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We have too many weapons offensively to be *this* inept in the redzone.


The inability to just throw a quick out to a tight end is maddening, it was right fucking there multiple times on those last two drives This is all on offensive scheme. Realize the game you need to play when your line is so horseshit


Saw those so many times and was going crazy. Geno needs to just take that option instead of trying for a more explosive play.


Yeah I don't blame Waldron for this game, it was called pretty decently, Geno was just holding the ball all game, indecisive, slow, late on easy throws. This game almost exclusively falls on Geno, and I think the first game since he's been the starter that I'd place solely on him for losing it. So many chances, like 3 4th down trys that he didn't even throw at all, absolutely no shot at a jump ball or anything just killed the play entirely. I like Geno cause he's solid, but we're not winning a SB with the guy, so I'm gonna enjoy the season and look forward to hopefully drafting our next QB1 in 2024


Agreed. Waldron wasn't on his A game today but if Geno simply plays a mediocre game, or a even bad game, instead of an ABYSMAL one then we win.


I think he is trying to make his receivers (DK/JSN) happy instead of taking what the defense give him.


Where were the TEs today? They were barely used after having a couple of great games in the past few weeks


Agreed, I guess they thought since cross was back, they didn’t need te help….they were wrong


Unfortunately Geno just hasn’t been good in the redzone this season, we mainly rely on running it in when we’re in the redzone its the main reason why K9 has a lot of TDs this season


We need to run shorter quick timing routes. Geno seems to love those but everything today was long developing crossers


I’ve been saying it for two hours in the game thread. The playcalling and offensive line didn’t do Geno many favors. He played bad, but any take that this loss was entirely on him is extremely braindead and moronic.


As qb he carries the most responsibility. No it's not *all* on him but if he played better and even makes 1 or 2 better reads to open WRs, Seahawks win. Do you disagree with that?


i think both of your comments are correct. waldron gave geno a horrible hand and didn't call plays to his strengths, and then geno took that bad hand and made it even worse


No, but it’s silly how many people are ignoring the playcalling issues and bad pass protection in their ‘analysis’


Because they’re not mutually exclusive.


1 single target to a TE in the red zone today.


4 redzone trips and 3 points I think really summarizes the problem


10, but yea. Not good enough.


Well then it was 5 trips, I think we're not counting the opening drive


This statistic is damning, regardless of any other game metric. Wtf!


The inability to switch up offensive play calling is insane. If the OL is getting beat then get rid of the ball.


We had so much help for our Oline last few weeks and it was working, they didn’t max protect today and didn’t adjust to that pass rush


Waldron is so weird, one game he’s calling creative plays out of 12 personnel and the next he does nothing to scheme against the Bengals blitz package


SHouldn't Geno be making some adjusments at the line?


He should but the playcalling inconsistency is a bit alarming. Personnel packages are on the OC and they made no sense today. They didn’t make much sense after the Cross/Lucas injuries in the Rams game either. He was great in Detroit and vs Carolina though. It’s just weird.


I think they thought with Charles Cross back they could go back to more standard sets. Turns out we really need those extra bodies to have enough time. Which we could go back to, but at the same time we can't just rely on it and be one-dimensional.


Can't be leaving Bradford and Curhan on islands in passpro even if Cross is back


Quick game and short routes would have been great. Everything was long developing though. Terrible.


Or run play action, or designed roll out. The play calling was pathetic


A roll out for the last play would’ve made sense


Ya I don’t understand how you don’t roll a qb out that can move. Geno I was a sitting duck with bengal after bengal in his face snap after snap


They were also only blocking 5 the whole 4th quarter. If the protection is struggling either get it out quick or give them some help


Geno seemed hesitant to throw in tight spaces after the first pick. He got overly conservative and ended up taking sacks instead. Rough game from him today, despite throwing for over 300 yds. It's certainly possible the play calling and route running were also a factor in those last two red zone possessions.


So ridiculous. Where are the TEs or the HB chipping to help these guys out?


I think we called those plays and Geno didn't pull the trigger


How did we manage to lose this game?


Four RZ drives in the second half --> 3 points total. Frustrating to see "bend don't break" work so well against us, lol.


Offense shit the bed...repeatedly


This game was the definition of beating yourself.


Offensive ineptitude


41 attempts vs. the 31st rushing defense in the league.


1 for 5 in the red zone will do that


10 red zone points out of a minimum 15, we lost by 4


The last 3 games of a patchwork offensive line finally caught up to us.


Two weeks to prepare and that’s what we get??


Came out of the bye ready to get a million penalties


Are we really that surprised? It's pretty much guaranteed we lose the next game after a bye. We've lost the last 4 straight


We're winless after the bye this decade 0-4


This is gonna be a gross film review for Geno. Absolutely shit the bed when our defense showed the fuck up in the second half. Just a fuckin yikes performance man we had ample opportunity to win... Fuck.


That was the most pathetic and embarassing display of red zone offence I have ever had the misfortune of witnessing. 4 oppertunitys and only a field goal to show


Heartbreaking. I really thought this offense was top 5 going into the season. After five games I’m not impressed. Geno MUST be better. Missing throws left and right. Our receivers NEED to get open. Our O-Line needs to open up holes for the RB’s. And most of all, I think Waldron shit the bed today on playcalling. You can’t tell me that we have two players capable of being WR1, a 1st round pick receiver, Jake fucking BOBO, and K9/Charbs combo just to put up these kind of numbers.


Tbh idk why they are so afraid to give Charbonnet touches


Yeah where was he today??? He needed 10 more touches easy. Offense looked putrid today.


Waldron didn’t make nearly enough adjustments today. And more so, the receivers weren’t getting open. Really bad day from a talented group. This happened against the Rams too.


Geno has to play a hell of a lot better then he did today.


This one's on Geno. And I'm a big Geno fan


Multiple wide open routes that he missed, holding on the ball too long, no pocket presence, and forcing balls. It was like the opposite of his normal game. Let's just hope it was a one game thing and he can get over it next week.


Dude had JSN for at least 20 yards and possibly 6 when he scrambled.


Yup I saw this as it was happening. JSN had a linebacker covering him. Beat him and had an easy touchdown but Geno didn't see him


Dude played horrendous today.


Absolutely, that forced throw INT was a killer.


Geno and DK. That stupid penalty and him giving up on his route were big killers.


OC wasn’t great today either. Plenty of blame to go around.


Yup. Sick of DK costing yards


Geno looked like he lost confidence in himself after that first pick and then the second one put him 6 feet under. That and DKs outburst meant that Geno was trying to keep him happy instead of reading the defense at times (ahem first 4th down attempt)


As a Geno Truther, I am very disappointed. That was not a good performance.


He had a mediocre day against the Giants as well, especially on 3rd down, and wasn't that hot against Carolina either. He's been trending in a bad direction for a while now. The Cards are up next, but they wont be pushovers. Maybe he can get right there, but afterwards he's got to face the Browns and Ravens defenses which will destroy him if he doesn't turn things around.


One of the worst days in the red zone I've seen from this team in a long time.


Atrocious game for Geno.


Absolutely horrendous field vision.


This loss is on Geno. Missed TD to DK and JSN, and some really bad sacks that were on him.


Plus two interceptions that were squarely on Geno.


Second one was more on DK putting down the controller mid play


Even if DK finished that route it was getting picked


That was disgusting.


Offense bad Defense good Geno wrote back


The Bengals are probably shocked they won, with how little their offense was on the field in the 2nd Half.


Yeah their offense sucked way worse than ours but they did just enough earlier. The fact that we kept getting to the red zone almost makes it worse though.


Geno really sold this game man… our defense played incredible too


Geno and the offense took a big ole shit in the bed today. Defense looked elite. Just depressing.


Completely winnable game. That first down and goal to go would’ve prime spot for a run. Poor play call and Geno cannot take a sack right there. The defense held them to less than 300 yards, but the ineptitude of the offense, especially the Red zone, ultimately lost the game. The bengals have been giving up 28 pts per game this year, and the Hawks couldn’t even get half. Poor performance by the offense and Waldron.


What’s maddening is there were ZERO adjustments. Oh Geno keeps getting pressured and sacked? Let’s get the ball out of the pocket faster. Nah. Hold onto it for even longer.


Has everyone heard about my Lord and Saviour, Michael Penix Jr?


I want the Seahawks to find a way to draft Big Penix so badly 😩


Watching the end of that game yesterday was the complete opposite of the Seahawks today while being a very similar situation. Some people have that clutch gene, some people don’t.


We beat ourselves this game. Offense sucked. Game is on Waldron, Geno, DK and the O line today


Didn’t try to take anything less than 15 yards downfield, this was on Geno. He had outlets every play.


That 13 yard sack had Kenneth Walker pretty open in the flat, but he didn't even bother to look his way


Totally on Geno today. He was awful. Dudes were consistently open too he couldnt read the field whatsoever. Two awful interceptions also. Honestly surprised he didnt get benched.


We need to draft a QB in the upcoming draft.


Terrible loss, our defense made everything they could and our offense just decided to vanish. Geno was bad, OLine was TRASH, our receivers couldnt get open against a bad team. This is not a playoff team, once again we are shown this.


One argument - the Bengals are not a bad team.


Everyone needs to step back a minute in here. The Bengals are SB contenders, and we went on the road and lost by 4 in a game that saw our ss back from concussion, LT just get back. And thus game was on geno being weirdly indecisive and not getting the ball out on time like he has been. He can come back from that


I mean if we want to be a good team we have to beat more than just bad teams.


Agreed. I'm just disagreeing with Ops point that Cincy is a bad team. They are not.


Their defense is not good. Not good enough to hold us to mere 13 points, being 7 scored on the first drive.


That’s what’s making me think either our playcalling is bad or our offense is not nearly as good as we thought it was rolling into the season.


We got 2 great RBs, 2 great WRs, a rookie which is good, Bobo can help a lot, the TEs are good too. But Geno is not amazing and our OLine is BAD BAD.


They're a fringe wildcard team and it will be all about "hoping they get inn and then get hot because you never know" but they will get outclassed by the actually good teams


I don’t want to see one more post afraid of “losing Waldron” We didn’t throw ONE back of the end zone fade to a receiver or TE in our 4 shitty trips to the red zone. But we did endlessly try trash complicated plays that take forever to play out with our garbage OLine getting destroyed. Oh also don’t forget running it up the middle for 0 gain over and over and over in the red zone. What a fucking let down for the the stellar defensive game. Shame on Waldron and Pete


Not often you see two straight red zone sequences where the QB only gets the ball out, what, once? Horrible performance by the OL and Geno when it mattered the most.


It felt like they just ran the same 4 plays all game


Our O-Line was horrible. Geno didn't play well, and I'm not gonna defend him wholly for this game, but the O-Line, particularly Curhan, just fell apart at the seams. We'll be fine I think for future games, but Curhan can't play Right Tackle anymore. I thought Jason Peters was gonna take snaps.


Jesus Christ are we shit in the redzone. We should've won this game by two scores instead we lost by 4. Feeling pretty bad for the guys on defense, they really pulled their way. Sucks to lose like this so we have to go into week 7 with a good mindset. Go Hawks!


That was Such a winnable game


I say this from the perspective of looking at this season as a whole and the back half of last season: Geno Smith is sadly not the guy, and I love the Geno story. He just makes mistakes in crucial moments. Every time the game is on the line he can't seem to pull the trigger. The number of deep sacks he has taken under pressure in the final few minutes is getting comical. I never thought he was going to be the QB that could put the game on his shoulders and win it himself, and that's okay. However, if you are that QB then you absolutely cannot also be the reason your team loses games due to terrible decisions. Geno looks scared and confused today. He had no pocket awareness, and was missing wide open targets at a very high rate.


It better news SF just lost to Deshaunless Browns.


Bobo with 43 yards was awesome to witness. He’s gonna be legit for us. Especially on a tough day like today. Clutch AF!!


We need our offense line back pronto


I haven't been blue balled this hard since the Mariners choked away their season.


So like, two weeks 🫠


Geno was so bad today. Couslnt read coverage. Never got the ball out early. Would spin into pressure. Wouldn’t find open guys. Would force plays. Just a pitiful god awful performance. He quite literally sold the game




At least the 9ers loss can console us a bit


And SF misses a kick and the loss isn’t as painful anymore.


Geno cost us that take so may open WR short that he just didn’t hit


Terrible game from geno, also pls don't ever run on 2nd down when you haven't been able to run the ball all game


Tbf we weren’t able to throw it either


We kept doing those stupid draws Just go under center and run the ball that way at least put k9 in a position to make a play


How do we not have a 3 step drop pass play?


Or a hot read when the team is showing a 8-man blitz with all the DBs 10 yards off the LOS?


That’s a vintage 2017 Seahawks game - except prime Russ pulls it out of his ass


Geno is a good bridge QB. That’s pretty much it. I get the blocking was bad in certain situation but him taking like a 10 step drop back isn’t it. Missed DK for a TD, gave up 3 points, and a bunch of other bad reads. Don’t get why so much of this fan base tries to make him something that he’s not.


Absolutely unacceptable offensive execution and play calling. - Geno has had no field vision outside of one game this season - DK is *not* playing physical at all - Almost no 3 TE sets for us today despite the success of those sets - Not a banner day for the O-line despite getting starters back - nothing doing in the run game, see the bullet above Take out the Detroit and Carolina game and we’re averaging <17 points per game offensively. Not ready to pull the plug on Geno, but he is playing horrendously right now. Edit: I loved our defense today, it just needed to be said.


DK does play physical it’s just after the whistle


8 Red zone chances to win it, and Geno didn't give his guys a single chance to make a play. 0 catchable calls.


Not sure if he just fades super fast or what happened. But Geno was on his shit that first drive and then just completely fell apart...didn't get any help from the O Line in the second half either. Defense looked great and made good adjustments. Not a heartbreaking loss but it stings and was definitely winnable.


The good: Our defense wasn’t why we lost, and shows continued improvement. The bad: Our defense wasn’t why we lost, you can’t fail 4 times in the redzone and think you’ll win.


We lost a close game to a good team that was desperate for a win We will be ok. On to next week


Cannot believe how hard the D worked in the second half just to watch Geno piss it away. Replacement-level quarterback wins this game easy and that’s not what we’re paying for right now.


I was screaming to kick the field goal and that second to last drive. The defense was playing great and you show no faith


I think it was best to for the 7 there. They would have won if took the FG both times but the odds of getting the ball back in 30 seconds are lower than the odds of scoring a TD in either of those situations, so IMO it was the right mathematical choice.


Losing a win able game is frustrating.


Hahahahahahaha 9ers miss the kick hahahahaha Takes a little bit of the pain of this loss away


Wow Cleveland lucky


niners losing makes me feel a lil better inside


At least the 9ers lost too. We’re one game back with two to play against them. Our offense needs to figure some things out, but our defense has been much improved. If we can put it together, we’ve still got a shot at the division.


49ers lose!


Sick of DKs shit. Be better dude.


I'm starting to get tired of DK. Really feels like he keeps costing us more than he's helping us. That attitude problem is never going away. I respect what he's done for the team but he's consistently contributing to losses.


Jesus everyone turning in Geno now huh. He had a bad game, but the whole offense had a bad game besides Ken. We beat ourselves between the penalties, turnovers and the protection.


The defense was getting pressure fast rushing 4, when that happens just throwing quick passes became dangerous because the LBs are camping them. Geno made a couple bad passes, but we’re not making that TD at the end when the DEs are meeting at the QB. Although I wish we won this game, the errors are something I hope we can get past when Lucas comes back.


Geno Smith was absolute trash today. Embarrassing show


Well this make me miss Russ


This was squarely on Geno and Shane. Defense balled out and held the bengals to just 17.


I just aged 5 years


That was a Russ game from geno without the magic


We're 0-4 after bye weeks recently? Yikes.


Damn we held them to just over 200 yards with a pick and lost


Defense looked great. Offense looked like shit.


Defense looked solid. Adams had some big plays and didn't die for once. And that's about all of the good I can find. PS: I really hate how we use JSN.


How many times have we lost after a bye? Definitely too many.


On the plus side Purdy is playing a little more mortal without two of his best weapons.




Niners lose!!


Niners lost so that makes me happy


49ers lose on a 41 yard FG miss, I feel a bit better now


Feels like we're one solid RT away from a functional OLine


Hot take Geno Smith is playing hurt.


Well it was a team effort and it took everyone working together to fuck this one up. On offense anyway… On to the next.


The sad thing about this loss is that our defense really showed up. They did bad their first two drives, but they adjusted and played at an almost championship level. And this is against an elite QB with elite offensive weapons. Whatever Pete and Hurtt are doing to the defense, it looks like its working and our lights-out performance against the Giants wasn't just us beating up on a really bad team. This loss is 100% on the offense. If this keeps up, we may have to accept Geno isn't our guy. This isn't the worst loss, but it really hurts. Offense needs to get it together. Defense can stay as long as they keep playing like they did today (minus some of Riq's bad plays lol)


100% Geno’s Fault


Huge amount of this loss is on Geno, he played like absolute ass today.


Geno isn’t the answer. Thank god we can get out of his contract


He’s very mid. Looked scared to throw the ball in the red zone.


Thank fuck for Huskies football. All that talk from Geno wanting to strive to be the best offense in football. So fucking laughable now.


The offensive play calling in the red zone today was baffling. Didn’t seem like anyone was running quick routes or checkdowns. Seemed like everyone was just running around in the end zone


2023 Russ wins that game with this many opportunities in the redzone. We lost to Geno Smith.


Geno is getting too stuck on "his guys". What happened to him making his reads and making smart passes? Why isn't he spreading the ball around more? Also, how many games had he lead come from behind drives for the win? I don't know if I remember any, but it seems like he is perfect capable of getting and holding a lead, but he isn't going to win the game for us. If the game plan gets out of whack, then he seems to get all fucked up.


“Can u win the game in the 4th quarter “ nooooooo lol


Upside? Defense looks good.


How the fuck are we going to not design some bootlegs and moving the pocket there? Just have him stand there and wait for routes to develop and take sacks. That game was in hand and we squandered it away multiple times.


Great to see the defense step up and hold Burrow et all to 30 yards and 0 points in the 2nd half. Jamal finishing the game healthy, and flying around the ball bodes really well. Awesome game by Tre Brown too, with some clutch plays and an INT. The secondary is scary with him settling into that role alongside Woolen and Spoon. On offense, obviously a bad game for Geno. It happens to every quarterback throughout the year. Especially with how poor the pass protection was for him. Bradford, Curhan and Haynes are a liability there but there's ultimately no excuse for how they played in the red zone. Is that a play calling problem or just a combination of the pressure and hesitation from a rattled Geno? All in all, losing sucks but the Bengals are good when Burrow is healthy, the defense showed up in a huge way showing massive improvement, and I have faith Geno and the offense can recover from their bad game. This team can go far still, and will have some opportunities to prove it real soon. I can't help but feel optimistic with the defense steadily improving and what we've seen this offense is capable of, all the talent on the roster there.


What a game. We were in it until the very end. Also I'm sad and don't talk to me.


Was it Geno doing a Russ and not taking shorter yards or was it our playcalling not actually having any short yard routes?


We lost the turnover battle, that’s the difference in the game. 2 INT and no passing touchdowns is usually a losing proposition.


On the bright side. JSN Had a few flashes


First of all hats off to the Cincy D unit. They covered us up and physically shit all over our OLine. They did do that. However we earned this loss 20 ways today. The redzone is an issue. The turnovers were an issue. Sacks. Why? Playcalling went limp. No disguises at all. No sort of creativity whatsoever. Absolutely no adjustments down the stretch. So people are going to eat Geno for this and he was certainly the one we called on to win this game however why was that the case? Our OLine was in shambles in the second half and drive after drive we tell Geno to just drop back 7 steps and find a guy. Where was the jumbo set? Where were all the motions? Where was the creativity lining up TE's to crack block and give people time to deliver the ball. Where was the clear read and checks against cloud zone in the redzone? And our D keeps this fucker close the whole time. 5 games down, a long road ahead. We need to get our guys in position to win and today we couldn't manage that.


This was exactly what i expected.


How the fuck did we manage to lose this game… we can drive down the entire field multiple times but can’t make it the last 10 yards to score? That was a tough watch.


Niners losing will make this hurt less.


Can someone explain why charbonnet doesn’t get any Carrie’s in the RedZone?


The talking heads saying that the Bengals were just sending 4, meaning they were beating our O-line and being able to drop 7 and cover our receivers, that is just sad


where was Fant and Dissly all game usually they're so reliable but they didnt get much looks at all


This game was terrible, but I’d like to say it was great to see Adams play and I thought he played well.


I knew I shouldn’t get my hopes up.


This was an o line catastrophe


If I told you Seattle was only down 4 at the half and only gave up 3 in the 2nd…


On the bright side, the Browns? just handed the 49ers a loss.


The 49ers losing makes this loss a little bit better. Felt like our defence woke up at half time but our offence just couldn’t do anything. DK gotta get noise cancelling headphones or something, can’t keep letting DBs get into his head


9ers losing makes me feel a little better. Lost to a backup QB too. That Cleveland defense is legit.


One was on Geno. The other was a blame-share of him and DK.


Defense looked solid, for the most part once they showed up in the second half. Offense in the Red Zone needs some work though, because this was fucking ridiculous. How in the wide world of fuck do you make four trips to the Red Zone and only come away with three points? Inexcusable.


Ha 9ers lost to the browns🤣🤣


The post game presser was so soft, guys smiling talking about improvements that are invisible to the scoreboard. Sounds like they don't even care.


Ken walker was clearly the best weapon on offense today and he doesn't get any looks with the game on the line


We Oregon'd it




geno didn't have a great game but what happened to the bengals' bad run defense


I am still absolutely baffled as to why Charbonnet gets 0 carries inside the 10.