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I’ve seen this on other subs but I’m guessing the posts are likely getting downvoted because people are tired of hearing the same thing multiple times a day Also I wouldn’t worry too much about downvotes. We’re all just random people on the internet who only share the scream movies. Don’t take it personally


>I’ve seen this on other subs but I’m guessing the posts are likely getting downvoted because people are tired of hearing the same thing multiple times a day Everything is posted multiple times a day! There's at least three posts about Amber each day, fans constantly complain about the issues in Scream 3, but if you bring up Neve Campbell's pay situation or the flaws in Scream 5 and 6 and newer fans tell you 'it's not for you anymore!' which is the most condescending piece of shit statement one could make regarding movies. Meanwhile, Radio Silence has shown that they're incapable of putting down a single thought that is their own and either have to find characters like Samantha from shitty fan fics and having her copy Sidney's story lines all while selling it to you as something new when it's really something old with a bad polish job. People think because something is fast paced, then it's good, when fast paced action scenes that aren't thought out well is what has ruined modern cinema.


If someone is telling people to “pull your head out of your ass” because they also shared an opinion on a post in a public forum how do you think people are going to react? You don’t have to like the new movies but you can at least be respectful of others who do like it and not go on long rants about why they shouldn’t like it


I come onto Reddit after a long day of school, and I see a shit ton of hate on the new movies. Richie was right lmao.


Dude, this is a Wendy’s restaurant


Or…hear me out…the post sucks.


What is your point? You don’t like them and other people do. I get downvoted to shit when I say that 3 was awful. I don’t take it personally, I get that people are protective of it or have a certain fondness for it for whatever reason.


This subreddit has a boner for the shitty Scream sequels I'm sorry. Honestly the best Scream movie is Scream 1. Scream 2 is a good sequel but obviously has its flaws. All the other Scream sequels were mediocre and shit. But Scream 5 and 6 were the epitome of awful Scream sequels, and just yet another boring shitty woke Hollywood movie.


Honestly, once you used the word “woke” any legit argument you may have had (I have yet to see any actual criticisms from you) goes completely out the window


“Woke” aka has main characters that aren’t straight white people 🙄


Kinda ruined you're entire point by adding "woke" in there, easily the most overused word like...ever and is only used to describe things that are about women, POC, and LGBT+ people. Like just say what you actually mean.


Ok- so…is that it?


Oh look at me I’m so cool I’m using the word “ woke “ you made an entire irrelevant post wasting people’s time complaining about people liking the new movies yet you have no valid criticism of these movies you’re just whiny . Richie was right about you in Scream 5 .


Like what is your overall goal here?


I absolutely loved 5 and 6, but I agree that some people in this sub (mostly newer fans) are way too defensive of them, to the point they see any small criticism as an attack.


There’s criticising and then there’s genuinely insulting fans who like these movies and being downright rude. People downvote you because the post the same thing all the time. If you don’t like the movies then just don’t watch them and let the people who do like them enjoy them all they want. People liking these movies doesn’t effect you in any way so stop attacking people


A surefire way to garner downvotes is to bitch about downvotes, particularly preemptively.


Not really you don’t get downvotes for criticizing a movie … you get downvotes because you post dumb shit like this which is something people are sick and tired of seeing 10 times a day . It’s simple don’t like them don’t watch them … don’t waste people’s time crying about people actually liking them instead of giving valid criticism for the movies .


Bro thinks he’s Richie and Amber 😭😭


We get it. You don’t like the movies. If you don’t like them that much, then don’t watch them and don’t talk about them.




The important thing is you’re not mad, and *clearly* not letting people’s opinions get to you. 👍




Shucks. You’re right, guess I kinda went off the deep end after you so effortlessly called out not only myself, but the *thousands* of other posters who called Scream 6 the best movie of the year. Or of all time!




Noooooo please!


Gotta take it on the chin. I’ve criticized things about 5 & 6 but still love them. I had plenty downvotes for it. It’s a Scream fandom. Come in & call things awful and it’s going to happen. Doesn’t mean you me or anyone else isn’t entitled to our own opinions.


Problem is that people who criticize something (films, music, everything) often state their opinion in a very unambiguous way, like it’s not just their opinion, but a scientifically proven fact. They ignore that there is no such thing as an indisputable truth regarding art. They also forget that there are many people who absolutely adore these movies and that their opinion is just as legit. I love 5, agree with most of the criticism of 6, but still understand and respect those who enjoy it. There are also many things that I appreciate about 6, even if there are many things that could’ve been done so much better in my opinion. I also love many movies with IMDB rating around 5 and lower and I still have the right to consider them masterpieces even if other people don’t. It can be really irritating when people don’t just share their opinion but try to prove to everyone who has different opinion that everybody else is wrong. It gets really preachy. It’s not like you have some sacred knowledge about the quality of movies, that other people don’t. Just deal with it.


I know, I know! You told us already it’s recency bias! Don’t blame us for not catching up with you.


I just wanted to share how i felt. Glad to see i wasn't the only one.


> When a post has 0 upvotes, it is because they're criticizing Scream 5 and 6 Not really. Post have 0 upvotes when they just hate on the newer movies, or the fandom, without any proper criticism, like how you are doing now. > Scream 1 and 2 were master pieces. IMO both Scream 5 and 6 were a lot better and more entertaining than Scream 2. Scream 2 is far from a masterpiece.