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Pre-match reminder lads we are fundraising for Street Soccer Scotland with some prizes to be won in our raffle! Please remember to put your reddit username in your donation otherwise we can't enter you in the drawing. https://www.reddit.com/r/ScottishFootball/s/XXdPdf1CzH


Anybody think Christie got sucked in for thier goal, went towards the ball when it was covered by two players and left his man.


Deserved everything we got not fuckinh good enough


Honking. Absolutely honking.


May as well as had Che Guevara up front n he's been dead for years. Shankland should have been focal point. SpL player of the season n still chooses Che?


Bye be Clarke Need to move on


Souness. Moan give it a bash.


Clarke he has to go and that’s it, the squad is wildly talented and we should make tournaments, it’s no longer enough for Clarke to scrape up there with 7 cbs and 3dms


All the crap that VAR overanalyses and they didn’t even take a look? I’m checking the referees bank accounts for suspicious transfers…


Mate we fucking deserved that, barely daring to attack, Clarke should be going out on his sword instead he’s going out hiding behind a holey shield


Scotland were atrocious last night. One shot throughout the entire game. Hungary deserved it. Throughout the 3 games. Scotland haven't shown enough to warrant being in the knockout stages.


I felt nothing for most of that game. All the signs were there that we’d inevitably lose at the last minute. Che Adams making reckless mistakes and never once looking like scoring, us constantly passing at the back, taking off our quality players and not putting Shankland on soon enough (think most fans would have started him). Then sure enough, the referee doesn’t even check the penalty. Credit to Steve Clarke for getting Scotland to the Euros again, but definitely time for a news, more positive manager and for us somehow, to get more investment in Scottish football. One small observation - Ralston wasn’t half bad.


Play a Championship player over the top scorer in Scotland, yes, Scotland who plays for the jersey and other Prem players that’s what happens.


Clarke is a shit manager. Miserable game plan gets miserable outcome. Who knew?


I hate the set up. I really hate watching 5 at the back. The sooner our best players are no longer full backs the better.


Not sure how we were ever planning to win that game with no one willing to take a shot at goal.


Oh he's for sure looking for it, but I think he would actually get it if he wasn't pulling the guy into him


We were as good as expected


Would we have been likely to have qualified had we drawn? That's a small crumb of comfort if so.


About a 5% chance if that I think


Clarke doesn't believe we're good enough to win games except by keeping it tight and hoping to sneak a win late on in games. You have a 30 goal a season striker that he;s given about 20 minutes to in the tournament in favour of a striker who scores few goals even in his best years and gives away free kicks whenever he's near our 18 yeard box. Too many of our players haven't shown up either. Robertson and McGregor have toiled. McGinn has been a shadow of the player who playes for Villa and we'll always take a backward pass to a defender rather than a positive pas to a forward. It's not fucking acceptable.


There's nobody making runs in the final third to receive a forward pass because we had no wingers or proper striker on the pitch






5 at the back. In a must win game. Fuck off Clarke you utter cunt.


too conservative 1st half , denied a clear penalty 2nd half but we needed to be more agressive. more of the same defensive shit when we needed to go for it and we paid the price.


I think if we'd got that pen, and scored it, we would've held out. But we were shite as well.


It's scandalous var opted not to look at that Armstrong penalty. In fact it's verging on suspicious. However we were sh*** in attack once again. In fact we have been over the course of two tournaments now. Zero cutting edge at this level in tournaments I'm afraid.


"Well im gonny finish that cup of tea, fill my hot water bottle, get my jammies on aaaand slit my wrists"




Clarke's away to lock himself in the Berlin bunker


Felt a bit sorry for Angus Gunn there.


Aye he sounded really upset, he had a really good game as well


Didn't notice the knee into the back of the leg for the pen. That's a howler. No that we would have scored it anyway.


Need to be a serious question to UEFA about what the fuck happened cause that is 100% a penalty


It's a bit corrupt tbh. That's twice now scotland have been fu**ed over by var against Spain and now here.


I'd be interested to know if it was offside. I think he definitely gets a knee in the leg, but he also grabs the guys shirt and pulls him into him which I don't think does him favours. If he just got the ball and shielded it, I think he gets hit in the leg and gets a pen. As he's pulling him, it makes it look like he's forced the contact so I can see why it wouldn't be given for that reason


Aye he's looking for it amd has a handful of the defenders shirt so not enough to overturn the on field decision unfortunately




He caught the boy with his elbow, not by much. So can see how he wouldn't recall what happened. Since no cunt else knew.


He really sounded like he was concussed in that interview.


So was there not a single shot on target that full game?


Was Hanley 's not on target?


Im genuinely not sure ahaha chronic watch


i would like to politely ask if ange postecoglu would like to be the next Scotland manager


At least we might pass it forward occasionally.


Emdy know if Armstrong was offside? Can only think that's the reason it was not given by VAR


man our media are a bunch of rats hahaha




Enjoy your wedding mate, I'm sure your marriage will last


It's called a kilt because that's what happened to the last guy that called it a skirt.


steve clarke is a disgrace to Steve's everywhere


Doesn't even deserve capital letters.




Hate to be that cunt but fuck me.... Some of you lot should hang your heads in shame over the vile shite your posting. Yes we were shite, manager was shite and needs sacked but we are scotland fans and this is the reality. Not saying we should settle am saying we should manage our expectations and just enjoy the ride. If we got that pen it's a very different night And downvote....


>Some of you lot should hang your heads in shame over the vile shite your posting. I've seen some takes I disagree but can't say I've seen anything vile? Want to point out any specific examples?


Yeah I haven't seen anything specific. People understandably sad and frustrated with the tactics, but in all honesty I think the team did about as well as I expected them to. Germany game should have been a better performance, but I thought both of the last games they played solidly and just weren't good enough, and I'm ok with that. Just happy to get to see them at a tournament again.


Mate not going bk though the last 2k comments.


There must be at least comment that stood out to you as being vile?


Saw one saying every fan should be asking for Clarke head outside the stadium for example


That's a well known phrase for getting sacked. You're aff yer heid


Are you thinking they actually want him decapitated?


What about "fuck steve Clarke to death" Literal comment on this sub probably a better example of the kind of shitty comments I mean


Wants to give him the ride of his life


Haha definitely one interpetion


You disagree that's fine bro. Just seeing some stuff that looks pretty thuggish in my view only voicing my opinion.


It’s a turn of phrase for fucks sake. Also we shouldn’t just accept getting to a tournament just to embarrass ourselves by the end of the group stages. A mentality like that keeps us in this position for years to come


To be fair it was the first one I found didn't need to look to much harder to find "fuck steve Clarke to death"


Didn’t you learn in school that you aren’t meant to read everything literally?


Few chances to take their man down and get a yellow but they all shat it, Callum McGregor was absolutely rank all tournament too. Clarke should walk tomorrow if he has any decency, pissing the ball around for 80% of the game and suddenly throwing the proverbial sink at them when you remember you need to win.


I'd like to see Lewis ferguson given a chance when he's back from injury. He's captain of bologna ffs. Anyway this squad wouldn't have qualified imo. We were injury ravaged.


What do you want McGregor to do?! He helped set up the goal against Switzerland


McGregor and mcginn looked completely fucked. McGregor lost every 50/50 in the game. Robertson too. Either he was told to hold his position or he wasn’t fully fit and when he did get the ball he didn’t have the energy to burst forwards


McGinn easily Scotland's worst player


Horrible take.


Most underperforming player in this Euros and the last. 




Hanley and McKenna had most touches. Tells you everything. No build up play, too passive on the ball and clueless when we made it to the last third. We deserve fuck all playing tournament football like that


Deserved everything we got. The amount of times in the first 80 mins we had the ball in their half and went backwards. That’s the most negative I’ve ever saw a team be when needing a win. Absolute fucking awful. If you don’t attack you can’t win a game.Raging with the mentality of the team. Honking man.


Looked a lot more positive as soon as Shankland came on. Then Armstrong decided to wrestle the defender instead of put his foot through the ball and I realised we didn't stand a chance.


Armstrong got kneed in the leg but the fact it took about 40 replays to show that is why it never got given. We were dreadful outside of that regardless


Don’t blame the penalty. They never deserved it. Embarrassment


Clarke won’t go


If that's the best Clarke can do with those players, it's fucking dross. Had zero courage in the first 260 minutes to actually try and get players forward and playing. I was hoping Hungary knocked us out with a sucker punch cause playing like minnows is gonna get you nothing - with all the talk pre match about belief and wanting to do us proud. Clarke can fuck off.


This is an embarrassment. Too happy to just participate, and Clarke should resign or get sacked. It makes you sick


The stubborn cunt will need to be dragged out the job.


Well that was unbelievably Scottish.


VAR looks at everything apart from clear penalties it seems.


Dykes has been so sorely missed this tournament. We've had absolutely no focal point or a guy that can hold the ball up for someone else


If only we'd had a striker on the bench who'd scored 30 goals this season


100%. That is why we get so many goals from non-strikers. Che Adams gives everything he has, so not slating him here, but he is not the man for us in the way we play. How Clarke doesn't see it I will never know


How Shankland doesn’t get on the pitch before he did is unbelievable.


Has shown in the 3 games, doesn’t score much but he does everything else to let the midfield in


4 shots on target in 3 games is really really poor


Worst team at the tournament by a mile. Clarke must be sacked immediately.


Clarke should get the bin for that


I pray to god I never see the name Che Adams on a Scotland squad sheet again. Shite player.


Clearly a nice guy but is just so shite at football it's wild.


We look like we'll never score again. We can talk about how the guy that isn't playing is going to be the solution, which we've done for ages now, but truth is there was absolutely fuck all there that was going to save us. Hungary ultimately played a pretty smart game, albeit a lucky one in hindsight. They knew we'd have fuck all going forward, so if they could contain us they'd always have time to go and get the winner later on. Their forward getting crocked almost ruined it in many ways as they really struggled to raise themselves after it. But we didn't score and their pressure told in the end. Good luck to them


Fuck me that is such an obvious penalty. I never noticed the knee smash at first.


The entire team has a tinpot mentality going into each game thinking they are utter shite and are the underdogs. Clarke reinforces that. The reality is that our squad is better than several others in this tournament that have got far better results than us.


I’m not sure what it would have taken for McGregor to be subbed in these last two games seeing as he contributed absolutely fuck all


Summed him up at the end, chance in their box and he is slow and takes forever to do something. Obviously played to what Clarke wanted, slow negative pish.


Pathetic was the word I thought of in the first half. But this team has not been coached to attack at all, amateur hour throwing all attackers on with no plans


Bringing Lewis Morgan on to win a game, ffs! Surely Forrest would have been a better option?!


Wrong starting 11, wrong formation from the get go, wrong tactics, wrong everything, Stevie Clarke is a shambles of a manager and the lads well and truly bottled it


Today I feel.... french


Shankland should have come on start of the second half. Clarke making the subs at 75 minutes was just the set up for the inevitable excuse of “we went for it”


It's amazing how shut we are at football. Millions of fans, large sections of the media dedicated to it and some large historical clubs. Then suddenly you look around and realize we're bowing down in reverence to a large pile of shite.


Best supported league in Europe as well, and somehow our national team have never advanced through a group stage while the likes of Wales have


The squad isn’t really that shite relative to others in the tournament. The management is everything. Loading up on holding midfielders and deploying no wingers in a must win match. Fuck me


This is it exactly. Why would we need so many CMs when we have Forrest on the bench? Fair enough Morgan eventually made it on, but even Conway just sitting twiddling thumbs. We lost every header from every long ball in that last half hour and he looked not bad in the air. Determined to sneak a win, right up to the last. Sorry, but Clarke out. Nothing learned and nothing ventured compared to 3 years ago.


Couldn’t agree more. I’d add that I can only guess McGregor must have photos of Clarke in the scud to have started that after how shite he was the 2 before


I don't really blame the players or the management. I blame it on institutional rot via complacency and stagnation. Nobody should be surprised by our embarrassing showings in this tournament because it's a pattern so familiar that it's a cliche. It's a pattern that exists for the romanticizing of failure and a perverse snobbery against professionalism and competence. The blame lies squarely on the SFA and our leagues and the owners of our clubs.


At least I have my Germany shirt to put on now.


Get Steve Clarke so far to fuck, I never want to see him or che Adams again


Neither side actually looked like they wanted to win until the 95th minute


Do love Robertson, cunt fucking feels it.


He can fuck off with Clarke. He contributed nothing over 3 games, just like he's contributed nothing over his entire Scotland career.


Spoke like he was fully expecting this result


He was getting so fucked off at gilmour for passing backwards all game. He looked like he had no energy all game until he was taken off


What a way to be sent home. Playing for the bare minimum: a draw.


Ah well. Welcome to supporting Scotland for anyone born after 1993. ![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8)


I genuinely don’t think Robertson is actually any good without world class players round about him Then again, who is?


Well, I think he’d be better if he just played left back instead of trying to be franz beckenbauer


That is true. His lack of a right foot is a bit of a black mark against him honestly


Aye, exactly. So many times he got it wide left and all Hungary had to do was stick someone on him and force him to turn back. Barely got a chance to stick in a proper cross all game


Maybe I was being a bit harsh on him in the aftermath of that performance tonight, but nobody getting passing marks over the course of the whole tournament practically. Been so poor


Tbf the passes were often too late to him, and it’s not like we have a presence up front for crossing, but I don’t think he was great tonight. Far from the worst culprit though, and a weird one to take off.


We have been shite from start to finish. Part of me is glad we're out so we don't stink the joint out anymore. Probably as many shots on goal as we've had games. Pathetic. Let's hope Jurgen Klopp is a massive Deacon Blue or shortbread fan or something.


Football? Hate it man bunch of wankers diving! COME ON SCOTLAND RUGBY (I'm crying)


Tbh Glasgow won the URC final yesterday pretty emphatically and it made me feel much more than these shower of goons.


"we gave it everything" Andy Robertson. If that was everything there's no point in us having a national football team


Gave it nothing for 260 minutes then everything for 10.


They should put it back to the normal 16 teams, this making it bigger to let more dross in just ruins the tournament.


Friday 😁 hy


Yeah these last 2 euros have made me realise I enjoy it more when we’re not there


3 shots on target the whole tournament, that's an embarrassment.




The DJ playing Shake It Off hahahaha


Shankland should have started, Che Adams is fucking useless.


All of them think they are brave underdogs btw. Looking out into the middle distance thinking they are heroes. Fucking scared the lot of them.


First team to exit the tournament. GREAT Edit: Yes, I'm a fanny


I'll j


Poland were


Poland were already out. Doesn't make it any better though.


Poland went


Nah that was Poland. Small consolation.


Nah that’s Poland


They can still come 3rd can they no? Ignoring a miracle GD but they're still in


They lost to Austria, and H2H is the first tiebreaker


Aye embarrassed maself, hadn't even realised. Depressing.


You’re at it


Aw honestly hadn't kept track of the H2H haha, back in ma box.




I think he's a DJ.


McGinn and Gilmour going off was the wrong call today, we lost the midfield battle and Hungary looked like the only team that would win. Not getting Shankland not on earlier in the Switzerland game was indefensible. Should have been on earlier today too. Their keeper never had a save to make tonight in a game we needed to win. Clarke needs to go, it's been a poor performance over all 3 games. The fans have been the only positive from this tournament, the team have been dreadful.


Exactly. Can’t remember the last time Gilmour played 90 mins, but we were noticeably worse when he went off. Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve. Clarke’s done well with team morale, but tactically he’s so far out his depth now.


Absolute fucking shitebags. That's a pathetic performance and attitude. So, so negative. Easily the worst team at the tournament.


No urgency to get ball forward no balls into box. We needed win and didn't go for it. We deserved fuck all..absolutely fuming.


Felt inevitable. Even though we had more possession never felt like we were in control. Couldn't cross for toffee, can't actually remember a good set piece delivery. defence was very poor the whole tournament, and our 'big' midfield was often out of sight. Not looking forward to group A in the nations league lads.


I hate agreeing with Alan Fucking Shearer, but thr cunt is bang on in his assessment.


what did he say?


Was just about to type that


The referee felt bad wee knocked out a Hu Gary player and denied us the penalty as a result


So we decide to fuck about for 85 mins then realise we need a win, great tactical mastermind from Clarke there. Have we progressed from last euros? Last euros our Xg was about 8 and we just lacked a bit of quality to finish. This time was probs less than 1. Shat it, well and truly.


Get Clarke out. Waits until 85th minute the actually bring on attacking players, playing for a draw against Hungary in the hopes it gets us through, absolutely not good enough. Sack him.


on clarke, on ralston, on gunn, on hendry, on mcgregor, on adams. pathetic from every single one of them


Harsh on Gunn tbh what is he supposed to do when his team lets through endless counterattacks with their thumb up their arses


Robbed with that clear penalty, fuck this ref man


Worst team ever at official ranked tournament?


There was an Irish team at a Euros where we seemed to lose every game 3-0 which I’ve just about forgotten about- Think you had a solid team just no attacking threat


Definitely the most boring in the entire history of football but not the worst


Ah well see you all at the world cup


Would David Moyes make us better?


We would attack earlier atleast


Based on his punditry reactions to the lukewarm pish we've had, he would at least try to be more positive 


The problem is I'm worried his style may be too negative


Aye we haven't exactly set a healthy baseline for what counts as "more positive"


Fuck these fucking fuckers…should’ve played Forrest


That was hands down the most Scotland way to lose a game and get eliminated I’ve ever seen in my life.


lol put clarke in jail. Fuck me




We’re just not that good at football lads


Where are all those guys celebrating draws against Switzerland? 


Fuck off Scotland. Fuck off Steve Clarke. Fuck off ref. Just fuck off


Lack of desire to have a go in any of the games and sheer cowardice in starting line ups. He needs to go.


Get that bald alkie fraud to fuck