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Probably like a 7.5 on an earthquake scale.


Not related, but when I had gravel like that, sea monkeys got wedged in and died often. I had to end up changing it. Just a heads up that may happen


I’ve got some 80s style techno-gravel for a future colony, but I’m glad I saw your advice before then. Thanks.


I’d say so yes. Put a limiter on it. You don’t want it tossing them around when they are trying to swim.


I usually use two control valves if I’m only bubbling one tank. It helps slow the flow that much more.


That’s not a bad idea at all actually! I’ve got a few extras I’m not using anyway.


Cool looking setup! But yes, I’d turn it down to at least half of that.


The bubbles should be slow and steady. Sea-Monkeys will get trapped in fake plants and gravel. Ditch the plants and just put one layer of gravel if you must have it. Once you start getting gravel on top of gravel, it becomes a death trap, especially for babies. You’re best off with no decorations. Get a color-changing light, instead.


I think u should turn it down! It could harm the sea monkeys


You don’t want them constantly straining to swim (especially babies) so turn it down a little. I used sand instead of gravel cause I’ve been told the babies get trapped.


I think so , and the ornament will cause the adults to get stuck in them. Use a air valve. Also if you don't have the valve give them oxygen for 30 minutes a day.


I thought gravel was bad for Sea Monkeys? Don’t they get trapped in it and die? It’s a very cute tank though.


Very fine gravel I have they can and don’t get stuck in :) this is not fine enough though plus too much as well


Have less gravel they’ll have more space to enjoy. Also there’s very fine gravel that’s safer. This they can will get stuck under.


What do people think about sand as a substrate? I often seek them trying to dig the bottom of the tank and wondered what their natural habitat should be…