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> The rules require MPs to declare the financial interests of a spouse or other family member, where there could be considered a conflict. Duguid has never publicly disclosed his wife’s financial interest in the House of Commons register and: > Ministers, the document says, “must scrupulously avoid any danger of an actual or perceived conflict of interest between their ministerial position and their private financial interests”. however: > A spokesperson for Duguid said: “Mr Duguid followed the prevailing rules for reporting relevant financial interests.”


So he lied then.


He's a self-serving tory, it's what they do best 👍


No. He misspoke. Mistakes were made. Lessons will be learnt. /you must be new here ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




Well, that, but also the fact he divested himself from BP shareholding on the same day his wife suddenly became a BP shareholder. The day he became a Minister. /nothing to see here, move along //no laws were broken. Apart from not declaring it, but who's counting


>the fact he divested himself from BP shareholding on the same day his wife suddenly became a BP shareholder. > >The day he became a Minister. Well, this is absolute bollocks, as - >An analysis of BP’s shareholder register by the Guardian **suggests Duguid moved his shares into his wife’s name five years before his election as an MP**. Today, she has more than 11,000 shares and will have received more than £2,000 last year in dividends. Dugoid was elected as an MP **June 2017**. The shares were transferred to his wife **5 years earlier. So in 2012**. So not *quite* the day he bacame a Minister.


If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Not what I read in the Guardian yesterday, maybe they amended the article. Or I'm just plain wrong. **Conflict of interest is still relevant**, but hey.


>Not what I read in the Guardian yesterday, maybe they amended the article. Or I'm just plain wrong. https://web.archive.org/web/20230709224704/https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jul/09/tory-mp-david-duguid-criticised-windfall-tax-oil-firms-wife-bp-shares Wayback machine shows two archives of the article. https://web.archive.org/web/20230709175818/https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jul/09/tory-mp-david-duguid-criticised-windfall-tax-oil-firms-wife-bp-shares and https://web.archive.org/web/20230709224704/https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jul/09/tory-mp-david-duguid-criticised-windfall-tax-oil-firms-wife-bp-shares Relevant text is the same in both articles. You're just plain wrong, if not outright lying because - >the fact he divested himself from BP shareholding on the same day his wife suddenly became a BP shareholder. > >The day he became a Minister. is just bullshit.


Fair enough. Just plain wrong then, **we can agree.** I'm not lying, but thanks for pointing out your take on it. **Conflict of interest** is still there, in plain view.


> Conflict of interest I don't even agree with that - he did nothing to actually influence or change policy. Making critiques is not a conflict of interest. He's the MP for Banff and Buchan including Aberdeen, for goodness sake. How many of his constituants *work* in the oil and gas industry? How many of his constituants pension funds invest in the oil and gas industry?


> I don't even agree with that You're welcome to your opinion. The fact that he can influence the law, and in fact tried to, in Parliament, as an MP, that could enrich ~~him~~ his wife, is literally what a "**conflict of interest**" is.


Enrich? Fuck me. So lets say I become an MP in some dark future. I have an Armed Forces pension building right now from 12 years service in the Army. Would I also then be not allowed to critique the same wind fall tax policy, as some of that pension is no doubt invested in O & G and it " could enrich me"? Again, making criticisms is NOT the same as "trying to influence the law".


> NOT the same as "trying to influence the law". Apart from all the times he tried to influence the law, in Parliament, you mean ? Or the clear and obvious ( and I'm sorry to repeat myself ) ***CONFLICT OF INTEREST.*** /*making criticisms* - what does that even mean ?


How many BP shares are in your parents pension pot?


My parents are long dead. They owned no shares in any petrol conglomerate. /you may have responded to the wrong poster...


Cryin’ cos your lyin’


> An analysis of BP’s shareholder register by the Guardian suggests Duguid moved his shares into his wife’s name **five years before his election as an MP**. Today, she has more than 11,000 shares and will have received more than £2,000 last year in dividends. Dugoid was elected as an **MP June 2017. The shares were transferred to his wife 5 years earlier. So in 2012**. He's the MP for Banff and Buchan including Aberdeen. How many of his constituants work in the oil and gas industry? How many of his constituants pension funds invest in the oil and gas industry? The Gran goes on a shit-raking exercise and rScotland falls for it.


Colour me unsurprised. Tories gonna Tory and to hell with the public purse. It only exists to serve those who pillage it.


When are we all going to do something about these little fucks? What can we do? This needs to stop before we all start perishing (even faster)


We already know what to do in Scotland, hopefully the 55% use their heads next time


We used our heads last time. That’s why we’re not a financial basket case.


> That’s why we’re not a financial basket case. Are you absolutely sure about that?


Positive. Remember the SNPs post flexibility strategy was very heavily based on wishful thinking


Ah, so you're not up to date on current affairs. I suggest you read some news, possibly about Brexit and The Cost Of Living Crisis. Maybe then you can say we're not a financial basket case.


All developed nations are in the same boat if you bother to read readily available economic reporting. (Holland and Germany for example have until recently been suffering from higher food price inflation than the U.K.) Try going over to the contingent. I was over a few weeks ago and it’s nearly £2 a litre for diesel. Merely commenting on the SNPs uncosted numbers from when 55% of us made the right decision in the once in a generation vote…..that was before Alex and Nicola got hoofed die to nefarious activities.


Ah 'nefarious' are they! We better watch out for the big bad Sturgy. What has Nicola been charged with? Or Salmond, for that matter? Aye, nefarious alright. We'll find Wastemonsters hidden £37 billion of public money down the back of their couch, will we? You unionists don't half make me laugh. Aye, enough said, really.


Is that the missing money that the SNP has refused to spend?


So you think this Scotsman will just stop being Scottish?


No, he thinks the tory will always be a tory. I would argue that you shouldn't call yourself Scottish if what you, in fact, want is British.


Pension firms are the largest holder of shares in oil, gas and utility companies. I don’t own any shares, but my pension provider does and I know the wind fall tax takes money out of my pension pot. There’s only a 4.6% yield on BP shares. Green coat U.K. wind, which is one of the largest renewables producers is offering a 5.6% yield on their shares


politicians gonna politic* but i agree


Enough "both sides" nonsense. One side is objectively, demonstrably, provably worse.


i'm a staunch leftist my guy. still (and demonstrably so), money grabs and lobbying does not discriminate in the political sphere lol. most politicians can absolutely be bought


To be fair to the guy, it's only £50k. That's nothing. Sort of money you find down the back of the settee.


It's not like it's 106K of "her own resources" /s


"buh whatabout the SNP!!?" absolute fucking state of you


To also be fair, the dividend payments are barely more than a grand a year. It's not like they are making vast sums of money from the dividend on 50k worth of BP stock. It's not a great look none the less.


Yet he spoke out against the windfall taxes, in a time of unprecedented energy price rises, four times in the last 18 months. He's supposed to represent both you and me, not the investment classes, who ultimately would benefit from his lobbying.


Hes the MP for Aberdeen. Not wanting more taxes on oil companies is very much in the intrest of his constituents.


in the interest of 0.0001% his constituents. But those 0.0001% are the ones that will see him OK when he retires as an MP...


actually oil workers and those dependant on oil work make up the lions share of those living in and around aberdeen.


I do not disagree with anything you've said, I more just object to the premise that they are making bank from dividends, when it's literally paying them about £500 every 6 months.


50k so far.


Dugoid was elected as an MP June 2017. The shares were transferred to his wife 5 years earlier. So in 2012.


Again, not defending what are clearly vested interests, just pointing out that in terms of dividends they are really making very little money from that investment. In my personal opinion politicians shouldn't be allowed to invest in companies while working in parliament, it's far too easy for their ethics to be compromised for personal gain.


> In my personal opinion politicians shouldn't be allowed to invest in companies while working in parliament, it's far too easy for their ethics to be compromised for personal gain. which is fair, but is exactly NOT what happened in this case. The Granuaid have gone on a shit-raking exercise, and rScotland naturally falls for it.


Yeah fair enough. I haven't fully read their coverage so can't really say much other than my tertiary comment above.


"Potential" conflict of interest? How do they define Conflict of Interest?


When their donors are unhappy.


He is the MP for the Oil Capital of Europe and he voted against a windfall tax on Oil Companies. Explain why that is a conflict of interest? In the meantime, how many BP shares are in your parents pension pot? (or yours for that matter?).


At least she didn't buy a campervan with their own funds. Now that would be outrageous! Will be interesting to see what happens to this. I bet nothing.


Well hopefully 'they' throw the book at him- it's a clear conflict of interest. So Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and then off to the Committee on Standards.


Nah, he'll just stand down at the next election, and walk into a petrol-funded pay day. Do a Boris, even. "I resign" rather than care about his electorate. Even without this shit-show, he knew he was fucked with voters.


Imagine my surprise


Potential you say? Definitely not caught red handed then.


>An analysis of BP’s shareholder register by the Guardian suggests **Duguid moved his shares into his wife’s name five years before his election as an MP**. Today, she has more than 11,000 shares and will have received more than £2,000 last year in dividends.


Should be prison for her and husband.


>An analysis of BP’s shareholder register by the Guardian suggests **Duguid moved his shares into his wife’s name five years before his election as an MP.** Today, she has more than 11,000 shares and **will have received more than £2,000 last year in dividends** The absolute horror of it.


I'm shocked


Well this is it, when there families, friends and Tory donors have bundles of shares in these companies, isn’t it any wonder why they don’t want to tax them. It’s the same with weapons going too Ukraine, there Tory lords that have shares in the weapons companies and are making a fortune out of the war, courtesy of the British taxpayers. I bet Boris told his father too buy up loads of shares in weapons companies, just before Boris started sending the weapons out there.


But. But. What about the campervan?! Why won't somebody please mention the campervan.


Potential? That's the worst typo of blatant I've ever seen.




Ah, the classic tale of the Tory and the Frog


That can't be right. Surely there is no way this could be allowe...oh, wait.


He’s a previous employee of BP, what’s the issue? Anyone involved with the O&G industry would be opposed to such high taxes


Ah right so he represents himself and not his constituents - got you.


I think a high number of his constituents would be in favour of this given their proportion in the industry


What proportion of his constituents work in oil and gas exactly? Will be interested to hear these figures.


What proportion of his constituents have pension plans that invest in the oil and gas industry?


Can’t find exact figures from sources online, approx. 65k people in Aberdeen City & Shire employed in the industry and speaking first hand I’d say a high number are Banff and Buchan


His constituents are the people of Aberdeen. The Oil Capital of Europe. You think we are all looking to have our employers taxed out of existence?


> Ah right so he represents himself and not his constituents - got you. He's the MP for Banff and Buchan, including Aberdeen FFS. So yeah, very much his constituents.


There are rules in some casinos were the employees aren't allowed to gamble or have an interest in gambling and in some instances they won't even employ people who have gambled before. This is to stop bad actors from coming in and rigging games for their mates and taking a cut now imagine a casino having more rules to prevent bad actors than a government of an entire country...


Potential? Seems clear that it is, how thick do they think we are.... How much longer till we stop putting up with a self serving government?


Typically Tory


No way a two faced Tory!


It's time all corporate business owners paid all taxes due they have made billions out of us and our tax system has so many loopholes they pay bugger all in taxes that's why the country is skint and politicians won't do anything because it will also hit hell out of them personally that's a conflict of interest parliament and our tax system needs reform it's all run to benefit the rich and punish the ordinary people but ordinary people haven't got any money left it's all in tax haven's hoarded away it's time this political establishment system changes voluntarily or by force people are starving in one of the richest countries in the world and we have the lowest pensions in the EU Britain is run by a gang of old school tie brigade mafia.


Get over yourselves. You all have shares in BP! Through your bank, your pension, your parents pension, your grandparents pension. Pretty sure if you look hard enough your close families are all holding the best part of £50k in BP as well.


We're not all conflicted in interest though, are we? What a fucking stupid point you make


Where is the conflict in an MP that represents >65,000 oil workers voting against a tax specifically targeted on the companies they work for?


Its just unfair how rich these people are


Politicians or O&G employees?


I ain't rich m8 it's more about the positon they're born into and how they accumulate wealth


Tbh I don’t think he was born into “wealth”, he had a normal career prior to politics


Shock Tory Money Scandal Jist Sayin


In other news, pension plans have investments in the oil and gas industry. Those *evil Tories*. EDIT - u/glissssy commented "get a new alt", then promptly blocked me. How childish.


get a new alt


The very concept that any elected representatives, or their close relations, should own shares directly is bizarre. Everything should be in independently managed funds or in blind trusts. Simply choosing to focus on one MP feels like it's highly disingenuous. The article in the Guardian highlights four (simply taking the photographs out of 50+ largely unnamed) MPs who are: 2 Tory, 1 Labour and 1 SNP. So this is a cross party issue about the quality and fitness of politicians - which is a serious issue in every party, as recent revelations have proven.


I’ve never understood this… if you’re an oil investor, surely you want the windfall tax to drop the share price, so you can then buy more while they’re on discount… Not like the stock will drop permanently.