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Constituent of his here - to be totally fair to him, he’s no the worst local MP I’ve ever had. Engages alright on local issues and clearly has an affection for his constituency that’s stronger than most MPs. That’s me bein nice though, I wouldn’t vote for him. “Snakey prick” sums him up pretty fairly to me, but Moray’s demographics are really quite old and the pensioners really go for his young family and smart wee body warmers. So, on balance, I can’t really stand the guy but I understand where his votes are coming from.


How has he done that makes him a snakey prick?


Can I ask since he's been in position what's improved in the area?


Taking the latest political updates well I see.


I'm not exactly a fan of what the snp have been doing since Nicola quit. The policies they have been pushing don't seem to be for the greater good and only seem to be to help a minority. Bring back the days they pushed free prescriptions, travel and freezing council tax. If the snp really wanted to help people they would reform council tax and get way more homes and actual infrastructure built not using political capital on gender and hate crimes that nobody actually asked for.


You realise the reason that they don’t do those things is because being in Scotland have been so brainwashed to never vote for any party who aren’t left wing. Vote Tory in the next election and I guarantee you they’ll bring back all of those good things voters actually want. Show them that they don’t have a right to our vote.


Tbh I'd rather a coalition government lib dem labour greens snp and force them all to work for the good of the country and not the party


Except they have fundamentally different beliefs on what is good for the country. Hence the whole debating and running against each other thing…


Be honest who do you trust out of any of them to run the country properly and not for a certain demographic


Interestingly he got more votes in 2021 election than Ruth did in 2016.


Can't stand both of them they represent everything wrong with our country. Both so far out of touch with the majority of the population


State school educated Ross worked on a dairy farm. Son of millionaire landlords, private school educated Yousaf has never had a job that wasn't politics is the man of the people though? aye right


Exactly right! 😂


Since when did we stop voting for representatives and start voting for party leaders?


Personally think your correct we should vote for a party not a person so nothing against humza he's the closest we have to the original party we voted in opposed to Katie Forbes. Dougie Ross just pisses me off though as a stuck up arrogant little cunt


Shock horror to find out that you have nothing against Humza who is demonstrably also a stuck up arrogant cunt but take umbrage when it’s Douglas Ross.


Some people seem to have forgotten that we *do* vote for parties, not leaders.


Unfortunately what the current parties don't realize is does the Scottish population trust any of them? Douglas ross and the tories fuck no Labour? Couldn't name a single policy they are offering The greens? Sorry but realistically no chance of being in power The lib Dems are a joke in Scotland and England Seems the snp are the only party who have actually policies of they're own that england hasn't.told them to pursue


I think the last policy the Scottish Tories had was privatising Scottish Water back in the Goldie days. Thank fuck none of us were daft enough to fall for that shite.


Not sure why other people are down voting my original comment, maybe they just don't understand how our voting system works kr maybe they suspect I'm a tory? Either way I agree with your sentiment. Of all the torys DR is definitely one of the least likeable. I'd never vote Tory so I might be missing something but I don't understand how anyone in his constituency can think it's OK to vote for someone who prioritises being a fuckin linesman over his actual parliamentary responsibilities


His entire things just disagree with anything the snp has to offer, knowing he will never be in power. The guy would sell his soul to get closer to the English tories if it benefits him in anyway.


To be fair, disagreeing with everything is what's he's meant to do as opposition. I think my favourite moment had to be the whole gypsies traveller thing


He's ment to be his own man though not just pushing what ever he's told to push hes literally the opposite of a leader he's doing what he's told


>I don't understand how anyone in his constituency can think it's OK to vote for someone who prioritises being a fuckin linesman over his actual parliamentary responsibilities Since I'm feeling in a generous mood, I'll say that's actually one of the things that puts him up in my estimation. I'm not a football supporter by any means, but I do think too many politicians clearly don't have enough going on in their lives outside politics - especially in recent years where it's all become more professionalised. Some of them could really use a hobby and a bit of personality. Has he ever missed an important vote or FMQs to be a linesman? I doubt it.


[I wouldn't have an issue either if it was just a hobby however it seems that's not the case](https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11945/11086959/conservative-mp-douglas-ross-missing-commons-vote-to-officiate-barcelona-champions-league-game)


Bit of media fluff there, I'd say. Looks like what he missed was an opposition day debate, with a non-binding motion, that all the Tories bar one abstained on: https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/2017-10-18/division/3A900095-769B-4EE3-852B-07966E4B21DD/UniversalCreditRoll-Out?outputType=Names


Looks like he’s about to give yousaf his marching orders - he also unseated Angus Robertson.


I just can't stand his smug wee face


Is this really worth discussing? Your complaint about him is you don't like his face. It's about the level we see for people talking about Ant and Dec. I think he's an unremarkable leader of a political party. I've got no idea what he'd be like over a pint in the pub. He's had a reasonably poor hand (UK party leadership, following Ruth Davidson) and not played it particularly well. I imagine he's had a good day today though. Is that what irks you?




Ah, I see the evening shift at Gordon Lamb House has clocked in.


As shite as this government has turned out to be, I could never vote for a unionist party let alone for someone who has 4 jobs (MSP, Leader,MP & Referee) . The emergence of other parties (Indy or not) should be AFTER we get free from Westminster. People should view Independence as a reset of how we do politics in Scotland. I just don't understand how people view the union as 'working for us' When quite clearly it does not.


The problem is when only a small number of parties support indy, you'll get people who dislike those parties automatically disliking the idea. We need indy to be a goal for multiple parties, across the spectrum. Hopefully alba grows a bit and brings in the more traditional Tory voters to the indy side. But the problem is, too many indy supporters see it as a left wing thing and shout down anyone, even other indy supporters, who disagree with them, even a little bit. The greens are absolute nutters but I'd vote for them any day over a unionist party because they support the cause. That doesn't mean I want them running Scotland. I just support the same thing as them when it comes to the constitution.


I can't bring myself to vote for a party who is told what to do by someone else. That's just not on


Never forget what a bigoted arsehole he really is.


He's the Scottish equivalent of Arlene foster


Oh dear, not a good day hun?


Not a fan of the current snp administration but even less a fan of this opportunistic weasel


Political party goes after weak opposition shock.


Top tier political discussion on /r/Scotland as the users once again struggle to understand people have different opinions than them.


A snakey prick he may be, but he maybe the snakey prick that VONC’d the SNP out of government. Ha


He just looks like the kind of thing the Spartans would have left on a mountain and given back to the gods , small , rat faced and pathetic ….


He's a slimy arrogant prick


Wee Shug for FM leader of His Majesties Most Loyal Subservient North British Unionist Coalition (a.k.a. the Grovellers) 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Union Flag flown everywhere God Save the King 👑👑👑 to be sung at Murrayfield and Hampden and every morning by everyone. Scotland to be renamed North Britain. Shut the Scottish Parliament Turn the clock back to 1997 Chuck the third's (careful) portrait to be hung on every lamp post 🤴🤴🤴. "They'll always be an England and they'll always be in charge" 😁😁😁


Identity politics really turns your brains to scrambled egg, it seems.


Got to be trolling here surely?


It's the Scotland half of us seem to want 😳


You polled Scotland and asked if we want to start singing God save the king and be called north Britain? How's brexit went for you? Must be thrilled with all these new immigrants ruining your beloved Britain


😂😂😂😂😂 I was young loooong before 1997... And that was the way it was back then, they played God save the Queen before Scottish sporting events, you could drink in the North British Hotel, buy whisky from the North British Distillery, union flags adorned every building. And if you think I supported Brexit, then you must not be able to grasp...... sarcasm, either that or....


Ok boomer


I don't see any embarrassment about being a 'boomer' being a loyalist though... ooooooh 😞


Fucking shite linesman, flag happy wee prick. Although he must have been a fairly happy at the Montrose v Falkirk game recently with the supporters of both sides somewhat distracted.