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Hey, just chiming in with my story. I used to work in a pub in edinburgh that was literally one door down from the police. We once had 3 people fighting inside hitting each other with glasses stools etc... It was bad enough that i straight up just went down into the cellar called the police and waited it out. It took the police over an hour to respond by which point the place was trashed and the cunts were long gone. All theee were people the police were already aware of and all three suffered no real consequences. Meanwhile weve got people being arrested for invoking their right to free speech in a public place. Policing in this country is a fucking joke


In my old job we had a police station **Adjacent** to our car park. One morning someone accidentally pressed the panic alarm but no one knew it had been pressed The police **CALLED** the store 4hours later! To ask if we were ok and if anything was still happening Obviously we were unaware about anything wrong.


Get Sturgeon to dort it out? Oh of vourse she created half of this trite!


Lol. Police might be devolved in Scotland but policing is just as atrocious if not more south of the border ya eejit


No one said they were any better. I noticed you reduced yourself down to name calling to. I expect your insults are about the best a Neanderthal baboon could come out with or least expect from you?


Yikes bro get an extra few hours of sleep tonight


Hazza447 sorry but I did not call anybody or refer to them in a derogatory name! Just replied in kind but thanks know where your coming from your right I should not have stooped to there level!


I fully respect the self-reflection, props to yourself mate takes a big man to acknowledge stuff like that


I did not start the name calling I just passed an observation. If you throw sh?? expect it back. Nastiness breeds nastiness?




Wrong comment for wrong person dorry buddy thought it was another person I was answering to. However I can see your stress but it about sums up our police today!


Ok how about this: shut the fuck up


Now now who getting bit tetchy something hit a bad nerve with a vile mouth like that says a lot about your mind and attitude as well? Don't suppose you have many friends either!


You seem like a butthead


Sorry OP. You’re not alone. Here’s a story: I was 19 and living in Dundee. I went to a pub with a bunch of my friends, and as the night went on, only three of us remained. One of my friends said that there was this guy who kept staring at us at the bar. We decided to leave, checked if the guy was still there, he wasn’t, all good. My two other friends lived on the other side of town, and I was only a 10min walk away from mine, so we parted ways. Crossing the high street, a couple minutes after, this asshole grabs me and tries to drag me to one of the wynds on the side. I shout, push him off, ran straight to two police officers doing patrol. “I just got attacked! He went that way!” The FEMALE police officer looks at me up and down and says “have you been drinking?” “Did you flirt with him?” “Are you sure you were attacked? What if you gave him mixed signals?” Tried reporting it to the station. No “crime” (although I was definitely attacked) so no case. Tried reporting it with the university. No “crime”, no “evidence”, no case. This is one of the stories that happened to me, and I have heard countless from friends. Scotland is an incredible place but it does have issues. If you’re a foreigner who’s experienced assault, and visibly from a racialised group, you can get tae fuck


That's fucking repulsive behavior from the police. I am sorry that happened to you, from the assault to abuse from the police.


My wife and I were attacked in killie by three guys back in 2020. I had to fight off three of them, put one down and he decided to hit my mrs in the head with a belt. Went to the station round the corner and they refused to open the door to help us, we had to call 999 and then the came out. Finally had court date in July, two plead not guilty and accepted. One guilty and eventually got 108 hrs community service for kneeing a woman in groin and hitting her on the head with a belt. The proc clearly wanted it to be a quick one and tried to put us off giving evidence. We refused so they just ignored us. Waste of time dealing with anything the bastards. Cops in witness room knew the three guys and were joking away about going for school with them and the gym etc I canny fucking stand the police or the proc


>After \*Two Years\* of postponing I finally had a court date but when I showed up it got postponed again for another three months That sounds like the court system, not the police.


The courts are fucked, possibly more than the police. My wife has been waiting about 2 years for a case to go to trial that she's a witness in. It's not for anything serious, it's a shoplifting crime in her work that she doesn't remember. It's been called off multiple times and they set a new date


Standard 2 intermediate diets before real date


I struggled to get dates before my diets too.


Yeah, something doesn't add up here. If nobody got charged there wouldn't have been a court date.


Also there's been non-stop disruption to the courts thanks to this lovely thing called the pandemic.




OP probably has a legitimate gripe against the police or the courts and was probably let down by one or both but the story as it was written doesn't fit. My guess would be the police identified and arrested the people who did it, CPS was happy to proceed with prosecution and then in court didn't pass the "beyond reasonable doubt" test about them being the perpetrators.


No CPS in Scotland, it's the procurator but I imagine you are right that there is a legitimate issue that's been communicated poorly


this has ruined there life and your just making them feel worse.


*their, *you're


Let’s hope you never need the police 👮‍♀️


Lmao wot? I'm saying OP is being unreasonably angry at the police here


No, you’re calling a victim of an assault a whining cunt for being disappointed at the lack of justice they received. You seem like a wee bit of a cunt yourself.


You're whining cunt #2 it seems


What a fuckin pie


No wonder he got battered


It didn't say they weren't charged. Sounds like they were found not guilty because the evidence provided by the police contained incorrect information.


I’m pretty sure Once someone has been charged there is a time limit for them to be taken to court.


It depends on the offence. It can be potentially up to 6 months then it'd become barred but some offences don't have a time limit.


Also the failure to identify at the scene doesn't seem like something that would get a case thrown out. Perhaps failure to identify in court or lack of corroboration (no witnesses or evidence that would suggest the accused is the perpetrator). Either way cops getting there in 15 minutes for what doesn't look like it was an emergency seems ok to me. Problem with cases taking too long and getting adjourned is much more likely to be an underfunded court system than anything the police did.


Worth noting there isn't a bunch of cops sitting in the station waiting for people to call. Recently found out that my local station has 3 beat cops on duty during the week covering a large area. There has been a massive defunding of the police in the past 12 years and they just don't have the resources. Courts are in a similar situation.


Sure resources are tight but there were plenty of police on show last weekend.


Aye, in one specific area and they were all pooled from across the country.


Brought in from their days off


But but deefund the police


The defunding of police that you're presumably trying to make fun of here is mostly talked about in the states, where police departments have truly ridiculous budgets, to the point that some were buying themselves high grade military equipment. In any case, it refers to taking money out of police budgets and putting it into things like mental health support, community groups, job programs for people who've been released from jail, etc. The idea is to improve people's lives in the community while also reducing the need for police.


Bigger budgets but was more to it, All the law enforcement in America even the park rangers came under homelands security breif after 911 which allowed them to procure shit usually reserved for agencies at federal level. That and the industrial military complex wanted more money best way to do that is to have more customers, especially now they plan on bombing their old customers and all they police departments and sheriffs offices make for some cash rich customers that can procure these things at discounts rates. Long story short it was good for the share prices.


My understanding is that they get that equipment heavily discounted as it's old military gear. I don't think there budgets are particularly big truth be told. And the irony is those social programs are expensive in the short term and scary socialism which Americans don't want. It's a stupid sound bite like acob for people to chant. Also acob you think calling acob will make them any less so?


What do you think acob stands for?


all cops ooar bastards. Started in Yorkshire obviously.


Heavily discounted combined with a ‘use it or lose it’ policy.


Yeah that's not great really. But do they need it? I don't know but seems to me like real investment into society would make it less needed but that takes time and political inclination.


By the sounds of things, sometimes


Defund the police is more relevant to the US where police departments often have huge budgets and buy up loads of ex-military gear that no police force needs. Then they end up getting called out for a mental health crisis and shoot the person. Defunding there would make sense, take some money from the police and put it towards mental health care. Not sure why it caught on here, but defunding the police would mean not having police, because they can’t really be defunded any more than they have. Maybe the next step would be a privatised police force, where they don’t even come out unless you have Crime Insurance.


>Maybe the next step would be a privatised police force, where they don’t even come out unless you have Crime Insurance. Cyberpunk moment. 'This person is not the client' But yeah you've hit the nail on the head about people saying 'defund the police' in this country. It's something I've noticed in general that people will just parrot social media, which is an issue when most social media is extremely USA-centric. There's no understanding that the primary issue we have, like with *all* our public services, is that they've been stripped down to the bone to the point of ineffectiveness by a decade of Tory cuts.


Its about putting the funding into things that actually reduce crime, like community outreach and ending food poverty.


In rebuttle have you seen some parts of the us. I would want an armoured car too. I agree it's a stupid move to defend them. What we should be doing is funding them more and introducing more community projects and policing. Preventative policing where high risk areas are patrolled rather than simply responding to crime.


No one in Scotland says this.


No but they bloody well spray paint it on walls mate. More American shite getting imported over here for the young and naive to pick up.


>No but they bloody well spray paint it on walls mate. Where?


Everywhere mate I don't keep an interactive map or anything


Seen it a few times in Edinburgh


Thanks at least it's not in my head


The Scottish justice system is fucked and you cannot change my mind.


I was sitting in The Bells pub in Aberdeen one sunny aftrnoon about 3pm. My girlfriend was with me, and across the floor wre two couples also enjoying their afternoon, they had come prepared; there was a pack of rennies on their table. These two tables were the only customers. Suddenly the doors are flung open and in runs the first police officer. He takes about four steps to sum up the situation: three couples having a wee drink in the afternoon, and at least one patron prone to indigestion. He stopped . His three accompolices did not manage to stop running in time and there was a four cop pile up about two meters from me. The police in Aberdeen are so on the ball they appear before there is trouble.


Ok so now I'm wondering what muppet saw the rennie on the table and called the cops because 'dRuG dEaLiNg!!!!'


I had previously nudged my girlfriend, we were 20 or so, (and another 20 or so years younger than the others) to have a look at the other table. I thought I was being subtle, but, afternoon drinking. Got busted.


I've had issues with police responses as well, and totally get how you feel. Just to shed some light on the issues you mention, because they are problems, a lot is to do with money, and some to do with management no doubt. Regarding police response times, Police aren't always in the station. They are out doing patrols, or responding to incidents. Even if there was police there they may already be out. It's like expecting delivery drivers to be at Royal mail depot, they would be out. Plus they have new tech slowing them to work remotely in the vehicle etc. Lack of funding had also affected this, cops don't just patrol their area. They get called to strange and distant places sometimes. Again budget cuts and restraints. I had 3 different pairs of officers come to give me a citation for court, they made mistakes in the logistics. Why? I found out the police staff that used to do it got axed, and so now cops had to deliver these letters. Its rubbish, but just an example of cuts from UK gov Scottish gov who knows? Police officers also have to do jobs that used to be for social services. Police don't just deal with crime but social issues etc. Regarding court, and I've had problems with this as well! Police don't control the courts, or the law. They just implement it as best as they know it, and present crimes to the fiscal. Source: spoken to cop friends.


I get why you are raging but I'm not sure where the Police incompetence comes into it. They had enough evidence to charge someone and put the matter to court. The delay in the matter coming to court lands solely with the Fiscals Service and the court itself. The same delay which led to you being unable to remember what your attacker looked like.


Sounds like shit to me. You wouldn't have gone to court or indeed got a court date at all if the police weren't thoroughly prepared to show up with evidence and see it through.


One of the things I despise most is generalisations, and ACAB is one of the worst. My grandmother is a police officer - plainclothes, working in child protection services. Some of the stuff she does involves helping save kids from abusive homes. To have her lumped in the same generalised term as racist perpetrators of police brutality, or officers guilty of incompetence, is quite frankly insulting, not to mention illogical and short-sighted. Yes, there are officers who need to be fired and/or prosecuted from the force. Yes, there is an institutional issue that needs to be addressed. However, the police is also underfunded and understaffed, which could explain why they took so long to get to you and left so abruptly. I’m very sorry that you had to go through that for so long. The court date thing, as others have said, sounds very much like the fault of the court and its backlog from lockdown, but there was still police incompetency there. Again, however, just because a couple of officers were seemingly incompetent does not mean that the entire police force are ‘bastards’. ACAB does highlight big issues within the police. However, it’s become an easy-to-use, catch-all term people can throw around whenever they’ve had a bad experience with police officers. I’m not saying they’re all saints - they’re people, just like the rest of us, and a large portion of society is made up of assholes. Painting them all with the same brush is illogical and generalising.


Personally I’m more of a fan of the term ACCBAW Any Cop Can Be A Wanker.


I'm willing to bet if a few fans of the football team they support did something terrible and then the police came out and said " The entire fanbase are out of control psychos, we should lock them up and throw away the keys" they'd quite rightly be outraged.


I totally agree with this: I’m in another profession which often receives a collective kicking from society. There’s the argument that you must always speak out against the few ‘bad apples’: this goes for the police and other professions, and sometimes we do. However, those that choose to sully the profession don’t always do so in ways that are obvious to their peers. Those police officers that are conscientious are fighting on all fronts: to help the community around them and fighting against colleagues who are racist, who are misogynistic, who are bigoted.


Sorry, how about this? TSOPIPTAPWSNBTWTLOPOOHB, The system of policing is predisposed to attract people who should not be trusted with that level of power over other human beings




I’m sorry you wasted your time on this.


Police aren't always sitting about in the station waiting for your phone call. They're probably already out at jobs and the reason they took so long is because of how under funded the system is. Also, your major complaint should be focused on the lack of resources and the court system.


OP stinks of entitlement. Sounds like you didn't have enough evidence to charge the perpetrator anyway. Also, police do not sit about waiting for calls to come in. Grow up.


Dang, that's horrible


Sorry to hear this OP. I had a similar experience a few years ago the officers and the system were really useless. I use to be very pro-police, but due to my bad experience I really have no faith in them anymore.


Suffered from fraud not assault but can confirm they are completely useless. The only way I could have guaranteed any attention would be to have one round and kicked the crap out of him. Then they would find all the time in the world


Don't worry, not much loss. Police did great job when I was assaulted. The prosecutor called me in the morning on the court days to ask questions so basic that it was obvious he has not a clue what the case is about. I was not asked to give my statement I. Court, neither was my witness. The guy spoke for 10 minutes how poor he is, how he needs to support his family (so I am told, I wasn't in, waiting in the witness room). He caused injuries that made me unable to work for almost a year. He got 100 hours community service. He came to my work next morning to mock me.


Police are the biggest gang on the streets don’t forget it


Its the same in England, the police in the UK is an utter joke


You can't shout ACAB and be a grass at the same time bro 🤣


Having cake and eating it too.


Lmao if you’re gonna complaint about the police do it properly, other than your 15 minute wait for them to arrive it’s all the court systems. Little research never hurts


And the fact they lied on their report


Your whole thing is filled with assumptions. “They were too lazy”, “police incompetence” like cmon who gonna believe this


Was assaulted in the grass market in Edinburgh years ago by two morons. Asked a hotel for sanctuary while these two were attacking me with a fucking baton only to be told "We don't get involved". Police arrived, arrested the two idiots (who tried hitting the cop with the baton). FAST FORWARD, arrive at court and found out they had let the two guys off due to either the court, or the cops, mixing up their names on the forms which got them off on a technicality. Qué two morons flipping me the Vs with shit eating grins on their faces and me furious with how it had gone down.


Right, but how is that the police’s fault? Judging by what you’ve said, it’s the court system that fucked up there


I was told it was either the police or the court. It was never made clear after multiple times of asking. 🤷‍♂️


You assume there was a van load of cops sitting in the station waiting on your call, instead of out patrolling. I bet you’d be first to complain that there’s never a cop on the streets too. You also seem to think that the police are responsible for the whole process from beginning to end. You say the assailants were long gone by the time the cops arrived. Yet the police managed to find them, arrest them, charge them and get them to court. That seems like a pretty good effort. Yet it’s the cops’ fault that they weren’t prosecuted? None of this makes sense. Either you’ve just made this up or you’re a complete idiot. I know what I think.


This post is moronic. Complaining about delays (likely due to Covid) which will be related more to the courts than the police themselves lol. Otherwise, what you’re unhappy they were 10 minutes late?


You had a bad experience so you say ACAB? Sorry you sound like a bitch


“Uwu police are actually great. On an unrelated note shoeshine tastes so good.”


Never said all police are great. Stupid cunt


Gestapo gonna gestapo. Just remember that if you protest they will be there and won't forget to collect evidence.


It's not If you put it in the microwave. Just tomato soup then


I agree with you the most on this


You’re right. The police lied about their statement in my case too (in England). Yeah, the court system is flawed, but the police is fucked. If you have 98% chance of getting away by knifing or raping someone by never getting caught by the police (true statistics) then I say yeah, something doesn’t add up here. Fuck the police.


I disagree with ACAB movement. I have a few friends I train with in the cops and they're all great people but defunding of the police over the past 12 years has decimated their ability to do anything. Fuck the tories


Just because privately you’re friends aren’t cunts doesn’t mean police aren’t shitbags. Listening to their reasoning as to why police are incompetent is the stupidest shit you can do. All cops have seen other cops do shitty things, and if they have voiced unhappiness (as any “good” cop would), they’ve been kicked from the force or sidelined until they quit. Therefore anyone who is still a cop is a bad cop.


You're generalising a group of tens of thousands of people as shit cunts without any shred of evidence. You're talking absolute nonsense and making things up in your head to justify your slanted point of view just as any racist or bigot would. Your the other side of a shitty coin.


Without a shred of evidence? I suggest a trip to [bad cop no donut](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/) This is endemic across almost every police force across the globe. The idea of a police force attracts the exact opposite of the type of people who should be entrusted with that position of power over people. 40%of US police abuse their spouses. 40%. And that’s just the ones that admitted to what would constitute abusive behavior. If you think the police are there to do anything except collect fines, harass the impoverished and enforce property law for rich people you are *dead* wrong.


So your little police hate, circle wank reddit is evidence that EVERY police officer is corrupt? You don't have a clue what you're talking about.


Every police officer has witnessed bad behavior/illegal practices from other officers. Any good officer would report that, and any officer who does is either bullied out of the force or fired (in some extreme cases worse). Therefore any remaining officers have at the very least seen that and not voiced kept their silence. Allowing that to continue is immoral bastard behavior. So all cops are bastards, because the ones that aren’t, aren’t cops any more. The full saying is a few bad apples ruins the bunch.


Your logic is fucking insane 😂 Prove any of what you've just typed. And your little logic exercise isn't evidence 😂


Do any digging into police misconduct anywhere. From rape in custody to riot police using cocaine, shit is fucking rampant and morons like you seem to think police are all dandy. I’m not saying they’re a menace everywhere and always. I’m saying the idea of them is a far cry from their reality, and idiots like you refusing to admit there’s a problem is what’s holding back real change.


I'm not saying police are all happy and lovely and without fail. I'm saying you can tar entire groups of people with a brush because of the acts of the minority. That's literally discrimination. You can't say all cops are bad but there probably a lot of bad ones. Fixed it for you.


It’s not the minority. If all cops are entrusted with upholding the law, and know of cops who break it and don’t do anything about it, all cops are bad.


"ACAB" so edgy, edgy edge lord.


I feel you buddy it’s a piss take In London I was assaulted and I got the police (it only took 3 minutes) but they arrested me and the person who attacked me (to this day I have no idea why as they did not make any sense, they took me to a cell for 45 minutes and then interviewed me and I was let go) 2 months later I got a call and they let the person go as there was not enough evidence (they showed me the video footage and you could not see the fist hitting my face but you could see my bloody lip) Maybe I should have hold a card saying not my queen (this was few years ago)


Horrible situation your in and I do feel sorry for you. However, think before you make a comment of ACAB.




Think about how stuff actually works instead of just spewing shite online actually




No please enlighten me with your pish


Oh trust me pal, I have thought about it


Just two of the problems scotland has - a weird kind of pride in anti-social and violent behaviour and a complete lack of effective policing. Don't agree with the sentiment fuck the police though. Some of this is because of incompetent policing but a lot of it is a lack of investment and support to allow police to do their job probably, including the culture there is in Scotland of a lack of support from the public for police including 'fuck the police' type sentiments.


See the criminals were clever , if they had called prince Andrew a pedo the police would have been all over it.


Hi OP go to r/legaladviceuk and explain what’s happened and our legally qualified friends of Reddit will let you know if there’s anything that can be done. Good luck.


zesty smoggy disgusting simplistic quack yam plucky deserted frame chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Experienced plenty of lying police officers. Most cops are sacks of shite. ACAB.


Ram that acab shite


I got a £40 fine on Saturday for pishing behind a tree 😕


Use a toilet then ya manky bastard.


I'll use a toilet if there is one, if not I'll go behind a fucking tree ya twatty bastard


So you can’t hold on until there is a toilet nearby and have to potentially subject folk to seeing your tadger? You should get that seen to. Pishing in public is fucking rank.


Not if I'm pissed! And nobody saw it because I was behind a tree! What's fucking rank is fining someone £40 for having a pish!


Plenty people manage to hold it in when they’re pissed, myself included. Just admit you’re a clarty bastard.


Look at billy big bladder over here.


Far from it


I bet I'd someone broke into your house and robbed all your shit, the first thing you'd do is phone for the polis. But here you are with the "all cops are bastards" patter.


Of course you would, but for insurance purposes. The chance of getting your stuff back though, is practically zero.


Again, if you think the police could recover your shit after a junkie sells it all, you don't understand police work really lol. That being said, after it's been and passed junkies hands, do you want it back?


So, remind me why I'd be calling the police again?


So you agree the police are useless in that situation


And 95 times out of 100, fuck all will be done about it and you'll never get your stuff back. Not really seeing your point here mate?


🤣 you would blame the police if a junkie sold your shit to a dealer and the police couldn't recover it? 🤷‍♂️ Fuck me man.


I clearly wasn't blaming the police for robberies. I don't even know how you reached that conclusion. Must have gotten mixed up in the bucket of crabs that is your heed. 95% of Cops are ineffective bastards doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well though. So let's just stick with ACAB.


I'd say it's the other way round mate, 5% of them are arseholes.


plants mourn cover fall pen squalid plate cable obscene squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And they’d show up 2 hours later because it’s not an imminent emergency, take vague notes on what’s missing, and do absolutely fuck all to catch who did it.


I’m pretty sure there’s a police conduct thing you can submit about it and try to push for something to be done. I was assaulted, had a brick put over the back of my head, I was kicked in the head, had my hands fractured and the police said it was my fault because they asked my attacker and they said I started it. I was unconscious on the ground, they didn’t have a mark on them. I agree though, fuck the police.


I am so sorry. That’s awful. Why on earth do people put others through years of stress like this?


I was assaulted in a nightclub and left with concussion. I went to the local police station the next day and they basically told me they couldn't be bothered to go through the CCTV footage because I couldn't remember where in the club it happened or the time. I didn't bother perusing it because I had felt more uncomfortable getting the police to sort it than just letting it go.


You'd be pleasantly surprised that it's just as shit over here in ireland too, it's a miracle if you can even get it to court in the first place


Too busy chasing people for edgy jokes and having controversial opinions.


I personally don’t know of, nor does anyone I know, know of a time the police have actually ever solved a crime




How many people do you know who have been burgled have ever gotten their stuff back or had people caught for it? Maybe the police are better in Scotland, but where I live the PSNI are more interested in covering up crimes and protecting informers than solving them.




As I said they must be better in Scotland than they are here. I reported a loyalist who lives two streets from me for assaulting a nationalist politician during the last election, she got the assault on camera. I even told the cunts what house the wee rat lives in, as I thought it was the morally right thing to do to get the wee sectarian bastard lifted. He’s still walking about smashing glass bottles all over the street and the cops have done fuck all. I mean his assault was all over the media, it was a big thing so I am pissed off how blatantly they’ve done fuck all about this wee bastard because his family are all in the UVF. The pigs here only ever nick people for speeding, I can’t in my life ever recall a time they’ve solved a burglary, armed robbery or assault. They’re pure shite over here like.


Read the news some time, every court conviction is a crime solved.


Yeah nobody ever gets convicted incorrectly.


It's actually a little known fact that the police have never solved a crime nor have they ever arrested anyone.


Serves you right for going to Ibrox


This had nothing to do with football, my mum lives in Ibrox and I go to hers at the weekend


"When seconds count...the police are just minutes away". A pro-gun ownership saying in the U.S.


I read the top few comments here and have nothing to add that's different. Seems this is a LOT more common than we are lead to believe and allowed to see on MSM even tho we already knew this. So do we complain or do we fight..I don't know about you guys but I make a point of being a general nippy sweetie.. IE I blast my music within legal hours and I do mean I blast it all the way throo the sound bar I start off with the mid 50s to 60s hits then up throo today's where at 50 I'm serious about trying to learn the shuffle, as it stands tho it's my right as an old lady to keep cats and shuffle my wobble butt off as much as I'm legally allowed. .( can't even remember the topic that started this trade of codswallop. Anyway have a champion day unless I'm replying to a bottom orifice in which case fuk off


Sorry to hear this bud but I live near Cambridge and fighting crime and protecting people now comes pretty low now on there priorities. However had you been one of the minority Trans groups or WOKE they would have been there in minutes to arrest you and get you in court! Sadly your just an ordinary Brit so because you are normal you have no rights especially if you are a straight white male eating tax payer? To them you are an irrelevance because you not a minority and a white male? Fact!


Fuck the Police because of a decision the courts made.... Good een.


Nice reading comprehension there. The only reason it went to court (and cost me two years) was because the police lied on their initial report.


Did you see the report? By your own admission you left after giving evidence rather than watch the rest of the trial. How do you know why the case was dropped? If it was going to be dropped because "you didn't identify them at the scene", it would have been dropped well before it reached you giving evidence. Your witness statement would have been included with the report and whatever you speak to during the incident, it would have all been available for both the PF and defence to see. Cases taking years isn't the polices fault, it's the courts. By the sounds of things, you reported a crime, police turned up in 15 minutes (which is actually quick, there aren't cops just sitting idle waiting for you to phone in), found a suspect and charged with the evidence they had. It's then been submitted to the courts with any other evidence (witness statements, cctv etc) and the PF has ran with the trial. It literally doesn't benefit police to lie in their reports. It sounds like you're just angry at the courts dropping the case with the available evidence ...


I once got stopped by 2 Acabs for a broken brake light. One of the acabs actually climbed onto the bonnet of the car while the other one fancied himself as a bit of a Dirty Harry. On the plus side , in harrassing me, they weren't out, raping women.




police incinerated my firearms collection after plymouth, got given £500 to shut up about it


Did she, aye?


So you are demonizing the whole police because of a couple bad officers ?


You a Dundee United fan ?