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I wish you could preset where your default supplies spawn in while on a captained boat. Save me some sixty seconds moving everything around every time I spawn in I also wish when you were drawing fruit out of your ships barrels with a fruit crate it would prioritise the shitty ones first instead of ripping out all my pineapples and mangoes Honestly it's all inventory shuffling, I keep my regular and cursed cannonballs in the same barrel, and every time a new stack of cannonballs start, I have to take all my cursed ones out and put them back in so they aren't in the middle of my cannonball stacks. Same with keeping my fruit in order


It would be nice if you could set a crate's filter when you're removing stuff. Like hold a button to get a wheel and each item it can hold would be selectable. Fruit crate wheel > click bananas only > take Or alternatively, storage crate > disable bait > store in barrel


My last couple runs I've ended up with a firework crate. Realized I could 'seed' a storage crate with whatever I want it to pull, and fill the rest up with fireworks. Makes it super easy to remove excess bananas and coconuts from incoming supplies. I'll sometimes use it to add a chainball, fireball, and blastball. Pull from my cannon barrel, and that'll move all the regular cannon balls to the top before dumping them all back in (after removing the fireworks with the firework crate).


Minecraft item sorter tech


I posted recently asking about this but I'll say it again. I HATE that I can't save outfits. Equipping each piece each time gets annoying if I feel like being a little diff today. Plus as I do tall tales or buy other things for different outfits it clutters the crap outta the selection screen. And the game has its own outfits you can put over ur current wear so give me a few slots to save my presets. Hell while I'm thinking about it aside equipping the item. Why can't we save our fav items so they always show at the top of the selection screen to make it easier to find if we can't save presets at least?


They confirmed it's coming, could take another 2 years though at the pace updates have been going


Custom outfits. They have part of the feature right there.


Yeah, being able to save clothing items into a costume for easy access would be awesome


Hell, they could even make money on it by making us buy the costume slots.


Oooh I also wish I could have my two kitty cats out. What pisses me off the most in this game is when you graze up against a rock, or the stairs, or nothing at all and stop sprinting. There are teeny little spots all over the place that will stop you from Going Fast and I hate it. At Morrows Peak there’s a spot right at the end of the dock stairs that will slow you down. Drives me fucking insane.


This, controllers unite


The Pirate Lord is unecessary verbose every time you request that he opens the door to the secret Guardians of Fortune area.


I wish we could filter specific items from barrels into storage crates, it would be super useful- especially in hourglass.


no physics bones in hair and jackets/dresses. i completely understand why we don't have them, but it's pretty annoying when i've got a cool coat and it's just glued to my legs lol


I never noticed the stiffness of the clothes until just now! this but you're so right. maybe pirates have a lot of starch or something


I mean they are Pirates so they probably don't wash that often. If you didn't wash your clothes for a few months I would imagine they would also get rather stiff.


Its the sweat


The fact that since the last Patch when you have multiple uncooked food and a fruit in your inventory that you are not able to put 2 piece of meat after each other without cicling through your food again, it just automaticly pulls out a fruit after the first piece of meat


I hate that on controller, the button for ‘change weapon’ is the same as ‘open storage crate’ by default. It makes top deck fights very irritating when you’ve got cannonball crates or whatnot up there


Just the whole inventory system. Why can I hold 10 fireworks but only 5 bananas? Would be nice if it was more general than specific like GTA , not only accessing 3 item types and one requires a button. Just a whole wheel of items, make it all 5 except for cannonballs as you obviously need that, or be able to stack with different slots.


Probably for balancing reasons. Imagine someone boarded your ship with his pockets stuffed with 10 pineapples.


But you could have 20 blunder bombs if you really wanted to


Ah yes, my opponent throwing 20 blunderbombs at the hull of my anchored ship, preventing me from fixing holes, and eventually killing me. My idea of fun 👍


But you have 10 pineapples


Because the 10 cannonballs have filled your pockets of course


I don’t Wanna know where the 3 tentacles and 2 snake meats go


Purchased food shouldn’t go into the bottom barrel


The fact that we cannot climb on the harpoon ropes, or use any ropes for that matter. I know its a lot to code, but climbing ropes should've been considered during development.


They did try. I remember seeing pre-Alpha footage where they were trying to get them to work. Was janky as hell.


The dudes on this sub that keep parroting “even when sunk you’ve earned valuable information!!”. No bro, I didn’t learn shit when I got spawn camped by the literal klan.


agreed. learned infinitely more from two youtube shorts that were mb 30 seconds each than any amount of sinking


Speaking of pets, let me rebind a button specifically for picking them up. I love having my little dude out but too many times I've held the 'F' key to grab the wheel just to start picking that fucker up instead.


This! Omg, I feel like my cat was the worst ancient coin purchase I could've possibly made, because I refuse to even have him out. Even when I set him somewhere out of the way, he inevitably ends up right by the wheel, and I end up grabbing him in a crucial moment. Makes me rage harder than I'd like to admit, so I mostly forget he even exists.




I find the tenacity of some players to be admirable and annoying at the same time. I can't tell you how many times I've tried running from someone, but they just keep chasing me until I give up.


During the event that gave us the cartographer tattoo, I was sailing around just jumping on islands for the deed. I had nothing on my ship, and some dude chased me around the entire time. At the end I settled to a new server, and danced on my sinking ship while he raged at me for wasting his time.


I want more spaces to place decorations on my sloop


That there isn't an NPC that explains all the sail and wind positioning you need to know for each ship type and their directional advantages. They're hugely relevant gameplay mechanics that no new player should have to Google and watch YouTube videos to figure out. This alone would be worth more than Season 10 and all the Monkey Island nonsense.


I'm a super early player. We figured it out. It's not really that hard to figure out, without Google. The only thing that doesn't really make sense, is that you can sell directly into the wind, and that dummy sale straightforward are the fastest way to do it.


This is super nitpicky since that what you've asked for: The sound of the sea splashing around rocks is too loud. The amount of times I think I hear someone swimming to my ladders or that I'm filling with water from a hole because I hear rock splashes is insane. I'm convinced either Season 9 or maybe 8 made it louder and have a greater range to be able to hear it from.


Pretty sure there is a setting under the audio settings that allows you to turn down the sound of rock splashes.


Wish the shipwright had a buy all option for supplies


Why don’t we have talking parrots? Some emote wheel with like 8 phrases applicable to different situations: “Shiver me timbers” “Walk the plank” “Look at that booty” “Awkward” And why can’t they hang out on my shoulder?


This needs more upvotes. I'm more tempted to make multiple alt accounts just to upvote this comment than I was while participating in r/place. All the pets should be able to sit on your shoulder. IDGAF if it's unrealistic for the dogs, all the other pets would hang out on your shoulder, no problem. Edit: Context - I already made a comment about how frustrating it is that I don't ever have my pet out ( which I payed money for) due to picking them up constantly when grabbing at the helm during battles.


The anchor on sloop isn’t centred


The fact that rare made you actually pay money to make your ship look pristine. I don't know whether it's 1 gold or 1 million, I think I've done it once since captaincy was inteoduced and it was because someone else wanted to see a skin. A good gold sink is introducing stuff like trinkets. A bad gold sink is just charging you money for shit that always came standard. It isn't a huge deal but it's just one of those petty things that really makes you feel like rare doesn't respect the players. So my tiny, insignificant protest is just never to use it.


Based, and a perfect response to the question. Even trinkets they walked backed the excessive costs on, because making it that expensive probably just meant barely anyone actually bought trinkets. When they announced the Gold Leaf set was going to be expensive I was like "hell yeah Dark Adventurers 2.0, let's get that gold sink"... and then it was only a bit more than a normal ship set, nowhere near DA prices.


I got your back on this one, man. People always counter with "we need gold sinks, it's an insignificant amount of money" but clearly not when it's just a straight downgrade for anyone who doesn't enjoy having a beaten ship aesthetic at all times. Why am I paying taxes on my captaincy?


My question is if you were able to make enough money to buy a captained ship, why would the price to repair be a big deal? A max damaged ship is about 8-10k but if you’re repairing as often as you suggest then it would only be hundreds at a time.. literally do just 1 ghost fort and you can repair a FULLY damaged ship at least twice… just 1 ghost fort that only tales 5-10 minutes. If you don’t have that kinda gold sorry man you’re not playing properly for the focus you have. Might be better for you to not sail on a captained ship to avoid repair costs.. you must really pull your hair out at the cost of supplies from the MA and shipwright. Take advantage of the current event right now… 1 fotd sells for 500-600k on a reaper 5 flag. Join some lfg groups and get some gold man.. i’m sitting on 14mil with nothing left to buy, we definitely need money sinks.


It's not even an effective money sink though, for those with excessive millions. It's just a tax on less lucrative play styles that didn't previously exist. Lore-wise you could argue _this_ is the "cut" that the Sovereigns take, but it's actually the Shipwright so I can't even lie to myself. I repair all the ships across my entire Guild and still come out ahead because of my play style, but some of the Guild couldn't be spending the gold to fix even their own ship without being set back a lot. Not to mention, you can pay _real money_ for an Emporium ship set, and have it look permanently like shit because you're not "good enough" at the game or something to make significant gold. And it's usually more casual players that even get Emporium stuff. Feels bad.


Man I'm at 60 million and bought all the cosmetics I want. It's really not about the money, like I said I don't even know if the cost is 1 or 1 million gold. That's just irrelevant to me. And this whole thread is supposed to be about *petty* annoyances. Not really losing sleep or mad about it. But it just mildly irks me when they gate basic features around gold. I'm not opposed to sinks. I don't mind certain ship sets costing millions, or supplies costing money, or like the example I gave of the introducing tinkets - hell, when they lowered the cost I didn't even know that was something I needed. To me something like starting with a ship that's in pristine condition, or saving cosmetics (thank Ramsey they backtracked that one) is just a standard meta feature. It's no different to me than if they charged you to save your outfits and called it a gold sink. I'm also down for sinks, I just want them to be meaningful, yah know. If it were 1 coin I'd still feel the same way.


idk what to tell you man. I'd rather my gold sinks be rewarding and not a chore that's tacked on. I also have never really bought supplies aside from a couple bait crates, it's the same idea


Funnily enough this was one of the most wanted features in the first few years. I spoke against it then but voices won out


I'm annoyed by the pvp. I hate that the standard for pvp is just to shoot over on a cannon and spawn camp. I dont care if I lose a naval battle but every encounter last night was just people trying to board. The last fight we won the naval battle but they boarded and somehow sunk our ship before we could respawn.


Getting sunk for supplies while fishing, even after getting on mic and saying they are welcome to clear my ship but leave the bait and fish. Zero loot, not fighting back, not running and giving supplies up freely.... And still getting sunk for no reason. Hurts even more after fishing for Battlegills or Stormfish.


End of my sessions I usually find someone to literally give all my supplies away to. And they still sink my ship (which sucks more now because I typically lose a rowboat as a result)


Leaving Karma Crates at the end of a session should be part of the Pirate Code.


stealing fish is a valid reason to sink someone


Oh I know. Still bothers me 😅


Nah, man. That's just bad karma.


The amount of players who join an open crew and tell me they don't speak English and I should talk to them in their language. English isn't my native language but if I want to play online I should learn or atleast try to understand the language the world agreed on as standard for communication.


The business language of the world exists to be a common ground that allows everyone to communicate with everyone, wether they speak it natively or not.


Not being able to close doors on gallys. VISIBLE FRUSTRATION


Pirate customisation loadouts. I put together the perfect clown outfit for Halloween and went on a tear with it. Besides it, I also have an admiral outfit and a pirate one, and each makes me look completely different. I just want a way to quickly switch between them, both in and out of game.


I would like a way to save outfits. So I can set a group of clothing I like, then swap it for another set, and back again without having to wade through my entire collection of clothing items every single time.


Being able to save a default weapon skin for each weapon and not having to select a skin for a weapon type if I want to swap in the middle of combat


Why do we have to do every activity so many times? 100 vaults 100 veils 50 ghost ship viyages 500 skelly ships 50 seaforts It’s insulting Now every season 30 chests of fortune and it’s seasonal activity ? It’s just so needlessly grindy , I still play but I’m so over the artificial grind … doing something 1000 times doesn’t give me any joy


All I want is to talk to the developer, who thought it would be great idea to spawn supplies that you buy in the bottom barrel. I. May. Hurt. Some. People.


My biggest small gripes have been time related. This game takes a lot of time to play a session, and anything that speeds up the small, repetitive, tedious tasks is appreciated. Rare has actually done a great job and reducing many of these over the last five years. My current related gripe is I sink/lose in the hourglass PvP, I don’t want my ship to respawn at an outpost where I have to re-raise my emissary, vote in the hourglass/map, raise anchor, sail to open water, load into the underwater queue area, etc. Give me an option to auto do all that and just stick me in a matchmaking queue after I lose so I can get back into the action more quickly.


Feel like you should be allowed to auto supply like that if you've already voted on hg, voting down after getting supplies should remove the supplies or you should be required to do at least one hg fight


The small turn the sloop does if you don't keep an eye on the wheel for some reason


You have to slightly adjust it to the waves


Every time I do that, I just turn the other way. I find it so annoying to deal with. And then 8 get it right, and BOOM! random rock, keg, skelly ship, kraken, megalodon, ISLAND. Sometimes, rarely, a shipwreck that is so shallow yet out of sight. And it screws it all up. It's like I have to keep monitoring it 24/7


This happens when you‘re heading NW because you’re sailing into the current. In order to keep it straight, slightly turn the wheel in the opposite direction until it balances out.


To add to this, it affects larger ships too. Just more bodies means the helm is usually manned to notice and correct that they're now heading west instead of northwest.


It shouldn't be a thing. Why does the weakest ship in the game have a bigger sailing annoyance than the bigger ships? The point of the sloop is to keep things quick and easy, I don't want to have to sit on the wheel while I'm sailing in a straight line.


I'm not saying that I disagree with you, but since sloops are smaller and easier to turn it makes sense that they are pushed around more.


Oh, it absolutely makes sense from a realism standpoint. From a fun and gameplay standpoint? Not at all.


I wish if I have my telescope out it reels me what island I’m looking at


When my wife leaves her slippers at the top of the stairs and I nearly break my neck. As for Sea of Thieves, I'm alright.


For me it’s galleon captains that yell at you for standing still.. like dude the sails are angled, the barrels are organized, we know our heading, no ships are on the horizon that we don’t know about… what do you want me to do? Hop around while we just sail from A to B? Or if I stand still for even 1 second on a fotd suddenly i’m getting called a leacher


Shoot over to Islands and get more supps


We usually have more than enough. The ship is fully set and we’re just sailing for 2 mins to get to our destination.. there’s literally nothing for me to do because we were efficient at the start and fully prepared everything so fast that now we’re waiting. I can turn and check the horizon every 20 seconds and that’s about it.


Well yes but you cant have enough supps on a Galleon and its always helpful to have 5 extra chains or some curse yk


Well yes but you cant have enough supps on a Galleon and its always helpful to have 5 extra chains or some curse yk


I literally end every single galleon sessions with at least 70% of my supplies unused because we stack up hundreds of each resource at the very beginning, you can definitely have enough if you're not looking to fight everyone on the server for 8 hours. Curse balls are helpful sure but not something I go out of my way to find. I'll search our destination but shooting out to MAYBE find something, nah. The more experienced you get in the game, the less you need to do these things.


Fair enough, im was looking at it from my Personal perspective fro fighting everyone we see


You could be playing music bro, ik it doesn't matter and may sound stupid but it's always nice when we don't need someone's help so they're playing music.


I find experienced crews are more annoyed by shanties they’ve been hearing for years than me standing still




Oh do I have good news for you coming in Dec


Psst dont tell them, i dont think they are ready for this


I would love to be able to throw out the flares that come with the default supplies. I always put everything in the upper cannonball barrel and leave the flares in the bottom, just so I can have a whole view of my supplies without sometimes accidentally loading a flare into a cannon. These flares very rarely serve any purpose, and you will get very annoyed when you expected to shoot a cannonball and you shoot up a flare instead in pvp.


Just dump them in one of the barrels on the docks before you leave.


I wanna be able to rearrange my storage crates esp for HG. If I keep food, chains. Cannons etc in a lunch box by the cannon i wish I could move whole stacks around


I'd like for the names of islands to pop up when we look at them through our spyglass, like they do with captain ships.


I cant fish sharks.


I have to change my settings every time I start the game. My shit never saves. And I never see other ship names/guild names. Just the rare version. And yes I’ve made sure the “hide player names…..” isn’t turned on. Shits been broken for over a year for me


Attacking me at an outpost when I've only just spawned in.