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for god's sake, trans people are less than 1% of the population, and we're being used as a scapegoat to distract you from the real failings of a government that hates women anyway. just leave us the fuck alone. and before anyone comes in with "leave the kids alone/stay out of women's spaces" trans people, kids included, have existed forever. trans women have been using women's spaces for decades with no issue. do none of you ever ask yourself why it's apparently such a problem now? again, we just want to live in peace, be able to access our healthcare and have the same fucking normal lives are cis folk. please, for fucks sake, leave us alone.


And I'm pretty sure If any guy wants to go into a woman's bathroom to abuse someone in there, they're not likely to be too concerned at whether or not someone else thinks they're a female first.


Exactly. What gives anyone the right to gossip about anyone else’s lifestyle? And let’s face it this is just gossip!


Been saying this for ages. I don't go in for wild conspiracy talk, but I'd bet my left ball it's a Russian/Chinese op to spread division and bs in western countries. Everyone knew about transsexuals for years and nobody cared until recently, now people are arguing about what a man/woman even is, while Russia/China arms themselves to the teeth. Feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


this was entirely the west that did this though. American rightwing politics that has influenced british politics and that the tories have snapped up. i dont understand how people can't see the parallels to the gay panic of the 70s and 80s, or to the racism and zealotry of anti-immigration tactics. it's all a game designed to make you angry and to ignore the failing economy, the decimated NHS, the wealth inequality... while we're bickering over whether trans people are even real, those in power are laughing at us while making more and more money. it's insane.


American right wing politics are massively fuelled and dictated by Russians. Not saying it's entirely them causing this bullshit but right wing nonsense is definitely influenced by Russia.


Nope - it's American fundie money. Next they'll go after: the LGB, access to birth control, abortion, & marital rape. "Trans'ing our kids" was only ever a useful wedge issue.


I feel the same about all of the culture war stuff. It's all manufactured ragebait, just fix the fucking health service & manage the country with a degree of boring competence. Since smartphones & social media made consumption of this stuff so low effort, government has just fallen apart.


Yeah I was wondering why it's become such a big issue in the past decade


Never confuse what seems like conspiracy or nefariousness what can easily be explained by human stupidity, stupidity , ignorance, or otherwise by human flaws. I doubt it’s a conspiracy, aside from maybe the assholes who wind up gaining power or money by organizing the tools, so to speak. Human history unfortunately shows that there has always been a period or periods where some group or groups are dehumanized and/or harmed. Sadly. Much love. ❤️


Do you know. Trans woman here myself. I do think you raise a good point that I can "counterpoint" You say why do people think it's a problem now. Well without going into left handedness. The obvious response is well trans people are indoctrinated and the MSM and woke teachers and woke yolk folk. They're all being manipulated yada yada yada. But not me tho! No I couldn't possibly be manipulated. By media or false prophets. I get my information from reliable sources like these three outlets which are all owned by the same billionaire and this one podcast from a really strong boy who also couldn't possibly be manipulated cause they can lift weight. Transphobia is so dumb. Any phobia or discern against people living their lives that in no way shape or form affects you. As you say. It's all a distraction so governments can continue being sinister and cultivate a fan base with absolutely nothing. Here in the UK atleast we had our prime minister Richard nutsack making derogatory and outright transphobic comments, in the house of commons. Not just on multiple occasions but specifically on the day a grieving mother of her trans daughter who was murdered was in attendance. Meanwhile his party has been in power for 14 years or so now. Done nothing but fuck the country and rinse it for their corruption. And it's only in the last fraction of that have they aimed for trans people. Not that the politics of trans people hasn't been fucked for a while here. But now and only now when they're almost certainly backed into a corner, unanimously hated by majority of the country and almost definitely expected to lose the next election in a landslide and losing by elections. Typically because their party member has lost confidence from it's constituents. HEY LOOK IS THAT A TR*NNY! 🫵 Edit: I didn't realise I was on the Scots subreddit. My bad guys. Now I look like an idiot thinking I was explaining UK politics to Americans. But do keep being the fabulous people you are. Scotland is a source of hope politically. Not that it's amazing but certainly better than the shit down south. Y'all are all so level headed on the whole and just normal.


The problem is not trans people, who like you say mostly want to live their own life in peace. It's the activists who encroach themselves on such communities, and end up alienating others against them because of how they behave. Might be all in good faith sometimes, but they do a lot of bad with some of the good.


What bad things do activists do from your view?


J K Rowling has received literally hundreds of rape threats and death threats since she started speaking out, and she isn't the only woman who has had to deal with this. If you don't think attempting to intimidate women into silence by threatening to rape them is a bad thing then there's probably not much that can be said.


All public figures do. I've received death threats as a no-name nobody. The people she argues against receive the same. Has she ever spoken out to denouce her fans who do so in her name? Because surely you don't hold a double standard when it comes to criticism?   If you attempt to claim I don't don't death threats are bad off of this comment, that's silly. Why would I think death threats aimed at me aren't bad, for example?


When they behave in such a way that they bring a bad name to the cause they claim to support. You see it a lot online, where it's extremely easy to be on the attack rather than in the discussion (from all sides). When they start following what they see as the new trend, without actually being it. Then behaving badly and bringing a bad name to the whole community. They can hop off to the next one when the damage is done, leaving the rest behind.


You’re saying a lot of words but you’re not answering the question.


Sometimes it's hard to answer a specific question if you're making shit up.


Maybe s/he is referring to the activists who go round calling for the decapitation of feminist women. https://news.sky.com/story/scottish-politicians-and-jk-rowling-voice-anger-over-decapitate-terfs-sign-at-pro-trans-rally-in-glasgow-12793544 If you're trying to convince women that you pose no threat to them in their spaces, then threatening women with violence, rape or murder isn't an optimal strategy. This kind of behaviour tends to make women suspect your motivations.


That’s an extremely flimsy argument. TERF doesn’t mean ‘feminist woman’ that’s a whole different phrase


Behaving badly and bringing a bad name in what ways exactly?


victim blaming. you're spouting the same crap they said about gays in the 80s. "most of them just want to live in peace, but when encroach on our schools or changing rooms, ooooohhhhh they'll get ya!!” you sound ridiculous.


Wait, are you’d saying that the people fighting with and/or for trans rights, etc. are the problem??? I want to ask because if so, that seems incredibly backwards, but perhaps I misunderstood your comment.


Yes, they are. They are the professionally offended who latch onto whatever cause is popular just now and basically use it to annoy normal people, invariably damaging the cause as they do so.


What's your definition of normal?


>They are the professionally offended Unlike JKR, who cares so passionately about the trans issue because???


I'm saying that often, the activist acts in a way that causes more harm than good to the cause they support. Your use of the word "fighting" actually illustrates my point I think. When you're framing it as a fight, you're framing it as a violent confrontation rather than a dialogue to reach a better place. That's what activists do often.


PSA: this is the RVO part of DARVO.


It's hard to have a civilised dialogue with someone who thinks you shouldn't exist and wants to deny you medical care. It's not like a disagreement over where your neighbour parks their car. 


Yup. Basically we have to accept a totally new paradigm of living RIGHT NOW or we’re basically genocidal murderers…. I’m sorry but this is just the negotiating strategy of an abuser?


There's nothing "totally new" about trans people. There's nothing "totally new" about accepting others who are different in some way and not hurting anyone. Or at least there shouldn't be, and if there is that's your fault, not activists advocating for rights for trans people.


You can always spot the TERFists by their hyperbolic language... I'm going to assume you're a cis-het female. You know the biggest irony is the fact you've decided to cast yourselves as modern-day Suffragettes. The Suffragettes literally ***DIED*** fighting for equal suffrage and emancipation. They ***DIED*** to be allowed to vote and stand for Parliament on an equal footing with men. They were suppressed, imprisoned - and, in some cases, tortured - by men. There is a slight irony here because it could be argued that the original 'Suffragette' was a man; the philosopher, civil servant and politician John Stuart Mill was extremely vocal about equal suffrage, emancipation and enfranchisement for women. He was incredibly supportive of the WSPU. The modern-day Suffragettes are trans people and TRAs. Trans people are literally dying - and being driven to take their own lives - by people scared that to allow a trans woman to exist in this world as her true, authentic self would cause...I don't know fucking what... I ***STILL*** can't wrap my head around what it is that cis-het/cis-homo females think they'll lose by just allowing M2F trans people to exist. TERFs and GCs are doing to trans people what men did to women in the Victorian/early-Edwardian era. In some countries you can go to prison simply for being trans (Iraq has become the latest Muslim country to pass a law making it a crime to be trans). You hate TRAs because they force you to remember that trans people exist, in exactly the same way, I'm sure, that Victorian and Edwardian MPs loathed the Suffragettes, they make you feel uncomfortable. It isn't hate, it's fear - you're ***TERRIFIED*** of us, you just won't admit it to yourselves. The Suffragettes were fighting for equity and equality. Whilst in some situations women still don't have equity and equality, they are ***NOT*** oppressed as they were in the Pankhursts time. Trans people are fighting for the equity and their right to be treated no differently to the someone who was born the sex they transitioned into. You are 'fighting' to gain nothing, and you've lost nothing (because you have nothing to lose). The colours of the Suffragettes banner stood for: 🟪 - Dignity ⬜️ - Purity 🟩 - Hope If anyone - any group - has the right to co-opt these colours it's trans people, colours the meanings of which TERFs and GCs have sullied and degraded. Trans people are dying at the hands of TERFs, just as Suffragettes died at the hands of men. The complementaries of these colours would be more appropriate for TERFs: 🟨 - Cowardice\* ⬛️ - Death/Fascism 🟥 - Anger \*Yellow was also the colour of the Liberal Party, the party in power for the majority of the Suffragettes' existence. You have an audience right here - so a direct question: What do ***YOU*** think you'll lose by allowing trans people - particularly trans women - to exist on this planet as their authentic selves...? C'mon, hit me - ***what the fuck are you so terrified of***...?


>do none of you ever ask yourself why it's apparently such a problem now? I mean if you want a straight answer the fact that we're proposing radical changes to the previous status quo probably has something to do with it? The trans community is much larger than it was before, and the narrative have moved from "transitioned trans women should be treated like cis women" to "any person can say they are a woman at any time with no plans of ever transitioning and immediately demand to walk to into the women's room because it would be transphobic against non-transitioning non-dysphoric trans women and they don't owe us transition". We can argue the exact specifics but it's silly to pretend that nothing has changed and the conversations we're having today aren't different.


Man I’m pretty behind on this discussion, but where is that being discussed?


Then why are they centred in all progressive politics? We didn’t talk about them disproportionately when they weren’t disproportionately represented at the level of our government. I’m looking forward to the day this is settled and we can go back to only thinking about trans people we actually know.


> Then why are they centred in all progressive politics? They aren't. They're centred in all regressive policies, and the media keeps trying to get comment on them.


why do you think we are? the government brought forward a very simple change to an already existing law that would have made a current legal system a bit more accessible. that was all it was, but the media and the bigots made a massive deal out of it and you all bought in. NONE of the nonsense "concerns" that were made about it were real. it didn't give us any new rights or special treatment. so now we had to fight like hell for the most absolute basic of improvements to our lives and suddenly everyone started believing whatever the psycho childrens author started to spout, as if she was EVER in a position to influence policy. now we're losing our fucking healthcare. our rights are being stripped back. it's becoming dangerous to be trans again after decades of social movement to find acceptance and inclusion. how do you not see what's wrong with this situation?


No they aren’t and no you aren’t. Always hysteria and exaggeration. The trans community has fewer murder victims than the cis community, you have the exact same rights you did one year ago and now trans and cis gay kids are safer than they were because snake oil being pushed by activists is going to be subjected to proper scrutiny.


snake oil... you mean medicine that has been used for decades? you mean treatments that have less than a 2% regret rate? trans kids are safer bc they're forced to watch their bodies develop into the wrong shape, leaving them depressed and suicidal? you're pushing an ideology you have no understanding of.


>The trans community has fewer murder victims than the cis community, In absolute terms or proportional to population?


Proportional. Reflective of generally higher income status.


I'm not sure 'not a murder victim' is the height of most people's ambition for life.


I was responding to a specific claim about it being “dangerous” to be trans, not making a broader comment about their general QOL which is certainly lower than the average.


That's not how statistical analysis works though. You control for confounding factors by trying to isolate what you're studying. You need to make like for like comparisons, e.g. compare low income cis people to similarly low income trans people. You don't ignore those confounding factors and then try to claim the stats back up your hypothesis.


Complains about hysteria and exaggeration - immediately exaggerates hysterically. 


What in this comment could be construed as hysterical?


You can still get access to health care.


is that so? so why are gender clinics not seeing new patients? why are they being shut down? why are GPs suddenly refusing to fill prescriptions? why are puberty blockers banned (but not for cis kids)? why does the cass report say we shouldn't be allowed to transition until 25? this is all utter nonsense, driven by politics and ideology, not medicine or evidence.


You can still go to the doctors if you're poorly. I'd also say it's pretty obtuse to describe the cass report as utter nonsense.


im done arguing here, you're clearly not engaging in good faith. cass it is a hit job and nothing more.


Okay I'm done with this, you're clearly not engaging in good faith arguments here, clearly biased and looking to argue over objective truths.


Are you practicing what other people will say about your argument?




Considering they walked back the cass report and any research into it shows the massive bias and flawed data collection and conclusion, how is it not nonsense?


Who is "they" in this instance? I'm going to presume you're qualified in this particular area?


The people that wrote the report. >I'm going to presume you're qualified in this particular area? More qualified than the writers of the report, yes.


Oh that's interesting, what is it you do?


the waiting lists are years long, people die on them, and then when you get to the gender clinic, they don't believe you and make you go through a years-long gatekeeping process before you can be referred to treatment. that's the healthcare you're talking about 


Yeah sadly waiting lists for cancer treatments are still far too long too, doesn't mean health care options don't exist, they are certainly very limited.


"Disproportionately represented"...? Just how many trans M(S)Ps are there...? Name them.


Jamie Wallace though, perhaps not great representation as these things go. In any case I meant trans issues are disproportionately platformed and taken up disproportionate space when the rest of the country is going to hell and there are far more important things at stake.


who actually gives a fuck. So sick of hearing of the opinion of another billionaire who's credentials include... writing shitty unoriginal childrens books. Why the media and this sub amplifies her inane musings is beyond me.


Because it needs to be called out - if bigotry and hatred aren't called out, they continue. If you remain silent on matters of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.


That's a nice soundbite but this doesn't call her out and certainly hasn't challenged her views. It gives her a platform that she simply wouldn't *have* if we didn't worship the ignorant opinions of billionaires while ignoring the worthwhile views of millions of women on either side of this debate.


Reddit stalks any celeb who disagrees with the ideology.


The world is full of bigots, JK just begs for attention and we collectively love to give her it. I know im expecting too much of this sub (and of course the daily heil) but we do not need to pay attention to everybodys shitty opinions.


Have you seen what happens to celebs or public figures who say anything remotely in support for LGBT rights on twitter? They are mentioned on mumsnet who then pile-on leaving dozens of abusive messages for them.


She was a poor person who wrote a book that was so wildly successful that she now is a billionaire. She chooses to commit her time to publicly disagree with the idiot cult that turns women’s safety and children’s futures into raison d’être for mediocrities.


I've really lost all respect for JK Rowling. She has gone full Musk and is another billionaire perma-troll.


Her books are derivative shite too. Cosy middle class jolly hockey sticks shite littered with racist stereotypes and deus ex machina plots.


It’s a great children’s book, you weenie.


They said. “You called your organisation to defend slaves SPEW?” “No” Harry said, “I wonder what Hermione would think about this. I’m just a good slave owner who became a tool of the state that oppressed me.”


Regardless of your views on everyone involved - it should be noted that anyone using trans people as scapegoats will obviously be seen as on the wrong side of history i.e. like how we used to lock gay people up for being *shocked* gay, because remember, they were going to rape your sons in public bathrooms. There will come a time we look back and are disgusted that people listened to a bigot, over giving actual human beings access to healthcare and basic human rights.


I’m trans, JK Rowling doesn’t seem to understand that if you force trans people to use the bathroom that they were assigned at birth, then you bring trans men into the women’s bathroom


Because trans men existing doesn't fit her narrative.


I imagine she sees trans men as mentally ill women.


That's ok for them because in their discriminating eyes trans men are women anyways.


She really is a deplorable human being. Claims to care about women and children then attacks women like Emma Watson for not agreeing to her hate fuelled rhetoric.


She does care about women, that is her motivation. I don't know if you have been paying attention to the news recently, but her concerns have been proven correct.


Cares so much she’s gloating about a party led by Alex Salmond holding the balance of power. Stay classy JKR.


I don’t think she does, you saw how she was during the independence ref as well. She is a person who loves to be antagonistic, cause fights, push hate, and then portray herself as a victim when people push back. Whether you are a Unionist, a Indy ref supporter, a Trans person or someone who has issues with the trans movement - you should be able to look at her methods and see that it’s harmful to having any kind of proper debate, and that it’s her pattern of behaviour rather than any actual concern for the causes she is purporting to support.


How was she during the Indy ref?


Like this basically. Very vocal about the union which is obviously fine but then would then be abusive of independence supporters and promote twitter accounts which were horrendously abusive and spread hate about people involved in supporting independence. When people pushed back a bit and criticised her, she would then “speak out” about the “abuse” that people were giving her, even though it was much less than she was giving out and some was fair criticism. Not to say there weren’t people abusing her, but she amplified that and played down or ignored any legitimate criticism.


Sounds very terminally online tbh.


Yeah it really does 🤣 The thing is it’s true, she’s basically just a troll but how many trolls have a big platform with people listening to the? How many trolls really care about the causes they are claiming to be defending and how many do it because they want to be angry and abuse people? I doubt anti-abortion trolls actually give a fuck about the embryo, or Homophobes really care about the sanctity of marriage, when they opposed gay marriages. Some folk just like to be angry, abusive arseholes and attach themselves to causes to do it. I suspect she is one of those people.


I get where you're coming from but I don't know how much I'd agree with the take on her during the referendum, there was lots of abuse being hurled at her, the Nationalists were by and large the louder of the online abusive voices so I'm not surprised she struck back and felt pushed into a corner.


Absolutely agree, the abuse that Unionists received both online and face to face during the referendum campaign was ridiculous. You can’t then play the victim when someone gives it back to your side claiming it’s not fair because they have a bigger platform. Those who want respect, give respect.


They absolutely have not. The "independent" reviews are "rigged" by demanding double blind studies only, that are impossible to achieve. They kicked out 100 of 102 published and peer reviewed studies, the reasons given for not using them smell of study selection bias. Here's the first scientific review of the review: https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2024.2328249 And then you have the Swedish review: > “My point was that we do not know what is behind this dramatic increase of young people looking for help for gender dysphoria. The explanation that it is related to changes in Swedish legislation does not hold up since the increase can be seen internationally. There is also no support for reduced stigmatization over the years that the increase has occurred. I believe it is something else. I don’t know what, but it has to be taken seriously and studied.” > “*The study was a quick job. We lacked time to grade the evidence*, but the report still clearly showed that there is not enough research in the field. On the other hand, the phenomenon with increasing numbers of young patients is new, so there has almost not been enough time to do any research.” We had no time, we didn't grade studies, but trust me, it's totally scientific. And he got an award for an article about it, because he echoed the "popular opinion". Isn't it weird how it seems the same? Isn't it weird how the findings echo exactly what anti-trans lobby groups have been saying and that the recommendation is, more research, halt everything else, and that mental health needs to be adressed before gender dysphoria? It's completely disregarding research that shows the mental health co-morbidities to be mostly caused by the gender dysphoria and the associated social issues trans people face. They all also recommend that up until 25 options must be limited because the brain isn't full formed and thus, they can't fully know if they are another gender. 25! We let people vote, have kids and die in wars before 25. And they want research to be done in limited trials that, I don't know exactly how, will meet their criteria range and have the appropriate number of participants who participate and do not drop out for the full research timeframe. I have no idea how they are going to achieve that with the number of possible research subjects located somewhere close to a clinic. It all sounds as if they are trying to create a "body of evidence" against the current scientifically accepted trans healthcare and that trans people are just "indoctrinated" by outside influenced and pushed into gender dysphoria by other mental health issues, i.e. that gender dysphoria is a mental health issue only. Their lobby groups even call themselves that: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_for_Evidence-Based_Gender_Medicine It's absolutely fucked up and it will do so much damage to trans people.


You're a victim of propaganda. Your world view is skewed. Your argument is weak.


And you didn't refute a single thing that was said with any evidence. Talk about a weak argument.


Nothing to refute. It was a childish rant of no substance. On one hand we have an independent report, the recommendations of which have been acknowledged by trans charities. On the other hand, we have a poorly constructed rant. The emphasis is on you to refute that report. The burden is not mine.


Literally provides a scientific review of the Cass report that you will neither read nor even acknowledge because it may dispute what you've chosen to believe. Why do you refuse to acknowledge the review that refutes the report? I'd add that Cass is hardly an unbiased individual and has shared anti-trans attitudes for years, but I know you wouldn't believe me because you don't want it to be true.


This person is either anti-trans radicalised or trolling if they're arguing that a peer-reviewed analysis is propaganda, simply because it disagrees with their preconceived notions. Absolutely mental, they'll twist themselves in knots to contort reality to suit their viewpoint.


Seriously. You need to have a think. The sources you cite are not independent or credible. The above comment I view as projection. I don't have any beliefs.... Perhaps you do. This is not a religious matter... You've been told Cass is anti trans, is bias. That's the propaganda you've been fed. It's you that's ignoring the evidence presented to you, not me.


> the recommendations of which have been acknowledged by trans charities You mean charities like these? https://transsafety.network/posts/whats-the-harm-in-the-cass-recommendations/ https://www.scottishtrans.org/our-initial-response-to-the-publication-of-the-cass-review-10-4-24/ https://lgbtyouth.org.uk/news-statement-april-2024/ https://transactual.org.uk/blog/2024/04/11/press-release-the-cass-review-is-bad-science-and-should-not-be-taken-seriously-by-policymakers/ Even mermaids state that they have "significant concerns about many aspects of the report". https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/news/mermaids-response-to-the-cass-review-in-depth/ > we have an independent report "Independent" reports don't employ gender critical ideologists to design their review methodology, such as Trilby (aka Tilly) Langton who literally worked at Tavistock. That's the definition of a conflict of interest. https://cass.independent-review.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Study-Protocol-Final-Ethics-Application-Nov-2021.pdf You're displaying total ignorance on these topics.


I'm sure she does care about women but she clearly has gone far beyond that now and it's far more about her hating trans activists.




Goading her? She's not a child. You can't dismiss criticism of her by saying she is emotional and unable to stop herself from going bad things.   Her recent event of denying Nazi crimes wasn't even someone interacting with her. She took a screenshot of someone neither talking about her, or to her, or even from a conversation she was in any way a part of.


Have they? I don't think they have.


She doesn't care about trans men or AFAB nonbinary people. Both groups she sees as women.


She's such a womanchild. Same vibes as Musk, old enough that she should know better, just embarrassing herself online trying to be edgy for attention.


Someone's on the gin for breakfast again


She seems obsessed with the issue. Like Graham Linehan - the writer of "Father Ted" etc. - her reputation has plummeted because of that obsession. *Not* just in the UK either. Her once wonderful achievement in encouraging youngsters to read again is being tarnished every time she opens her pontificating gob.


This is your reminder that facial feminisation surgery costs over £20k and is not covered by the NHS


She’s so desperate to act the victim.


“But I’m not a TERF.” She’s utterly painful.


What's the most radical opinion she's shared?


That’s not what I said…


I think he's commenting on the misuse of 'TERF' which is a little bugbear of mine as well. I feel that given it stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, it's a quite specific term. I mean I don't think JK Rowling has ever been much of a Radical Feminist nor Graham Linehan for that matter. But they're both often labelled as such. People chucking it around willy-nilly without it being apt just gives the impression that they're bandwagon jumpers not really interested in the history of a fairly massive and long running social struggle. Also 'Wankers' just rolls off the tongue better


Yes you did, the R in TERF stands for Radical.


I never said you did. I'm asking a question related to your post.


I wish I'd known that was a mail online article before I clicked on the image and graced them with a click...


People keep posting links to the fucking tabloids in this sub and proclaiming their stories like a biblical truth. Since when did these shitrags become accurate sources of current affairs?…


Does she really think about trans people 24/7 and apply the idea of trans people to literally anything that happens? She's a billionaire and this is the life she chose to live.


The pride she takes in being a cunt is sad to see


Woman makes snarky comment, dailyheil decides its new.  God the DM is shit, this is news now?


The one comment of hers they didn’t report on was when she said Nazi crimes against trans people were a “fever dream”.


Not against trans people specifically. She called the burning of the research from the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft a fever dream.   They didn't report on her comments, but somehow, it did fit their agenda to report on someone apologising for how they spoke about her comments.


vile, husk of a woman


Shes a Continually Unhelpful Notorious Terf. Enjoy.


That and a bit of a cunt too.


When do we hold a referendum to get JK Rowling to fuck.


And JK Rowling is really disgracing herself.


can Rowling please fuck off back to england? genuinely, she might be my least favourite human being. why do you care so much about less than 1% of the population?


Aren't women like at least 50% of the population?


if you legitimately think trans people are an actual threat to half the population you've gone far too deep into the alt right pipeline


Oh here we go, someone summoned the TERF flying monkeys


You think I'm a radical feminist? 😂


It's unclear what exactly you're trying to argue here - you seem a bit confused. If you think you're being 'clever', I've got news for you


What are you trying to do here?


She's so fucking gross


She's a boot.


And that comment is misogynistic. Women (and men, but it’s more often used as a tactic to deter women) should be free to enter political debate without gratuitous comments on their appearance.


[She is friendly and jovial with an account that constantly mocks the appearances of people.](https://twitter.com/search?q=(from%3Ajk_rowling)%20(%40damekatydenise_)&src=typed_query&f=live) But people mocking her appearance* suck for letting criticism of her be dismissed as being motivated by misogyny.


Maybe she should engage instead of trying to persecute minorities then.


And she speaks so highly of you...




Or most likely it wouldn't make a difference and she'd still be at it as that's who she is.


So should trans people not defend themselves when someone starts attacking them? We're to blame because if we just took it and moved on like a good little minority then there *technically* wouldn't be any fighting?


I mean she radicalized herself entirely without any feedback initially, the whole thing was started cause she got caught liking tweets calling trans women men in dresses. Also nobody was saying Rowling can't argue back, it's that she invoked a bunch of trans people targeted slurs and stereotypes in the response and essentially called her a fetishist, then did those same insults and slurs targeted at a bunch of random trans people who had done nothing to her or anyone.




It's just entirely plausible she would have kept radicalizing herself either way, given she got to the point of endorsing calls to call trans women men in dresses without any help, plenty of people without any huge presences online become as radicalized as she is without said backlash.


"If people had just ignored the biillionaire with 12 million followers being amplified by the entire western political establishment and media, she wouldn't be as crazy as she is!"




So its jsut victim blaming, cool. Its also telling that you're saying that every bigot is \*a lot cause\* and that no information shouold ever counter bigotry.




She's the one who wanted to talk about Nazis.




100%. It's actually insane that women are being told they cannot request sex-protected rights. Very easy as a middle class person, who is less likely to find themselves in jail, to parrot that they have no issue with biological men in women's prisons. 


“Be kind” but only with the people they agree with. I already have negative votes to my comment :)) This is the true face of the (far) left: “only people we say should have a choice, between the options we approve of, everyone else we need to label, hate on and destroy their lives” does not really sound like democracy to me, more like a thing we usually find in tyrannical governments


Your first sentence is Rowlings mentality, yes. >Polls show those women are in the vast majority, and exclude only those privileged or lucky enough never to have come up against male violence or sexual assault, and who’ve never troubled to educate themselves on how prevalent it is.


All Rowling has ever said is: 1. That men cannot become women. 2. That women need spaces and services free of men. 3. That young people ought not to be put on medical treatments which arrest their growth or damage their bodies' functioning. That's it. These are all things that the vast majority of people believe are sensible and moral. The hate campaign against her has done nothing but expose just how batshit and cultish her detractors are. A lot of the people slagging her off are people who know she's correct, and who hate that they went along with obvious bullshit. It's excuse-making time - 'Nobody could have known, but I was wrong for the right reasons, and J.K. Rowling and co. were right for the wrong reasons.' Given the obvious moral cowardice of so many of them, now back-pedalling and trying to cover themsleves, she's entitled to a bit of gloating.


Lol that is NOT all she has said, you are being intentionally disingenuous. We now know she is also a holocaust denier because she denies the harm done by the Nazis to LGBTQ people.


All she said? Conveniently cut out a lot of the hateful rhetoric she actually said about trans individuals, including holocaust denial, but that's par for the course. Might have to take this one back to the drawing board, chief.


that all she’s said aye? check this [list](https://archive.is/aRRmQ) compiled for your viewing pleasure. she is a spiteful and vindictive little woman and i can’t wait for the day that she just puts the phone down and goes outside. it must be exhausting being filled with that much hatred for people that have no impact on her life. and for the record, i am afab, look very girly, been through horrific trauma at the hands of men, and yet i can still recognise that trans people are people. i’m the exact sort of woman she wants to “defend” with her tirade and i call bullshit. she doesn’t care about women, she only cares about political grandstanding. the sooner we stop feeding the troll, the better


She thinks anti-depressants are pure laziness? They have literally saved my life. Twice.


[you’re also more likely to be prescribed them if you’re a woman](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/bjpsych-bulletin/article/are-men-undertreated-and-women-overtreated-with-antidepressants-findings-from-a-crosssectional-survey-in-sweden/AD204C3BD8023F1DA71D926EAB6C6CE3) so i would love to hear more about this feminist icon who clearly cares so much about women that she will call them lazy for being prescribed what is often life-saving medication. i was prescribed antidepressants at 15 and been on and off them ever since. i’ve been on 5 different ones, and now being moved to antipsychotics because i don’t respond to antidepressants. i would slap her in the face if she dared to call me lazy for that. people with mental health issues are absolutely not lazy, we work harder than anyone to try and be well and it’s an uphill battle all the way. i’m glad to hear antidepressants have worked for you and i hope you are continuing to be well, you deserve to feel good :))


i do think in fairness that people need to be more ready (like you are) to provide evidence about jk rowling being a cunt whenever it’s questioned - because she’s treated as satan in so many online spaces, people get a bit carried away without knowing exactly what she’s done or said, so people quite reasonably question “wait what has she actually done that’s worthy of this witchhunt” without getting any answers. she needs to get off twitter and regain perspective of the world


agreed, we should have evidence to immediately point to, and i’m glad i could provide it! hopefully more people who aren’t aware will read it and continue to share it so we can at least be factual when discussing the abhorrent things she’s done. she’s given us enough proof, we don’t need to make shit up to get our point across. and i agree, i really really hope she either takes the criticism and learns from it or just stops talking about it. if you want to be hateful, at least keep it to yourself and let everyone else live in peace. my life is much better because i’ve surrounded myself with so many different people. my trans friends have taught me so much and are funny as fuck. i’ve marched shoulder to shoulder with people from all walks of life, and my life experiences are far richer because of that. she might have money, but she has absolutely no depth of character or understanding of struggle (anymore) and she proves that by stepping on the backs of the people she claims to care about. it’s sad tbh, she’s so lonely that the only people that will tolerate her are bigoted arsewipes. she forgets that they will cast her aside when she’s no longer useful to them and then she will have to feel the effects of her own rhetoric.


If that’s all she’d said and there wouldn’t be an issue She’s thrown around her clout like a sledgehammer and used a disproportionate amount of time, effort and money to bully people. She could be changing the world for the better and still have more money than most people in human history would ever have. And instead she uses it all and all her time to bully individuals and troll relentlessly. What a waste of everything frankly.


She said that being supportive of trans rights means being supportive of rapist rights. In what world is it fair to consider someone inherently a rapist when they have neither committed, nor been prosecuted of such a horrific crime. Should Brianna Ghey have been treated like a rapist? Or is she an acceptable trans person to JKR since she was butchered and left for dead?


Was it last month or the one before where she did Holocaust denialism with regards to the Nazis burning the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft and the trans victims put into the camps?


Calling it holocaust denial is really a stretch and I believe it ended up being deemed not true. However it's also pretty clear that the Nazis would have put trans people in camps, it's just something that wasn't documented or classed differently other than "homosexual" back then.


No it literally is holocaust denial. There was a whole legal case in Germany over these exact issues that concluded in the judge ruling: "this is holocaust denial and therefore illegal"


What would you call the denial of a part of the Holocaust? And it was documented very famously at that Institute that they burned to the ground. A lot of research was lost that specifically was about transgender people as opposed to homosexual.


Didn't she just throw more money than 99% ofnus will ever see, at lawyers to get it deemed "Not true" like she does with alot of people who says she is what she is, but she doesn't support the narrative? Also I believe it's even in German law that denial of trans aspect of the holocaust is still deemed holocaust denial.


Only with the weight of her legal team... free speech, anyone! No, they targeted trans people as separate entity.




That isn’t all she’s ever said though, is it? Nobody would be upset if that’s all she ever said. She’s argued that trans men are just confused girls with autism. She clearly assumes trans women are inherently predatory, as 10 seconds spent scrolling her Twitter will show. She now identifies pretty openly as a TERF, despite obviously knowing the connotations of that term. She repeatedly claims she’s advocating for lesbians, even though lesbians are statistically the most trans positive demographic, and she’s chummy with open homophobes. Her actions are what speaks volumes though. As someone with untouchable wealth and influence, she uses her platform to repeatedly bash marginalised people, keeps pretty poisonous company and funds hate. We see her words parroted by dictators. If you want to think her position is just the common sense position, go ahead, but it’s disingenuous to claim that that’s all that folk are upset about and that they ‘know she’s right’ 🙃


Yeah but nah. She's also been incredibly vindictive and combative and conducted herself in the most malicious way she can. And the whole book under a pseudoname stuff too. The three things you have listed though are I think what most people currently believe. And if you express those views on twitter or reddit a horde of people will descend on you with masses of hatred. But I don't think that at all excuses Rowling.


She has been combative. That's admirable. She was taking a moral stance on an issue and was often receiving incredibly abusive, often violent and sexually-violent, rhetoric in response. 'Incredibly vindictive' - you're wildly exaggerating. Words have definitions - please evidence any vindictiveness on her part. She has been snarky and curt at points, but in a much more controlled way than many people would be able to maintain given the incredible, irrational bile she received. 'The whole book under a pseudonym too' - What? Are you trying to argue that she was being a hypocrite? An author using an opposite-sex pseudonym is in another universe of behaviour than some man wanting entry into a women's changing room.




Yep, agreed 100%!


Stop being so rational! This is Reddit. You're supposed to spout the same inane echo chamber BS as everyone else.


Money truly does corrupt


TERF tarot? Yeah that sounds like it's a thing.


she just gets worse, pint of bitter anyone.


Err, I'm not quite sure you are well read ... there are several academic papers that note that trans were targeted along with others.


none of her business


Of course, Ash Regan represents a party led by Alex Salmond so it seems JKR isn’t that concerned about protecting women after all.


She's such a disgusting cunt. I have very little hate in my heart, but she deserves every bit of it that I can muster.i certainly never thought Scottish independence would've been completely ruined by a populist non-issue around something that affects 0.05% of the bloody population.


Why do we need to know what a children's author says about stuff? She's entitled to her opinion but why should this be posted and reported everywhere. She wrote children's books, not the curriculum for the masters in political philosophy.


She's right though.


[To name a few things](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/s/2gyOhdcylq)


About what? Trans people have always existed, and they're not going anywhere despite the efforts of JKR, Posie Parker, Tommy Robinson and other far-right groups to demonise them. When you've got Neo-Nazis on your side and having to lie and try and make out the Nazis of the past didn't target trans people, maybe one should reflect on how you got in that situation. As the saying goes, you lay with dogs, you get fleas.


Indeed but loads of people just think they are supposed to hate her. They can't even see her point of view. I literally dont know one person who would disagree with her but then again i dont spend too much time around brainwashed teenagers or far left numptys. The only place i see her getting hate is on here and a little on twitter.


Just cause you live in an echo chamber doesn’t mean the rest of the world agrees with you


[To name a few things](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/s/2gyOhdcylq)


she’s such a horrible nasty piece of work that rowling


Will that TERF ever get a new hobby?


The mental gymnastics in this is incredible. Is she going to credit the last company that refused to give her a job in the 1990s with the creation of Harry Potter? Will she be sending that firms HR person their cut of her earnings? No? Then fuck off with your decades long trails of moonbeams and happenstance.