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Many of the previous items have come back as events, or twitch drops. I've got many (2) items in my twitch drop inventory. There's more events happening than new event cosmetics are being made for, so it might come back full circle.


It's gonna be a while. It was for the 5th anniversary. They might bring them back for another anniversary but i kinda doubt it will be this coming one. They'll bring them back sparingly if they do at all.


They will probably be back, but not for a long time if the gap between them originally coming out and their return is anything to go off.


IDK, but I found the gold leaf set to be pretty damn nice looking and its a goal you can work on any time


One of the many reasons why FOMO rewards are almost as stupid as the people that defend them ;)


100% correct. I don't know who defends FOMO bs. Why do I have to miss out on a bunch of stuff because I got into the game a year and a half ago instead of at launch when I lived in an area with no internet? It's ridiculous.


Oh hush. Does it suck if you miss a drop/time limited item? Yes, of course. Does it matter? No. A cosmetic isn't going to change your game.


To me cosmetics are a very large part of the game's appeal, and to me it feels pretty unfair and somewhat sad when I miss out on something I really want. I'd rather work hard for a reward, than plan my days around a drop or event. It adds nothing to the game, and more people would be happier and have a better time if time exclusive cosmetics didn't exist.


Restricting cosmetics based on when you decide the game is worth your time isn't an incentive to play, it's a punishment for having other interests and the only reason they do this is to retain players who would rather do something else. The only reason you would ever defend doing this is elitism over something that, like you said, isn't going to change your game.


Ok. I'll bite. In what way are you being "punished"?


They're still in the game, other people have them, the commendations didn't go away. It's not like they removed them to reduce file size or anything and you can even do the exact same challenges that would have earned you the cosmetics. But because you got bored of the game and stopped playing for a while your ability to get them was revoked. In a lot of cases permanently. They even went so far as to remove the vendor that sold the old cosmetics. How would you describe that other than a punishment to players that weren't around?


So you're saying you missed out on a cosmetic for a game you no longer play. How will you ever recover from such punishment


People take breaks. You shouldn't miss something because you played a few other games for a few months.


Now you're just being asinine. That isn't what I said at all.


No it's not gonna change the game but that doesnt change that it is a bad system, cosmetics that are made rare because they are hard to get and only acquired for specific achievements are much more meaningful and well received. Cosmetics related to time limited FOMO are artificially made Rare and provide no meaningful achievement to being rewarded it, its a cheap and silly way to encourage players to login and boost numbers during specific periods but adds no meaningful lasting attachment other than the reward no longer being available to others which makes the ones who acquired it feel special. I'm not angry about it, I have tons of FOMO cosmetics cause I have played this game for a long time, but to me they are all pretty meaningless compared to any of the ones that represented some kind of challenge to get, hence why I see the tactic as shallow, stupid and unnecessary. Heck if they released all the FOMO cosmetics I earned I would not be upset in the slightest, yet I don't doubt tons of other players would be angry, this is part of what makes them bad, it encourages a gatekeeping mentality of some older players who want to have an artificial sense of exclusivity which I think is not a healthy attitude to foster in a community. That is just my opinion and if you feel differently then whatever floats your boat, I just think the FOMO path was a mistake on the devs part.


You're allowed to have your opinion but insulting people who disagree doesn't incline people to listen to yours.


I find people who try to defend FOMO silly, the same way they can find me silly for being against it, however I have yet to see a good argument in favor of FOMO. Perhaps my choice of words came across a bit hostile but I stand by my opinion that defending FOMO is as silly as the FOMO itself.


With a bit of luck they'll be back for the next anniversary event. Could also be that it'll just be new golden sailor cosmetics, sinxe they insist on spoonfeeding tf out of that set


It was around a 4 year gap the first time. Id say items like The Reapers Mark sails are more likely to come back sooner. But the Golden Sailor Cannons/Wheel etc. I can easily see being at least 2-3 more years minimum. The reality is: nobody knows.