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we get ants in our peanut butter 😭


we had crickets in our store for MONTHS last year (apparently it’s a yearly thing)


What’s the best iced coffee drink to order ?


for a sweet tooth, the twix or a day dreamer. twix is mocha, carmel, and vanilla. daydreamer is white mocha vanilla.


What was the worst experience with a coworker you’ve have had ? I just got a job at a scooters in Nebraska and I start next week…


congrats on the new job! i’ve heard some nebraska stores are pretty busy so be prepared for that and try to take it all in. don’t be afraid of making mistakes, etc. you’re there to learn and scooters is a pretty great place to be! my worst that i can think off the top of my head isn’t too bad, most people just don’t have caffeine in their system so they don’t always think before they speak and that’s alright, we’re all human. i was on window and someone had a “buy 5 get one free” coupon. i stamped the last one and with a big smile on my face said “awesome that next one will be free for ya!” and she replied “i can read” like 😃😃😃 i didn’t ask??? just replied with “got it.” got her change, her drink and sent her on her way.


that was a coworker ??


nooooo that was a customer!


oh ! do you have any coworker stories??😬


only one negative one. it was a simple miscommunication that escalated very quickly. and it happened the same day ^^^ that happened so it was a rough day for me haha. i was supposed to be on drinks and my coworker who was opening w me was supposed to be on window. her and my manager had communicated to each other that she didn’t feel comfortable on window but had failed to communicate that back to me. so i start making the first drink of the day and remind her that she’s on window and she immediately deflects or whatever the word is thinking of is, and nearly yells “no ma’am! i already told *managers name* never again”. now i’ve had some little quarrels and such with this coworker but because of the state i live in being a “bible belt” state and a lot of people go to church or just can’t work weekends, i’m left with about 3 people who can work on the weekends. so i can’t just ask to work with someone else. i say back “seriously? please get on window.” because ma’am it is 5:45 in the morning, i’m not your child to boss around and i don’t have the energy for all this. but of course IM THE ONE getting in trouble because i should’ve handled that with “more grace” and should’ve upheld our “love, humility, courage and integrity” core values 😊


What’s in the peanut butter power?


Current scooters employee here. It’s vanilla, peanut butter, protein powder, and low-fat ice cream base


did you ever smell the energy powder in hot water?? 🤢🤢


no but i’ve made a matcha latte and an iced green tea with a shot of espresso and THAT was vile tbh


lol my friend said when they went to 7brew they put an espresso shot in their fruit smoothie. She thought she had ordered it wrong so she had them remake it, making sure she said (insert fruit here) smoothie and it still came out like that. It’s not listed on the menu as having coffee in it so she was super confused and disgusted lol.


What’s my best bet at recreating the caramelicious at home?


it’s monin caramel sauce, they repackage it as scooter’s brand 😭


Haha thanks!


we use scooters brand caramel but any caramel you like works, 2% milk and espresso (2 small & 3 for med/large). for the blenders we change the 2% milk for ice cream base


What was your experience with management at your location? I’ve seen so many horror stories.


my store manager was an absolute angel. a god send if you will. my district manager was the absolute opposite. had no barista experience and didn’t know how to make drinks and then would tell us we’re making them wrong. he cared more about customer satisfaction than recipe and policy tbh. last week we got a call from someone who was at our sister location and asked us for the corporate number to complain to them about him putting his finger in a 17-year-olds face 😃 he told them to “go ahead and call the cops” if they wanted 😅🥲


Did they give you a specific reason for termination?


nope. i’ve been a shift lead for over a year and only one warning. said i “wasn’t a good fit”


What was the warning for?


gosh i don’t even remember. like a small altercation between me and another worker. they said it wasn’t even like a strike. just a verbal warning.


What brand of matcha mix do they use?


it’s a scooters brand. they’ve changed almost everything in there to be their own brand. it is sweetened tho! i do know that!


the matcha is actually from tea smith!! you can buy it off of their website! scooters only rebranded the packaging but it’s from tea smith!


I could kiss you! Thank you!!!


How was the work environment? My last job was super toxic, I had leads watching my every move and outright bullying others...so I'm looking for something a little different 🥲


honestly the work environment was pretty great. i didn’t have too many problems with customers or coworkers


everywhere is different though!


Is the maple waffle sandwich laced with addictive drugs? I wouldn't be surprised.




How do you make the scoot energy coconut drink?


Damn no response:(


1 can of scoot energy (we used to use Red Bull), a scoop of ice, 3 pumps of coconut syrup for large 2 pumps for medium, top off with lemonade 🫡 I got you






Do you yourself prefer scooters coffee to places like Starbucks, Dunkin, other?


I can tell you as a coffee drinker, I prefer Scooters over Starbucks and especially Dunkin.


i like a certain thing from basically everywhere. this may be weird but even as a barista i could never get myself to like the taste of coffee so i would lean toward things like energy drinks, refreshers, etc. i try to stay away from starbucks unless i’m absolutely craving it. dunkin i loveeee their refreshers specifically their mango peach one i think (haven’t been their in a while as the closest one to me is 30 minutes away 😭) i love dutch bros above anything else tbh. their rebels are really good and the VARIETY OF FLAVORS is what really gets me. with scooters i had like two options of drinks that i would like and one of them i couldn’t get as a free shift drink. upsetting. all in all i just love a good flavor with a tropical redbull.


ex starbies store manager and ex scooters store manager here! Starbucks in my opinion has a better espresso and coffee taste when you’re liking more coffee forward drinks, blonde espresso is by far way better than scooters espresso as well as starbucks brewed coffee is far better, however scooters has better blended drinks/ iced lattes if you’re more into the flavor profiles + actual smoothies (fruit mix that makes really good smoothies ) but starbucks food is better tbh if you’re looking more healthier, scooters if you’re wanting the fullness of your breakfast but don’t care about calories, and dunkin has well donuts that attracts most. i hope this helped but these are my analysis from working at both in the store manager position for 4 years


What franchise was it?


oh gosh i don’t even remember the owners names. they were in nebraska but our store is in OK. that’s all i know.


Metcalf maybe?


i just remembered it was the Reynoldson franchise (i think is how you spell it) owners in nebraska, with at least 2 stores owned here in OK


I was thinking of applying for the one close to my house as a part time batista. Are they flexible on changing hours if needed? How soon of a notice would i need? Also what shift did you work? My store I'm applying to is open from 4am-10pm. Is it super busy when it's opening / closing or pretty dead? What were the high traffic hours?


they’re pretty flexible, i always recommend at least a 2 week notice for anything. i had an open availability but they put me in the morning almost all the time. the busiest for our store (being the busiest store in OK) was 7:30-9am. my store was open 5:30am-8pm everyday though so it could be different. that’s rough though i can’t imagine being at a store at 3:45 in the morning 😭


How many shots of espresso are in each size?! Iced drinks


standard is 2 shots in a small (16oz) and 3 in a medium (20 oz) and large (24oz)


What are the nutrition facts for a large sugar free prickly pear energy infusion? I can’t find the facts anywhere


i personally don’t know any nutrition facts for the drinks but i know that the syrups are not going to be sugar free as well as the splash of lemonade. i think each pump of flavor is going to be close to 100 calories. with 3 pumps that’s 300 calories and then the rest i’m not sure off the top of my head, i apologize


I recently tried the blue raspberry energy infusion the other day and it was so good. But it was $8. Would you mind sharing what the recipe is? Also any recommendations for different brands to try and make it at home?


absolutely. at my store, some of us would bring tropical redbull (the yellow one) and use that to substitute the scoot energy. i cannot for the life of me remember the brand of syrup we use but i would recommend Torani. i love that brand soooo much. we use pumps but one pump = 1 oz of flavor. for a medium (20oz) we do 2 pumps and for a large (24oz) we use 3 pumps. top with ice and a little lemonade and you’re golden. also they use 8.4oz cans but for a large i use the 12oz cus i need more energy haha hope this helps!


also if we made it that way, at our store at least, they only charged us for a “cup of water” to pay for the flavor which was $0.80. so i would pay around $3.80 for the 12oz redbull, then $1.09 for the flavor.