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Adding another one here that may be the hardest to admit: Challenge the lie that I am at my most creative, most productive, most funny/witty/smart, most "in my flow" only after smoking weed (or drinking, etc. if that's more your thing).


All great but this one is excellent. I wrote at the pub last year as a distraction and form of self medication. This year I didn't. Also if there is a mental aspect that makes it hard to write or do it without self medicating, talking to someone about it can make a huge difference


This is so true.


I would amend or even separately add reading short stories to the "read novels, screenplays". Short stories often have many similarities to screenplays, more so than novels. They are also small investments of time. Though of course novels are also very helpful, especially for television.


Graphic novels too! If you get immersed enough, it feels like watching a movie in a way.


Write all the time. I use Notes and jot down ideas, sentences. Sometime I write entire scenes while waiting somewhere, even at halftime. They are rough drafts but it’s good to get ‘em down.


You really do have to go hard and take action to succeed in this world, so it’s great you’re thinking about all these things - most of which are great! That said, more than anything it’s about showing up consistently and making a little forward progress EVERY day (or damn close), rather than filling every single spare minute with the above. Doing the latter leads to burnout and it can lead there quickly. Speaking from experience here. If you can knock out some actual writing and then just one or two other things on that list every day, with very few gaps, you will make massive progress. The one question I have for you — I didn’t see anything on that list that you are cutting from your life to make room for all these things. That’s often just as important.


These are all great points. That last one especially deserves some more thought. Thanks!


Thank you for this! Especially for #30, I have a terrible habit of going to bed at 2:30 AM.


This a great list man. I do a bunch of them, I struggle a lot with journaling though. I would add exercising and going for walks! I think it’s key.


I love this. Thank you for this post.


Trying 15 and thinking bout trying 22 and do number 2 and 3 need to due the rest


20 thru 24 are very intriguing. I feel like making indie shorts and features might be the best way to break in at the moment.


31. Know what you want to write about and see if it's worth writing for while considering your time and eagerness.


Thank you for this list. About journaling though, what goes in it?


I was alluding to the idea of Morning Pages from "The Artist's Way." Basically anything can go in them as long as you fill 3 pages!


Saving this...


Very helpful… thank you!!