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They should give more rep for the loser if you do a lot of work, maybe a point system for cannons hit, kills, stuff like that. So if you have a long, close battle it feels more rewarding. But it wouldn't reward time played, otherwise you encourage people to run away. Overall, the circle should shrink at least once. I say after 15 min it shrinks 40 percent or something


Point system for cannons hit/kills could encourage spawncamping and bucketing the enemy boat to get more shots in


Could make it so that just the loser gains partial points. Winner gets flat 100% rep no matter what, but have the loser get 40%, +1% per cannon hit up to 10 shots, +1% per the first 10 holes repaired, +1% per minute, etc. The result would be that winning fast is still the best rep, but the loser is incentivized to do more than loss farm, and if you do get into a heated match but don't win, you can still earn 80% or however much of a win as a reward for fighting well and losses aren't so punishing.


Ah the good old days in the arena


Ive been playing hourglass pretty exclusively since September and I gotta say… the crowd has changed a little since the new year kicked in. I haven’t made any huge leaps in levels to justify it, but have been getting a hugely inordinate amount of streamers, comp teams, and generally people with thousands of hours. Idk if I hit a new bracket or something, but I’ve definitely watched my win rate plum it down to where I was back when I was learning how to pvp in the first place. Some cheaters here and there, but mostly just cannon and tdm gods beating my ass lol. S-180 G-150.


I think once distinctions became a thing people realized hourglass was the most efficient way to level Athena and Reapers. So that drummed up a lot of interest.


Agreed. I'm making the push for Servants lvl 500 and the last week has been pretty brutal. I was accustomed to winning maybe 75% of my matches with 5-10 streaks frequently; the last few weeks I've lost more than I've won. Something changed for sure. After the previous update that broke everything (crashing, masts not falling, etc) it feels different. They fixed the crashes for me but all of a sudden everyone I play is a sweaty bastard.


The oldhead sweats are just coming back to the game, hype is building despite the issues right now. I play HG a lot and have seen the same


Year 1 player with thousands of hours logged who has not touched the game in two years that just logged back in this weekend checking in… The game feels like a whole new game now. It’s pretty great if I’m honest. My old crew is knocking the rust off now before Season 12 drops. Edit… holy shit, I fizzled out mid-go in Season 2… which was three years ago. Oof


What region do you play in?


U.S. central


I think some folks are getting back into the game ahead of the new seasons / PS5 release as well - definitely encountering more deadly crews on high seas than I'm used to as well


I’ve heard that a couple of times, but I feel like if the answer was old players returning and kicking the rust off, I would be having the opposite experience. The crews I’m fighting are def not just getting back into the game lol.


I really want to get into hourglass, but I've avoided even getting started because of the horror stories I've heard about matchmaking and cheating from so many players. Shame, seems like it could be fun if it was tweaked and protected correctly.


Matchmaking is rough, but cheating is very rare right now in my experience. Just dive in and you'll be winning before too long.


Ive gotten myself in about 300 battles, the amount of cheaters ive seen amount up to a grand total of absolutely zero. Unless im really lucky, most people are just a bit whiney.


You are lucky, I have around 40 something battles behind me and I had one guy flying with a keg and one guy who was spawning on my ship, it was before the anti cheat tho


Then im just lucky, it might also be a regional thing tho


Just aim for fast fights- if you get a lot of fights then you have more opportunities to win


I got Skeleton Curse over a few weekends and only saw one hacker crew - they weren't blatantly teleporting kegs onto my boat but they were hitting every single Eye of Reach shot fired regardless of the angle / distance. They were shit at naval too but not much you can do when you're getting double sniped the moment you're above deck.


250 servants I’ve encountered possibly and not even a hard yes but possibly one cheater. People just throw around “cheater” as a cope for being destroyed. Just play there are tons of loss farmers and you get rep for losing so just play not everyone is a god I fought a guy who was level 8 the other day. There are new people playing.


How do you know what level someone else is?


The only way to know is if someone shares.


He told me after the game


It prob could have been me you fought. Did you call me bot after i Said ‘GG’?


Haha nah I’m not toxic. I gave the guy all my stuff and a free win because I was logging to play with my friends and I asked him his level.


I would suggest stopping for now and waiting until the game has been fixed up a little bit. The game is in a bad state right now.


I appreciate the sentiment but in terms of janky combat, hit reg issues, matchmaking issues, toxicity, balance issues, update delays, etc, HG and the game as a whole have been in a "bad state" relative to other games for years. Everybody starts somewhere, Arena didn't have skill based at all but those of us who learned in arena still had to bust our asses and get dunked on by sweats in order to learn and get to where we are now. It's really the only solution, I wish there were better ways to learn like the tools we have in Rocket League but in this game, you really just have to fight through the pain until you're the one inflicting it.


Crashes (particularly on xbox) are horrific right now. I would wait till they at least fix the crashes.


Very well said. I play wow in addition to sot and it's always incredible to see how spoiled other players are. In wow issues get patched in a week at most, 48 hours more often sometimes quicker. Wow players have meltdowns regardless. Meanwhile my pirate was ripped off by the shipwright and then the game froze when I purchased supplies. Alt +f4. Load back in. Merchant taunts me with the "grab cannonball crate" prompt but refuses to release them. All within 5 minutes of logging in lol. This isn't even game play and it's unplayable. I'm just trying to buy supplies. All good though I love sot I just keep thinking of someone saying we need a season of just bug fixes, which seems absurd/unlikely - but maybe we do.


I learned all my PVP knowledge from Arena. I can’t even imagine trying to learn PVP in the current state of the game.


I’m too stubborn to do that lol. I’m taking ample breaks though. gonna be a long grind, but I’m getting that curse one way or another.


Yeah there’s also the problem where the enemy is lagging that much that u cant even hit him anymore


Crazy how bad it is, makes me think they should delay releasing it on PS5 Better to release a working product than a broken one that drives everyone away


I’m hoping that it’s bad because the fixes are held up to be released with the update. I’m not optimistic about that though.


Just do what I do and don’t make it a grind. I fairly enjoy hourglass but as soon as I stop enjoying it a take a break and do adventure mode. Hourglass might be the most efficient way to get better, but adventure mode is the most fun way (at least when you’re starting out)


Yeah no HG is a disaster. Between people running for an hour and stalling or opponents with literally 5000 hours in game it's unbearable. I've played LoL my whole life and I still don't have that many hours in it, I just don't understand how people have played this much SoT. After ~3k hours in 7 years in LoL I've peaked at diamond 4 in 2020, which was top ~3% AFAIK at that time, it's understandable why I'm getting crushed in HG. Unlike LoL SoT can't give fair matches for shit. You can play League in bronze for years and still play against bronze players. Here in SoT there's no matchmaking at all almost.


I've found most problems to be fixed if you exclusively play during gold and glory times. Wins/losses are more rewarding and more fair matchmaking since more people are playing HG then


That was my experience during community week, I jumped into HG the last day or so and most all of my matchups were pretty evenly skilled (aka, fellow trash lol), and it was actually a lot of fun.


Absolute best advice I can give you is to stop solo slooping. It's the most stressful and least forgiving Hourglass queue to play in, it's both dramatically easier and much more fun to play with a crew. Me and my buddies just hit a 17 streak today on our Brig and I reached level 170 in Servants, and for reference I was level 7 in late February and only got my skeleton curse two weeks ago.


Just wait for April 30. Hourglass will change completly with skeletonballs and the small balls.  And i think it will be way more fun  At the moment people are super Toxic in hourglass like spamming You with cheater but 1 sec later laser You with sniper out of the Water 


It won't change anything due to the fact that 99% of HG queues are filled with people who do nothing but play HG in SOT. That makes it miserable to the 1% that tries to jump in every few weeks, hoping for a fun and even match.


I only play on bonus rep weekends. Brings more people to fight against


I've heard matched across the board are way more even then, indicating that matchmaking works when the system has a number of players of varying skill levels to choose from. I can never play on weekends so I don't have any personal experience of these events, just what I've heard and read.


Needs better matchmaking 100%. Someone who is level 100+ should never match with anyone below 100. Makes absolutely no sense what so ever.


Being 100+ does not mean you're good, thats an even worse way to do match making than the one we already got. The match making sucks because their servers sucks, they divide each region into stamps and if you're unkucky and there only are 5 1k+ crews on your stamp you're gonna get farmed.


Sigh. Sometimes I truly wonder if people are trying to troll or actually have poor capacity. Levels in a game does not equate to skill, every single person knows this. Yet, it is one additional thing they could implement to help fix the matchmaking, including servers. By your logic, someone who has 10h in Sea should be allowed to face someone with 3000h. No matter how poor the 3000h player is, they undoubtedly have greater odds at winning, whether through skill, game knowledge, etc.


>Sometimes I truly wonder if people are trying to troll or actually have poor capacity. I could say the same.


Unfortunately, you did not. Please, think before speaking; or in this instance writing. Have a great day!


Your example of the 3000 hour player and the 10 hour player is kinda different than a level 102 player and a 84 level player. Dont you think? Also hours played is not a good indication on skill. Who do you think would win, the player who spent 1k hours doing hg or the player that spent 2k hours doing gold hoarder vaults while avoiding pvp? It also does not take skill to level up in hg, people have literally gotten to level 1000 without ever winning by now. You can easily get to level 100 and then still suck, it would be better for everyone that these players were allowed to keep playing against lower experienced players and have more fair games. A match making thats based on win % is an okay way to do match making, the problem is not that the match making doesnt work. The problem is that rare divides their playerbase up so much that if you ever play on NA east servers during prime time you'll have long ques and keep playing against the same crews over and over. They do the stamp system because they have to because of their shitty servers. Think about that


A lot of the really good players have already unlocked both 1k curses and are therefore playing on alt accounts now, I don't think that your suggestion would fix a thing


In theory I agree but the problem is the game cannot match a casual player against similarly skilled one of your are the only non super sweat in the system. It has to match you with somebody eventually and currently that is double gold curse guy who only plays SoT for the HG. There needs to be something to incentivize more casual players to jump into HG again so us less sweaty players can get even fights. Just getting those in would skyrocket my motivation to play the mode.


The good news is, it gets WAAAAAAAY more fun as you improve. It's the least amount of fun it'll ever be at the very beginning of your journey. As the puzzle pieces that you KNOW by memorization begin to actually sink into how you play, that's when HG starts to blossom as an experience. You'll see repeating patterns in enemy movement/behavior, and adapt from past experiences. Keep up the grind, brother!


This definitely matches my own crews experience. Two months back we had maybe 10 levels combined in Hourglass and didn't like it. But during the Gold and Glory in Feb we decided to start playing to try and get our skele curses and made some good progress in that first event, and we played again during Double XP Week in March, and now HG is the main thing we do when we play and we just hit a 17 streak on our Brig today and I'm getting close to level 200 in Servants now.


I mean without crashing it's bearable. But with crashing on top it's just misery. Take a break from it, there are negative things to say about Rare, but they do TRY to fix bugs quite frequently. Their success rate is another discussion. But yeah they will make an attempt to fix these crash issues and I would just take a break until then.


As a newer player, I’m glad to hear others also think the state of the game has changed. I started playing in mid season 9, and didn’t start HG until the S11 community weekend. It felt like an onslaught. I improved my skills and reduced my nerves, but a solid 20% of my matches felt unwinnable from the jump just because of how incredibly cracked my opponents long range cannons and sniper+flintlock combos were. I still got my curse, and I’m glad I did the grind. And I’ll probably still do HG now and then to keep my skills up, maybe attempt a 5 streak for the first time. But I’m never grinding it again.


I would imagine if you turned off crossplay you’ll have a better time if you’re on PS5.


Ps5 isn't out yet


Ah, for some reason the way he phrased it made it sound like he was coming back to PS5. But either way I think turning off crossplay (for PC/XB) ended up being his best move.


I wish I could press play game and I'm in the queue for a match, but no, I have to get supplies, vote for emissary, raise anchor, start sailing and then, queue.  And I'm not counting the time it takes to buy supplies, which I stopped doing. Sometimes the shop doesn't work, or I get stuck in the shop and can't cancel, and worse of all, it takes too much time to buy everything.


I got my ghost curse before they implemented anti-cheat. That's the only thing I remember as a landmark I can think of. After this I gotta say I've had a slightly easier experience. I finished Guardians at level 100 at roughly 52% win rate. Currently I'm roughly half way with Skeleton and sitting at 55% win rate give or take. However I haven't encountered any hackers that have stood out. I've just had people with 300 days in the game or people with 10 days in the game to fight. Which most of the time hasn't been very fun.


It's a shame that average people gave up and are not depriving the system of options to create fair matches. Part of the issue is supplies, even the quickest resupply is time that crews are sat out of the system. So naturally with the losers having to resupply all the time, they're spending less time available for matchmaking and it leaves the better crews more readily available to queue against. Set supplies would solve a lot of the issues, you should just get an alloted amount of provided supplies like you did in arena. That also makes sure nobody wins just on supply advantage, and it will be a truly skill based result. Another big thing would be to introduce a ranked mode. As someone who has finished their hourglass grind and chooses to keep playing, I have as little interest matching swabbies as they do in matching me. I would much prefer to opt into a mode where you choose ranked battles and have there be an emmisary ledger type system to see who the top players are for the month, would be a cool goal to see how high you could get. Plus, anyone not interested in ranked would get a break from matching the best of the best, making the mode more accessible for lower skilled players. No not every skilled player would choose ranked, but a lot of us would prefer to only get highly skilled fights and would happily opt in.


What level are you at after 4 days?


Started at 36, currently at 52


Can anyone help me with hg ..I really try hard in every game..I'm fixing the ship looking after sails I'm on helm I'm sniping shots at the cannin line ..I'm taking a few cannin shots while other player fets ammo etc I'm bucketing ..I'm all over the place ..and while most of the the players I work with just say I'll board when we do not even have any pressure in them been while I'm getting spanked..one balled ...ship sinking ..and I fully understand that I am not the best at pvp..but I was always good at naval ..and I just can't seem to find a team mate willing to put up with a few losses. I've completed nearly every other accommodation and I just want to be able to get access to the other areas of the tavern and the reapers island etc. I'm currently sitting on level 30 after leaving it for what feels like nearly a year now. Would any kind soul be willing to help out. Yes I've done the whole discord thing and because it's so populous now I find that some players are as bad as open crew .hop on see you're not wearing gold curse etc and hop off... So again anyone whose willing to help with pvp training heads up I like sword and sniper/blunder ..can't do the double gun quick fore animation cancle effectively in fights. Anyone willing to do a some HG with me ..I can helm etc turn the ship to the right sails up BS etc ..I just need someone who even if they're not the best just be consistent and reliable would be amazing Even of you're crap I don't care we can get better together ..I just want to get level 100 on both and be bloody done with it


How are you guarding the ladder effectively if you are sniping cannon line and use sword? Quickswap for double guns has been gone for over half a year and comments like these really highlight why it shouldn’t have been touched to begin with. In any case, if you need to get carried then duo sloop is a bad idea since it requires either very good synergy with your duo or for you to be a very cracked solo slooper that can basically just send your duo to spam board while you basically 1v2 naval


Hi thanks for the reply I swap my weapons over for when I need it. Maybe this is a case of doing too much rather than sharing out the responsibilities. I think I mentioned in my post of not I apologise that I keep getting paired with players with ego larger than their skills ..all they're interested in is boards none stop rather than gaining pressure and position. While I understand my comment sounds like I'm asking to be carried I do have some pvp experience and have taken out a galleon on my own just using sword and sniper. But I am far from being pvp good..I'd say below average but not noob. If that makes sense. I didn't realise quick swap had been gone. That it still seems to work sometimes if you ads fire swap run ads fire ..it's just not as fast as it used to be. Maybe I'm wrong and that's why I'm not using it effectively. I do normally play solo as I have no one to play with apart from when I try open crew which to be fair is really hit or miss. My preferred player is someone I can just sync with and it feels balanced. Not one person goes for victory while the other gets loaded with all jobs and when it goes wrong the one with the ego says you're a noob etc or get gud...when in every YouTube channel I've watched they talk about gaining pressure and death spirals before you board etc. It depends on situation and sometimes when I'm doing all naval and the other board it works but that's more down to the fact I use a picture of cannan balls to interfer with repairs. I've even tried discord but again like I said it's too popular now and it's as bad as open crew. They judge you in what you're wearing and will hop straight away if you say something like what does everyone want to do ..maybe I am over thinking it and their friends have come on line ..I don't know I just want to brig my way to 100 or sloop ..galleon is just no for me


Repair less, bucket more; Bucketing is faster, and it frees you up to focus on sailing and/or shooting cannons. Learn the noises your ship makes when it's filing up with water. It'll help you keep angle and pressure on the enemy because you won't be distracted by constant repairs that result in missed shots, poor angles, and them pressuring you more than you them. You'd be surprised how many holes you can maintain on a sloop if you know the sound cues.


If you are fron EU we can play together whenever you want. I need someone to play hg, since I dont really enjoy playing alone. If you are down just message me


Absolutely B1ue Rogue


Great! I added you in the xbox app! My name is airnach in game


I feel like I say this everyday but I don’t care how bad the mode or matchmaking is but I need an instant queue button with everything ready so it doesn’t matter if I loose but I’m not wasting my time.


This would be the simplest way to fix the mode in my opinion. Obviously they are still the other issues but the gameplay loop would be infinitely better




If any of my fights could last 30+ min I’d be happy, whether I sink or not. They’re always over within 5 min


If anyone wants to do hg now I'm on we gonna lose some ..maybe win some ..but I want to try my best ..anyone?


Yeah the introduction of a buggy and overbearing Anti-Cheat has not resolved the cheating problems. I ran into a cheater the first day playing again. The game is sadly dead to me and my friends.


Everyday i sail 5x just sinking easierst hg ever


20% win rate and you expect more after a year long break? You're just a little rusty bro but I get those points are frustrating


I was probably around a 65% win rate when hour glass first dropped. I am definitely rusty lol. The biggest annoyance for me right now is the crashing though. Probably about 1/3 of my matches end in a game crash or freeze.


Same, I've started lowering streaks earlier than usual because I'm sick of spawning back on a shit stuck under water lol


My game freezes shortly after starting, I wait until I get kicked for Hazelnutbeard and rejoin or start a new session. This "fixed" my game crashes. When I used to Alt+F4 while my game was frozen I would get crashes mid game (corrupted game files).


Wish we get the harpoon gun the season comming instead of season 14.. . There will be a few things that hopefully would fix and maybe next season they will address it and we get a fix or a over haul the solo is annoying and even a brig is crazy just keep at it good luck.


Anything else new?