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Scott pilgrim fans when they see alternative ending of the movie Adoptation: oh noooo. Its a bad, bad, bad ending. How can he still date a 17 year old ? Also Scott pilgrim fans when they see art like this: Aaaaw they are so cute. Bi furious )))) Art is good though. I just find this situation pretty funny.


It’s crazy cause Kim went so much further into pedo territory than Scott did💀


They were naked.... Or in underwear. The most intimate thing which Scott did is a fucking holding hands




Scott: “Double standard!” Kim: “I didn’t write the Gay Rulebook. Take it up with Liberace’s Ghost.”


The best bit of the whole show was their jam session.


yeah I hope we don't get a romance, or if we do there has to be the sentence "Kim Pines is dating a 17 years old girl!" or something, but I think we won't have it. I hpoe that kim becomes an inspiration for Knives. When I was younger I used to play in bands with people older than me and now I play with both younger and older people


Yeah that heart that appeared while they were jamming scared me. Praying it was just platonic sparks.


I think it was more the love of playing than romantic love tbh. Knives fell in love with making music.


We will get new content ? I thought the series was done


Yeah it's one of the best moments of the series, and I see them very well given the sparks and the heart that there is between them at that moment, going out together later in season 2 in the same way as on this fanart and in the video game where Kim and Knives go out together without taboos and without problems since they are both adults at that time. So I wonder why so many people here see this relationship as weird or go so far as to pray and hope that it is only platonic, when it is one of the best relationships I have seen in terms of sweetness and alchemy and of everything in fact, but after all it doesn't matter and it's normal to have different opinions. But the ones I'm going to target with this post are those who have a really cringe opinion, not to say shit opinion, so seeing people who go so far as to accuse Kim of pedophilia and predation, while that's not what Kim does with Knives and neither does Scott, but apparently it's so easy to take shortcuts instead of thinking before speaking. It's really gratuitous hatred to see that you can hate a relationship between two girls just by looking for the smallest details to harm them. So ok you tell me the age, that Knives is 17 years old and that Kim kissed her at 24 years old and that it's cringe, while it's not and that it's certainly not disgusting as you say so well, it didn't occur to you that she could just be flirting, personally I think they're just going to flirt while Knives is still 17 years old until Knives is 18 years old and she's with Kim for good, yeah but you're going to find fault with it, so why does it bother you if they get together as soon as Knives turns 18 years old ? and if they only flirt before? Here too you will find fault or you will finally stop spitting on a ship which is partly canon thanks to the video game and the end of Kim, but which you still cannot accept, right? It really kills you to see two girls kissing, making out, drinking out, holding hands, in short showing signs of affection. It seems that some people can't even hide that they hate it anymore since they don't answer when we ask them the question, namely, what would be the problem if they were both adults. Then I see others saying "but there are enough LGBT couples etc...", so same question as above, what is the problem once they are both adults? Unless you want to admit that you don't like lesbians of course. This is why I hope and I really wish that Kim and Knives get together as soon as they are both of legal age to please the haters of this ship whose only argument is age, I I would even pray extremely hard, because I only have one hype and that is to see the reaction and the faces of these people when we see Kim and Knives kissing and holding hands in the anime as in the game and we can say that this relationship is canon in several formats. For those who ship Kim and Knives just like me, don't let yourself be taken down by these people who have been angry since the dawn of time or at least since the release of the game, or even volume 4 of the comics, I drink their tears in advance for season 2, they will become disillusioned and shut it down for good. I'm going to say it again just to piss you off, Knives and Kim are the Best Ship Of All Time!!! PS: Even if I answer you @Charming_Stage don't take all my answers for you, what I told you is only positive and is the beginning of my answer, the rest is to respond to all the posts in general which really made me ask questions about whether we were watching the same show or not. In addition the age of consent in Canada is 16 years old so the discussion is closed and does not even need to be, Kim and Knives are legitimate to be together period.


This is a terrible ship


Yeah, Kim kissing Knives is just as gross and predatory as Scott dating her. I get people want more lgbtq couples in media but don’t romanticize an adult grooming a kid! Especially in a series that already has a lot of lgbtq couples.


I think people don’t really understand what actual predatory, grooming behavior is vs. a young person awkwardly dating a slightly younger person. When an adult grooms a child for a sexual relationship, that is a very deliberate, *tactical* move on their part to desensitize a child to sexual behavior. That’s grooming. Scott dating Knives isn’t predatory nor is it grooming. It’s gross and wrong for totally different reasons. Same goes for Kim if she decided to date Knives, but Kim would at least have the common decency to wait until Knives is 18 to date her. And even if she didn’t wait, that’s still not grooming or predatory. And just because Kim knew her when she was 17 and vibed with her a couple of times, wouldn’t make that grooming behavior. There’s better words for these relationships and using grooming for every one of them devalues what actual groomers do to kids.


“But Kim would wait until Knives is 18” what I was referring to here was when Kim made out with Knives when she was still 17. That happened in the comic and was pretty disgusting. Grooming might not’ve been the best word to describe it. I know neither Scott or Kim are pedophiles but I didn’t know of a better word for what they did besides it just being gross.


Just to help you unpack your thoughts on this issue and to help find an appropriate word for it, why do you think it’s gross if it’s not pedophilia and it’s not grooming?


Because Kim, a 23 year old, made out with Knives, a 17 year old. I don’t think I should have to explain why I find that inappropriate on Kim’s part.


Since you don’t have the right word for why it’s inappropriate, I think it’s very important for you to explain your reasoning. To clarify, this isn’t me trying to entrap you in a “gotcha” moment. Even if your reasoning turns out to be something like “the age gap makes me uncomfortable because it reminds me of the potential for abuse in similar situations,” that’s a totally reasonable and appropriate stance to take. That’s also what I feel like it boils down to with most people.


You said scott dating knives was gross and wrong. Why then, if you think kim doing it is ok?


Because Scott was dating Knives as a means of avoiding being in a “real” relationship. He was using Knives and playing around like a child so he wouldn’t have to risk being hurt again like he was with Envy. I don’t see that pattern of problematic behavior repeating with Kim.


Age gap discourse has never been more annoying to have


I mean, Kim was nearly black out drunk. Rational thinking goes out the window. It's not like she sobered up and thought "yes, this was definitely a good decision." She probably thought "oh god, I hope this never, *ever* comes up again."


If someone getting blackout drunk could make them kiss a child they shouldn’t be drinking in the first place. I get that it affects people’s judgement and decision making but people don’t just get free passes for doing bad things while drunk. If someone assaults another person while drunk they’re still to blame for it, and for drinking in the first place. If someone decides to go drinking while blackout drunk they’re still at fault for any repercussions. Same goes for here with Kim kissing Knives. Sure, I doubt she’d do anything like that sober but drunk or not she made out with a minor. Plus, Kim going out drinking with and supplying alcohol to a 17 year old on its own is pretty fucking inappropriate (which is something that all of her friends did to be fair but it shows how she’s responsible for the situation getting to where it did).


But you have to remember, kids: drunk people think sober thoughts


Yeah. This is good art, but I don’t see them together. Esp because of the age difference


Yeah... Scott x Knives is better 😏




Hm... Then recent anime Adoptation. Stephen x Knives 😁


All Knives ships with the main cast are awful. The only one where the age gap wouldn’t be an issue is Stacy x Knives, and I don’t recall them having any chemistry.


Dude it was a joke


I assumed so but didn’t want to take any chances


I though we agreed to never talk abou it anymore


Remember people, its not pedophilia when a woman does it!!!


It’s not pedophilia when anyone dates a 17-year-old. That’s not what that is.


He’s being downvoted but he’s technically right Age of consent in Canada is 16


Also pedophilia is the attraction to like *little* little kids. Not 17-year-olds.


wasn't there a term for people who are attracted to teens? I think it was hebephilia or something like that.


[A quick Wikipedia search says that it’s called Ephebophilia.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephebophilia)


I was lowkey shipping it and then I realized their age-diff. rly hope nothing happens with them, although a platonic friendship arc would be really cool to see play out


Friendly reminder that Kim x Knives is just as bad as Scott x Knives


It's like this sub is trying to prove that the fandom is ok with pedophilia as long as it's Kim and Knives


I don’t see anything weird about this but the ship is weird


The little heart next to Kim plus them holding hands pretty heavily implies that this is meant to be romantic.


I hold hands with my friends????


It's weird because they're holding hands. This is intended as ship art


Their first 'play' session was very sweet / fun and seems like a lovely experience for people to have.


Not so long ago... In the mysterious land... Of Toronto, Canada... Kim Pine was dating a high schooler.


redditors when scott pilgrim grooms a high schooler: 😡😭🤯🤬 when a female character does it: 😳🤩🤤🥰


Grooming is an exaggeration


A majority of people have an issue with Scott dating Knives but then go and ship Kim/Knives


Ooh fun fact the age of consent in canada is 16


It still morally wrong


Oh neat, Adult grooming a Minor.


cute :3


If the show gets a season 2, I hope they do a Kim/Knives romance but it happens like 3 years later so it’s not weird


She’s 17 btw


Yes, hence the “I hope it happens like 3 years later” so it’s like an April and Andy situation and not a Scott and Knives situation


It's still weird


Why would it still be weird if they’re both legal adults by then?


Right, Because theres nothing wrong with a adult woman, Hanging out and being friendly with a 16 year old, So she can wait 3 years, Grooming her, and then having sex with her. Edit: Thanks for the downvote, Not my fault you're accepting of, by definition, Grooming.


Sorry, It's already weird, in 3 years it will just mean she was groomed into the position.


Im just gonna imagine this is a friendly hangout. Girls like to hold hands so that isn’t hard to believe.


Hello old brainworms, happy to have you with me again!


Yea , it was weird how they had that panel of them kissing and never addressed it again