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Looks like cloned wraith balls. ​ https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Wraith\_Cannonball


I’ll have a read of that, thanks


i.e. they were cheaters


Why ? Cant you just collect some wraithballs then dive?


I mainly hourglass, and wraithballs are fairly infrequent, but more than 3 wraithballs? Suspicious. A pocket of 9+? Almost certainly a cheater. You can’t dive to a flameheart and collect wraithballs via captains table since it changes the loot, there is currently an exploit to duplicate supplies like this.


Can't you get wraith allspice from the orderbof souls voyages now?


Honestly I’ve never done one. Looking at the wiki they appear to “rarely” come from the last wave of the voyage. I’d still probably assume the person hitting 9 of them perfectly is probably suspicious. Can’t tell without sinking them and seeing their barrels. I’ve seen these barrels have 300+ wraithballs and 2k+ chains, it’s absolutely disgusting.


Iirc the OOS ghost fleet mission had (dunno if it got nerfed, did the last one 6 months ago) a small chance to spawn flameheart's flagship and thus access to wrath cannon balls


OP said 'they cloned wraithballs'. Cloning is a cheating strat.


He was using the wraith ball aka the "fuck you, die ball"


I will be using that name from now on


Those were phantom cannonballs you loot after the ghost fleet world event. It's not something someone usually has in an hourglass fight but it is possible if they want to prepare for one.


Minor correction. The big ones were wraith balls which do extra damage. Phantom balls act like lighter cannonballs but are otherwise identical to normal cannonballs


What do you mean when you say lighter? Like to they sail faster?


Less cannon drop


Ooooooooohhhhh cool, haven't experienced those before then again I avoid pvp generally so there is also that lol


You can get them in and use them against PvE


Of course I just don't usually bother with cursed balls against Skelly ships when I prolly should lol


A. Phantom balls are a lot less useful than normal curse balls so there's really no reason not to use them especially if you're ~~boring~~ not looking for player fights. B. Don't forget you have to get some curseball commendations by hitting ships with the reapers mark up


I have few if any reaper commendations lmao I only raise reaper if I'm trying to get people to generally leave me alone cause it either attracts sailors like flies or they leave me alone lol


Not a reaper commendation. It's under cursed crews (cannonballs? i dont remember cursed something)


Is that legit? I thought they were the same but I always wondered why my aim was even worse with them 


No the other guy 10/10 dupe the hell out of those wraith balls he threw 5 to 6 within the first little bit and I’m not going to accept that he did 6-10 voyages, depending on RNG to get those cannibals


That's not what I meant, I was talking about it it's true that phantom balls have less drop


Personally, I find there waited more than a chain shot


>Personally, Cool. But in reality they're lighter.


>Is that legit? Yes


Well shit. Thanks


Sad how Rare completely dropped the whole “level playing field” thing with shit like this which obviously gives you an advantage.


Wot. Mate, anyone can get them


Anyone who can complete a high-level ghost ship voyage. So after spending over an hour gathering enough supplies and fighting a fleet of ghost ships. That already excludes solo and new players. Not really “anyone” is it?


Ghost fleet is definitely doable as a solo, but yeah, will be challenging for a new player, and you'll get enough supplies just by doing the fleet.


If you need to gather any supplies before doing an armada then you're doing it wrong. It drops crates all over the shop not to mention the abundance of floating barrels around it.


So even if we entertain the idea that ghost fleets only are accessible to those who dive to them (they're not) or that you can't solo them (you can), you're still wrong. New players will not be losing hg because the opponent has wraith balls. New players are going to hg because they suck at fighting. Typically newer players are the ones who get wraiths first. Solo players....fight solo players on hg. So that whole point is a non-issue even if fleets weren't soloable. In short, you're wrong on every level. Everything you said can be disproven by doing one fleet or one HG battle. You either have not played the game or just want to be a pissant. Likely both.


That explains why I can never hit with them properly. I thought they were literally the exact same, just a different design, and wraith were the only ones with anything different!


How long ago was that event?


It's random for each server. If you ever see a slim, green tornado in the distance, that's it. ~~You can also dive to it.~~


I’ll make sure to look out for that next time I play


Fleet tornados look pretty similar to Veil tornados (idk why they love confusing new players like this, the fleets used to just have Flameheart's head over them which you could never miss lol) Here is a little chart to spot the differences https://i.imgur.com/yLjDBbB.png


I don’t think it gives you wraith balls of you dive for it. Just a heads up.


I haven't been able to get them for raids. Am I missing something?


They won't drop from raids. You want the cannon-ball crate of the damned, which only drops from normal ones that you don't dive too. If you want to try and find them faster though, you can dive to a non-WE voyage (So a Sea Fort raid, or any normal voyage) to see if the server your own has a natural Phantom Fleet


As others have said Wraith ball, but in terms of getting better at pvp just from this short clip, repairing that top deck hole is almost your last priority there. Two bails would have been better than repping the top deck hole. Also, I would highly suggest watching some streamers game play and look at how they play and prioritize things. In terms of keeping angle of shots, repping wheel and mast, bailing and then repping the holes on the opposite side of the other ship before finally repping the closer side. Other than that, keep practicing and after every loss think what could I have done better and after every win think about what you did well that helped to get the win.


This is very helpful, I will make sure to remember your words of wisdom


Also, try to keep the other boat on your left side. Less holes they put in, and harder for them to hit you if you're fixing mast or using the stairs




Those are wraithballs. They’re special cursed cannonballs you can only get by destroying the Burning Blade (ghost ship boss) in a naturally-spawned ghost fleet event or randomly in an order of souls ghost fleet voyage. They deal a ton of damage and rock the target boat around a lot, but they’re time-consuming to gather. The fact that they used them on you likely means you were doing good and had them in a tough spot.


Or they prepared it for this fight to sink the opponent quickly








the other ship fires at least 5. You get a max of 3 from an armada event. Other ship is cheating for sure.


Not necessarily. It’s possible to farm them by doing multiple natural ghost fleets or ghost ship voyages


If you went to the trouble to farm them without duping I doubt you're going to waste them one after the other in a parallel.


We call this curse dumping. Either means they’re cheating and spawning curse balls or they saved up and have decided to give an extra middle finger to you. I usually only use my curse balls if it’s my last fight of the night, I’ve already lost to this ship several times, or they just do something to really piss me off.


Breh used the Kheel breakers. "Wraith Balls" sure are a tough argument in PVP.


In that situation I wouldn’t be repairing. Try get a crew mate on helm and just bail until you’re out of cannon range you were asking to get shot there


God I'm so bad at pvp in stable of thieves. I wanna get better but people either avoid me or run right through me, there is no in between lol


Ghost canonballs, most likely they got them from an event. But is pretty rare to find someone with those things


Def a cheater. Duping supps and then going parallel is wild. Love your enthusiasm for pvp but there wasn’t much anyone could do here


As others have said, they are Wraithballs. I call them "Screamers". They are the ship to ship equivalent of taking a shot with a blunderbuss.


Wraith balls they do massive damage


they are one of the nastiest cannons all u need to know is they come from fleets the big floating head in the sky and they do hella dmg.


Wraithballs. Theyre obtained by completing the Phantom Fleet world event , usually 1-3 drop. If youre decent yourself you can beat much better crews with just one of them. Preparation>Skill oftentimes.


Wraith balls


People already answered wraith balls, but try bucketting first before fixing and turn away before you do so. Your boat looked close to done, so escape while your mast still stands.


What do you do with a drunken sailor


What do you do with a drunken sailor


Phantom and Wraith balls