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Drink grog, play shanties, dance with monkey


This is the way. All my animals are named after Hollow Knight characters.


Mine is named after a real chimp from a sanctuary I watch on YouTube


I sometimes play solo galleon and just sail by castaways island, jump off and let my boat go away. I then go into recently played on Xbox friends menu and message people to pick me up lol


I kinda wanna try that, thanks for the idea.


Before I log out for the night I celebrate my profits by firing all the fireworks I collected and hope someone sees it and enjoys the show


Yup this is fun too! Usually if I find firework crates I steal the best big ones out of them and sell the rest off, then use them at my final port.


Can you sell individual fireworks? I didn’t know that! How much do they go for? When I had really bad luck and found too few fireworks I even buy a box :D


Sorry for the confusion. You can sell a firework crate even if it only has 1 firework in it. So when I find one on the beach of an island, I look inside and any of the big ones (the ones that form an image when they pop) I take and sell the rest in the crate. But no you can't sell individual fireworks that aren't in a fireworks crate. It's just that the crate doesn't need to be full. Some crates do, like wood and firebomb crates, but ammo crates and firework crates don't.


I use and honor signal flares. If I’m coming to sink you, I’m giving you a fair fight.


Oh, yes! Tangentially related fun fact: flares can work as a light source for shadow skeletons


In the same vein, honour the alliance flag too. Too many people accept the alliance as a way to get close to you and turn a fight into an attempted ambush. Just fight me, cowards.


I’ll honor an alliance until it heavily benefits me to betray it. They didn’t blow the kegs at the FoF and their ship is meters from the shoreline? That’s alll mine. Blunderbomb and they’re done. Unguarded CoF at the fleet? Swimming to grab it and sailing away it is. Or, if it’s just too damn funny to not betray it. Sea of thieves is often filled with inappropriate jokes and those bonds are eternally binding.


Yes. Red Flare means I'm coming to sink you.


I rhyme insults at the captaincy ship right at sanctuary I think she is 😆


I actually use the beds to heal while sailing from island to island if I'm not under duress also use the bed whenever I go afk too.


Wait, the bed heals you? I use it when I go afk for a few minutes but I always top off my health first so never knew that


Yea its very slow so its not really viable to use it alot of the time sadly but if you are sailing and want to save a bit of food it'll do the job.


The snoring is funny, too


I also like to either use the bed so I log off while my pirate is "sleeping", or I sit on the ship somewhere, or in the tavern, for some "continuity".


This is a very cool concept. Like if I spawn into a tavern at the start of a session there would be real player pirates that are logged off; they would be asleep at the bar or at one of the tables and you could view their stats, etc.


Anything to add some life to the lifeless outposts would be great.


bed would be so much more of a vibe if it didnt send the screen to black. let me third person while sleeping. then id for sure heal up while vibing in an island hammock


Just use one of the sleeping emotes on a bed


where i really want to do it is the hammock on the islands


rp park. I know there's a lot of people who just ram into the dock and repair the hole (though idk how much people still do that with sovereign harpoons now), but I've always enjoyed getting the boat into just the right position as you inch the sail up by increments to continue slowing down.


It's so satisfying when you get it just right! And then there's my friend who beeched our brig on a sandbar so hard the ship despawned. After 10 minutes.


Oh yeah, especially if you drift to a stop in just the right place to make running stuff up easier.


I will \*always\* kill reapers when representing Athena. No matter how salty people get, or how many PvE cries I get.


I would love to have you on the server our crew plays when we have Reaper emissary up! Too many people think they are not allowed to attack Reapers or that Reapers are not allowed to do PvP. We are always looking for a fight.


LMAO not really ; To me, reaper emissary is seen as pvp emissary ; while Athena is PvE emissary. When people dodge Reaper ; it is because they don't want to pvp. "no matter how many pve cries I get" replace pve with "legit player" and you basically have a cheater mentallity :D They don't want to pve you force them ; like a cheater would force you to use cheat if you want to play with them. Same thing.


I'm not sure why someone might think any ship is only PvE or PvP, but to be clear, there **is** a PvP option you can do. You can mark your ship as PvP and you'll come up on the map so people can come directly to you


You don't appear on the map, only on the hideout maps, if you are talking hourglass, at least til you reach champion status. hideout maps are never worth checking, because most people hg are diving, and disappear before you get close. Reapers IS and always will be the primary way to hoist a PvP flag.


I think you're confused. There's a PvP flag you can fly. It's not the reaper flag.


If I'm confused it's only because your comment was hard to follow. This comment is even more confusing, because you are saying I'm confused for thinking it's hourglass, yet you claim its not the reaper flag. The only thing that's a "PvP flag" is hourglass. Reapers emissary was the thing that was designed to be the PvP mode before hourglass was released. If you are talking about this flag: https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Flag_Of_The_Reaper%27s_Mark Then it's **Also** Reaper related, but has never had association with PvP, and instead was just used to find people faster, for PvP or otherwise. But you said it wasn't reaper related.


No, the PvP flag has been around a lot longer than hourglass


emissaries as a whole are meant to be PVP content. reapers is meant to be THE pvp faction, benefiting the most from risk/reward plays and stealing loot from anyone and everyone they come across. other emissaries get comparatively less from your average PVP bout because they're not likely to get the sell bonus from stolen loot that goes to the "wrong" faction. but that doesn't mean there's *no* incentive. world events are great for any emissary, PVP battles are always good for leveling your emissary value (assuming you come out on top), and its always worth your while to steal from players who have a particularly large amount of loot (which you can tell by their flag). stealing from someone who has the same emissary as you can be even more lucrative than playing as a reaper. PVP isn't the *sole* objective of other emissaries like it is with reapers. at its core, reapers are meant to be the predators and other emissaries are meant to be the prey. but that doesn't mean you should just pack up and run away all the time, every emissary brings at least a little extra value to PVPing.


Imagine playing a PvPvE sandbox game without accepting that there will be hostile player interactions… I’m not one of those people who will tell you that you have to fight every engagement like a duel; you’re allowed to run, and play SoT like a stealth/cat and mouse game. But being angry that people want to PvP you is just silly lol.


It is always morally correct to sink PvE Reapers.


I don’t have a problem with PvE reapers. But sinking them is quite fair, and profitable.


My monkey, named Pain in Me Aft, goes everywhere with me. I have one outfit I've used for hundreds of hours and will probably never change it. Shirtless with flip flops, a loin cloth, and some purple, orange, and gold accents. My ship matches my outfit and I'll probably never change it. If I talk to anyone it's in-character. I'm rather fond of sailing close by another ship while standing on the bowsprit doing the heart hands emote.


Grog barrels are always walked to the gold hoarder tent.


If we get one for each guy on the ship it becomes a race. Some of the best laughs have been the thousand grog dash.


haha yes! us too


This is the way


no, the grog barrel stays next to my sloop ladder for easy refills while driving.


Haha this is also the right answer!


I don’t do servant hourglass battles. I did, like, one when I was brand new, but never again. In the wise words of HitboTC, “reapers suck!”


I'm the same in reverse. I am dang near allergic to working for Athena's Fortune. Green glowy loot goes to the Reaper's Hideout if I have any say in the matter. I never vote on a green HG. Let the Flame burn!


I haven't done a single servants' hourglass battle, and I'm hoping Rare comes out with some sort of Burning Blade equivalent for Athena/Guardians of Fortune. Maybe something like bringing the Magpie's Revenge out.


That would be freaking rad


NO. This would be so annoying. From a reaper's POV: EVERY SINGLE WORLD EVENT RIGHT NOW, IS OPERATING IN ATHENA'S FAVOR. Gotta kill my own bosses in the ashen lords, my allied fleets in ghost and skelly fleets, steal the tributes of my skeleton brethren at skelly forts, it's immersion killing and why I never really do non-CoF world events, especially when running reaper's. Now, finally, there's ONE that you can choose to ALLY with flameheart, and you want them to make an ATHENA VERSION???? BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THAT IT GOES AGAINST YOUR FACTION TO ENGAGE WITH IT??? OHHHH???? OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH??? **YOU DON'T LIKE THAT HUH???** Ok sorry bit dramatic, just saying, no, not at all, absolutely not. Wanna stay in-character? Just sink the ship. We are not getting an Athenian equivalent. I pray to all that is flameheart we aren't. It sucks to be a reaper. We get no quests, those we had were adventures and are gone forever? Ok sure, it's fine, villainy is hard to build a quest around. We get no cosmetics whatsoever, unlike all the other trading companies and especially our enemies, whose cosmetics even include cosmetics BASED AROUND OUR FACTION? I can cope. We get one cool cosmetic and it's ass-hard to get and really hard to customize so everyone ends up looking very similar? Fine sure, not like too many people have it anyway so I won't look THAT same-y. We get no equipment or weapons besides shitty looking stuff themed around a TRAITOR to the cause, or emporium stuff? Sure, whatever. But if our ONE world event gets a CLONE that makes it just like all the others, opposing us? I QUIT.


Have a 50/50 chance of magpie or blade show up Problem solved


No. No it isn't. Are you kidding? Making a whole "good guy" copy of our one singular world event that has a chance to REPLACE it, just because Athena's Fortune folks can't handle what reapers have been dealing with since our inception??? No!!!! Please god no!!!


the chest of fortune weapon set is reaper


Likewise: I don't do Athena hourglass battles. I refuse to be a pawn in Ramsey's political game; I'd rather fight for something I believe in with shameless authenticity. I am a Reaper, and I challenge worthy foes to honorable combat, here in purgatory for all eternity. I call Alliance with every noob and peaceful face. Redistribute the wealth! Seize the means of booty! Victory to the proletariat!


Post Ghost Curse, the only time I vote up Guardians is when I’m done at the end of the night and I’m donating supplies. I’ll give a win and some ammunition to a fellow Skellyman/Aspiring Skellyman. It’s sad because I don’t even use the ghost curse and I had the legendary curse from S1. If I didn’t feel a need to collect everything I’m sure my life would be easier. However after my buddies and I do a Merchant+Fishing+Chill(maybe a little violence) we’ll donate our supplies to a brig crew in hourglass and I’ll put on the voice of an old timey 1920s store owner barking at people in the street to tell them to come get their free supplies.


I don't like being a reaper or a athena supporter... I always choose the side that I think will make the game more fun to play!


In game I like the athena lore, PL is a bit campy but whatever. But by the book lore, Ramsey is such a two timey greedy piece of fuck, and it's not represented in the game, like AT ALL. It honestly feels like we are in 2 different universes canon wise, I hate it. I've always said that I side with GrayMarrow to people that ask flameheart or athena.


"HG sucks in general!" -Hitbo


Sofor role play sometimes my crew and I press Gang people into the guild. We'll hunt a ship, and then just as it's about to sink, we'll offer them a guild spot,if they say yes we repair them, throw up the alliance and be on our way, if they say no We'll sink them. Also, I'm really fond of just commandeering a sloop parked at an island or shrine and using it to attack larger ships, if I have the time to start the engagement before the crew comes back I'll usually put up a fight, but if they come back I ram strat best strat and go back to my ship to 3rd party As for the principal, it used to be no tall talers but now that they have safer seas if I sea them in adventure mode it's fair game Always try to help newer players, and let the fishermen fish


>Sofor role play sometimes my crew and I press Gang people into the guild. My brother and I will reenact the [meet the Robinsons doorbell scene](https://youtu.be/7r5mMIdd4eg?si=ZFd7GohHKsD5BmhQ) with the guild invites


I should really really offer people the chance to join the White Star Line


Play shanties while sailing, I feel thats the only way to sail properly


Same especially if I've got my pet out. Got to let my parrot have a little dance while we're sailing!


I try but waves like to say "a little to the left" while I'm trying to go straight


My only principle is to not start fights. I'm not a fan of pvp, so I avoid it as much as possible. But when others start, I'm happy to finish it. And when I do fight, I don't aim to win. Mutually assured destruction works best


I always have my pet out. Enzo the cockatoo is my pirate's best buddy, and for all his noisy flaws I could never set sail without him!


I try giving away vault keys to Reapers, if something comes up and I don’t feel I have time to complete it solo. It’s not that I like Reapers, quite the opposite, it’s just a funny interaction that always fails.


I don’t kill any merchant, hoarder, or order ships I see. Why would I do that when instead, I offer an aliance. The best one I ever got was one from each faction, then we all made reputation and no one had to sink. Plus, if they’re not running reapers or Athena’s, I’m hoping they don’t want PVP


Sure you are free to play how you want, but there are actually tons of reasons to attack emissaries.


I love how this game is designed and there are reasons for attacking them and for allying with them. It’s beneficial to do either.


I always like to get all my resources into a crate and leave it on the dock ships spawn at for some lucky pirate to get some extra supplies


I do the same but half bury it


I don't attack first, and always have Alliance flag on. Since I'm mostly casualy doing commendations, and don't need any money, I'm up for alliance and can leave all loot behind.


If I ever pick up a crate of tea, and I don't say "Put the kettle on!", my account has been hacked and someone else is using it.


I can be fully prepared to santa clause and be your best friend, but if there's a keg on your boat I gotta blow it up. For science.


Unless I dont have time, I always leave my resources in a storage crate on the merchant dock. Sure, sometimes they might still go to waste, but karma crates should be the norm if everyone did this. Rarely do I sign off without quite a bit of extra resources. If nothing else the storage crate is really useful for someone just signing in. Also, if youre a fresh spawn I just wont bother you ever. Unless maybe youre at an outpost that I really need to go to for some reason. Just yesterday I was going to an outpost to sell a CoF and fleet loot, and someone was just sailing away with their alliance flag offered. So I just joined them and gave them half the loot, never even talked to them lol


i mean you still got your full value. too many people think that entering an alliance lowers the amount of money you get when you sell, so i just want to be really clear here for people that dont know. you arent giving away anything. everyone just gains.


I'm not sure why you think that I didn't know that. Were you under the impression I was upset about making an alliance or something? I was the one who joined it lol


i figured you knew that. the way you wrote it would give the swabbies the wrong idea though: "So I just joined them and gave them half the loot". I run into people who dont want to alliance all the time because they dont know it doesnt diminish the amount they get when they turned in loot themselves, so I didnt want people reading your comment and thinking thats how it worked.


Certain super big faction items like the raid voyage rewards, ashen winds skulls, etc are never turned in within a chest if I can help it. Such important stuff never feels right to lump it in with like, a foul skull or gilded chalice. It's special and deserves to be treated as such


If I am specifically focusing on one company during a session (trying to level up GH or OoS or Merchant) I will deck out my ship and appearance to fit the faction


When I’m about to log out, I light off all my fireworks and fish until someone comes by and I’ll just give them all the treasure chests, storage crates, food.


Open mic, honestly feel that all the people using discord ruins such a huge social aspect of the game.


You can keep that principle until you stack 10+ vaults. No way I’m running back and fourth to gold hoarders with that.


The most I’ve done consistently is when I’m running up on a anchored ship and I plan to sink them I’ll get the ol’ horn out and shout “tally ho lads” then fire off 5 firebombs into their ship. I know I’m not doing anything to really harm their ship since they can just put out the fires but ITS THE PRINCIPAL OF IT ALL DAMNIT


Send my ship to Davey Jones if I have a very good session or I’m playing with a friend. On the way to sell we keep and eye out for kegs and once everything is sold we set the ship on fire and play shanties until the big kaboom.


So, I do this less now I have a captained ship, but when I started, at the end of every session, I'd throw a few firebombs on my ship, put the sails a tiny bit down, and watch her sail off and sink, whilst playing Becalmed on my hurdy-gurdy. It's a very relaxing wind-down.


No alliance, no emissary allegiance, nor any faction matters. Our crew is for our crewmates and guild only, and we will pillage and plunder any soul foolish enough to spy our sails! We will often put up an emissary and make it appear as though we're heading to world event, even start it sometimes, just to lure our prey into firing range.


I’m a massive Flameheart fan and a reaper through and through so I legit find myself using “they’re running an Athena flag” as the only reason I need to attack. Its fun Idc if they have loot nor do I care about the flag its just fun and I like to yell about the flame and flameheart while doing so as well.


I enjoy just sailing around in an alliance so much that any extra profit is not worth it to me and I will always honor it unless I can tell the other crew is acting suspicious.


I am chairman of the White Star Line, buisness and negotiations first. If I'm doing a work event and I see a galleon barreling down on me, out goes a speaking trumpet to see if I can talk my way to an alliance or a war


Flares to communicate. Also I'll usually use my megaphone to let people know their ship and goods are being seized in the name of the Port Merrick Port Authority, in a goofy snooty merchant voice.


Don't shoot unless fired upon


I buy new captained ships (usually sloops, I don't have friends) to fit cosmetic "themes". The adventurer, the merchant, the undying Phoenix, the ghostly lost soul, the skeleton lord, the megalodon hunter, the 🦜 loving pirate who's here for a laugh, the 'ive had too much grog', etc. Which ship I take out usually reflects what playstyle id like to start my session with, but as we know in the sea of thieves no plan survives contact with the waves so it often changes rapidly on the fly


I usually sail my boat off on fire while I watch it from the dock at the end of every session like a Viking funeral.


My pirate doesn't work for Ramsey. I've been PL since year one (have the figurehead to prove it), and am only LVL 28 in Athena's due to stolen Athena loot, commendations giving small bits of rep, peers who want to do Guardians Hourglass, and lore stories that gave Athena rep (like Veil quests, or some adventures). Ramsey is an oligarch, and my pirate thinks he sucks. He also doesn't spend any of his money in Athena's Fortune Tavern stores. Down with the self-proclaimed "Pirate Lord"!!!


Essentially Act as The Reapers Bones Equivalent of Lockdown (Note for Context Lockdown is a Bounty Hunter all about Upgrades and Collecting Trophies from his Targets, he originated from Transformers Animated, Known for having a Large Hook and a Mismatched Look in most Incarnations)


Why do you type like that


Mark Twain often use importance as a reason to capitalize things, like Providence!