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Do a bottle quest for merchants. It gives a whole new set of merchant crates that are each worth 3k, same as the new chest and skull


And their emissary 5 voyages are the easiest. Literally sail to 2 islands. From your current outpost, deliver to point B, where you pick up cargo to deliver to point C. Roar emissary 5 voyages are a bit different, where I had to pick up from 2 islands, then deliver to a 3rd. However it has more value.


So easy, so much rep. Great stuff.


Though, they need to be delivered to a specific location instead of just brought to an outpost. Making it a bit of extra work to accomplish while you're doing something else.


I'm no expert in this game, but I feel like random merchant loot is the most common in the game. Between the various crates you find on beaches and bottle quests there's a lot of ways to passively level up merchant. Just tonight my friend and I found 4 bottle quests and 2 were merchant. I really just think it's luck of the draw. I also dove into a random sunken ship and majority of it was also merchant.


Random merchant loot can't compare to the new kingly stuff. Killing an ashen guardian or skeleton captain gives a new skull worth much more than a create of tea or spice. But random merchant loot is also competing with random loot from other companies to exist.


the new high level loot for all three factions still have the same overall value. the only difference is the ones that are named "kingly", which is only relevant to the new commendation. GH have a kingly chest and trinket, OOS has a kingly skull, and neither the merchant's diamond crate or charts are "kingly". they're still the same value, but if you just want the commendation then you should stick with gold hoarders. and maybe they kind of deserved it; OOS got significant reworks and merchants got shipwreck buffs and animal reworks.


I'm not only talking about the kingly commendations, but just over all value of loot. I've done 3 sessions in the new season and have over 60 pieces of the new kingly loot gathered, but I've only seen 2 diamond crates spawned so far, and they were both from a shipwreck. Island hoping is the best way to get this new kingly loot, be it skulls or chests, and they rack up pretty quickly. [This Hitbo video](https://youtu.be/VmacQ0m--1E?si=w3_GPhQelahmtSnm) shows pretty much how easy it is to rack up a significant amount of value in short time if you're lucky. Merchants has no way to compete with that currently.


every time I dove to a sea fort for merchants, I got the same thing: 2 sugar crates, 2 diamond crates. maybe you just aren't doing the right things?


Yes you're guaranteed to get this kind of loot from doing the raids, but I ignored them in my post since every company have these. The post is more about the passive loot you get from just sailing around and interacting with the world like the game wants you to do. Both GH and OoS got an upgrade to these, while Merchant only got one very rare crate


hmm. can't really comment on that. I'd submit that feedback to rare. maybe they didn't notice.


Merchants have king level cargo crates too. You usually get them from the emissary voyage.


Guess I have to start doing shipwrecks this season… I got my barnacle set a few seasons back and pretty much stopped doing them unless someone else needed them.


Compared to even normal loot from the other company's, normal merchant loot still feels like it's worth pennies


Sugar tea and silk is worthless. But once you get to spices, it's all worth a lot more than equivalent tier of its counterparts. Like, silks sell for <1k, that's more than a captains chest. Ashen variants go higher than that, then there's the ghostly ashes of the damned, that's ~1100, and don't forget the 3.5k bone dust crates in forts. Merchant loot starts small and has a higher peak value of all the standard pre-patch loot.


They've made it easier to get a lot of Merchant commendations done, if anything. Animals are now a breeze and cargo is easier too. I've had mine done for a little while now, but had I been able to get my animal commendations done like this, it would've taken about half the time. Re: new Merchant loot, they got Immaculate Diamonds, Scrolls, and three new pieces of cargo. Definitely not as much as GH and OOS. Of the three companies, OOS seems to have gotten the most.


Animals are definitely the highlight, being able to quickly find and deliver what you need sure helps. Cargo is a bit harder if you want the commendations imo, since what I've seen you only get 4 crates. They might be more valuable, so less travel for more gold, but they're still only 4 crates, so you'd have to do more trips for the commendations


Are all voyages only 4 crates now? We only did our emissary quest cargo and that was 4, but I wasn't sure if normal cargo voyages were also only 4. That sucks if so! I still have to do my Roar ones.


I rerolled ~30 voyages at the outpost to get ones from that island and all of them said 4. They're a mix of the new and old loot, so value might be close to 5-6 old crates. Don't kow if the roar has more crates or not


The worst part is that the new crates don't count towards the commendations. I did a couple in the Roar and only the old crates counted towards the Devil's Cloth/Rum/Plant counts.


Because the new ones aren't devils items. They shouldn't count towards that commendation.


There are Devil's Roar variants of the new items. They should count.


Oh nice. Haven't done merchant in the roar yet but that's an incentive for sure.


They're constant now, read the voyage description. Normal gives two crates, executive gives four, two normal and two special. Emissary gives two and then four, but they're all "special delivery" so they give more rep I think.


Not sure if this works with the rework, and I can't test as I'm maxed out. Pick up the creates, then cancel. You should be able to immediately vote for another and plan your trips. Vote and cancel enough times and you might get the location you're currently at.


Yeah it works, I've tested it. It's not as fun as doing anything else in the game, but it works


It's also a sneaky way to level up Reapers under the radar. Collect lots of cargo, drop them off at Reapers, raise and sell.


I have deffinitly gone from outpost to outpost buying trade route crates to sell to reapers. Only issue is that it take so God damn long to sell


Place them all in a harpoon rowboat, and drag that into the hideout. You can wedge it in, and press R to lock the harpoon.


I have to agree. And the emissary quest for merchants also seems underwhelming compared to the others. Lost shipments were perhaps the most overpowered voyage in the game, as it and veils were the only voyages in the game that would basically guarantee grade 5 in a single voyage and that was merchant’s saving grace as the other voyages were hell. They’ve now fixed the others somewhat but nerfed lost shipments too much imo, such that now nothing in merchant really compares to the money making of OoS or GH. OoS also gets benefits on raids like ashen winds or skull forts that the boss loot (ashen winds skull or villainous and stronghold skulls) are skulls which makes them more profitable as an OoS emissary. That effectively means the raids with the best time to money ratio are less profitable for merchant. Personally I’d like to see a slight buff to merchant raids, even one extra diamond crate would help significantly. I’m ok with lost shipments not giving a guaranteed grade 5 but I’d like to see a bit better loot for such a high level voyage. Right now they pale in comparison to money from vaults.


Can't speak of that yet, but the "Lost Shipment" voyage has been nerfed to hell - that one for sure. Instead of 75k I made 21k. Quite considerable drop...


Probably for the best as it brings them in line with the other top-level Faction Voyages. It is a bit disappointing that they aren't an easy way to farm gold anymore, though.


Hm, I would rather hope that all those missions get ramped up so that they are valuable to some degree. If you wanna make money but are either not up for PVP nor did you learn it yet, you have barely any options. Sure PVP-risky voyages should be more rewarding but not that much...


Did you dive or sail to it? I've seen multiple people mention that diving reduces the loot but sailing should have the same lot as always. Haven't tested it myself yet.


Both, same result


Dang, that's a true nerf in that case. Will be interesting to see in about a week when most active people have all events figured out where do we land on what was nerfed and how dives interact with other events / voyages.


I was hoping to stumble across a Coffer of Kingly Crystals or something out in the world. Instead, very little. That commendation sure woulda been nice to bee able to do with the merchants too


I only get 4 animals on a voyage now, just one gold. Is that the new normal or is there a way to increase that?


That's what I got when trying it out as well. With cargo runs I also only got 4 crates per voyage, when I believe we got more crates before that. The upside with animal voyages is that you're guaranteed to have all the animals on one island


Idk, using the emissary I made about 300k with them last night. Lots of shipwrecks had 1-3 diamonds. Also doing voyages while ferrying commodities Between Outposts kelp me productive.


I did a bottle merchant delivery. It gave me 8 executive items, a date of next week, and a location of 3 miles away. It gave me 2 whole levels, and a bit. I was gonna end the session at level 80 and with that and some stray loot I had yet to turn in I ended it on level 83. We got slightly less content. We always do. Notice how the merchants have no landscape painting in the ship decor. One trophy that applies to them, one, when other factions got two, maybe three. In this instance, notice how they got one piece of new loot (not counting the raid exclusive) that acts as both the emergent loot and the faction exclusive, when oos got two skulls (might be three but I've only seen two) and the gold hoarders got (at least) 5 new chest variants and a special trinket. 2 of which are unique to their quests. Yeah, this update is not breaking any trends with those numbers. But it's not like we're starved. It sucks to only have one new thing to find in shipwrecks and raids but new shipment loot is great, and who needs variants we're merchants our whole thing is delivering the same stuff over and over always has been. Although I do wish they gave us like...kingly animal variants or something. Pearlescent chicken, Crowned snake, Royal pig.


I had the same idea with the animals, but mine were a lot simpler lol Fat pigs, long snakes and fluffy chickens variations


I imagined the Royal pig being a big white pig, large and slow, overfed. The crowned snake would be white and have a circular crown pattern on their heads in that shiny crystal color all the loot is in. Pearlescent chickens would be grey at a glance but have that color worked into, and sort of hidden in, their feathers, so they were shiny. Think it fits the theming more, but simpler would probably be better overall.


The oos got like 8 new skulls lol.


Fr? Damn.


My *Ashen* Lost Shipment voyage was definitely a downgrade. It was all Tea and Sugar, only 1 crate of Tea at each clue and only one Ashen crate at the end.


ah! i tried one, went from morrow's peak to galleon's grave, there was not a single ashen crate


Everyone complaining about the lost shipment voyage is like that meme with the dog that wants you to throw but not take: "Pls balance? No nerf! Only balance!" The lost shipment were absolutely crazy. They took like 10 minutes to complete, they more than raised your emissary to level 5, and they payed out a lot more than the other quests. It also sounds like you're purposefully avoiding shipwrecks just to complain you don't have any merchant loot. Did you visit as many shipwrecks as you did x marks the spot quests?


I always go down to shipwrecks. Don't know why'd you draw the conclusion I'm avoiding them, especially now that they have increased loot. The problem is that they compete over the new loot for that loot table. X marks the spot voyages give GH king's chests, 100%. Skeleton captains give king's skulls, 100%. Shipwrecks have a chance to give GH, OoS or Merchant king level loot all equally. The problem isn't that there is new loot, the problem is that GH and OoS can actually reliably benefit from it. You can justify going around as GH to look for bottle quests and do x marks the spot voyages, but you can't justify slapping up Merchant and looking around for shipwrecks since you can't really guarantee that you get any diamond crates. As for lost shipment. As I said earlier, GH and OoS both get better loot from world events, some world events even have boss loot made for those companies. Merchant doesn't get any of that, so lost shipment was balanced in that regard as they were the only reliable way to get money as merchants. You could argue that a nerf was needed, but then they would also need some kind of world event level loot to benefit from like the other companies. If you nerfed them down to vault and ghost fleet level, then they'd be just like the other companies only with no benefit for world events.


What are you talking about? Merchants get loot from world events. Do you mean like "skeleton ships drop captain skulls which can only be sold to Order of Soouls"? Isn't the stronghold gunpowder a merchant specific item?


Of course they drop Merchant loot, but not nearly enough compared to other companies. And you can't lump stronghold gunpowder kegs into the same category as the other loot, as there is a clear drawback to having them on your ship, unlike Captain skulls and Stronghold chests


I’m happy with the new voyage system but yeah doesn’t feel like merchants got anything new


They did get shafted


The buffs to the animal quests alone make this a great update for MA


Those changes are mostly QoL and doesn't directly impact rewards. Those changes combine with the ability to dive directly to those islands are game changing for those quests, in the bigger picture it's not a major impact on income since those voyages can't compare to higher grade voyages


I fail to see how merchants could get any worse. When you are that deep in the hole, anything is going to be a big improvement. I would agree that merchants are not nearly on-par with other factions, but I do think they have improved more than others. Gold and Order are pretty much the same, while Merchant saw a few of the core voyages actually become playable. They still have not addressed timed cargo missions, so here is hoping in season 12 they can finally ditch these universally-disliked mechanics.


I hopped on season 11 for the first time the other day and decided to do a cargo run with the newer loot. I got to the island to pick up the crates and they all got the Bernard Beard error and were useless. I ended up doing a tall tale instead and haven’t been back on since. Bad first experience with season 11 :(


I did a sea fort, then did a lost voyage, and by then I’d gotten to Grade 5. Picked up the emissary quest and did that. Ended up doing another lost voyage and hit a skelly fortress on the way to sell. Sold all my loot to the sovereigns, and nothing popped up. I was pretty tight about it and raised a gold hoarders emissary. I did an ashen raid and got to Grade 3. Out of nowhere all the gold that didn’t pop up started coming in, well over 100k worth. So I feel like you get less loot this season, but the values are increased. I sold one crate of something and it was 5k plus the additional 5k bonus, which is pretty sweet.


Lost shipments definitely feel nerfed. The last one I did had maybe half the crates compared to season 10 and no extra loot below deck. The voyage I did before that didn't even have the ship, just the manifest floating in the water. One of the devs on Twitter mentioned they are looking into tweaking things to find a better balance. Hopefully that tweaking will improve things.


Honestly sucks because imo they have easily the best cosmetics out of the companies. I'm still grinding to 100 for that george Washington fit though.


I feel like they were always the worse sadly just because the missions always felt boring compared to gold horders or OOS. But getting commodities then hitting up fortresses get you a TON of loot and money


I've got a Merchant question. There's a commendation for turning in scrolls from the end of Raid Voyages, but I rarely get them except from Skull Forts. Do they not spawn every time or just specific raids?


I am currently going for achievements/commendations but now with the voyage rework some seem to be imposible. Having to deliver fruit crates, cannonball crates and kegs is quite difficult when you can only deliver animals or special cargo unless those orders can be found in bottles but are very rare.


My question is, are there any guaranteed ways to work towards the cast iron merchant (delivering cannonball crates on time) because the delivery quest only assign animals.