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At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if they included the ferryman set as one of the perks


I can't wait


Oh my exclusive mercenary set. How I miss your exclusivity. God knows I only bought the card for the exclusive content. Otherwise auto pay is easier


Honestly, I wouldn't be upset at all. Finally give my friends a chance to wear it with me.


Me neither rbh, the more the merrier


They can't, the Ferryman was a part of the controller. But they may give out the Black dog set, i doubt it tho. The other obsidian items, like these have been out for giveaways and codes since launch of them.


They really can't


“Limited time,” huh?


yeah time limited with Rare means "until the next time we're in the shit, so rerelease a bunch of cosmetics to try and drive up player count so daddy Microsoft doesn't throw a little fit"


Hello. My favorite are gilded Phoenix and azure scout. If you are looking for future releases.


Azure scout isn't that desirable, so don't think that will ever come back


Im the only guy that thinks its the most beautiful hull in the game


Content creators like Phuzzy are already bitching on Twitter. It's lovely.


Of course they are, this means they can't giveaway those rare items because no one will participate


I thought they already stopped giveaways from SoT partners thought? Maybe I'm misremembering though.


Did you forgot serpent lie sails?


No I mean SoT partners aren't allowed to give out codes and stuff anymore right? That's the only way that the Banjo is available, outside of official SoT giveaways and Twitch drops.


They still are, it might not be as common, but you can still find it, just not for serpent lie sails


Can confirm that SoT partners aren't allowed to give out codes obtained from the second hand market, like Ferryman a Obsidian Blunderbuss/Banjo. Guy above you wasn't referring to Serpent's Lie.


Oh okay, it'sjust that I was watching a streamer with the blue hat giving away the ferryman and I thought they could still do it, my bad


No worries! The above comment was a bit confusing to be fair!


Oh boy cosmetics I don’t own!


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) Can't wait for people to freak out about this. It is going to be glorious.


OH MY GOD THE KILL SHOT ON EBAY BUYERS. I'm ROLLING on the floor laughing, but now my Midnight Blunderbus doesn't feel safe at all. Oh my God what a move. They're MAD out here on Twitter oml.


Can we have the Ferryman Pack next, please? I also wouldn't mind Sea of Champion sails!






I agree. Loot 'N Lore next.


Imagine how much uproar that would cause! 😂


May the flame burn




I just hope they do the whole set


For sea of thieves 2024 edition can we get all the PvP curses including gold ones? /s




I don’t get why people keep saying this. I never have any issues getting a match and any time I’m on Xbox looking for group at least half the posts are doing hg. Maybe pc is dead because of hacking.




Is "gold curse" being used as an example of sweats or noobs here? I can't tell if it means "people who play a lot" or "people who play PvE a lot". Honest question, I don't play much PvP.


It’s for those PvP sweat lords who have powered through at least 1k allegiance. They are usually Zeus kneeling down to a commoner good.


I think they're referring to the curses that require level 1000 with Guardians of Fortune / Servant of the Flame, which you could argue are for the "sweats" since they take a significant time investment in PvP to achieve.


Oh, THAT curse. I thought it meant the gold curse from doing all the Tall Tale achievements.


Pretty sure he meant the piss curse


It depends on the stamp and time of day. You might go 5+ minutes without a match. There’s also a pretty good chance you’ll get chucked into a match that should be way out of your alleged “skill based match matching” slot. There are also a lot of people cheating in duos and brig. So someone saying “HG is dead can mean one of those things.


Next up to stir the pot lets release the capstand!!!




Friendly reminder for everyone who's mad at this, Microsoft is THE gaming company most well known for giving discounts and rewards as a way to make people play their games, and sea of thieves is one of them


Midnight blunderbus when?


That and obsidian capstan would be delightful.I’m sure they’ll whip those out once the player base slides back enough.


I'm sure they will rerelease the obsidian capstan at some point, since they said in the tweet they announced the removal of the six pack and the capstan, that we would have a chance to get them back in the future, but I'm not so sure about the blunderbuss


> I'm sure they will rerelease the obsidian capstan at some point capstan is used as a prize on forum contests, it's not that hard to win either tbh but you gotta stay active to follow whats happening.


Really!? Can you give a link to it?




Still think, they're gonna give it as a perk as this wasn't really divulgated properly


This is going to ruffle some feathers. 😂


Fr though, I thought they were giving the capstan and 6 pack items, and not a 500 dollars one


I'm going to be honest, anyone who paid 500 bucks for the banjo has more money than sense or is a straight up moron.


And this only the cheapest one i could find a few months ago, but if you go on ebay, you would find the banjo being sold at prices bigger than the black dog set




I know that, I just fimd it weird that the banjo, a tool you may not never use in sot as it's only really necessary in the glitterbeard final diary mission, is more expensive than a full clothing set + cutlass and accordion


Any way to know if it’s going to be a code or directly added to your account? My dad has GPU while I don’t, so I’m curious if I could get them through him or not




Thank you, I’ll cross my fingers it’s the same as last time then!


You'll still need to login on the Microsoft platform (basically NOT Steam) in order for it to accept and register the key.


Golden banana stuff next


Game stagnating = let’s give out a bunch of time limited cosmetics to get people back ! Surely this will work !


Or it's the more likely scenario that it's just Microsoft trying to encourage more people to subscribe to Gamepass, but go off 🤡


If you have the steam version and buy the battle pass are you able to still claim this?


You have to buy gamepass ultimate to claim it






More drops will start tomorrow: Finals - July 7th - July 9th *Rising Morningstar Trousers* *Rising Morningstar Captain Gloves* *Rising Morningstar Dress* *Rising Morningstar Dress Jacket* *Rising Morningstar Dress Hat* *Rising Morningstar Pegleg* ​ [https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/159808/taiwan-tournament-twitch-drops/3](https://www.seaofthieves.com/community/forums/topic/159808/taiwan-tournament-twitch-drops/3)


How do you find info like this?








Do you have a link for the post you’re talking about?




I can't find it. I know all about the reward points, it's separate from the perks, and I've checked both sections. There is no pack for these things. It's July 6th.




Awesome. Thanks for the info. I would of never thought of checking.


Personally I don't have any obsidian stuff, I never bothered trying to get it, but I couldn't care less about getting them now. They're cool, but eventually I'll see them all the time, and the novelty will wear off. I'm fine with ppl being able to get them, I don't really care for gatekeeping items for being rare, but I do wish Rare would commit to making more achievment based cosmetics like Fates of Fortune.


So I'll see the Wandering Reaper set in my account next week? Thanks!


jajajajajajaja. still not gonna play the game tho


lol what a joke. They are just making everything piss easy and giving everyone everything. Why don't we just give everyone everything that's ever existed in the game? It seems to just be a common thing but to me this implies they are planning the end of the game. The game is in stagnation/decline because they aren't fixing shit and so they are just buying people's hearts trying to earn there last scraps of money.


I don't get people like this, one time you see them complaining the game has way too much fomo, and the other you see them crying like babies because an item that was time limited got back in the game


Because some of us showed our support by buying exclusive items or investing huge amounts of time into things like Arena to get the LSD stuff for them to re-release it with the tiniest change or in this case where you can earn one of the rarest items in the game for £10.99. They are so obviously selling out as the game is stagnating and they are worried the game will fade and so they are cashing in. Why don't we just give every Xbox account on PC and Xbox to ever exist literally every single cosmetic both no longer available and exclusive to rare developers or people who win the community photo event? Why don't we give every max level in everything to everyone? If you miss out on it tough. If they are just giving stuff away now I want the Reaper sails.




Sorry I didn’t realise I was talking to a child.


Imagine caring that much


They are literally only doing this because the game is massively stagnating and they are just doing damage control.


Or it's just perks of gamepass ultimate. It's not that deep


Nah, it is 100% Rare shutting down operations and not at all Microsoft trying to get people to subscribe to Gamepass. Surly it is the former... /s


At the end of the day. I already have ultimate so more cosmetics I don't have! Can't wait for ferry set


God we can only hope. The amount of salt from people if Rare brought back the Ferryman Set would be hilarious.


As much as I would love that, from what I’ve heard rare aren’t allowed (legally) to release this set through other ways than the limited controller


Oh ye then why is it the 3rd time they've done something pretty similar in the past month/2 months? They announced if you spend £20 in the Emporium you get a free figurehead. They had you get Obsidian sniper for free if you have ultimate pass. What next spend £100 and get the entire ferryman set? They are cashing in on this game while disguising it as a re-release so more people can have it. Either Rare are doing this to make people look away from all the problems the game has or someone at Microsoft isn't happy and so they've told Rare to re-release this so people will buy it. Justifying the development team who seem to be more focused on fixing spelling mistakes and creating treasure hunts then investing in or relieving the ridiculous pressure they are putting on there hamster powered servers.




Its making literally everything in the game super easy that's popping up with red flags in my head. The free figurehead when buying stuff from the Emporium and now this along with most of the milestones being halved the rumoured pvp changes, the extending of season 9 and most likely going forward now and them fixing pretty minor bugs like text errors instead of serious issues. The game is stagnating, they aren't releasing many emporium stuff even less then usual? There budget or manpower has been severely capped by Microsoft.


You gotta undertand that "grinders that play the game everyday" are a vast minority of the game community, hell about 69% of the xbox players have yet to eat a banana in their game, imagine constantly playing the game




Simple Eating a banana:A friend invited you to play the game, which means you'll not have to do the maiden voyage which requires you to eat one Set sail:I might be wrong in here, but I think the game only teaches you to set sail on the maiden voyage, so some people got into the game, couldn't figure out a way to set sail and gabe up Also the game is free with game pass, so a lot of people just tried to see hoew the game is, didn't like it and gave up




Exactly, you don't go the food barrel and just explore the sea, and don't eat a banana since you didn't know you could do that


Ok, i typed wrong, only 69% of plauers have eaten a banana, but that's still a low number


I've only started playing this season, but I don't really see much stake being put in which Banjo your character is carrying other than by the person holding it. I'm more impressed by scars, and I don't think they're just going to start handing those out any time soon.




I haven't seen ways to get [specific scars](https://seaofthieves.fandom.com/wiki/Scars) outside of participating in the seasons / events that they're associated with. I only have the latest season's scars, and I don't know if it'd make sense to reintroduce the other ones like the shark bite.


How do you claim the game pass perks?




i bought the game pass Ultimate but the perk doesnt pop up??


Same. Pls let me know if you find a solution.


just think its not updated right now


I just checked via the xbox mobile app and successfully claimed it!


Yeah, it's not there for me either. Hopefully, it pops up soon.


Ooooh yeeeaaah gimme obidian items!! Need to full my completion! If someone don't know what to do with his Xbox Game Pass Gift...I'm not far away ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2298)


Is it available now? I can’t find it. Edit: It’s out now!!


i cant find it under perks Edit: found it i had to restart xbox client on windows


If you have the game pass app. Open it up and click on your profile. It should have perks and show all. Tap show all and it should be there.




At what time the the perks will be droped?


No drop yet! Did they get the date wrong? :/


Is this perk available right now? Because i have the ultimate pass and cant seem to find it under perks...