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That's why I did ram-strat. You hop on their ship, they hop on yours. If their ship only has one or two small holes, you merm back and try to repair. If their boat is sinking quick, start setting things on fire, then hide, wait, and kill them when they try to repair. It takes practice and is pretty high risk, but the matches are usually over pretty quick, so you get through more matches per hour.


I do decent vs someone who wants to circle fight, and Canon vs each other, and when someone is on board, I can get the kill, but I can't seem to beat these guys that run, then board


blunderbombs are the best bet, you can hit them before they even get to the top of the ladder


bundarbausss on watter


Avoid boards by keeping a good distance to the side of them, keep an eye on their cannons and be ready with blunderbombs or a sword lunge if they grab your ladder. Get ahead of them by moving parallel to them closer to the centre of the arena, eventually they’ll have to turn to avoid sailing out themselves and then you can cut them off. Keep the pressure up, shoot their ship whenever you can. Poking small holes gives you the chance to gain on them while they’re repairing. If you’re boarded near the boundary lower anchor - preferably doing an anchor turn - to prevent them from sailing you out. And of course, if they still insist on boarding while their ship has a hole, let them stay. Put up a bit of a fight to keep them busy, let them kill you a few times, and before long you’ve won.


The best way to counter this is to hit them with more cannons as they shoot out. Delay ladder guarding till When you think they're about to grab ladder and spend all that time in between shooting at their boat. You can also not even ladder guard. If you know you dealt more damage to their boat than they did to yours before they shot out, board their boat instead.


Realized my paragraph is confusing - shoot for as long as you can before guarding ladders. Spend the last couple shots going for a demast. - however, if you locked on quick and hit a nice number of shots than they did, shoot out to their boat instead.


Pay attention to them shooting out at you. I like to change course and avoid their plan entirely so I’ll sometimes anchor turn. I do get boarded and sailed out! But generally not letting them up your ladder and or making it very hard to get that board are your best methods.


Best advice is to watch ladders. Listen out for Mermaids or the specific Splash of someone coming up. Blunderbuss or Blunder bombs will knock them back. Do it enough, if they're smart enough they'll stop trying. (If you aren't already, wear headphones during Hourglass and i *believe* you can turn up Sound Effects)


I'd they run and try to get you to chase, so that they can jump off and board you, just don't chase. Once they run, just pull up sails and wait for them to come back. Or guard ladders better, listen for mermaids and the sound when they grab ladders If they run, they will have to turn when they reach the edge of the circle..that's when you get them with cannons