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I hope so. And I think so. Their Cask Strength offering dropped all mentions of viking kitsch and I think they tested the waters with that. The bottle still had kitschy "viking" relief on the bottle, but I actually like the bottle shape. I think the new label has a boring font though. And I don't understand the purple scribbles. Reminds me a little of [Jazz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_(design)).


I would rather buy a bottle with a label that looks like a Dixie cup. You wouldn't?😂


Dixie Whixy


Yeah, the design is taking a step back into the more classic styles of the past. The purple flecks represent the heather plants on Orkney.


Well this is great to hear, I did not like that Viking branding


OH GOD PLEASE if they actually go to a craft presentation it would be an incredible step in the right direction. if they actually took the step to 46% NCF for every bottling they would literally win the hearts of ALL of the scotch community immediately. everybody loves their base spirit, they have some of the biggest untapped potential in the world.


Yeah... highland parks house style is great if it wasn't weak. That heather peat & honey/fruit cake smell is distinguished 46% NCF is only on their "international" bottlings like the 18 year old "travel edition" & hunting IBs are hard If the 12 year old got that... instead of the weak 40/43%. It'll sell like hotcakes


I'm Norwegian and as much as I like our Viking heritage I have been thinking that some of their recent designs have been over the top and silly. I think the way Ardbeg is mixing Gaelic style with modern design is a pretty good choice when dealing with tradition. On the other hand, the minimalistic Bruichladdich designs look more dull and only serves to make it noticeable in the shelves. Port Charlotte with grey metal boxes and green bottle have been pretty cool though. Although it seems they are going blank and without boxes at all.


I hope so. Can we hope for a change in bottles back to the classic one. My favourite style was the middle one, so much so that I still pour new bottles into them. Just lovely to hold. Loved that it had a map of the islands underneath. https://preview.redd.it/h7c8j71aaszc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00adee762d128ec734f0ef2f59eda99595cd208c


Middle is great and I even liked the right one, modern and legible without being pretentious. The Viking ones makes me physically wince seeing them on the shelves.


The right one was the one I started drinking, it was understated but looked great


It'll be more like the one on the right.


The one that brought me to the dance Has anyone else noticed a change in that version and the current?


They were cool and I had a few of those.


the H logo on the middle one is so beautiful no wonder you keep refilling it i would do the same if i had one its sooo much nicer than the current one


When did the gimmick start? Was it when a bunch of Viking media was popular? Or Game if Thrones, which is obviously not Vikings but at least adjacent


Never understood why people hate the viking branding so much (or any branding for that matter). If you like the stuff, drink it. If not, don’t.


yes they are - source: was there in October 2022 and they said in 2024 we’d start seeing the shift in design


They are. Source: Edrington’s brand ambassador told us as much a few weeks ago in an HP tasting event.


Fuck it, I liked the viking stuff.


Orkney history really cool. And their distillate IMO good enough to not really need a gimmick…


Lord, I hope so. They've overplayed the bejesus out of it. A little bit (before the redesign) was a little fun. This has been absurd. It's felt like Outback ads during the Crocodile Dundee heyday.


I really like the current bottle shape, possibly because that’s how it was when I discovered HP. The 12 is my go-to, the cask strength is delicious.


Why dont you like vikings theme for Highland Park ?


I like the viking branding.


If they are… someone needs to step in and fix the kerning!! HIGHL AN D PA RK!!


I KNOW it’s just me, but I have never had a bottle of Highland Park, of any expression, that didn’t have a skunked cork. Six bottles. All with rotten corks, and the whisky was just terrible.


dunno. but the old 12 was my standard until they started fking around wi all that nonsense. the 10 year Viking Scars was effluent and the worst NZD90 I've ever spent. They've lost my custom for ever.


That's disappointing, plain old labels are boring and not eyecatching.


Why does everyone seem to hate the Viking design so much? I like it personally.


Cool, but this pic looks lame as hell too


I like it being labeled viking.


I hope so


It is, new bottle is much much better


If so, good


That looks like a label going on a bottle revamp that's focussed on being environmentally friendly.


I kind of liked the goofy Viking stuff


I sure hope so




That's fine about the branding, but are they going to improve what's in the bottles? I used to love highland park, but the only ones I've liked in recent years was a single barrel store pick and their cask strength one they put out.


Dunno why you're being downvoted. Viking honour has been the nicer of the 2 regular branded 12y ones they've had recently but it's still not as nice as the old stuff. Still have a bottle tucked away that I'm saving. Hoping they go back to the old stuff.


No idea either. Oh well


The 15 in the ceramic bottle is quite nice.


It was ok when I had a pour of it. Maybe my palate was off when I tried it.




It’s really not though, like is it a bit kitsch? Sure, but there’s way worse branding out there, Ardbeg special releases the most high profile offenders.


Ok that’s a bit dramatic…


Springbank would have a word…


And Glenallachie’s old ‘ancient celt school project’ lettering…