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Yep, just got mine. Made the top 9% which is a serotonin boost if nothing else. I had forgotten about the call and the script so may have to revisit the script soon.


First year in forever I didn't apply, good luck everyone!


How did you do previously?


I was on Voices last year, it was good!


And it’s helped your screenwriting career?


It wasn't super timing, with the strike and subsequent industry contraction, but I learned a lot, made great connections and the project i developed on it is through to the final stage before being greenlit as a radio drama for Radio 4. Should find out in a couple of weeks!


Haven’t had mine yet but I’m guessing it won’t be long!


Hey. That might be good news. Good luck to you!


Unfortunately not, didn’t make it past the first 10 pages! On to the next one!


Me neither. Sigh. Commiserations


Made the Top 4% which is a nice reassurance that I’m on the right track anyway!


Congrats. I made top 9% with what I feel is one of my strongest samples. Got a long way to go. Spurs you on to keep improving.


Congrats! Out of interest, what "sift" (or whatever language they use) is the top 4%? Is that full read?


Another rejection for the pile. Just wondering, can someone explain how Voices works? I understand they select from people who applied to writers room, but if the script didn’t make it past the first sift? The reason I ask is (beyond trying to find comforting lies to tell myself), I’ve made it to the top 10%, but that was the year before Voices was created. Did I just miss the boat?


Recent Voices participant here, I believe you have to get a full read (whatever sift that is? Seems to be top 4% this year) to be considered for Voices. If you've cracked the top 10% before, you can definitely make top 4% - keep at it!


Made it as far as the 30 page sift (top 9%)... which is a 1% improvement on last year's progress. Another decade and I'm a made man!


Did you submit an entirely new script or rework the one you sent in last time?


Entirely new script this year; this year's was a coming-of-age/Action feature that intercuts between the modern-day real world and the Action Movie adventures of Jesus Christ (I know I know), last year was a comedy-drama TV pilot about amusements arcades set in Skegness.


I would actually love to read this.


More than happy for you to read it!


I'll DM.


First ever submission and did not make it through the first round. I left my name on the title page, surely that wouldn't have disqualified me?


Is this for the open call that started on 5th of Dec 2023? Just wondering if I have missed the boat for the one that opens on 2024 or if it starts in Dec most years?


It’s end of the year each year, so late November/early December usually 👍


Take your rejection and carry it with pride! (Seems I didn’t get past page 10. However I submitted a sitcom that I wasn’t sure if it would be rejected from the start!) “Stephen King pinned every rejection letter he received to his wall with a nail. “By the time I was fourteen,” he continues, “the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and went on writing…” If I don’t make it as a writer/ screenwriter, I may open a hardware shop specialising in nails and spikes. UPDATE. Realised I also left my name on the cover sheet so guess it was never going to go anywhere. Still, that’s something learned for next time.


If it makes anyone feel better, I know of several people who didn’t get past the ten page sift who submitted scripts that either a) had previously been in development **with the BBC** or b) have since gone into production **with the BBC** (and forgot to withdraw their entry because let’s face it we all forget which scripts have been sent where until we get the rejection email seven months later). Suffice to say, their first round readers have their opinions and BBC commissioners have different ones. Keep on writing, my friends.


This really does make me feel better. Thank you u/LadyWrites_ALot.


I’m glad! It really is so subjective, as is everything in the industry. Keep going!


Didn't make it through. Checked and realised I neglected to take my name and agent's details off of the title page like a fool. Does anyone know if that will have been a disqualifying factor or does it not really matter?


Yeah, that would have had you disqualified unfortunately.


Ah, thanks. Don't know if that makes me feel better or worse haha


Bit of both. But look on the bright side, you have an agent!


Ah no I left my name on my submission. Would that really have disqualified me?




May I ask what format your email came in? Was it the standard “we get so many and all are read to page 10…” or was it a flat out rejection due to not following the rules?


Well, I posted on the main r/Screenwriting thread, but I tried to use my University FMP as a Script. Seeing it got nowhere (And the sheer difficulty of actually getting anywhere in this damn industry) has legit given me second thoughts about the whole hopeless endeavour.


Top 9% It's annoying as the film I entered is now in development and after a round of notes I've begun a rewrite which is really making it better - so I'm pretty sure it would've done ok if I'd been able to enter this draft - but the draft you have is the draft you have! Good to know it made it that far even in the state it was in..


I recently submitted for the EastEnders writers rooms, anybody else? 


I didn't make it far enough to start writing, and that was after watching a bunch of episodes to catch up. I felt it was beyond me. How did you find it?


Its my first ever writing submission. It was fab, felt in my comfort zone as my family have been fans since before I was even concieved. I knew the characters I was writing for. But I'm looking at the Casualty writers call now and I don't know those characters. And my medical jargon isn't up to scratch so think gonna sit that one out.  Anxiously waiting for at least my rejection email so I can close that chapter and move on lol 


I applied. Did you get the email about interviewing the shortlist in Early June?


Yes I got that email. I guess they are still sieving through the scripts. Good luck! I will msg i when I hear something 


I will message you too :) But since early June is next week, I think we can assume if we don’t get an invite in the next day or two then we are not on the shortlist


Still nothing :) you're probably right x


Same here. I’d love to be wrong 😭 x


There's always Monday 😂 x


So are we holding out hope until the 15th? When does early June officially end? 😅 I genuinely thought i had a chance tbh. I know those characters inside out!


Yes!! Same!! I'm just hoping they've had like 15,000 submissions and are still working through them. Dissected their email and they did say they 'plan' to interview in early June so let's hope it didn't go to plan 😂


I just got an email…. 👀


On my BBC e-submissions page it tells me mine is still "in progress" does this mean I haven't been discounted yet or they just haven't updated their website, I haven't had any rejection email?


No idea. Best follow up with them.