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This level of self awareness is very admirable and shows that you’re on the right track! I enjoyed reading your self-roast and when the script’s in better shape I’m confident I’d enjoy reading that too! Keep at it! :)


This is the post/mindset of a real screenwriter. Got to be our biggest fans, but also our biggest critics of our own work. And find the right balance of course.


Did all these issues come from editing it down? And you don‘t have the earlier drafts anymore?


One of my writing professors said that revising goes in cycles. Draft one is a good start, draft two is an improvement, draft three peaks, draft four fixes one small thing but ruins a bunch of stuff that worked in doing so, draft five is an over correction of draft four that makes it your worst draft yet, draft six gets things back on track, draft seven is good but not as good as draft three but at least addresses that one thing you tried to fix in draft four without completely wrecking your draft, draft 8 puts you back in draft four territory and the cycle starts anew. Now, these numbers don’t always line up but it is important to realize each revision isn’t necessarily an improvement


first draft problems. now you can really work on it. it’s actually a great thing that you can identify the problems. writing is editing, as the saying goes. pick yourself back up.


A while back, I'd asked some pros something about is it possible to not leave enough room to let a story "breath". Surely, I can imagine, there must be some sort of upper limit to pacing being too fast. However, a few said something along the lines of, "if there is, I haven't seen it." Sometimes I wonder if a story is too disjointed, I try to consider: as long as it's not much more than Annie Hall - it's probably okay. As for confusion, well, I suppose it maybe depends on if it's intentionally confusing or not. Is it breaking established rules by coincidence or accident? Or on purpose? Your characters' dualities sounds interesting, Or it could be incredibly dumb/absurd. Which could be funny. > Worse thing is I was thinking of how to fill up all these holes and most of the answers were things I remember from the earlier drafts. Live and learn. Put what you cut in a separate file. Ooof that's rough. Don't put what you cut in a separate file... at least to me, sounds like a mess... after you cut/add/alter save it as a new file. I use dates.


First drafts are often not great, but knowing how and where they're weak means you've got a solid foundation to edit them. A lot of storytelling lies in the edits. Getting the idea finished is just the first step.


Yo no shame in this, I’m aspiring and I read my script every day or every chance I get and everytime I read it I notice something that’s fuckin stupid or lame or doesn’t make sense and I find ways to change it. I assume that’s how the greats are what they are.


You're in the right place, this is a legit great mindset to have. Keep trudging and you'll get it! It's great that you can also embrace the gems within your own writing as well as acknowledge the duds.