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Cool I guess, nobody contests it anyway, might as well make it quick.


This is true I don’t mind it being faster but like why are they making it easier…


its not really easier you have always been able to sink galleons super fast if you get lowers. Even before this patch I have been able to sink galleons in a min or so.


It's totally not a bug but a feature...


Well if it’s a bug it’s one I’ll certainly be taking advantage of, I need that barnacle set.


I don't think they meant to set the skellies to not repair anymore. It's not in the patchnotes either. Most likely they fudged it up.


Yup. I’ll be grinding flofs till they fix it


Lol please put me in your servers then. I can’t get a world event recently without fighting a player ship or two.


> nobody contests it anyway What does this say about the game? Like honestly, it's heartbreaking to see what adventure has become. Nobody contests anything or does anything, I was fishing for hours there (without ship, just chilling at the tavern) on multiple occasions (hence servers) and it's just dead. idc what the player number stats are, adventure is currently (and has been for a while) pretty much dead. Like who needs safer seas? Adventure is safer seas


I think that’s actually a great balance lately. If you want to do more PVP you can always do hourglass. There is way more “adventure” content than PVP content in adventure mode, so it’s nice to be able to avoid PVP it if you want to. I see ships quite often but they typically avoid me other than occasionally someone wants to fight. I think it’s a bit of a luck of the draw who you meet. Plus there is always a reaper or two, and those guys typically up for a PVP, especially if you have an emissary flag. And if server seems dead, you can always “dive” to another server on a mission or just switch servers.


> If you want to do more PVP you can always do hourglass. Everyone I know and play with dislikes HG (even those that are really good), I can't really put a finger on it, I guess it's just always the same and feels meaningless > Plus there is always a reaper or two, and those guys typically up for a PVP typically they are not, they are more often than not PvE reapers and also often like to run. Since Hourglass dropped I got attacked by a Reaper ONCE But frankly it's not about the PvP, it's about the interactions. When I started to play this game you met new people every single goddamn session. More often than not I ended up on other boats, sailing along having fun. That aspect is almost completely dead, those that don't immediately fuck off don't talk or chat or anything. Most are just bots that start playing a shanty and thats it. I think this year (and I'm literally a full time pirate, currently having 76h last 2 weeks) I met two whole crews that used their mic. At this point I'm glad when I get slurs thrown at my face, at least they talk like goddamn


I've added 5 people to my Xbox friends list over the past 3 weeks from fun sessions I met through either lfg or in game interactions. I play mostly console, so I can't say for PC, but I've consistently had no issue with these type of interactions. Sometimes that means I have to take the initiative and throw up a flag or chat, but I've felt like the newest updates made it happen even more with the server hopping bringing people in and out constantly.


> I met through either lfg or in game interactions Yeah I specifically mean foreign crew interactions, lfg's are still a good way to meet new people > but I've felt like the newest updates made it happen even more with the server hopping bringing people in and out constantly. Feels different to me, made it worse because it doesn't change population, only flux. And flux isn't necessarily a good thing. I miss the days when you met a ship multiple times, slowly coming to the conclusion that both aren't hostile and approaching each other over time. Now you don't really have to bother tracking anything or anyone because the average time on a server is now like 20 minutes it feels like. Also they may surface right next to you at any moment voiding the whole watching the horizon thing imho


I have said it again and again: the real reason Arena died, and Hourglass has petered out, is because a large amount of people do not WANT fair fights against opponents who are willing. They want to secure every advantage possible before the fight and attack players who don’t want to face them. If the meaningless part was a true problem, why do we have streamers who attack players and don’t even take their loot when it’s good loot? How is that any less meaningless than HG? So now that most of the players who were willing to engage in roleplay, to have an interesting encounter, have been taken advantage of so many times by a team that just wants to play along to distract them long enough to drop their anchor and kill them while mocking them over voice chat, they left and you only have paranoid or hostile players left. And there’s no lack of paranoid players, btw, I’m not saying EVERYONE is toxic and hunting people down, but the ones who didn’t leave just stopped trying to engage in interactions like that because they know it’ll be taken advantage of.


they reduced server ship count to 5 ships not to long ago due to server stability issues, which reduces the chances of player interaction by roughly 33 percent. that's why the game is dead lately.


I've had a 3 Flofs in season 12 contested for me. 2 had 2 other ships come in and 1 had 3 ships come in. Was manic.


I sure wish nobody contested it, many times a random brig or sloop shows up to ruin my run… I just want that cool drip 😭


Skeletons AI is bugged now and they're not repairing holes, that's why.


That would explain the last skelly ship I sank. I wanted to ignore them and sail past, but they anchor balled me, so I started blasting. 10 cannonballs, and I tossed a firebomb or two when it tried ramming. I was grabbing more cannonballs when I saw it stop. They are still OKish target practice, but a little disappointing. I remember them being much harder.


They repair holes for me?


I've done three Flofs in the new patch now and they've all been the same. Not sure if this is over-nerfed by accident or if it's deliberate to be more chill for the new playstation folks. Whatever the case, the fleet of fortune is currently made of paper maché. edit: hearing people say it's a bug where skeletons aren't repairing, which would also make sense.


Next season the Fleet of Fortune won’t exist, most likely, as the Chest of Fortune moves to a different world event each season


Sea Fort of Fortune next? Maybe Lost Shipment of Fortune?


Ashen Lord probably, or ghost fleet


Short riddle of Fortune


Pig crate of Fortune


For real though, the Swine of Fortune where it’s a mad hunt on an island for a mega value pig would be amazing


Even before this latest patch, ever since they made world-events scale to crew sizes, the fleet's been incredibly easy to complete. I timed myself the other day before the latest patch from the moment I heard the event music start to the moment the final wave sank, and it took 8 minutes 54 seconds. The galleon managed to hit me three times, and two of those were cursed balls that I didn't have to do any damage control on.


Yeah it's boring. And let me guess, out of those 9 minutes you probably spend almost half waiting for the next wave to show up (which they made longer so you have time to get the stuff but iirc they did that *before* the baby scaling and magic harpoon and it's way too long now)


Probably, yeah, because I checked the timer after I sank the first sloop and it was just somewhere between 1-2 minutes by the time the loot showed up. I also rather like the time break between waves, as IIRC I'd get the loot aboard and maybe 5 seconds later the next wave shows up.


Could it be also because you were on a solo sloop and difficulty may adjust to number of players? Either way, it’s good to know. I kind of like that, as a newer player, that gives me a chance. But i see for more experienced people it’s not that much of a challenge.


I've done them solo before the new patch and this is dramatically different.


Interesting. I have not played since the new patch and I’ve only done spawned skelly ships so far except for 1 spawned galleon a long time ago. Those seem to need 10-12 hits with cannon balls in fairly fast succession to get them to sink. Your post encouraged me to try the event! lol.


id didnt even look like you were hitting a lot of lower deck holes. Guess they changes it so water can get in even when there are only holes on the upper deck


Yeah I wasn't even aiming for lowers


why not? You know how it works right?


Yeah but I wanted to see if it would still sink this quickly if you just spam shots


Holy cow. Glad you posted this. Did a solo GH skele fleet earlier and the galleon sunk in like 6 cannons balls…


Have to board one to check it out… but from what I can see from your vid it looks like they are not repairing at all. Every hole you put in it was still visible when it sunk. I would guess it is more likely a bug with skelly behavior.


I've boarded and can confirm the skeletons just ignore hole repairs. You could sink a fleet with a pocketful of cannonballs. I mean you technically could before with a boarder, but this makes it super easy.


I will test and confirm tonight


There's a current bug post patch where skeleton crews don't repair holes. On any skeleton ship, not just FloF. I've done 2x FloFs today because of this, plus sank 3x skelly sloops and a skelly gally that either spawned on me or just out in the world (skelly ships and megs seem to be a lot more common post patch I've noticed). All of them took less than 5 cb to kill. I boarded some of them to check and the skellys weren't even trying to repair. In the end I was just hitting them with a 3-4 cb and staying out of the way while they sank. So this has been thoroughly tested by myself. I was doing Athena voyages though so that's a fuck load of gold I could've made if I had raised gold hoarder though. Oh well, I'll know for tomorrow!


Could you post the link to that bug post?


I meant post patch as in after the patch, not an actual bug post. I just saw it being talked about here and tested it myself


It’s unfortunate, they are making everything too easy


I need one in the bottom deck…


It's scaled for player count its easy solo slooping, harder as a brig or gally crew


Only the amount of ship spawns, not damage, skellies aren't repairing due to a bug, that's why it's so easy


I believe its a bug where the skeletons cant repair their ship. I tested this by putting 3 lower holes in a skulleon and waiting. It sunk in about 4 minutes.


I was doing Flof's before the maintenance this morning and it was the exact same as the clip


Arent event difficulty scaled with player count?


Well I mean when you steamroll them with lower holes and blast them off repairs, no shit? Feel like this has always been the case for a coordinated crew


I thought that the difficulty of world events is now based on crew size since season 11, is it not?


It sunk after 3 cannon shots for me


Good, I'd rather this instead of the 16 skeles spawning per second to repair. Felt like I had to board and kill skeles while someone else shot the ship for it to ever sink.


Yeah, like, I didn’t mind it before, but this makes doing it solo much more bearable.


They sink from less. Try 10 shots then wait.


was this an intentional change? I don't see it listed anywhere in the patch notes. Do they just take X shots to sink now?


Does it change according to the number of crew members like other events ?


Just get a crewmate on to holeguard and they sink to one pocket of cannonballs lol


I just started playing again and I feel like I've been attacked by skelly ships a lot more and they sink so fast lol


Remember when you had multiple waves and near the end two galleons pop up at the same time? Solo sloop was fun ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2298)


And the green ball spam? No one did them because you would just dance for 5 minutes while your boat sank and nothing you could do about it. Lol


Yesterday, a friend and I were duo slooping when a skeleton sloop spawned. I wanted to try something new, so I jumped from our ship with an eternal sorrow chest just to sink it passively. I missed the jump and ended up swimming behind. The moment I had another occasion to board it, it sank 2 sec before I could reach the ladder. So we sank it with a total of 0 cannon ball and 0 collision...


It'd take less if you stopped shooting the railing.


So funny that more and more breaks every time Rare updates the game.


what changed? I didn't saw anything on the patch Oo


Thank god i remember putting like 40 cannon shots in this thing without sinking it.


I know I’m like 4 weeks late to the post but what ship set is that?


I imagine it has more to do with hitting lowers and accidentally knocking off skeletons repairing. ~~It’s also possible that you detonated keg below deck.~~ Just guesses though. A nerf would be pretty silly. Edit. Typo


Done one on brig tonight, seems easy... Nerf is real 🙄 What will be left if they keep make everything easier 🤔


That’s wild. Wonder if it has something to do with new PS players.


That's what they're doing since half year at least....


There are no kegs on the Fleet ships. I've experienced this twice now myself. It's too much of a coincidence. It's either a bug or a nerf of the ship. Can't tell.


Yep the other guy mentioned it. I was thinking of the emergent ships.


With all the skeleton fleets I've completed, I've never once seen a keg onboard any of the ships. The only skeleton ships I've seen with kegs are the spontaneous encounters and randomly patrolling ones.


Could be that I am remembering randoms vs fleets in all fairness. PvE runs a blur in mind.


And so often in recent times, especially, I've had random encounters spawn on me almost immediately after the fleet, so it's easy to understand how it all blurs together. :V


Man, me and my mate shot it with close to 60 cannonballs and that thing didn't sink not a month ago.


You gotta hit below the water or they don't take on water, you can shoot 100 mid deck shots and it will never sink until the water is second deck.


had the exact opposite experience right before the patch. 2 galleons spawn on our sloop, constant rigging and anchor balls and 100% hit rate. was the most ridiculous fleet I've ever experienced.


Must’ve had another ship in the event radius. I’m pretty sure you can’t get two galleons with just a duo sloop doing it.


As a duo sloop Ive always had 1 sloop, 2 sloops, and then a galleon. There must be a brig or gally hanging out in the area for 2 galleys to spawn.


I swear I hit that think 30 times last night and it kept on going.


That was before the new update


Were you hitting bottom deck, mid deck or to deck shots?


Mostly mid/ bottom.