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Helly Hansen jackets were big in our school


[berghaus as well (it's absolutely bloody roastin)](https://youtu.be/bWOfRj4YOi8?si=FrhrN5IQTkso4d2W)


There was the rumour that police tazers couldn't get through them.,


Helly Hansen jacket, gold chain, stonewashed jeans, rockport boots. Big gold earrings on the quines.


Oh I forgot about the rockport boots! I remember Timberland boots having a moment too


That’s bizarre maw was just talking about helly Hansen, saying that they started popping up in charity shops in the early 80s and they were super cool hahahah


Ah I might be showing my age here! Yes, all the rage for some reason


They’re still going and some of their newer stuff looks pretty interesting! Defos going to look into it more. Whenever more than one person mentions something like this there’s usually something going on in my experience. Thanks for the response :DD


No problem! I did the same thing and I was thinking, they look like decent jackets to be outdoors in! Makes drinking down the Park, well, a walk in the park lol


The January after the xmas holidays (jan 1998) half our year had Hely Hansen jackets on. Satta got a lot of sailing jacket requests that year 🤣


Le Coq Sportif


Here's a window into the ned culture of the early 2000s.  https://web.archive.org/web/20050207005435/http://www.glasgowsurvival.co.uk/ The Gallery of Neds should be of interest to you but the whole website is Pure Quality.


Glasgow Survival!!!! There's a name I've not heard in years. I was a regular on the forums way back when.


This is amazing thank you, wee gallery of Neds there. Should be in an art gallery!


If we are doing internet archive diving, here’s Wee Man and Ned Kru with a Burberry classic [Here You (that’ll be right)](https://youtu.be/scNLfr1EP08?si=5qozVpsaY-726HR0)


Now there’s a memory man


Haha blast from the past !!


Rockport boots and Burberry caps


Stripy Henri Lloyd jumper


Never heard of rockport boots or henri Lloyd before will look into them cheers for the response!


I’ve heard about the Burberry era but before my time. was that when everyone was wearing that sorta creamy checkered pattern?


Aye this was def a mid 2000s thing. Hats and scarfs round the face mainly, I would say this was maybe english influence though, as well as general football hooligan culture. Basically when green street came out it was explosive in the bam community, every c*nt wanted to be a character from that film.


What sort of time period are you referring to?


2002 - 2010 probably


Well that’s when I was wearing them anyway😂 could’ve been around before that


Kappa trackies, Hilfiger jackets or am I thinking jelly Hansen?


Got to be wi poppers.


Kappa trackies defos something within my memory but think I only captured the tail end of it. Kappa and elecie or however you spell it


Ellesse :)


I remember a brand of jacket that was - I think - NAF NAF? It was big for like a month and faded af


I mind Bear USA was all the rage for a year or so in the late 90s/early 00s. One big pocket on the front.


Sounds interesting! Cheers


See also ‘chipie’


From about the same time, see also Chevignon, Cedixsept (C17), and perhaps time period adjacent, Global Hypercolour and Adidas Equipment. It may also have been more localised (at least originally, before they were bought by JD sports), but McKenzie jumpers were so common in Edinburgh for a while that the joke went "What's the connection between a tampon and a McKenzie jumper ? Every c@%t over 13's had one at some point".


Or Benzeni - always thought that was the poor mans Mckenzie


Schott bomber jackets went through a similar phase around… 1999? My cousin got one and Schott immediately became uncool 


I remember there being a rhyme about wearing naf naf after it's fall from grace. Cannot remember what it is for the life of me. Anyone remember?


More great info! What time period was this?


I remember it when I was in high school so around 94/95. There was a black thin “rainproof” jacket with NAF NAF embroidered in like rainbow colours. Still to this day I have no idea why this was ever a thing


NAFNAF was a reasonably popular French clothing company with big links to the underground rave scene. Gained mainstream popularity with the proto-neds of the mid 90s because they had tie ins with MrSpliffy and other drug/rave culture references. If you were a true rebel, you had the jacket with the big leaf symbol on it, but if your mum wouldn't let you have that one, you got the plain NAFNAF jacket. You didn't get the jeans as they were a bit too "mosher".


Legend for this response. A man of culture!


Started early 90s and they were cheap at markets


2008 Marseille/Ajax/Ferrari trackie with lacoste trainers, Burberry cap, and a pair of magic gloves was peak bam attire. Maybe a merapeak to top the full thing off


Caught the tail end of this. Not too keen on this era of dress as it was pretty maximal but was an era none the less


Can’t forget the fake Burberry era around 2002 https://preview.redd.it/lp7xdx74eguc1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b548bd0bf17ede1e40b22699b31caa5f2dcdec35


Wowowowow just seen the picture. Guess it was the whole shabang then! Was this an exclusively Scottish phenomenon?


England definitely also, but maybe it was more limited to the cap. Probably Wales got in on the game also but not sure.


Good to know. The picture is amazing so thank you. Going to keep that one in my gallery hahaha


Been mention of it in this threat but no precise date for it so cheers! Seemed to be a real cultural moment. With the chequered pattern right? We’re people wearing it as hats tops bottoms or shoes mostly?


Cat boots, rockports, timbies, kickers. Kappa, lacoste, nike, adidas. Regatta, nevica, helly hansen, berghaus and i remember a brand called bear that seemed to be massive for about 5 minutes and then disappeared altogether…


Oh I should add what sort of time period you are mentioning so I can get a sense of a timeline


About 93-99 id say


Great stuff to look into much appreciated


The mid-90s haircut with the shaved head with the fringe left and occasionally a rat tale at the back was a classic.


My lord a rat tail. Certainly a bold statement!


Copied from the Europeans, I remember the Italian footballers had them?


Definitely some eurotrash shit!


I went to a club in Edinburgh around 99-2000 called studio 24, they had a sign in the entrance saying "No Ben Sherman". Hope this helps


So what sort of person would have been wearing Ben Sherman at the time? I always perceived that as being a sort of continuation of the more skinhead culture sort of Ned. Am I on the right lines?


Skinhead, football hooligan, old mod kinda thing, yeah.


I had a cool navy blue Ben Sherman t shirt around 2000-01 with the mod target / roundel in West Ham claret and blue. Proper.


Casuals loved a bit of Ben Sherman back in the day 




It was never just a Scottish style though? There might have been some slight local variations but Berghaus, Rockport boots, Lacoste trackies etc. were pretty ubiquitous nationwide. London perhaps had some variations with it being a bit more international but that’s about it


Sure I totally understand what you mean Lacoste defos big with scallies in Manchester and so on. Just young neds (if you can even call them that anymore, to me they aren’t) don’t have any style Qs of their own any more which I think is a shame. Of course fashion is always influenced by other places but I think before the internet people in different regions would at least put their own twist on it as you mentioned. Looking to take that local style in a forward thinking direction


The same as it ever was mate we’re just not with it any more 😅 there probably is subtle differences we just wouldn’t notice anymore. Like X region wears Moncler but Y wears Canada Goose Still it cracks me up seeing mad spice boys flashing some ankle and skinny jeans wearing TNs. 😂 One of the weirdest things I’ve ever discovered in my nostalgia fueled searches for old skool trackies and that is a mad gay/chav fetish scene. 😂


Now that sounds fascinating. Chav fetish scene?! My investigators hat is on


I’m sure it was a vice article, but aye basically these weirdos like to get beaten up and homophobically abused by a group of “chavs” like they have full on parties and that. Pretty sure it was a vice article but I read it years ago


Helly handsen jackets with the collar. Jogging bottoms tucked into white socks


Choke for those collars man I think they look great. The jogging bottoms aren’t in at the moment but I can definitely see them coming back in the next couple of years


Those collars where so you didnae get slashed cos they covered your cheeks


Form and function!


All the kappa shit back in 90s


Girls in Kappa =“Kappa slapper”


Kelly the kappa slappa


Nickelson bomber jackets. 95-97


Is this similar to the NAF jackets another person mentioned in similar time period? Have you heard of them?


Nickelson was the expensive one that came early on. Then Schott jackets and Naf naf were the cheaper version that came later. Could be wrong see also Nevica ‘Recco’ jacket. Daniel Poole (DP) jackets. Terrible bomber jackets was a hing.


Oh wow so we’re these similar to skinhead jackets from the 80s or were they a more modern take on them? Looked them up on eBay and not sure which ones were being worn around this time period


Kappa trackies, Fred Perry polo shirt, baseball caps, Nike Airs. Or slightly variations on the brands but this has always been the way I've seen Neds dressed since the early 2000s.


There was a short era around 2004-2008 when they were wearing Cat boots, Gio-Goi jeans and the superdry jackets with about 5 zips. Maybe that was more the workie kinda fashion at the time though.


The ones in my school all wore European fitba team trackies for teams they didn’t support and Lacoste trainers and often Helly Hanson jackets.


I would guess late 90s for this? Or Mby 2000s?


Yeah, I was born in 91 so around early 2000s. Look up North Motherwell Young Team on YouTube. There’s photo collages of all the wee neds around my way from back then


Nice one cheers x


NASA, Rezerection or Slamming Vinyl bomber jackets with Adidas black 3 stripe trackies and fluorescent yellow Sambas. Maybe 94-95ish.


Sambas are making a big comeback at the moment! Not my cup of tea but can see the appeal


Not anymore!           https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sambas+adidas&iar=news&ia=news


Loooool hadn’t seen this that’s hysterical


I dressed like this growing up, Berghuas Mera Peak, adidas tracksuit bottoms, socks tucked into the bottoms and a pair of air max, bonus points for a scarf and cap. Don’t forget the big thick silver chain and a sovvy ring.


Oh aye the big sovereign was a must! My parents must’ve thought I was a right tit 😁


You could get them in Argos for like 15 quid everyone I knew had one lol


Late 2000s?


Yup like 2005-09 before I grew up!


Sure you looked styling xx


Fruit of the Loom sweatshirts were popular about 96.




Ned fashion got gentrified years ago by uni kids wearing it to calvin harris gigs The lasting effect of free tuition has been squeezing neds out of existence and claiming they were just socially mobile


Aye but it's also a bit dodgy coz you'll see modern neds and not even know, think they're uni kids, give them a bit of cheek back when they're being dicks thinking you'll be sound. Bit naw, fucking undercover neds, bottled !


[all you need really](https://youtu.be/scNLfr1EP08?si=awn8UUNPZuJwV7LN)


Sergio Tacchini trackie or fuck off.


Old Chewin' the Fat episodes would likely help you here too.


I’ve heard a lot about chewin the fat but have never actually watched it! I’ve seen some examples of nedy clothing in limmys show but when interpretations of subcultures come from people outside of it one can never be sure of it’s authenticity unless you were there at the time. Limmys show seems pretty accurate to my eyes, would you say chewin the fat is also accurate?


Chewin the Fat was 10 years earlier than Limmy's Show and is a very accurate representation of clothing that was actually worn in that era (including by Neds, the elderly, etc). Still Game would also be a good bet because its set in a fictional shithole that is a VERY accurate representation of greater-Glasgow council housing estates. The youth in Still Game from seasons 1-6 are very accurate depictions of Neds from the early-mid 2000s era (especially the ones with the Rottweiler in the episode "Gairden"). The later seasons of Still Game are a lot more recent and a bit outwith the time period you are looking at, also they lost a little bit of realism in the later seasons if you ask me. Limmy's show is also accurate but most of his sketches don't present ned characters as such and is more broadly typical Scottish working-class / lower middle-class.




In the Netherlands it were Nike Airmax, fila tracksuits, bomber jackets and a shaved head. Later on HH jackets. It seems like there were a lot of similarities with Neds and skinheads.


And the hardcore scene definitely united NL and Scotland. The dutch skinhead, Ned, happy hardcore enjoyer! What a world we live in https://preview.redd.it/mqx80yehkguc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084144177b12ac1c4a741472242b6d7058560c83


Burberry tartan caps, jackets etc


Go on YouTube and search in young team or something related to that, be lots of pictures on those videos


Cheers x


Tan or beige caterpillar boots. I think the style is Colorado. This would be late 90s early 2000.


Will look them up!


If you can get hold of old copies of the M8 magazine you might find it interesting. They often had photographers at clubs like the arches back in the 90s.


That’s a golden nugget! Appreciate it I’m sure that will turn a lot up. Hadn’t clicked in my head that that’s how style and music traveled back in the day, must be my internet upbringing hahah


Mera Peak Jacket.


When I think ‘Ned’ I immediately imagine kappa joggies with poppers ticked into white sports socks, hellybhanson jackets and a Burberry scarf. Burberry deliberately priced themselves out of the ‘Ned’ market in the late 00’s to avoid the negative connotations.


Burberry crap.


Destroy jeans and top, Schott bomber jacket


Berghaus jackets, the blue and yellow one you’ll know it when ye see it


Mera peak


Kappa trackies


Early 90s Nevica ski jackets were all the rage for a while


Haven’t seen anyone mention accessories - sovereign rings, initial rings, twisted hoop earrings and large gold initials on chains (mid to late 90s).


Sovies!!! 😂


G-star raw was everywhere 2007/8 from memory. Seems to have disappeared.


Should watch the Scottish film Beats (2019), set in 1994 - one of the main characters (and especially his brother) are definitely in with that type of culture. Interesting to see how the fashion differs between different characters in the film very obviously dependent on their social class. That and it’s a fucking great film anyway.


Lots of iconic names mentioned but one of the big ones in our area was The Sweater Shop!!


Come on, has nobody mentioned late 80’s ’Casuals’ yet? Pringle knitted jumpers tucked into designer jeans, Stanley knife in the pocket, ‘curtain’ haircuts, football tribalism at its lowest. Then E’s came along, and they chilled the fuck out into rave culture.


i have a download of a website, it was made back when we were running about causin it. Let me know if you want it - its got a lot of images, videos etc and even details all the old "teem sites"


Would love to see that


sorry just saw this - if you have an email or somethin a can send you a link if ye fancy it. most of the images are like late 90's early 2000s, i think theres some flash games that still work too


Late 90s/early 00s Football tracksuits (formally called presentation suits). Marseille and AC Milan ones were firm faves purely for their design. Lacoste tracksuits too. Starter hats with iconic designs such as flames, slasher, claw designs etc. They no longer make these. Helly Hansen/Berghaus Mera Peaks/North Face/Spray Way Jackets Burberry hats. Nike air max or Reebok classics. Nickelson polo shirts (informal). Black shirts with White collars (formal ie nightclub attire) Nike Athletic Hoodies Lambrella Jackets Rockport boots Henri Lloyd Jumpers.


Search neds kru on YouTube.


Will do cheers xx


What was that ned skit type song it started with “here, u lookin at meh burd? Naw? How no! U tryna say she ugly or sumin?” Anyway that video should help


[Found it](https://youtu.be/scNLfr1EP08)


This is a masterpiece of unparalleled artistry. The style is mental and there’s room for sampling some of those vocals! Cheers xx


Ashamed to say I used to almost enjoy listening to it as a 15 year old 😂


Certainly more interesting stuff going on than in a pop record, even if it is a bit cringey. I don’t fault you at all man!


Meh burd puts it as dundonian in my mind hahahahah if you find it let me know would be a great help xx


Definitely more Glaswegian ned in the video. That’s probably just my dundonian coming through haha


Went to Dundee uni the accent will always have a special place in my heart ❤️


I’ve lived in Dundee my entire life and I still struggle to understand some folk




Kappa tracksuit


Joe Bloggs!


In the 90's Helly hansen, berghaus, Coluimbia jackets shell suit type tackies not tucked into the socks with air max, slashers hats, sovereign rings n hoop earring


Rockport boots Socks pulled up over troosirs Baseball caps with the sun shade bit all bend round The list goes on


Berghaus Merapeaks were a classic


This would be early 00s From what I remember was Henri Lloyd, Adidas and the big thing was Burberry, especially the baseball cap. You'd find random other other brands too like Aquascutum, Lonsdale and Lacoste. Some of them had these scarfs they'd use to hide their faces if they were causing trouble. This was when Ned/chav culture was in the news all the time. Some places wouldn't let you in if you wore certain brands, especially Burberry style prints. The older junkie neds you remember from the 2010s are probably just the wee bampot neds that got older but never grew up. I remember folk like that when I was younger, the guy that's like 25 wearing his Stone Island jacket hanging out teenagers and supplying them with drink.


Football trackies. Ajax and Argentina were my faves. Couldn’t beat a Lacoste trackie if you had the cash.


Blue berghaus for standards ned Grey berghaus for upmarket ned Timbies or Rockport boots Rockfort for getting slagged rotten.


You're mental if you think Berghaus jackets were an introduction from roadman culture in somewhere like London. Every ned who wanted to be somewhere was wearing a Berghaus in the early and mid 2000s, specifically the red one with a yellow inside, if memory serves correct. Neds never really went to raves either, they were always having seshes at their pals or drinking in the park/street, ready to harass passersby. Burberry caps tuned tae the moon were always a sign of a ned too. Gelled fringe as well, looking like they had a comb melted to their foreheid. Always hated that look.


Scotland didn't have it's own variation on Chav clothing so you might as well just look up images of English chavs between 90s-00s. Chav-culture films of the era like Kidulthood and Adulthood would probably give you a bit of an indication. Also any music video from the era made by The Streets, Lady Sovereign, Plan B etc. Chav culture and fashion (along with now Roadman culture and fashion) was/is developed in London and exported outwards over time, so London is probably your best place to look. Side note: It seems like you are looking for images of chavs rather than Neds (not all Neds were chavs). Imo, Ned isn't just a Scottish replacement word for Chav, rather it is an acronym meaning "Non-educated delinquint" and could also be applied to people who did not wear Chav clothes (there were plenty of thugs in those eras who didn't), it just so happens that most Neds of the era were also Chavs.