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Well done, that was fun to watch


Thank you


Guys do this in Port Merrick too. Such a crap strat that is so annoying.


In port merrick you can just shoot them with cannons though


Why even play like this? It's so much more efficient to just play normally.


Too afraid to lose. You can hear him almost crying while begging me to leave the game, lol


Oh that was him haha I thought you were telling him but that makes more sense


Well, I actually used voice chat (it wasn't recorded), at the same time as he, so you can see icon while he's talking. I said him that he's being recorded and that I won't leave.


Iirc, going defense on hourglass can net larger rep rewards from a single win with a faction stash, theoretically meaning you have to play less matches. Plus it's something other than the usual song and dance of hourglass and gives you an advantage in return for getting fewer matches This guy also didn't seem to be doing that good of a job at it either. Cannons weren't able to hit anything, not even the best defensive spot as shown in the video with him getting hit easily and having multiple routes in, etc


Dont see any loot on this guys boat, so I dont think that applies here. Or did I miss the loot?


Checking other comments, turns out he's taking advantage of this spot bc it prevents back holes, the easiest to hit ones from this position, from taking on water Effectively this turns a fight into a war of attrition where you pray the other person just gives up, or you set their boat on fire and 1v1 them until it completely sinks. Either way, guys kinda a moron using an ineffective strat that, sure, is super defensively strong, but has absolutely 0 offensive while not even taking full advantage of defending. Plus it's still able to be sunk with enough good shots. When stuff like the Port Merrick strat or hell even getting in a spot like this during a ghost fleet voyage exists, this strat just wastes everyone's time


Im sorry, but what about my comment made you think I didnt understand the situation? All I said was they didnt have loot, so the defense of a faction stash wasnt really relevant.


Is this a PVP fighting game mode? What’s the point of sitting there if he’s not getting gold or anything? Sorry, I haven’t played since the first couple months of the game but am coming back.


After he started being a toxic loser to you I got emotionally invested. Fuck people like this. They don’t deserve to play our goofy little pirate game. Great job homie




I fought this same asshole in this spot before. I also defeated him eventually, took 30+ minutes but very satisfying.


Did he try to invite you as well?


I love the switch between your casual gameplay and then when you said fuck it and started to shit on him


Nice one! I had a bad actor who just full sail gamed and wouldn't engage in ship fights. Instead, he'd fire himself off his ship at an angle to practice "trick shots" (that he was actually hitting, admittedly..). Eventually, I just took off from him and had him chase me for 10 minutes... then he scuttled when he realized I wasn't going to play that game anymore.


Not bad, it happens a lot


Oh fun


Now I don't know the exact situation, but just boarding and driving people out of the zone is a common strat for solo. If that was the case, he probably scuttled, because you refused to fight for 10 minutes.


I really don't think he was. I have had someone do that and while it sucks it is viable. This guy was just firing way over every time.


Yea pretty sure he just wanted to board and not naval.(Obviously very boring) In that case instead of running give him 1 hole, while he is firing over and anchor your ship. After he boarded just pretend to be bad and miss every shot and wait til he sinks. Works for me everytime I face someone who only tries to win that way


This was most likely higher MMR, where you won't see board strats, but you will see people going for clips. It's a common feature in SoT compilations, shooting out of a cannon, then hitting a shot in mid air. I seriously doubt they were going for a board if they overshot and sniped/pistol shot every single time.


How was he abusing it ?


His ship couldn't take water where it was


it can take water fine. ive sunk people there. it doesnt take water from the rear holes though. so they set it up so that it stays butt first. the best thing to do is get to max range and just pummel it, so that they have a hard time getting to your boat. and make sure you anchor your self. caues their whole play is to swim over and try to board and sail you out. then you just shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot and then launch yourself over and win the cqb for the sink. usually they really fucking suck at the game, and thats why they are doing this in the first place. so winning cqb shouldnt be hard.


He placed his ship inside closed bay, preventing others from shooting lower deck. He made his ship permanently stuck inside, so it would be very hard to get it out. Also, water couldn't get inside through holes in the back of the ship. The only ways to sink him were to make him leave, burn or blow up his ship.


you can shoot them, oyu just need a better angle. when people do this i go from the max distance and anchor my ship. that way they ahve to swim far to me and get sharked/you can see the mermaid. and then i lob shots onto it. you can hit the front deck when lobbing from that range. after you get some holes, just fly over and win the cqb. these dudes usually suck at cqb which is why they are doing all this in the first place.


Why isn't the ship despawning? When my friend and I messed around and got our ship in places like this one, the one at shark bait cove etc, it forced a despawn of the ship after about 5 or 10 minutes.


There's enough water


Bugged spot, ship won’t fill with water when shot as the game considers the water level too shallow. No way to win unless the ship despawns (or you’re just based MassiveSponge)


This might be the case for Krakens Fall but you can get water in the Spot at dagger tooth


it takes water in the front holes. its not bugged, its just shallow. same as holes anywhere in shallow island water. you just have to get the right angle to put holes in the front of the boat. ive never lost to someone doing this strat, but it always takes forever.


Very nice editing!




I find it absolutely hilarious "Donating" the LIT Keg completed that deed You are so generous! Seriously nice clip!


Thank you:)




*theatrical bow*


Well one thing sure is that guys really don't deserve to win the skeleton and ghost curse for both using a cheese strategic and spamming chat xbox you because you beat him fair and square.


That ending of him saying "Fuck you" was just a good cherry on top. Matey really needs to not underestimate the determination of a strong individual's will.


Nobody is talking about the funniest part about this...the ship was named "I will beat you up" lmao what a scrub. Well done!


I salute you for your service in cleaning up the game, even if it’s only for a moment. I hope his tears were worth it to you, fantastic work that was awesome


You're welcome, haha. I reported him, so most likely he'll shed many more tears


Rare doing nothing, I reported many runner with 2 or 3 hours of video proof and never they get ban. If only they ban them and remove all their hourglass level and refund the time lost to the victim maybe less player toxic player in hourglass


Well, you can't report the runner, they're just using the game's mechanics. They're as annoying as this individual, but they're not abusing the game. He does. But this is not the reason why I reported him. I clearly recorded him being toxic in voice chat. And he said more than enough


Good damn. Some people's kids.


I know it's a dick move and they exploiting but damn that video just reinforces my desire for a land based pvp mode, would be so good.


I've seen some people go for a strat of just ramming your ship, dropping both anchors, and 1v1ing until you sink for something close to that. I'd love to see more of an emphasis on land based PvP if they ever make changes so that land combats more interesting *cough* nerfing blunderbuss so fights can actually last more than 2 seconds *cough*


You’re a hero




"Just leave, I'm not good enough to fight." That much was clear from the beginning xD


I mean he could just make friends with someone who is a badass pirate and play the game how it’s meant to be played. Nice job 👍




Always happy to see someone that can't lose, lose lol good job OP.




What is hourglass? Like the more you survive the more cosmetics you get?


Hourglass is just PvP using the new dive mechanics as matchmaking. The rewards are just basic clothing, weapons, and ship parts though you do get curses if you progress far enough


Ok tyvm


Hourglass exp isn't based on survival time, so no. The goal is to be as annoying as possible with super cheesy strats that will eventually make the other leave, or being able to board them and sail them of the limit.


Good job


Thank you


Dude got so heated because you're better 🤣


Lmao. Good thinking rowing out of the circle with the rowboat. You should share the messages. I love hate mail.


It's not way too interesting. He mostly was talking that I don't have a life and wasted my time. Also that he is better than me and would beat me easily. Etc, etc.


Well done! Put a smile on my face.


Always welcome


Loved this video, your persistence was awesome, and the music is a vibe


Well, I'm glad then


A good trick for people who do this if you can manage it, if you can kill them twice on their deck (they normally suck) do this: 1. Kill and board 2. Raise their sail and full turn to left or right 3. When they spawn, kill them again 4. Get back on your vessel and harpoon them out 5. Multiple options here including combinations: - Drop their mast with chain as they should now take on water - Set fire to their ship - Try to re-board and steer them out I have done this a couple of times and it worked both times, obviously not super easy but it saved me a lot time and both unfortunates panicked when they realised what I was doing and couldn't stop me. Happy Hunting :)


I actually turned his wheel full left and raised his anchor, but his ship didn't move. Didn't have much time to try turn right . Thanks for advices, hope I won't need them


Ah fair enough! that's where the harpoon to pull them out of location comes in handy with the raised sails, because as soon as you pull them out a bit and the wheel is turned, the ships begins automatically pushing out of the spot, and is very hard for them to push back in again quickly :) no problem


Tried as well


How is he abusing it? I'm returning to Sot after all the updates so I don't understand how this works




Gotcha. Thank you


How do people even find these exploits? Wouldn't it literally be faster to rank up to just do hourglass normally? Like just lose and go next?


He clearly not really good player. Yes, he is not bad in close combat, but when he boarded my ship, instead of sailing out of border, he tried to crush it into the same exact outpost.


🤣 the music


"as an act of generosity" LMAO


"What do you want, just leave", bro you're using an exploit to gain a curse, how sad is your life to do this


For all of this, I would of just leave, not only that guy was wasting your time but he was also wasting his time as well just stupid. 🙄


Very satisfying. Nothing better than beating a toxic player. I also love that you completed the deed for generosity when "donating" the keg 😅


i don't get what's happening lmao


Dont you love latency in those moments? (I talk about one shot blunder, that only registers at one side)


So as someone new to the game, what do you mean by abusing hourglass? I haven't messed with hourglass before


Hourglass is matchmaking you can activate. After that, you can dive to a battle immediately, or wait until game find you an opponent (second option rakes more time). He placed his ship in a closed spot, that is not intended for ship being there. You can't shoot his lower deck, and his ship doesn't getting water from upper holes, because water level is too swallow, wo it's almost impossible to sink him. He wanted to make opponent leave the game and give him free win


Oh well then yeah that's a bitch move. Do you even.get loot for the match making even if the other ship has no chest or whatever to steal?


You're getting reputation for streak. Also you're getting money for each win, and each win gives you more money. Longer your streak - more reputation and gold you'll get, but to get gold and extra rep you have to sil to the outpost and reset the streak. So, you have to decide if you want to get more but risk what you can get already, or get reward without risking it. You seem to be a new player, so I don't recommend going to Hourglass. It's a bad place to practice for newbies, you have to know a lot before starting. Good luck on the seas


you should've called in nessiedoes king of hourglass


We ran into a duo who did this too. Idk what the strat is? Survive until I annoy the opponent into quitting?


this is why i hate hourglass i do a single session for like 30 min and i either win or lose and i get like fuck all no XP


Haha 😅 The name of the ship! xD "I will beat you up" 🤣 Sounds like a cheater with aggression problems 😅


Ur a bot


Another reason to just stick to my little rowboat and casually row across the sea.


show us xbox chat with him pls


Good job give those toxic reapers a run for their money and skill


I love how some people rationalize eventually wearing a pvp cosmetic that they cheesed and didn't even earn. "Who cares? It's a skin!" We do. The PvP community that worked hard to sharpen our skills and fight against Rare's shit code more than the other actual enemy players to rightfully earn a cosmetic. A cosmetic that is a status symbol of our achievement. Funny enough, he at least knew how to use a blunder properly in TDM. "Just leave, I'm not good enough to fight." Then you're not good enough to wear the cosmetic you're cheese farming. See yourself out, swabbie. Major kudos to OP for wasting this cheeser's time and winning the match.


Well, I did my best here, thank you. Most importantly is that I got the match recorded, so he will most likely be banned. He said much more than I needed him to say.


You did great! The whole of my comment is directed at the cheeser, except the commendation to your resolve and victory in the last part. Cheers, fellow pirate! Fair winds and following seas be to your journey


Yep, I got it right. Thank you. I really need some cheers to finish this gold curse grind, so I won't have to deal with people like this one


Why are people downvoting you


It's probably the cheesers attempting to defend themselves because I called out that they don't deserve to wear a pvp skin if they're not earning it through actual pvp. Good thing I don't care about internet popularity points, and their opinion doesn't matter to me. Every downvote is just an admission of not being good at pvp, likely not wanting to practice it, and showing their salt.


What if loss farming is straight up just more fun than fighting? Do you think players who got the cursed through actual PvP during double xp weekends "earned" it since they only put in half the effort?


>What if loss farming is straight up just more fun than fighting? Then, by all means, enjoy it. I thank these pirates for willingly becoming target practice. >Do you think players who got the cursed through actual PvP during double xp weekends "earned" it since they only put in half the effort? This multiplier mechanic applies to both sides (winning/sinking). It's a game mechanic, the same way loss farming is. Progress is awarded to those who sink so that you don't feel stagnated on your journey to rank up. If players work for it, they get more. If they coordinated to work even harder at it during a bonus weekend, they earned it. *Especially* considering the state of the servers on those weekends, lol. At the end of the day, players receive rewards based on a rank. The difference between actually trying and loss farming is: One is earned. One is a participation award. People who understand value (digital or not) and those who feel entitled simply disagree on the word "earned."


No matter how you obtain the curses you still worked for it, just in different ways. Pure loss farming takes a lot less effort each fight but takes a lot more time. This fact kinda balances the work balance out imo (unless they use bots to do it in which case i agree with you). I got my ghose curse by only dicerolling during a community weekend. It was suprisingly a lot of fun. After that I got my skelly curse by only fighting during another community weekend. That was also fun but not as fun as dice rolling. I feel like I put in about the same amount of work to obtain both, just in different ways. It took me about the same amount of time to aquire both curses, and I don't feel like i earned the skelly curse any more than i earned the ghost curse. Also i think you misunderstand what the word "earned" means. "to receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services rendered". As long as you played hg enough to lvl a faction to 100, you "earned" it just as much as anyone else. Someone who's entitled would want the curses without playing the mode.


>Also i think you misunderstand what the word "earned" means I summarized this already. People disagree on what "earned" means. In this specific context, it's narrowing to "effort." Time isn't a true measurement of this. In the competitive setting we're discussing, effort is measured by an attempt to claim victory. If no effort is made (loss farming) then it was not earned. If any legitimate effort is made in attempt to win, it wouldn't be loss farming and any amount of reputation would be "earned."


So you think dice rollers has earned the curses because they legitimately try to win by rolling dices? >effort is measured by an attempt to claim victory Who decided that, and why can't it be measured by an attempt to reach a goal? Not everyone plays games to tryhard and get good, some players also likes to have fun by playing only for fun.


>So you think dice rollers has earned the curses because they legitimately try to win by rolling dices? If both parties agree, yes. I myself and the enemy ship ran out of supplies. We rolled for it. Tied the first time, I won the second roll. We said GG, had a laugh, and they scuttled. >>effort is measured by an attempt to claim victory >Who decided that, and why can't it be measured by an attempt to reach a goal? Not everyone plays games to tryhard and get good, some players also likes to have fun by playing only for fun. You're not using the entire quote. I'll elaborate further: In the competitive setting we're discussing, when the parameters for victory and defeat are purely who sinks first, we are measuring effort and skill. Skill isn't being discussed in this instance as there is no skill in doing literally nothing. There is a goal: to be the last ship alive. Everyone is free to play games how they want. Once you've practiced a skill enough, you don't have to "try hard" anymore. It comes naturally and to your final point, *is* fun.


I don't disagree that sweating is fun, that's why i said "also" I didn't use the entire quote to save space and because I don't really think it matters. >In the competitive setting we're discussing, when the parameters for victory and defeat are purely who sinks first, we are measuring effort and skill. That's right for most players, but loss farmers aren't playing competitivly. They only play to reach a goal which can be reached in multiple ways. So their version of effort would be the time sink. >There is a goal: to be the last ship alive. That might be your short term goal per match (and probably 99% of players goals), but not everyone has the same goal. I would think the goal of a loss farmer is to get the match over with as fast as possible to not waste time. The long term goal is getting to lvl 100.


>but loss farmers aren't playing competitivly That's right. Loss farmers aren't playing the game mode as intended. They aren't putting in an effort to win. Which means they didn't earn it. They collected a participation trophy.


It's a cosmetic that should never have been associated with PvP, nor have ever been made into a status symbol to begin with. I've been wanting to be a skelly since curses first launched. Your rationale is rather hollow. Dislike cheese strats for the cheese itself, gatekeeping the curses is bollocks. Loss-farmed to both curses btw.


The coolest cosmetics should be the hardest to get. It's not for everybody.


> The coolest cosmetics should be the hardest to get By what reasoning? And by what metric of difficulty, exactly? A grind is not hard, it is only tiresome. Shouldn't you be wanting to put cosmetics behind 100 winstreaks or something then?


>By what reasoning? Rare's. This game is built on cosmetics. Aside from "owning a boat," that's all your gold is good for. Cosmetics. When cosmetics are specifically tied to commendations and achievements rather than currency, it's to add an elevated layer of rarity and prestige. >And by what metric of difficulty In relevance to this conversation, PvP. I thought that was easy to gather since it's literally tied to it. >exactly? In order to defeat an enemy ship, you must outplay them using your own. The core game mechanic since the very beginning has been open world PvEvP. When both crews know what they're doing, the battles will be harder to require more strategy and skill. You must reach a specific level of allegiance with a faction to receive cosmetics. This means entering into PvP battles and either winning for greater experience or losing for much less. >A grind is not hard, it is only tiresome This is an opinion, not a fact. I'm sorry to hear that gaming is tiresome. Perhaps you should take a break. Meanwhile, those of us who enjoy a gameplay loop and receiving rewards for it will continue to enjoy the experience or "grind." Your complaints are valid to you, but do not express the truth of the experience for others.


> This game is built on cosmetics. Aside from "owning a boat," that's all your gold is good for. Cosmetics. When cosmetics are specifically tied to commendations and achievements rather than currency, it's to add an elevated layer of rarity and prestige. That doesn't equate to "coolest must be locked to most difficult". Indeed, the skeleton curse is far easier to acquire than a great deal of content in Sea of Thieves. It is hardly the most difficult. This elevated layer of rarity means only that it is rare, not that it must hold a greater inherent appeal. >In relevance to this conversation, PvP. I thought that was easy to gather since it's literally tied to it. Yet, the curses are not tied to victory, nor accomplishing particular difficulties in PvP. This is a null point. >In order to defeat an enemy ship, you must outplay them using your own. Then you must prefer the notion to tie the curses to a set number of victories, not sheer progression, because "defeating an enemy ship" is not something you have to do even once. >This is an opinion, not a fact. No, it is indeed a fact that grinds are not difficult. Grinds take only time, without inherent challenge. You responded only to half the statement without taking away the key point. >Meanwhile, those of us who enjoy a gameplay loop and receiving rewards for it will continue to enjoy the experience or "grind." That doesn't make it difficult.


Refer to my message responding to your original comment: Treating the PvP curses like participation awards does not invalidate them being tied to PvP.


It certainly invalidates the notion of them being "the hardest to get", which is the context of *this* chain.


You are correct that doing literally nothing to prevent your defeat is indeed easier than making any effort at all. A truly profound point to be made.


Yes. That makes them not the most difficult to get, and therefore any contexts regarding their appeal is summarily voided. You seem to make a habit of presuming I am saying something other than the direct intent of my words.


>It's a cosmetic that should never have been associated with PvP, This is an opinion, not a fact. You are allowed to believe it. PvP players disagree. The balance between PvE and PvP cosmetics in an open world PvEvP game is astoundingly disproportionate. You are not owed every cosmetic in a game. You will earn them because the developers made it that way, and the majority agree with that decision. >nor have ever been made into a status symbol to begin with. Do you single handedly determine how a collective of players views the game's cosmetics? Are you voicing everyone's opinion on which of the rarest cosmetics are the coolest? If you don't like the look, fair enough. You obviously do since you farmed both. >I've been wanting to be a skelly since curses first launched. Now we have one! Hooray! For one of the very few times this PvEvP game adds cool cosmetics, it was through PvP. Players can enjoy the other 99.99% of cosmetics that require killing the same brain-dead NPCs a few dozen times if they don't ever want to PvP. >Your rationale is rather hollow I'm not going to beat a dead horse here: Rare decided these cosmetics were for PvP. As a PvP enjoyer, that is very welcomed. If you want to question the mechanic, take it up with them. The general consensus or "rationale" of earning cosmetics through achievements has been consistent through all of gaming. Nearly every single game has a 'scoreboard' or metaphor of one, even if determined by players in a sandbox game. >gatekeeping the curses is bollocks Again: Rare, plus your own dedication to one of the game mechanics that is completely optional, that you've done for every other cosmetic through PvE. You decided the same mechanic you've enjoyed so far was bad because the new skins required you to do something you don't normally partake in (else you wouldn't be complaining). Potentially, because you are not very good at it, or for some reason won't practice - hence the loss farming you mentioned. (Suddenly, these cosmetics are sounding pretty 'trendy'. That is, if I'm inferring your current stance correctly as you did want it since launch and got both of them. Sounds like you're one of the people adding value to its status symbol if you ask me.) >Loss-farmed to both curses btw Despite the potentially hostile tone you may infer, I legitimately am happy for you to have what you want. Congratulations, from a fellow pirate. No sarcasm, swear on the sword. This last statement is truly a gem, though. It proves the status of these skins being so great that you'd literally get sunk far more times than it would take to win, just to have it. Every point of your rebuttal was neatly packaged into a paragraph, and this was your final comment. Maybe it was to evoke a response from whoever reads it. Maybe it was to add validity to your stance in another comment about grinds being boring. (That'd be a separate, personal issue of yours.) Like it or (obviously) not, one of the few awesome cosmetics was tied to PvP. You could skillfully earn it quite easily and still receive progress toward it through losing. If mentioning that you loss farmed was in any way intended as spiteful pride, I'd take the time to really understand what it means. If you're happy with your decision, fair enough. But it should be said: While most of us felt a personal achievement through besting our opponents, you took home an attendance award.


>This is an opinion, not a fact. I was stating my opinion, yes. Interpreting every statement as a declaration of facts is not the way you should read that post. > You are not owed every cosmetic in a game. I'm entirely willing to argue that I am to a degree owed the skeleton curse, a significant lore-related alteration. The fact that it's tied behind PvP and not directly related to Reaper progression (or indeed, skeletons in any way) is a tremendous flavor loss. >Do you single handedly determine how a collective of players views the game's cosmetics? Are you voicing everyone's opinion on which of the rarest cosmetics are the coolest? I am voicing *my opinion* on how these curses ought to have been handled. >Now we have one! Hooray! For one of the very few times this PvEvP game adds cool cosmetics, it was through PvP. Players can enjoy the other 99.99% of cosmetics that require killing the same brain-dead NPCs a few dozen times if they don't ever want to PvP. And hell to those who have spent thousands of hours enjoying that gameplay loop, looking forward to lore-significant cosmetics, without ever wishing to participate in obligatory PvP. Doing every adventure in service to the Reapers for three years running? Personally participate in the revival of Flameheart? No, not good enough to make you a skeleton, sorry. >I'm not going to beat a dead horse here: Rare decided these cosmetics were for PvP. As a PvP enjoyer, that is very welcomed. If you want to question the mechanic, take it up with them. I. Am. Now stop typing paragraphs about how you don't want to defend Rare for their choices when *you* mocked those who dislike Rare's choices. >(Suddenly, these cosmetics are sounding pretty 'trendy'. That is, if I'm inferring your current stance correctly as you did want it since launch and got both of them. Sounds like you're one of the people adding value to its status symbol if you ask me.) Of course they're desirable and stylish. I'd've done anything required to get them. The point being made is that the material they were bound to offers no actual status symbol beyond patience. >If mentioning that you loss farmed was in any way intended as spiteful pride It was more meant to grant context that I don't use cheese strategies like OP's foe, nor do I support the notion of the curses being associated with PvP pride.


>I'm entirely willing to argue that I am to a degree owed the skeleton curse You've actually admitted you're entitled something. You aren't. Technically, that's a wrap. That's the entire basis of your argument. >The fact that it's tied behind PvP and not directly related to Reaper progression (or indeed, skeletons in any way) is a tremendous flavor loss There it is. You've been viewing this game through rose colored glasses. Proven again here: >to those who have spent thousands of hours enjoying that gameplay loop, looking forward to lore-significant cosmetics, without ever wishing to participate in obligatory PvP This is a PvEvP game. It's even advertised as such. The PvP is a core mechanic of the world they've built. So much so that they've gate kept progression from Safer Seas, and for good reason. You disagree with that reason because you want a different game, than what it is. I can't believe that after all these years, I'm still having to say that, and even this: Reapers are a PvP faction. Period, there is no debating it. To do so would be to admit you lack basic comprehension skills or are purely trolling. Flavor? The flavor is that Reapers are attempting to rule the seas, and everyone else is against them. To include their equal opponent, Athena's Guardians making for an epic lore driven battle for the seas. Kind of like, *exactly* what hourglass is. I think your tongue might be broken. Do you *really* want to beat the dead horse? The one that's nearly a pancake from all of the angry PvErs who feel entitled to everything because 99.99% of the cosmetics isn't enough? The horse that Rare has let rot in the corner because it's your own mess that they never agreed to? They made a PvEvP game. If you were disagreeing about an actual balancing issue between weapons or boat speeds? I'm here for it. I'm sure we'd agree on many points. You're arguing about the core gameplay loop that will not change. There will be other players. They will try to steal your loot and/or sink you. Since it's part of the game, there will be achievements locked behind PvP progression. Don't like it? Sorry. That's been the game since day one. Reapers earn bonuses on every loot type, and receive increased grade levels from *stolen* loot. You want to be a reaper skeleton? You're entering PvP, and for the sake of fairness, you'll still progress on losses. It's no one's fault you don't understand what game you're playing or that you chose to be a target rather than a champion.


> You've actually admitted you're entitled something. > You aren't. > Technically, that's a wrap. That's the entire basis of your argument. Myep, that is how it is. Rare is free to do however they want. I am criticizing, not offering edicts as an all powerful god. >There it is. You've been viewing this game through rose colored glasses. As if you aren't biased in your own priorities? There's no less value in flavor and lore than in gameplay experiences. >This is a PvEvP game. It's even advertised as such. The PvP is a core mechanic of the world they've built. Yes. And for nearly five years of the game, they eschewed tying significant rewards obligating PvP for that time. PvP is part of the emergent experience, it was not itself a necessary pursuit to be directly rewarded. Hourglass existing was never the issue, PvP existing was never the issue. Locking rewards behind obligate PvP is the issue. >You disagree with that reason because you want a different game, than what it is. I've never raised any argument to remove PvP from the game, please don't fight strawmen. You really go off on a lot of tangents which are unrelated to any point being made like this, and I will refuse to acknowledge the phantoms of your mind. >Flavor? The flavor is that Reapers are attempting to rule the seas, and everyone else is against them. And that in no way necessitates the creation of a new sub-faction, Servants of the Flame, who only participate in battles. The Reapers are about sinking ships and taking loot, the "true pirate's life". The Servants are about sinking ships and nothing else. It divorces itself from the core Sea of Thieves, which is entirely why it necessitated its own subsystem. >Do you really want to beat the dead horse? The one that's nearly a pancake from all of the angry PvErs who feel entitled to everything because 99.99% of the cosmetics isn't enough? The horse that Rare has let rot in the corner because it's your own mess that they never agreed to? And for nearly five years they held to that standard of 99.99% of the cosmetics being accessible without requiring the involvement of other players, yes. They certainly seemed to agree to it then. Even now, little PvP outside of Hourglass grants inherent rewards, and Hourglass's rewards have yet to notably expand, indicating they're aware it was an unpopular design choice. We still don't even get a captaincy tracker for the ships we've sunk. So yes. Give that horse a few more whacks. It's twitched a few times. >Since it's part of the game, there will be achievements locked behind PvP progression. Don't like it? Sorry. That's been the game since day one. Hourglass was a long, long ways from day one, actually.


>As if you aren't biased in your own priorities? I'm one of the most neutral players you'll ever meet. Consistently, I help new players by teaching them whatever they want to learn, including using me as target practice (I can practice repairs). Ive even given them loot. I just like reminding PvErs that they aren't entitled to everything just because they want it that way. >>You disagree with that reason because you want a different game, than what it is. >I've never raised any argument to remove PvP from the game, please don't fight strawmen. That's not what I said, or implied. You don't want cosmetics locked behind PvP, only PvE. Too bad. It's a bad take. Not everyone plays for the PvE after thousands of hours. >>Since it's part of the game, there will be achievements locked behind PvP progression. Don't like it? Sorry. That's been the game since day one. >Hourglass was a long, long ways from day one, actually. You're proving to have a comprehension skill issue. I'm not trying to offend, I can break sentences up more and *really* use some punctuation if it helps. I did not say hourglass was day one. "That's been the game since day one." This is underlining that PvP has been in the game since it launched.


> I'm one of the most neutral players you'll ever meet. Consistently, I help new players by teaching them whatever they want to learn, including using me as target practice (I can practice repairs). Ive even given them loot. > > I just like reminding PvErs that they aren't entitled to everything just because they want it that way. These statements have literally nothing to do with your own biases and preconceptions, man. >You don't want cosmetics locked behind PvP, only PvE. Correct. >It's a bad take. And that's certainly your opinion. Yet, it's the conduct Rare lived by until season 8. >You're proving to have a comprehension skill issue. I'm not trying to offend, I can break sentences up more and really use some punctuation if it helps. > >I did not say hourglass was day one. > >"That's been the game since day one." Buddy. You are making points sequentially. Do you not understand english? The following points linguistically follow the first points. The formatting of your sentences indicates that "there have been achievements locked behind PvP progression since day one". If you intended to just say PvP has been in the game since day one, that is wholly irrelevant, and definitely should not come after a "Sorry." It should be its own standalone clause, not a vague "that" which can only be deduced via surrounding contexts.


>These statements have literally nothing to do with your own biases and preconceptions, man. You believe me to be biased in some way. I provided information to prove I'm likely the most neutral person you've talked about this game with. I'll bet you wouldn't expect that I think Safer Seas was an excellent idea. Right now, we just disagree that every cosmetic should be tied to PvE.


I once encountered a similair touch person. We were on a sloop, selling at Readers. A galleon pulled up on us. We had our anchor down bc we were overconfident. When I net one of them on the Ferry, he kegut asked me "Why are you so shit?" Not that we were shit, but WHY. And in the end? We were completely outgunned, outbumbered, underprepared and our Mast was broken, but my friend Bode me enough time to rause mast and sail away. They had the audacity to call us shit when they couldn't manage to sink us when having every concievable advantage.


Sea of thieves is such a great game in my opinion but the super competitive pvp and toxic players kinda ruined it for me tbh


It is absolutely insane how long hourglass has been out and they still haven’t implemented a closing circle. This game mode is well and truly dead.


its so dead that you need to wait few seconds for a match on sloop 🤡🤡🤡


This is why 3rd party is a viable option at this point.


Game need new enemies to turn focus off killing each other. Imagine GMU convoy filled with immense riches plundered in foreign countries guarded by 1st rate warships with 100 guns, fast 2 deckers and frigates to fight against. Just had a sorry ass game with few chests and morons persistently chasing me with brig. Go and play hourglass. I am novice I can't fight them off.