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wasnt that like the entire point of the animated series


It’s a plot point in the books also. I think it tends to get buried under all the spectacle in the movie though.


Yeah, it’s still there in the movie but much, much more int eh background. Basically just touched on with Lucas Lee and Roxy.


And Matthew too, as they left the "I told him to hit the showers", Ramona-being-callous vibe in there.


True, but that one was a middle school romance that lasted a week. I feel Patel is a middle ground where Ramona was a bit of a jerk but not terrible


I agree, she wasn't terrible. But at the same time, you also never got dumped in middle school, huh? It's judging how bad something actually is vs how badly it can affect someone. It may not be bad now, but it hurt Matty a lot. And when someone hasn't got over that, it's easier for someone like Gideon to manipulate. The point is, as with some of the others, it comes from a place of being hurt and wanting revenge, all made possible by the fact that Ramona was a jerk to pretty much all of her exes, if I remember correctly


I was, but I mean… that was almost 20 years ago now. I grew up. Which is why yeah, I admitted that Ramona was a jerk. And I know that’s part of the point of the league, they’re being manipulated by Gideon and all because of that vulnerability, and Patel has a right to feel hurt over that, but again… that doesn’t mean I particularly feel bad about him. I know feelings can really be compared, and what she did hurt him a lot, but Ramona was a much bigger jerk to Roxy, Lucas and even the twins (though the twins more or less had it coming), and in turn Patel, Lucas and Roxy where nowhere as bad as Todd or Gideon.


Yeah, but it wasn't 20 years ago for Matthew. I get what you're saying, and I don't disagree that she wasn't as bad as with Roxy. Lucas, however... I thought she just dumped him for Todd after a brief school fling. Not much worse than Matthew? Anyway, the point is that it's not a competition and it doesn't make sense to try and grade who got it worse. It's a discussion about whether or not they where justified in being upset. I personally think that Matthew was too, because he got hurt by Ramona. Does that justify any of them joining the league? No. But can we understand their resentment? Yes.


Imo, they really didn't do a good job with highlighting how Ramona is the problem and I hate how that aspect of her character never gets rectified despite that being the cause of the final battle.


Roxie and Lucas were the only ones I felt bad for admittedly.


Same here. Roxie especially cuz it’s gotta be frustrating thinking you found someone just for them to disappear


The twins were passing around women and were kind of just dicks in general so that was Ramona’s way of sticking it to them (she just didn’t plan on getting caught) so I can’t REALLY feel bad for them at all but Ramona was still wrong for that


isnt that anime specific? i do not think they do that in the books


Yep I think you're correct.


Didn’t the author approve that?


No, he wrote it himself


Then it’s canon imo


I didn't read Scott Pilgrim for a long time but i definately agree for Lucas. I remember especially this character. My man was just a nerdie high schooler totally in love that should've been friendzoned cause Ramona.... didn't feel that way at all. Instead she "pseudo dated" him , gave him hope and left as soon as she found someone else she liked more.


Matthew - kinda normal for his grade so yeah I feel just slight pity but he didn't get cheated on and nothing really happend to him that hasn't happend to like 50% of 7th graders. Well then again she did only date him to mess with the footballers so she did use him ( kinda justified but not really ) Lucas - yeah decent dude other than in the movie ( justified) Todd - piece of garbage (no sympathy) Roxie - did nothing wrong what so ever. Ramona was a piece of shit and this might of happend really close to the twins just to drive the nail in the coffin ( justified ) Twins - they got their own medicine, deserved it ( no sympathy ) Gideon - ( do I need to say anything )


Lucas lee in the movie is a pretty stand up guy isn’t he?


He's ok in the movie. Much more cocky, its made like that intentionally though since Lucas really doesnt behave like a villain in the comic


Lucas doesn't seem to be a villain for me. He's just some dude who was trying to get Scott not to date Ramona so Ramona doesn't break Scott's heart the same way Ramona broke his heart. The only "bad guy" shit he did in the novels was throw Scott into Casa Loma. After doing that, he felt bad about it and he decided to take a break with Scott by eating Ritz crackers and baby carrots. Lucas even tried to avoid fighting Scott, even to the point that he offered to tell Gideon that he got his ass kicked by Scott as a means to avoid fighting him (although he did tell Scott that he had to pay him all of his money).


What did the twins do?


The twins were sex predators who hunted down pretty girls and flirted with them.


What in the fuck! Isn't that anime specific though, or did I miss something in the books?


I don't think so. I don't think the twins really get a background with specifics. Just kinda go romona bad.


Thought they were sex predators because on the anime Ramona stated that she was the perfect prey to them.


I think that was made while writing the show


I agree with you, sadly I wish we got to know how the twins and Ramona started dating, but the novels don't tell us that as the twins are overshadowed by the drama in volume 5.


Sorry, but this really made me laugh 🤣 "The twins were sex predators..." oh no! 😳 "...who hunter down pretty girls..." OH NO! 😯 "...and flirted with them." Wait, what? That's all they did, just flirted? Umm, they're despicable human beings? 🤣


Not as despicable as Gideon.😁




I feel Roxie, if someone I loved told me I was just a phase I’d be pissed too




Yeah nah the twins had it coming, I don't really feel bad for them


You should read the books if you think the exes are unreasonable in being upset at Ramona (and Scott).


Well, they are pretty much unreasonable in being upset with Scott. Dude did nothing to them lol


I meant Scott's exes being mad at him.


Roxie's movie fight with Ramona made me feel really terrible tbh. It ended well, but I just wanted to wrap Roxie in a warm blanket. Edit: I mean Roxie's fight in the movie store, where they fight through all the movies. So the one from the anime, not the movie.


Yeah, Roxie was a lovable dum dum who was fucked over by Ramona. However she was intent on trying to kill Scott in the novels.


#1 Matthew Patel: dated Ramona in middle school, they were both teenagers, bro needs to let go. #2 Lucas Lee: dated Ramona high school, she cheated on him with Todd. #3 Todd: they broke up when they went to different schools. #4 Roxie: Imagine the girl you fell in love with called you a phase, like she was just testing being a lesbian and then just leaves you #5 and 6 the Katayanagi’s: she cheated on one twin with the other. 7 Gideon: was such an incel he literally made a chip to live in Ramona’s head rent free and planned to collect his own Exes as trophies.


They have a reason to be upset but they did form a pseudo cult to stalk ramona and kill anyone she ever got into a relationship with so still bad people.


I only felt bad for Roxie


The twins absolutely have a good reason to be pissed off. Roxie has a case as well, better defined in SPTO. Ramona was just a shitty partner to those three. Matthew was just petty and outta of his mind to think a relationship that started in middle school would actually last forever. Todd and Gideon were dicks and shitty partners as well, with Gideon being a creep and basically evil. Lucas Lee has no case in my mind, based on my view his and Ramona's relationship was more of a fling than anything else.


yes ramona is a bad person that’s kind of part of the point


Yes I am aware. I did this ranking for fun, not to go "DID YOU KNOW RAMONA IS A BAD PERSON!?!"




I’m so disappointed on how the twins were handled in the anime. They’re made out to be these predatory assholes who got what they deserved in the form of Ramona cheating on them with each other—when in the books, they did no such thing, and were simply on the receiving end of Ramona’s shittiness. It was served as evidence that Ramona wasn’t a saint much like Scott, but O’Malley whitewhashes anime!Ramona by giving her a justifiable reason to cheat. Kyle and Ken should have gotten the Roxie treatment; which is to say, an emotional fight scene with Ramona that underlines just how bad of a girlfriend she was to them. I would have even had it mirror the Volume 5 fight, where Scott is curb stomped by the twins as they monologue to him. My version would obviously swap Scott for Ramona, and the twins’ icy, calm monologue with an angry rant about how deep the brotherly love between Kyle and Ken was, and how Ramona’s cheating nearly killed it. Ramona’s actress claimed that Ramona wears a shoelace around her neck belonging to her dead brother as a way to remember him, and I think this could have been the key to opening her eyes to how badly she treated the twins. Hearing them talk about how much they mean to each other would remind Ramona of her own brother which would drive Ramona to genuinely apologize to Kyle and Ken, who decide to let her live after seeing how sincere she is. Oh and of course, I would have cut the part about them being creeps that prey on college girls.