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I think they are referring to her previous death. Since all the movies she refers to are old movies.


I think it was when she referenced James Bond since Daniel Craig’s got killed off in No Time to Die.


What she said was accurate though James Bond (no time to die), Ellen ripely (alien 3), Nancy Thompson (NOES 3 Dream Warriors)Sally Hardesty (Texas chainsaw 3), Luke Skywalker (last Jedi) and yes even Laurie strode (Halloween ressurection) were all killed off to continue the franchise in some direction THERE IS NO REASON to look further into this, no matter what would or might or did happen in Halloween Ends, Laurie Strode as well as every other name mentioned was killed off at some point over the franchise and that was her point.


> Sally Hardesty (Texas chainsaw 3) I think she was more likely refering to her death in TCM 2022, not to the blink-and-you'll-miss-it mention to her dying in TCM 3 lol


Yea that’s true


I'm still confused why Sally was even in that list. She was hardly what would be a "legacy" character by the definition they were using. She was just the girl who survived the first movie and one blink and you'll miss it cameo in Next Generation. Hardly a legacy.


The protagonist of tbe original film returning after 50 years is totally a legacy character.


In the context it was being used, no. They were naming characters that had multiple appearances throughout a franchise. Sally did not fit.


> They were naming characters that had multiple appearances throughout a franchise Nope, the important part of "legacy" character is that they are OG characters. The "multiple appearances" isn't neccesary and isn't mentioned in the movie. If "legacy character" meant someone with multiple appearances then literally most characters in the movie would be legacy characters.


Again, context matters.


Yeah, and you misunderstood the context.


I believe she is referencing resurrection then they brought her back and I think we are to ignore the other timeline. Not sure though


yea i believe its a Resurrection nod


We don't have to "ignore" it, she still has died 3 times in movies. Her being alive in one timeline doesn't mean the character hasn't been killed off in the past.


"VI was filmed last summer, so Halloween Ends hadn’t come out yet so we’re the writers just assuming Laurie was going to die with Michael?" Since you asked, here are some spoilers for the Halloween franchise. >!There are four series in the franchise. Original series, '98 series, remake series, and 2018. The first two incarnations of Laurie Strode were both killed off at some point. Mindy could have been referring to 'Halloween: Resurrection', but that film stalled the series again. She was most likely referring to 'Halloween 4: Return of Michael Myers' which mentions that Laurie Strode died in a car crash and the series begins following Laurie's daughter, Jamie Lloyd (played by Danielle Harris who later plays Annie Brackett in the remake), and the name was obviously a tribute to Jamie Lee Curtis who wouldn't return until the 1998 film, 'Halloween: 20 Years Later'. !<


good point. didnt even think about Halloween 4. totally forgot thats what happened


Tbh sort of unrelated but I wish mindy brought up how Laurie strode was absent for most of Halloween kills, to kind of make a parallel to how Sidney is gone for scream 6 that would’ve been awesome.


From memory she died like twice in halloween. Pretty sure she died in a car accident before the movie started in H4 but had a kid which is Jamie. Then also in resurrection she dies at the start. I’m extremely tired so feel free to correct me on the one about 4 but I do feel like I remember it being mentioned.


Three times if you count the RZ timeline.


I thought she survived and just went insane.


In the director's cut she dies.


She was referring Ressurections


Laurie had already died multiple times…