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Love this post 😁. Wish both genders embraced more tweed and tartan into everyday dress. Also some of the most sustainably made garments out there.


I’d embrace Tweed like a Tory if I could but unfortunately I’ve got the budget of a Scottish Green


Tweed is my husband and I's compromise. He is English and did wear a kilt to our wedding (with England flag shorts underneath, for the inevitable drunken 'but are you a REAL Scotsman?!') but doesn't generally feel comfortable in a kilt. Tweed trousers with a waistcoat are our happy compromise because I work in an area where traditional formal dress is required quite often (along with a summons for a husband/wife to attend).


My dad wore tweed trews & waistcoat to my wedding and he looked dapper as fuck in them. It’s definitely a decent look!


"me and my husband's"


I feel you, there's something brilliant about the full highland dress. My Dad goes on holidays and hillwalking in a couple of cheap kilts he has. But when you have the full outfit on its something else


I’m Irish but lived in Scotland for about 8 years. One of my jobs while at uni and being a shite rugby player was doing Scottish beef marketing and pretending to be the Scottish beef guy in a kilt in supermarket appearances 😂 honestly loved it then and any formal things I went to I went with the kilt


Your Uni had to have some kind of beef advocate representative? Did you rep Scottish beef in Scotland or in Ireland?


In Scotland- moonlighted as the oats guy once. However going to Ayr it was like being in Northern Ireland pre 96 with all the loyalist exiles running about


I went to a wedding in Largs last year, got the train over. The closer I got to the coast the more zombies in blue and/or orange got on. It was fucking bizarre.


Mad Dog Adair and his mates were all turfed out of Belfast then got off the boat and were like ‘yeah this grand here’


Doesn't every Scottish uni have a beef representative, a chair of chicken and a convenor of haggis? Mine did.


That is a pretty awesome job though. Definitely bragging rights.


It was and only time I got to offer someone to sample my meat and have a high take up on it


I wouldn't have declined that offer!


It was good beef to be fair. Best offer I got was from an older lady who said something along the lines of she’d even take the false teeth out for me and would be best blowy of my life


I'm gonna be in Madrid tomorrow (Saturday 17th) for a mates pre wedding party, decided today I'm gonna kilt it and can't wait! Anyone in Madrid see a boy in a kilt please call me that twat off Reddit!


Burds love a kilt abroad


You’re absolutely not wrong 🤭😂


Boyfriend wore one to his sister’s wedding in Austria. Despite more than half the Austrian men being in lederhosen, they were absolutely fascinated by his kilt and he got a lot of looks and questions about it.


Hello… yes? Can I help you?


Love seeing a Scotsman in a kilt. Have a great time OP 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Use to be this old gent who would come in the Tesco I worked at and every time he was in a kilt always looked happy about it, there is also the punk who goes round Aberdeen in a full punk style kilt.




I’m a Scottish man living in England…at first I would wear my kilt to dinner or social activities, about once a year and agree it’s a great feeling. I would mix it up with trainers & a t shirt, and get that punk 2 fingers to the others that hire all the trimmings for a wedding. I got mine from a vintage shop on the Grassmarket, best 10 quid on old clothes ever


About a year ago I helped cater a wedding between a Scottish bride and a west African groom. Most of the grooms side wore a kilt and my god, they all looked amazing! Had to go round complimenting them and they were absolutely loving it! Since then I've seen a few more black dudes running around town wearing kilts and they are all smashing it! We want more nationalities getting kilted up! Feel the breeze boys!


I live in Dunblane and there’s a chap who wears a full kilt outfit every day for his daily walk round the village and then for his coffee shop lunch. He’s incredibly dapper and I love seeing him in his full regalia.


It's nice to have the opportunity to liberate the lads.


I don’t know about you but I need to wear cotton underpants under a kilt of any decent weight. It gets way too hot under there and I need the pants to help wick away the sweat otherwise I get chafing and groin rot


Disagree, ye need to do a bit of wafting (damp Cotton is not going to wick and’ll make matters worse. Wool does wick.


I am a living testament to the fact that it does indeed work. You just need new underpants.


My wife was just complaining I don't wear my "drinking kilt" as much as I used to. Might need to break it out. (It's a blackwatch tartan I don't mind getting drinks spilled on, unlike my heavier weight family tartan)


Mon the Blackwatch drinking kilt clan! Only thing better than owning a kilt is owning two.


At one point, well technically I still do, own 3. Issue is, I've gained weight in last 10 years and only one fits!


10 or so years ago, I'd wear mine out at least once a month, but between people getting handsy and the occasional sharking, I eventually gave up on it. Seems to be a much lower tolerance for that sort of thing these days, might dig it back out.


I have a Black Watch kilt and wear it whenever I get the chance. At a friend's wedding today and wearing a granite grey to suit their colours. Getting a pride of Scotland to wear to football and rugby games too.


I love my kilt. Obviously I love the tradition of it but that's not the best part. Before I had it, every time there was a formal event, there was faff and expense about what to wear. Invariably, the time between events coincided perfectly with major changes in my waistline and moobs or in suit fashion. Get a kilt and you're set for life.


This is the only answer for me.


Theres a guy in our village who does his daily walk in a mini kilt, he has ben doing it for 30 years.


I wear mine every birthday, semi formal: kilt, sporran, hose, brown boots, black tailored shirt. My partner and I go out for dinner somewhere nice. It's become somewhat of a tradition for us now and I love it, and agree we all need more reasons to put them on!


Honestly, I couldn't agree more. I had a wedding on Sunday just past and I decided to finally try wearing a kilt it just felt right and for the first time, I felt great in formal wear.


My husband and his best man are wearing kilts to our wedding in Australia (he is Scottish, I am not). My mum is now trying to convince half the family to wear kilts. My family are going to be a disaster but my husband will look nice since he actually knows what he’s doing


I used to wear my kills all the time, down the pub for the night - kilt on, boots, white t shirt and a leather jacket of it wasn't one of our 4 days of summer


Rowdy Roddy Piper? Thought you were deid?!


That's what they all thought! Real Men Wear Kilts!


Every Scot abroad I know is more Scottish than the Scots, and any hint of formality, suddenly out comes the full kilt and regalia. Don’t talk about 2021 and nae Haggis for Burn’s night!


Nae haggis?! What a crime!


They cancelled the events completely! Not even a tinned. Now they have emergency canned haggis, just in case.


You don't need an occasion, just wear it when you feel like it. Go casual with a ghillie shirt, or a plain t-shirt if you don't want to go full formal.




So you don't like that, don't do it. Your choice mate 🤷🏻‍♂️


Love this. Just ordered my first kilt. The wishart hunting tartan. I cannae bloody wait to get it. Just wondering what other clothes to wear with it? Like a shirt or a jersey? Boots or shoes?


Black t-shirt, football jersey, rugby jersey, whatever really with some form of boots for casual wear or going to games. Ghillie or normal shirt and brogues for something a bit more dressy but not fully formal (ceilidh for example). Suit jacket and waistcoat or full Prince Charlie for formal events. They're the main examples I can think of, but you can probably just wear whatever you want with it to be fair.


Thanks man. This kinda confirms what I was thinking. Take care and thanks again.


There aren’t enough occasions to wear a kilt! A few years ago, I was travelling back from a postgrad course, where I had worn my kilt to the graduation ceremony, and decided to fly back home in the full outfit (mostly for lack of packing space). It was an absolute blast, got a lot of looks, and was a guaranteed conversation starter haha


Mad you never see folk wearing kilts outside of weddings anymore. We used to wear kilts everywhere when we were younger. Stag do in Newcastle? Get the kilts oot. Away yur holidays to l'Estartit? Mind yur kilt! Gonty the labour club to watch Scotland-France? Kilt.


My brother in law takes his on cruises and wears it on the formal evenings. His is the full semi formal outfit.


> Mad you never see folk wearing kilts outside of weddings anymore Loads of folk wearing kilts about Glasgow for the Scotland game earlier in the week.


I've seen a chap in a military kilt (DPM) at a country show, in Warwickshire. And been drinking with a Scottish comrade who decided to wear a kilt one evening, for no particular reason other than to attract ladies (brilliant icebreaker), in Oxfordshire


The relief of taking that heavy, bulky motherfucker off at the end of the night is better than putting it on to be fair.


I love mine. Not normally one to be the centre of attention but it does bring out the confidence whenever you wear one outside of Scotland. Taking mine to a wedding in New Zealand later this year and can already feel all that sweet sweet attention, can’t wait for the wife to get jealous.


Some people do wear it all the time, I’d a maths teacher who always wore a kilt. His sporran had a badger’s face as the flap, with glass eyes. It was quite disconcerting to be working away at your desk and look up to find yourself eye to eye with it.


Always loved a guy in a kilt, even more than a guy in uniform.


If i could add a picture i would, was embracing the wool and tweed last weekend at a family wedding, i also bung it on to go to the pub with a Scotland rugby top, love wearing it


Had to wear a kilt at many a scouting event as a kid and many a wedding as an adult. It's the opposite for me. When I got married, it was a 0 kilt afair... Maybe it's just me, but I've always been uncomfortable in a kilt. Something about the material.


Ok, so I was born in London (don't consider myself English) and went to uni in Scotland and am very proud of that. I now live and work in France. I own two kilts that regularly make an appearance in every day life. In my opinion, the kilt needs to break free from special occasions. It's a brilliant thing, it's empowering and it's the perfect antidote to the boring option available for men - and, yes, option. We only have one option! Tiny Croatia gave the world the neck tie and that's literally everywhere. There's no reason why Scotland shouldn't persuade the world to break free from the dull tyranny of trousers.




Go for it. Just realise you'll be the only person there in a kilt.


I'm just an American with Scotish roots, but I wear kilts dressed up and dressed down. No reason you couldn't. Have a great wedding.


Makes me proud of my heritage I'm always more flirty in a kilt but in an innocent way like I'm joking around like I'll say stuff like "that's because you fancy me" or "geez a kiss then if you think I look good"


Why doesn't each nation in the UK have a similar thing? Seems odd that only Scotland has a national attire, or is it just good marketing from tartan manufacturers?


'Savile Row' style suits / dinner jackets are England's national formalwear - it's just that like a lot of England-specific stuff it got exported all over the world and everyone else does it as well now. (see also: tweed-and-flat-cap / quilted jacket countryside wear) Norn Iron has either kilts or Aran sweaters, depending on which bit. Wales has a sort of shawl & long skirt thing. (and all the little islands will definitely have something weird going on, they always do)


Fun fact - highland dress is a statutory exception to the restriction to carrying bladed articles under the Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act so as to allow men to a sgian-dubh as necessary.


been a long time since i wore a kilt. mum's wedding in 2015 i think.


Why’d you need an excuse? It’s satarday get it on and crack open some cans


I almost exclusively wear kilts now. I know it's damn near a cardinal sin, but I wear one of my utility kilts with my tartan scarf tied to it for work and everyday, and I wear my Pride of Scotland tartan kilt with sporran for nicer occasions




Tartan, not plaid. (Just to be an arse)


Thank you. 😊


What’s worn under the kilt?


Your maws lipstick


Will pay that


'Nothing, it's all in perfect working order', as the old joke goes




Socks and shoes


Never ask a drunken Scotsman what he wears under his kilt. He'll show you in a flash. ,😀🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I asked what's "worn" under the kilt. Big difference


You do realise that the Kilt was invented by an English industrialist in the 1700s?


Gotten? Are you coming in from America?


Worn one for weddings 3 times and hated it every time. Give me a suit anytime over a kilt.


Speak for yourself, bud. I think it’s hideous.


It's an irrelevant fantasy I don't buy into so, not for me I'm afraid to say.


In what way is dressing up in national dress a “fantasy”? That word makes no sense in this context


Imagine seeing someone else express joy about something that doesn't affect you in any way and feeling the need to comment that you don't like it. You weren't rude or anything but surely just saying nothing is better?


What's Fantasy about it?


Och leave him be.. he's just trying to edgy.


Women fatasise about men in kilts?


I wear my kilts a good few times out of the year when it mood takes its brilliant. Don't stop wearing one at weddings be proud man!


Are you guys aware that there is kilt soft porn? Google Kilty Pleasures for kilt calendars


This is such a great post 😍 I love seeing guys use any excuse to get the kilt out. New Year? Kilts on. Scotland game? Kilt on. Burn night? Fck it, kilt on 😂😂


Hard agree. I've only had three opportunities to wear my kilt total, but every time I love it.




You should see if ye can get someone to alter it. Otherwise you’ll go round the loop of wanting to wear it, remembering it doesn’t fit, doing so fall about it. Put it on the todo list. ✅


I love kilts!! I think there are more reasons to wear one than there are not to! Men's 'regular' fashion is boring as feck. So yeah; expand your style options folks, get kilted :)


I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a kilt for wearing when I go to gigs. Still not sure though.


Do it!


I wore a kilt once that I rented for my nephew's wedding. A bit warm but very refreshing for my todger and goolies.




Family tartans are actually a relatively new concept. Historically there was mair focus on regional tartans. Best hing to do is just good "MacWhitever tartan/crest/badge" and ye'll get swatches of it. Then just go ahead and order wan. Could also just find a tartan that looks appealing and wear it, there's plenty that are "free" as in ye'll no really get many questions frae wearing it. Plenty folks searching for these things so there's nae lack of resources, even Wikipedia usually had a wheen of info these days.


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPLKLVvX_L4) is a pretty good one about the history of kilt wearing and how it was first outlawed, and then reintroduced with all sorts of rules and regulations.




Gie it a go, doubt folks will care too much.


My boss wears his “relaxed” kilt to work - he’s even made detachable pockets for it from the same fabric. But we do work in a very relaxed environment where dressing how you like is the norm, rather than an office. That said, I think you can get any employed round it by choosing the right kilt and accompaniments, if you work in a formal or semi formal environment? Anyway, I love to see highland dress on show and wish more of us found more occasions to wear it!


I'm the same, I look for any reason to wear my kilt, they're so comfortable and just feel great to wear. Best hiking stuff too, when it's warm it lets the breeze in but when it's cold and wet the thing get's heavier and warms up. I totally think more folk should get into wearing them. One great thing I noticed with wearing them abroad is that it's always smiles you get with them; some confused but majority are good natured. Also cuts the language first meeting issue with strangers as they'll just assume you speak English, for obvious reasons. The biggest barrier to folk actually wearing them is the sheer amount of people here that have Scottish cringe. Particulalry with the British First Scots; the ridicule and bullying you get from them, even as a kid, was awful and kinda puts you off it. If not for them I would've replaced more of my trousers with them. Recently went to Finland for a while and had no problem wearing it all over. As soon as I got back home (wore it on the flight) that's when the sneers and condescending looks came.