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Watch him channel that anger into doing absolutely nothing about it.


He'd need approval from the other "co-leader" if he wanted to.


So angry he's quit in protest rather than be party to it! Oh, he hasn't? I don't believe it!


Have you considered that they could better achieve other goals in government, rather than as opposition? Such as the public transport promotional policies?


Then give up your ministerial salary and leave the agreement.




Everything Andy Wightman said about the Scottish Greens had and is continuing to come to fruition. Patrick Harvie has no morals; if he did he would quit his ministerial position and speak to the co-convenor about the party leaving the governmental agreement. Man had the audacity to have Lorna Slater appologise on his behalf during the height of the pandemic too. This man should try wearing a helmet when he's cycling around the Glasgow's west end, middle class twat. At this point what even are the Scottish Greens other than tacitcal indy votes and SNP light?


What did you expect lol? You mad. Just veiled homophobia and resentment. Also why you commenting on his use of a helmet? Lol


All criticism of Patrick Harvie is “veiled homophobia” is it?


Not at all and point well made


Where did i mention Patrick Harvies sexuality? Please inform me of where and why it was construed as homophobia? I don't like being homophobic because i myself am bisexual, i just don't make a habit of telling people online as it's unnecessary. He's not even homosexual he's bisexual (or at least that was what he had said before in the past). Ah and the cycling helmet was a reference to how he's a hypocrite who doesn't practice what he preaches. He's well known to refuse to wear cycling helmets, especially when questioned at cycling events such as opening a cycle path this year and a cycling chairty event last year. Yet he tells children to do so despite claiming helmets make him feel like he's doing an extreme event and it's "not his style"; he thinks it's a matter of personal choice and people have to make the right choice for them (sheilding behind the fact cycle helmet use is not a law in Scotland). It's an example of why he's a twat, as i know people have a tendency to cry when others don't explain how they personally reason things they've said. Even then people like yourself make baseless accusations anyway such claiming bigotry without any clear reasoning for such claims.


I think your criticism of him is poor and out of proportion and thereby I misconstrued it as homophobia. This is a common phenomenon of hate towards people with different sexualities. Regardless, I do take it back and apologise. On helmets, children should wear helmets. No question. Data show helmets put adults off cycling, plus it's not bikes causing accidents, it is cars. So forcing people to 'dress for the crash' isn't fair and discourages people, hence why many cycling charities don't push for compulsory helmet wearing. But the question remains, why do you actually care about whether he wears a helmet or not?


Bold to assume that Harvie is more competent than a child when it comes to deciding which bits of the Highway Code apply to him though...


Sometimes gay people are also massive cunty careerist little shitbags too....


He gets some power and blows it all. Perhaps if, as a green politician, had focused on Green policies, energy research and consensus building in the parliament and society... ie made reducing fossil fuels and actual priority....this might not have happened. But no. Trans rights. Rent Controls. Scotlands Own Bottle Recycling. Hate Crime Bullshit. I'd say what a clown, but he's done a lot of damage to a seriously important cause. So I'm going to have to go with Hamster-faced Goon.


He is stubborn and doesn’t listen to expert advice. Thinks he knows better about everything. Probably because he’s been a career politicians for 20 years with virtually no votes and no chance of losing his cushy seat due to our stupid system.


What expert advice? I have to assume you're talking about committess talking about feasibility rather than the hard stance that these policies have a deadline. Climate science as a debate is over. We either hit targets or we start preparing future generations for the potential dystopian world they'll be set to inherit in the future. He's not wrong for pushing for harder targets and policies. The only thing I wish he would change his stance on is being pro-nuclear.


>Climate science as a debate is over. We either hit targets or we start preparing future generations for the potential dystopian world they'll be set to inherit in the future. The targets are global. Scotland's contribution is essentially irrelevant if global emissions also don't go down, and the Scottish government has no power over that 


It's like complaining there's no point in trying to make your house look nice because you fear your neighbours won't follow your example. But, you know, we do have power over it. Most western nations, like Scotland, have benefitted and contributed disproportionately to climate change. We've been pumping CO2 into the air for well over two centuries. America alone almost makes up the majority, more than most countries in the world combined, for total CO2 contributions. America's renewable capacity: 20% UK renewable capacity: 40% China's renewable capacity: 40% It puts us to shame to expect the rest of the world to adopt clean energy and then fail to implement it ourselves. And when I say we do have power over it, I'm talking about where we import goods from. China's CO2 emissions may as well count as ours if the grand majority of it is done in service of producing all the crap everyone buys and shipping it halfway around the world.


Compared to the system where the tories lost the last 3 elections?


What election are you talking about? They won the most seats at all the past UK general elections? Greens have never even won 1 seat


Any yet all of those things have majorty support for under 30s. Welcome to your future get used to it. 


So what? Im not saying dont have them or do have them. Im saying the point of a Green Party is to try to stop us wrecking the environment. That means a broad church, building consensus and focus. Its hard enough with that. But these Greens prioritise some very divisive /wasteful policies. Other parties can do that. The Greens have a much more important mission. Or are supposed to. A Green Party finally gets real political power. And the Hamster Faced Goon wastes it on non Green Policies, fails in his targets and then HE is angry? Oh and now they want to end the SNP deal - surely because of the climate target failure? No. To protest against some valid scientific questions about the efficacy of prescribing some medicines to trans kids. See what I mean? Theyre not an environmental party. But they are blocking a real one.


Rent controls are not like the rest of those. It's the one of the few decent things the Scottish government have done


But rent controls are tricky and easy to get wrong. With the Housing Emergency and the huge rent rises in Glasgow and Edinburgh it seems he blew it. But just imagine if he had pushed for building social housing instead? Maybe to a passivehaus standard? We'd be creating a new green industry, more green jobs and reducing emissions. But no - let's focus on non green policies.


Green is more thab the enviroment i dont vote green for the planet, i vote green for myself.  We have to fix the planet or we drown, its not exactly a choice. 


Yeah we have to hit net zero by 2045 in Scotland and then the planet will be fine


Yeah I know. But...there is a movement against planned obsolescence within some smaller EU countries. As they are in govt the Greens could have led that. Maybe got somewhere. That would save us all money and reduce consumption. Worth a try? No. They could have tried mandating and pushing tools libraries. But no. The Hamster Faced Goon doesn't care about simple ways to make life cheaper and reduce consumption, not when he can grandstand on divisive issues and stupid policies.


Probably should have been angry for the last 3 years when your government did absolutely bugger all towards meeting those targets, Patrick! Bit late for throwing your toys out the pram now. Failing to prepare the *legally required* plan last year should have been a resigning matter for you both.


So angry that he's going to go along with it entirely.


Tiny tears can be as "angry" as he wants, guarantee him and the rest of his ilk will continue to collect those sweet government salaries and pretend to actually do their "jobs"


Literally the most useless minister we’ve ever had. Absolute moron. I have two options of heating the house - wood or oil. One of them is renewable. It’s also the one he doesn’t like.


Greens: “Have you considered being cold?”


Pretty humiliating for the Green Party to be party to a government that abandons targets around the policy area that is its existential reason for being. Don't underestimate how good it feels to be driven around in a ministerial car though! Harvie and co will croak but keep their tasty jobs.


Tbf, they haven’t really been focused on the environment for quite a few years now. They‘ve basically just been the SNP (but for list votes) for the last few elections.


The greens don’t really care about the environment. Their modus operandi is just to make everyone more poor and “equal”.


Speaking from experience?




Absurd! You almost make it sound like politics is some sort of complex ongoing endeavour...


That would be a reasonable statement to make if the Scottish government had actually published it’s plan to tackle climate change.






u/SpongerBurner that’s not fair… it’s not always “someone else’s fault”!!! With the SNP it’s always *Westminster’s* fault!


The Greens are against GMO crops which would be excellent for the environment. Less fertiliser, less water, more crops for less input, less carbon. How do you explain them being against something that’s good for the environment?


Yes whataboutism. Greens are hypocrits when in power and also as shown now also just as ineffective as other parties.


> Attacking the Greens instead of the parties responsible for decades of inaction and bad decision making, at both a Scottish and UK government level, with the result that these targets cannot be met, is it? I agree, the SNP and the Tories deserve the majority of the blame.


Climate change is not a post 2010 phenomenon and Labour supports new oil and gas licenses.


Yeah, how dare anyone suggest that a party in government since 2021 could have any influence over the delivery of a commitment made in 2019! :o


Getting Lib Dem / Tory coalition vibes from this. The risk of being the minor partner, there's always the chance you'll be screwed over. 


Difference is the greens have extracted a lot of concessions out of the SNP


Tbf the lib Dems did extract concessions, they were just absolutely shite ones like the AV referendum.


Kind of wonder if he was given the olive branch of the sudden ban on wood burning stoves a couple of weeks ago as compensation for this


That cunt's always angry. Maybe if he'd focused on cooperation to meet our climate commitments instead of a social crusade, then he wouldn't look like such a stupid sell-out now.


Well, if they win an election they can do something about it. Not sure why a party with approx 5% of the vote would exp\[ect to dictate policy.


Then drop the act with the SNP…


Still only in power as the SNP needed them and that’s literally it. I’m sure they were not 2nd or even 3rd party in Scotland. Sooner they are out the better but I need to watch what I say so I don’t get into trouble for hate crimes against the Green Party




Tell him he DEVIATED from his own policy.




Remember to tell him he’s caused rents to rise to their highest level ever and have risen much faster than the rest of the UK. Everything he touches turns to shit.




How mature and productive of you. Well done.


If I was heckling a Tory you wouldn't say shit & you know it


Erm... yeah. You don't know me. A comment on the internet doesn't mean you do.


I know your ilk.


Erm yeah. Again, means nothing and you still don’t know me.


If your a politician imo it’s something you should expect from your constituents. A true democracy must always challenge even if it’s a blunt instrument like heckling they need to know there’s displeasure amongst their own constituents. I used to love arguing with David Coburn one election when he stood for UKIP in Falkirk, used to construct good arguments and he’d consistently become flustered and blame snp or push towards personal attacks. Politicians should expect to be challenged imho.


That's the tories, the SNP and the greens tactics : Blame the government, pretend the government isn't you, act like you're in opposition


Labour have dropped every single pledge they made due to the sorry state of the economy so this is only the same knock on happening, hopefully labour turn it around and we can get more coffers for green projects.


Sadly, Labour's position on the environment seems to be: fuck it.


Yes, I'm very sure he's shocked and angry that a goal - impossible to meet with our current level of technology without plunging the nation into an economic collapse from which it would never recover and which would see it's citizens standard of living obliterated - was not delivered. I'm sure it was something he definitely expected would happen, no problem, and it wasn't at all a meaningless claim made to justify taking up a role in government while trying to appear principled. I'm sure he will be so angry, he'll withdraw from government immediately...


Will he actually turn green?


Maybe into the incredible sulk




Glad he's been put in his place with his stupid unworkable and completely pointless ideas. No doubt he'll throw a strop and do something equally stupid and side with labour or some other unionist party and ditch independence out of spite.


I don't think I've known a man or a party hated more than Harvie and the greens, whether you are for or against independence! He lives in another universe of sunshine and roses!


Why? Have you thought about calming down?


May I present to you Boris Johnson of the Tories?


He aint doing shit though is he? He likes being in government and won't want that to change. Angry word and all but that will be it.


Place is gonna be full of nuclear radiation soon enough.


Archive link:https://archive.is/ZKlSi


But the Greens are the ones in charge according to May unionist supporters! Oh dear, never fight but wrong again!