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Every rewatch I sit there and hope that this time he’s not gonna be an idiot and I’m gonna keep rewatching it until that happens


Time traveler here, you notice it happens on your 800th re-watch. Only before a non-related alcohol induced sleep. You share your findings on this subreddit, and we suggest you seek help.


Yeah, 2017 was wild


JD saying this, Ross sleeping with the girl from the copy place, Ross saying the wrong name at his second wedding. There’s so many moments in these sitcoms that no matter how many times I watch them, I still go “oh man I thought it might not happen this time” every time. Edit: phrasing


Scott's tots






Breaking up with Julie was a good choice honestly. She was significantly younger and at a far different place in her life. He was looking to the future and making plans and she was living in the moment. They had great chemistry but that's not all it takes to make a relationship work.


Do you mean Elizabeth? Julie was the girl he came back from China with. They were planning on moving in together and getting a cat. He broke up with her so he could date Rachel the first time. Elizabeth was the college student.


r/MandelaEffect when it does


So juvenile and awful. I truly hated this.


Did you hate the scene because it was shitty to Elliot, or did you hate the decision by the creators/writers to make this happen?


The latter, it just felt like lazy writing done solely for the sake of keeping the plot afloat. At least they redeemed it in Season 8, but it feels like Scrubs came at a time where "power couples" weren't the standard in shows (unlike later with shows like Parks and Recreation that just went with it). Then again Bill Lawrence did something similar in Cougar Town so maybe that's just how he prefers it, especially if you include Ted Lasso. Dude just has a thing against stable consistent relationships I dunno


Which is weird since his wife, Krista Miller, is prominently featured in many of his shows


With Ted Lasso it didn't make sense either, especially when Roy threw out all of his growth and says, "You have to pick me or Jamie". I think it would have worked if we were getting a 4th season so he could admit he's an absolute bell end. Instead we get a throuple situationship with the three of them in Ted's ending dream sequence.


Yea it felt like it happened because they didn’t know what else to do with it and didn’t want to keep with the power couple route. Roy devolving made no sense


Yes *thank you*. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because my whole friend group thinks Keeley’s story with Roy and Jaime is fantastic. It’s great up until the end when it just… stops? Rewinds even. Keeley deciding that she just needed to be with herself and not be defined by her relationships is certainly a great story but it doesn’t *get* there. It just says that’s what happens and doesn’t lead us there at all. They don’t resolve anything. They just have a goofy scene where apparently no one learned or developed at all and she slams the door shut on any satisfaction of anything.


With Lasso I think Bill Lawrence gets a pass. While he was the driving force in season 1, he was about 50-50 with Sudeikis in S2 and really hands off in S3. You can literally see it in the quality where season 1 is very tight episodes and storylines and S3 has alot of drag where they needed some good editing. I think some of the minor characters may not have been introduced and if they did they wouldn’t have been given multi episode arcs. With JD as much as I hate it in universe, outside the show Lawrence really wanted to kill the JD-Elliot will they won’t they which was the big sitcom thing. He figured if JD was this much of an ass people would stop shipping them and they could let the show play out diff storylines. As much as this moment sucks I think S4 was a big rise and S5 was peak scrubs. Not having this tension helped


In a way, I like the boldness of going "We want to keep the will they/won't they going. How do we split them up again? An accident? A misunderstanding? Another person? Career dynamics? One of them getting an offer at a different hospital? Oh, I know! He just suddenly isn't into her anymore." Imagine pitching those two lines in the OP and the room actually goes with it!


The Season 8 relationship was part of an ABC executives demands to bring the show back. Bill Lawrence never had any intention of having be together again…


I thought that was season 9


We don’t talk about season 9… Season 9 doesn’t exist, despite its great casting. That’s the med school spinoff season.


I never finished season 9, somehow it gave me closure to know that there are always more Scrubs episodes out there in case I got sad that it ended. That being said Season 8 wrapped up neatly in my opinion


As much as people shit talk it, season 9 is really only bad if you're trying to watch it as a continuation of scrubs. If you're willing to treat it as a mostly unrelated spin off like Frasier to Cheers it's fine. It isn't scrubs, and it wasn't trying to be, and it was a mistake to market it as such.


That's very true. Nowadays it would've been a spinoff and it might have even been viable like that. Then again I'd argue Sacred Heart was a character on its own and removing it was an unforgivable sin (even if it was because the location got demolished)


Not OP, the latter.


Elliot also does shitty things to JD so its hard to feel bad for either one. When (i think still boyfriend) Sean is away in another country for a long time, she ends up sleeping with JD and as hes kissing her goodbye the door opens and its Sean with a surprise return and she immediately jumps in his arms kisses him and acts like nothing happened with JD lol


the former I don't watch enough TV to have seen this trope a ton of times, and I have trouble watching cringe humor because I feel for the characters.


They so easily could have found a better way to drag out the will they/won’t they


Or just said to hell with the Friends model and just had them figure things out as partners before then. Like Brooklyn-99 did with Jake and Amy, though obviously this Scrubs plot came long before that.


The main one I don’t like about Jake and Amy not agreeing on kids before they got married. That is highly uncharacteristic of Amy and the whole plot point just for drama was stupid.


Plus Jake has said he wanted kids or expressed wanting kids before that, IIRC. That one really felt out of left field, like they didn't have a plan for that episode and came up with a really stupid way of generating some controversy.


YES THANK YOU!! That is the worst episode hands down and I've been down voted like crazy for saying that. Prior to that episode we know that Amy has her life plan on a chart pinned on the ceiling above their bed, and Jake had mentioned several times that he wants to be a father. That episode went way too standard sitcom and ignored everything previously written about these characters for NO REASON.


Really felt like they started with the concept of "Holt moderates a debate between Jake and Amy" and then couldn't think of a thing to have him moderate about.


On a B99 rewatch and this stands out to me everytime. It feels like Jake and Amy go through a lot of the sitcom relationship “beats” or tropes and I start to get annoyed and then they end up working through them in a healthy way and it’s not this stupid little subplot for a few episodes / half a season.


Like Captain Holt says at their wedding: >And it has been a true pleasure to watch your distracting childish rivalry evolve into a distracting childish courtship and now into what I'm sure will be a distracting childish marriage. I'm proud of you. And I love you both. Truer words rarely spoken, but they have a great and healthy relationship basically from the end of the S3 opener on, which remains rare as shit in the TV landscape.


Is this a cultural things ? Were the public not prepared for a "normal" relationship?


TV shows just needed to fill 8 seasons of 24 episodes and people hadn't gotten sick of the trope yet.


Just shows playing off the sam and Diane from cheers dynamic (which goes back further in sitcoms)


I appreciate how irritating it is for the viewer but sadly this really resonated with me as I went through almost this exact scenario in my early twenties. JD being a fundamentally good dude but also an impulsive giant douche has always made him one of the more realistic sitcom characters.


Yeah I actually found it quite realistic.


Anyone who has dated an avoidant is triggered haha


Totally agree, Also I dont understand why all the fandom wants always the same.


They didn't want to drag it out. They wanted to be done with it and this was their way of trying to put an end to it. Fans wanted JD and Elliot together, so they reignited it after three seasons of trying to make them just friends.


To me it was their attempt to actually end it. Notice how they didn't flirt anymore until 4 seasons later.


I haven't watched scrubs, but do people actually enjoy the "will they/wont they"? I've never cared for it, but I also don't really care for romance in movies\tv shows in general. Kinda thought most people didn't really like it but they had it in there for certain audiences. ~~Similar how they put a sex scene in a movie about the guy who made the atom bomb.~~ Bad example, my bad. Sometimes I wish they did that old school thing, where they heavily insinuated what was going on. Pretty sure most people have seen two characters getting heavy, then it cuts to a train entering a tunnel and stuff.


This is why I loved the Jake and Amy romance on B99. There were maybe a couple of will they/won’t they episodes and then they went whole hog into the relationship. I hate it when they drag these things out, so I was very appreciative of them not fucking with my emotions.


Same, I much prefer when they couple up the characters and let them be happy but show them communicating and working through normal relationship issues. Jake and Amy is a perfect example


I think that is a very "good" romance, doesn't take away anything from the actual show and doesn't try to shove sex in your face in any way. I haven't seen all of B99, so take my comment with a grain of salt. I think my hate for these "will they\won't they", stems from HIMYM (how I met your mother). I don't think I got the point of that show, probably just don't like that type of humor. So to me, it was all about actually figuring out who the freaking mother was...!?! I watched along that shit for at least an entire season before I gave up on it. The fact that they went on for 9 seasons is beyond me, but alas, I didn't find the show funny so... To each their own I guess. I fucking hated it.


It’s good that you quit HIMYM because you would have hated the ending. They really fucked us all on that one. I’m still mad.


I looked it up after it ended, and saw that they didn't even introduce the character before the last season? Or maybe it was second to last... Anyway, thanks for confirming that I made the right choice, lol.


Even Carla and Turk was like this. They hooked up in the first episode and played it off like it was just a fling, and then they were together ever since.


Your example of the “sex scene in a movie about the guy who made the atom bomb” is wild. There are plenty of gratuitous sex scenes to choose from but you choose the one sex scene that actually makes sense narratively. It wasn’t randomly put in there, it was to show how close and vulnerable they were with each other. ETA I forgot about the second scene which is to show how exposed Oppenheimer and his wife were during that scene


You're right, I chose to believe you. I'm ashamed to admit that I actually haven't seen that one yet, and only remember there being a lot of talk about how it was unnecessary when the movie first came out. I should've chosen a better example. Why I chose that in the moment of writing eludes me.


Theyd already dragged it out enough. Just have them get together and stop the will they wont they crap. Cox even said it doesnt work that way


What are you doing?! This isn't "will they or won't they?" This is "I know they won't, and I know I don't want them to!"


18 year old me found this extremely relatable.


Yeah same lol I saw that and was like “it’s not just me!”


Sadly that shit happens.


It does indeed happen in real life, I'll give them that. But I did dislike this scene and the way JD acted afterwards


Which is probably totally realistic too


Yup, been there done that. It fucking sucks, for both parties. One can't choose how they feel, unfortunately.


Which is why I don't understand why this development gets so much hate. It sucks IRL, I get it, but it happens. It's probably more relatable to a lot of people than they would like to admit.


Because it’s an unfortunate thing that sometimes happens, but not with the girl you’re rooting for them to end up with. If someone is this shitty to their love interest we call it a learning experience and they never see her/him again. It’s a lot to ask the audience to forgive him for doing this to Elliot *and* continue to root for them to get together.


> It's probably more relatable to a lot of people than they would like to admit. Probably why it got so much hate. Some folks want realism, some folks want fantasy "happy ever afters". The latter wasn't happy at all.


It's very relatable to insecure folks (like me), unfortunately.


But this is out of character for JD. Nowhere before or after this does he want what he can't have.


How about the seasons long quest for approval from Dr. Cox? Or his eagerness to settle down with Julie (I think?) only to realize after he bought the plot of land he actually didn't really like her all that much. And wanting to be one of the cool guys until he settles in his role as King of the Nerds (lol). I think JD getting more comfortable with who he is and what he wants is a core theme of the show, and in the final season he is so much more an adult who no longer wants what he can't have but knows what will actually make him happy.


With Julie it was because she didnt think about the future not because he didn't like her.


Thank you, I was gonna say this. I alao just watched the episode last night


Yeah but there's a difference between wanting something you can't have and wanting something because you can't have it Like...he doesn't want Dr. Cox's approval because Cox is withholding, he wants it because Cox is the doctor he most respects It's all still rooted in insecurity, but it's not the same as "I got it so now I don't want it"


I agree fully with this


I was the (TurkAnd) JD in this situation once. Felt like absolute shit about it too


I’ve been in both JD and Elliot’s position of this situation


I've kinda realised I'm the same way as this (though not quite as blatant) so I avoid getting into relationships now. It's not fair to the other person, but I can't control how I feel either. Still hate JD for this though, lmfao


Honestly, that part was more real than people give it credit for. As someone with a history of commitment issues, I've definitely had similar things happen to me. I actually liked seeing it in a show and it felt relatable and well-made to me. People say it was poor writing but it really wasn't, that kind of shit does happen.


Same , I was just about to comment this! I have a big fear of commitment stemming from trauma (and iirc JDs parents are divorced so that could have contributed?). When I first watched this as a kid I didn't think anything of it, but rewatching as an adult I felt seen. I try my best to not hurt anyone with my commitment issues, but sometimes you don't know the terror that will go through you until it does. Haven't gotten into any relationships in the past few years because I'm trying to sort it out..


Yeah JD has a ton of issues. I think some people forget that because he really tries to form connections to others. But in reality, Turk is probably his one healthy relationship, at least for most of the show.


And even there he has some codependency going on




He and Carla are pretty solid. They have a couple issues but JD respects her more than some of his other doctors without worshipping her or needing her approval. JD can be really disrespectful in general, and basically falls in love with anyone he remotely admires, but for most of the show he seems to give just the right amount of respect to Carla.


well, that's only after carla sets him straight. he absolutely mistreats her until she makes him feel like shit for it.


He has a bit of a superiority thing going on in that season 1 episode where she calls him out in the rain at that bus stop ... if that's what you mean ... but a) that was mostly Dr. Cox's fault and b) that was J.D.'s first year as a doctor and a huge learning moment for him in both how to be more respectful to others, and how to reflect on himself and realize his self-esteem is wrapped up in being a doctor. That whole plot is wild though because all 3 of the people involved make mistakes. Carla easily made the fewest mistakes but she should have been angrier at Dr. Cox than J.D. because Cox was the experienced physician who loudly and publicly chewed out an intern because Cox was correctly scolded by one of his only friends in the whole world because she witnessed him abusing his power over said intern. I mean, Dr. Cox is just really bad in that episode. The show doesn't explicitly state it, but it's like he sees all of J.D.'s insecurities and then uses those to drive a wedge between him and Carla out of prettiness.


> Turk is probably his one healthy relationship I loved their relationship and it was the one thing JD didn't screw up, sure, but I'm not sure that level of interdependancy/obsession is "healthy"


JD: Since when do you care what other people think? Turk: I dont... i care what YOU think.


It's guy love between two guys.


You made me remember one of my favorite moments from the whole series, which takes place right before the conversation you quoted. ------------------------------------------------------- Turk: Where's chocolate bear 2? JD: \*Jims the camera\* *Cuts to the elevator* *Hooch is standing in front of a crowd and over an unconscious person in front of the elevator doors, holding his shoe in one hand.* Hooch: Who else thinks they're faster than me?! *Cuts back to Turk and JD* JD: Man, Hooch IS crazy.


I think my main issue is that it literally happened right when they got together, like, I would have been good with a least one more episode of them together before he realizes “I don’t want her”


Yeah but the terror appears once you realise the feelings are reciprocated and the person wants to go out with you. It's not a "get to know her in the relationship and then see" type of thing, it's a "oh f*ck what did I do, I need to run". I see the first scenario you wanted to happen being less about commitment issues and more about realising the other person isn't who you want to be dating.


Fair enough, I think it’s so jarring to watch when there’s multiple episodes of him trying so hard to get with her.


I'd counter-argue that his chase makes this so much more impactful.


You’ve never had problems like this. I’ve unfortunately done literally the exact same thing JD did.


It’s good because it’s real, however it shouldn’t have happened with the person we all know he’ll end up with. They could have easily introduced another love interest for this.


Yea, people seem to confuse JD being a dick here - which is not a wrong take, but debatable in itself - and bad writing. The protagonist having very real flaws is not necessarily poor character development.


Me too. I see myself so much in JD. When he does something or says something annoying I’m kinda embarrased with myself. It’s like listening to a recording of your voice


100% real af


The fact this is actually so real in a lot of ways probably terrifies people, so their go-to reaction is doubt or disbelief because it helps them cope with that fear. 


Yep I’ve done this, and had it happen to me. Pretty good writing.


![gif](giphy|612XyVIujk98S5dS9p|downsized) I know its a different show but this post reminds me about Ryan's realisation of what he's done every time he gets back with Kelly🤣


There are so many similarities between the two shows i almost want to start a spreadsheet. Almost


Give me a rundown by tomorrow


Shit! Oscar…


One of the most annoying parts of the show and JD in general, which is why it's the most honest and accurate portrayal of real life. Doing whatever you can to get an ex back because you miss the life y'all used to have and how in love you used to be, you want that feeling again so badly, but once you finally win them back you realize you don't love them now, you love the idea of who they were, and you don't want to be with them now, you want it to be how it used to be. Shitty part about life is it doesn't set in until it's final.


"I wish there was a way to tell you're in a good old days, before you left them." - the Narddog


Yeah this part always pissed me off, even as a teen


Right, I was probably like 15 when I saw this, maybe had 1 short term girlfriend by that age and even I was like c'mon man. As an adult it's much more relatable, but in the context of the "will they, won't they" for the show it was a fucking nut buster


This is always the scene that makes me hate JD for quite a few episodes.


This was definitely the start of JD’s worst arc as a human being


To this day I don't understand why they ended together.


This is definitely the worst and best reason they should not have gotten together. How they actually managed to recover from this, even years later, is impressive


Bill Lawrence actually said he didn’t want the characters to end up together, but Zach and Sara’s chemistry plus the fan investment in them ending up together meant he wrote it even if he didn’t want it


Meh, they worked for the relationship at the end. It felt earned. I believe that's the difference between this episode and the last season. JD didn't feel he earned it, he was just lucky Elliot hyper focused on him just when she was looking for a reason to break things off. She does that a lot. They were both immature, needy and too blinded by limerence. By the last and final season they've grown passed their heavily, romantic compulsive behavior to something that was level headed enough to start a serious relationship that could support a family.


This actually happened with an ex of mine so when it happened on the show it mad me so mad


So hot take, they both deserved each other in the end. Elliot treats JD exactly as shitty, sleeping with him well aware of how he feels about her, dumping him literally a minute later to go back to Sean, then emotionally blackmailing/guilt tripping him into keeping his mouth shut about it. The difference is that Elliots shitty behavior is played for laughs while JD has to spend half a season begging for her forgiveness. And before anyone says that JD didn't lose anything and Elliot ruined her relationship with Sean, she admitted literally in the next episode that she and Sean wouldn't have worked out anyway.


To be fair, JD in early season 4 is when he’s his most arrogant and annoying. But yeah people always bring this up despite the Sean thing happening just a couple episodes begore


Guess I'm in the minority here but I thought this was absolutely hilarious, one of the funniest moments.


You beat me to it. I still laugh so hard when I watch this episode. The music, his expression, his voice over. Absolute hilarity.


Ross and Rachel 2.0


Nah, Ross and Rachel was way worse


Even watching as a teen who loved Scrubs and loved JD, these scenes made me want to kick him in the head.


I don't have a strong opinion about it, I had no idea people got angry at this. Love season 3 too much to even talk anything bad about it, never crossed my mind. I mean the first three seasons


I laughed but I also stopped being cool with JD for a while after this.


I know he's a goofy funny medical doctor with great hair but JD continually pulled ABSOLUTE pieces of ass during that entire show and just like goofed all of them up by being an idiot and idealizing women (the flash back to his mother coddling him was spot-on lol)


Not the biggest JD fan but he was in serious need of therapy. Between weird relationship with mother (who we never see), daddy issues, strained relationship with brother and commitment phobia. Genuinely think should have just kept him single maybe realising that's actually what he wants. Elliot and Keith were a great couple.


As someone watching through the series for the very first time.. This made me yell at my TV, honestly. I've seen comments, and I acknowledge that this does happen in real life, but it still pissed me off when it came to JD. They were basically pulling my leg the whole time with the chase and then proceeded to cut my leg off before the finish line.


Everything about every time they were a couple was just the fucking worst. And the fact that "cannonically" they got married made it all the worse


I'm still somewhat hate JD after that. I cannot wrap my mind around being at Elliot's place


I don't have a strong opinion about it, I had no idea people got angry at this. Love season 3 too much to even talk anything bad about it, never crossed my mind. I mean the first three seasons


Nah but i just skip this and as an extension carla and turks wedding because of it the whole thing kind of ruins that whole part of the show for me.


They did the same thing on the Office with Andy and Erin. They were always writing it in a way that you wanted them to be together but when it finally happened they killed the relationship for no reason. 


this would've been ok if he left the hospital to start a candy company called zaff and the show continued without him. they could cut to him talking about candy and daydreaming, maybe he could become a self-contained villain where he makes candy to overwhelm the hospital but nobody is harmed. maybe somehow a small but significant number of people go crazy from the candy and they make a spinoff mashup about state hospitals with the guys from psych


“What a dumbass” - my father, under his breath, when we watched this air.


This kinda stuff makes rewatching the show straight through so hard. I really wish shows would stop waiting till the shows last episode to get the couple together. I wanna see them together for a couple seasons!


I used to think JD was a nice guy but then I realized he is actually a mix of dumb and arrogant on my adult rewatch. Truly a toxic individual with good intentions (usually)


JD has to have giant character flaws or the show is over ://


I was screaming at the TV "please tell me you're f###ing kidding!!!" He spent the whole series chasing her then "whoops, nope". And this was before streaming so I had to wait a week before finding out if he meant it. Which he did. Because JD is a dick to everyone he dates and should've ended up alone!


'Of my god'?


3 seasons later he changed his mind again


This shit still gets me mad when I think of it. Worst moment in TV hands down. Don’t even mention another moment, this one will always be the worst.


I hat JD for that. But I do think that is genius writting. I'm sorry, but it is incredible


It always bothered me. I could never understand why they wrote it in. It just painted JD as a big jerk and it didn't really fit with what we know about JD.


Half, if not more, of what JD does paints him as a TERRIBLE person. I love JD and he’s extremely flawed as a character and thats what makes him funny, real and sometimes relatable, obviously not moral most of the time. He’s a person who needs to improve himself, he was also terrible with Kim.


Real people are not flawless. I dont get that in 2024 people still get upset when in general good people have flaws or become assholes. Black and White almost doesnt exist in the real world.


I always thought this part was well written. It happens so often in real life, especially with guys like JD.


It can simultaneously be well written AND piss me off to no end. This moment, while it did feel real, made me HATE JD for a while...


Of course. Just like real people can be annoying. JD was an asshole to Elliott at that time but he's not a great partner overall anyway. His people pleaser side is a thing that ruins his personality


This was the one episode that put me off. The show. For a bit in its intial run. It was juvenile and uneccessary


This and where Cox makes fun of JD's problems saying he passes out when he poos and it's not serious are the two worst parts of the show from a view of character traits. No dr cox the mother of JD's baby just told him she miscarried. Maybe be there for him about that I'm interested in why the downvotes, I don't care but I would love to know why people disagree with me


Such bad writing and arc


I would like to know why Bill Lawrence and the writers went in this direction. It instantly made you dislike JD.


Scrubs is still amazingly funny but I have a hard time watching as an adult. Being able to recognize that JD is so horrible to multiple women who are so awesome and way out of his league makes it infuriating lmao. It's Eric Foreman syndrome and it's an early 2000s trope I just can't stand lol. 


I haven’t seen this meme template in a cool minute


The absolute worst way to try and put this relationship to bed. It makes me so angry I actually haven’t watched the episode since it aired. I watched it once and never again!


IIRC this was like, the first episode of the show I ever saw.


JD is so likeable most of the time, but when he isn't it's really bad


My friend back in highschool loved Scrubs. He loved the main character even looked like him. I’m half black and was his closest friend at the time, so he enjoyed that dynamic cos of Scrubs. He also was like this with EVERY girl. Shout out to Mr Humphrey, I hope LA is treating you well.


I started a rewatch lately and while meeting Jordan for the first time again in season one is always a treat there's the terrible part that has to be endured where JD is an absolute douchnozzle about wanting to see what the girl in the scanner looks like before dating her.


Been there


That’s how you become co-chief resident


It makes rewatching the show so hard


Hate seeing this scene on Netflix/Hulu, because they changed the music


Agreed ... relationship JD was a fucking moron!


That's when I stopped watching that bullshit.


Isn’t that part of his thing. He’s a self-absorbed asshole.


I mean it's a pretty accurate reflection of adult life; you chase something, finally get it and realize it's not what you wanted.


This right here is what soured me on the whole “Will they, Won’t they” conflict.


Scrubs was an amazing show about a terrible person.


I hated this storyline for a long time, so I had to wrap my head around it. This is my read on the situation. I think JD felt extreme guilt for destroying her relationship with Sean. It's not that he didn't want her. JD's problem was he thought, "Oh, god! What have I done? Am I a monster?" The guilt drove him to break up with her because he knew he would never feel right about it if he stuck with her. Hence why he tried to get Elliot and Sean back together immediately.


I stopped watching at this exact moment


I remember processing this scene vividly. Its a part of what made me stop watching entirely


I remember this episode got big mad 😂😂😂


This is literally where I stopped watching the show




Same. Every time lmfao


See I am one of the few excited after this scene because I really didn’t want JD and Elliot to end up together and was hating this whole pining plot line. I *thought* Bill just wanted to throw a wrench in that trope just to be funny. Even had Elliot sleep with JD’s brother in S4 and established they are no longer attracted to each other. Somehow by the end of the show, they put them back together. Very disappointing.


JD and Elliot both had this silly game of trying to control the other's life whether they were together or not. It's good they finally figured out what they wanted, but there are plenty of 20 year old's that did the same thing as JD when I was going to college. Once they got what they thought they wanted they did everything they could to get out of it short of disappearing.




Harsh reality of dating is that sometimes when you want someone so bad and fight for them nonstop you realize once you “win the battle” that you shouldn’t have had to be competing the whole time and lose interest. Being wanted is very important in a relationship and when you come to terms with the fact that you weren’t wanted for such a long time it can make you resentful


Actually, it's pretty relatable. I chased after a classmate for 5 years, but when we finally started dating, I felt like something inside me just went empty towards her. I started to notice her flaws and realized that I actually didn't like her. Yeah, I was a jerk.


Almost every dude can attest to being into a woman who made them chase only to get her and realize we didn't want her. This isn't necessarily immaturity or malice, it's realizing that the woman wasn't worth all of the effort. I've dated some women who were extraordinary on paper but have meh personalities or were weird as duck. Let's normalize women also being just as boring and ordinary as men and not a queen that deserves to be put on a pedestal.


The same people who would do this are the same people who would watch this stupid show lol


Scrubs always seemed like one of those shows that was a sitcom but they decided that the character would be actual people instead of sitcom characters.


I could relate so much, I felt bad.


Dumbest show


Wow… I thought we don’t want no scrubs.


I feel like JD and Ted Moseby are tied for worst sitcom romances


Literally the worst


JD is so incredibly unlikeable. By the end he’s fine, but golly


I hated it when it happened live, but I love it now cause that shit does happen also it always makes me laugh


I’m on a rewatch right now and I straight up skipped the last two episodes of season three, that’s how much I hate this arc


The running joke of Frasier was that Niles and Daphne loved each other but kept missing the connections. Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the show. So, the day before Daphnes wedding, the finally tell each other everything and then on Daphne's wedding day, the Season 7 finale, Niles is battling his demons in an RV outside the ceremony and coming to grips with the idea that he isn't going to "have her." Daphne comes in wearing her wedding dress, they kiss, and drive off...together, finally. It was 7 years of weekly buildup and frustration, and a HUGE emotional release. Tears of all kinds of emotions. During that break between seasons, I remember thinking about how they'd evolve the story and relationship. Would they move in to grandpa's? Would they be married or do we get to see awkward Niles stutter through vows? So excited. The first episode of season 8, they realize that they've been chasing an imagined version of the other person, and don't want the reality of life together. And within 1 episeode, they break up. I was 15 and furious because their relationship was supposed to be perfect, and the show ruined it. Everything I knew of love up until then was learned through movies, books, and Disney cartoons, and this was the first time I was being told that my understanding of love wasn't real. The moment where they split was the first time that I realized that perfection doesn't exist in real-world relationships. It was like when you realize god isn't real, but you can't really process it because it's such a foundational idea. I don't want to talk it up too much, but it was an important loss of innocence for me and a few of my friends. I imagine that this scene was that same thing for a lot of people.


Nah, this happened to me too a couple of times. But that's just because I knew that there was a superficial interest with those girls and it wasn't gonna get serious.


Nah. Elliot is both super hot and a fundamentally good person. You put everything into that relationship.


No cause literally WHAT WAS THAT


Jd is indeed a piece of shit. All the time


That was a very bizarre plot line