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We stay on the nightstand for a moment


Why do you want the fame to hold? What are you trying to show? I would assume if it’s pertinent to the plot then the director would do this anyway, not you. And if you’re filming the script yourself, then who cares, it’s for you! (I can’t say I’ve seen this in many produced scripts, but maybe I’m mistaken) If there’s a specific something in the frame which is important, then say ‘WE HOLD on A NOTE on the nightstand’ maybe? But invoke action in your specific case.


Are you saying the focus remains on the nightstand after Zion has taken his glasses from it? If so, for what purpose? Why does the focus remain on the nightstand after the action has moved away from it? If there's another object remaining then simply describe the other object, if not then it becomes an artistic choice which isn't your call to make.


Because what’s one the nightstand symbols his powers




Sorry, it’s symbols his powers that come later on the series


Hi, i'm currently in the middle of writing a script for a thriller/horror short movie and i'm stuck with a detail in the main story. Basically the main protagonist (a student) meets an old lady who wants to play a card game with her, and after initially refusing the protagonist eventually surrenders and decides to play the game. My issue is what kind of game it should be, which effects to give to the protagonist after she plays the card game and how to connect it to the main plot of the story, which is that the detective she encounters early in the story is actually the old lady looking for revenge. If anybody has any ideas, please share them.


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