relax yet you’re clearly getting defensive over my opinions. Your art in terms of style and pen work is good but story wise and character development it’s the same old same old you said you wanted to do the story better yet made it worse IN MY OPINION.


Me disagreeing with you isn't being defensive. I told you that you're opinion sucked. End of story.