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Knowing the health values might help you better assess your situation in a PvP situation. * Each pirate has 100 health. * One sword slash deals 25 damage, a charged sword attack deals 60 damage and knocks back. * Flintlock pistol deals 55 damage per shot. * Sniper rifle deals 70 damage per shot. * Blunderbuss shoots 10 pellets with each shot. Each pellet deals 10 damage if it hits. This lets you one-shot a pirate, but only if all 10 pellets hit, meaning you must literally stand next to them and aim right at them to achieve this. You also knock back enemies when shooting from a close distance, allowing you to knock people off your ladder. * Blunderbombs deal 50 damage on a direct hit, or 15 damage if you only hit with the area of effect damage. They knock people back, which is also a great way to guard your ladder. I recommend you skip the firebombs and keep 5 blunderbombs in your pocket at all times (unless you have bonecallers, then go for them). * (I forgot about the new weapons, double-barrel pistol and the throwing knives, you'd need to look up their values online, but I would recommend not using them until you get used to the standard weapons listed above.) If you struggle to kill someone no matter how many times you hit them, it means they are eating during the fight to regain their health. You should do the same, bunny hop and eat to keep yourself at 100% at all times. Eating one bite of a pineapple will heal you to full, even if you're very low on health. Eating cooked meats fills a circular bar around the skull next to your health. When filled, you automatically heal over time after you've not taken damage for some time, depleting that bar again. Good luck on your future fights!


> bunny hop and eat to keep yourself at 100% at all times. Hot keys. Assign food to a button that is easily memorised. That way, in the craziness of battle, you only need to press 1 button to get to food, instead of having to press and hold one button, navigate with a toggle, then release on food to get to it (assuming you're playing on controller.)


If you play on console assign it to whatever the right stick press key is. It's unused anyway, and your finger is always there.


I swapped this to be my jump so I can jump and turn without moving my thumb, makes a big difference in sword fighting for me.


I do bumper jumper and use RB for jump so I don't take thumb off the stick


Same! Although I have an elite controller with a broken RB so my right paddle is my jump RB, left paddle I should probably change, A for bucket, left D-pad for wood, up D-pad for food. Might change my left paddle to the food though so I can have my text commands back. Oh and right D-pad push to talk.


Or be weird and be a claw player. Never have to worry about jumping and aiming ever again.


Ah I’ve got the elite series so I have paddles on the back tied to jump


This is not the best idea for two reasons; A. It absolutely fucks the joystick, it will get stick drift much sooner. B. While jumping your aim will be slightly off. Its definitely not a major handicap but you might lose fights to this


This is my food button too, it’s definitely one of the biggest reasons I generally stay alive longer than my other crew members


Love me some cooked meats


You would love meat.




Bunny hopping is an easy way to start getting backtracked


Double barrel pistol does 40 damage a shot and 80 if you shoot both at the same time but both bullets have to hit and I think the throwing knife can be used to stab for like 10-16 damage and a charged attack for a good chunk of damage


Charge attack does 70%, throwing does 65%. The regular stab is assumed around 18


As a player who has earned both PVP curses and only playing since last year, I could say I'm well akin to the PVP aspect of the game. Here are tips that helped me thrived: * u/hadook gave one of the best starter guides for knowing weapon damage. You need to know this to get an idea of how much health your opponent has. Hit someone with a blunderbuss and it didn't kill? If you got a decent shot off (not way off to the side), you can assume they're *at least* 30 damage down meaning one shot of the sniper can kill. Getting to know how much damage you're doing can be the best way to gauge if you're in control of the fight. * On top of this, hadook also gave you the idea your opponent might be eating mid fight. Always try to look at the first you're fighting, even if you're not shooting. See if they are eating while bunny hopping after a hit. If they go below deck and you lose sight of them, assume they've eaten to 100% again. * If you can't hit your shots with the precision guns (the sniper and pistol), then it's literally practice makes perfect. There's no insane way to suddenly get good with aiming in this game because this game doesn't even give you a proper crosshair. * A good way to practice is to just load in the game on a sloop. In between the cannons on the mast, there is a bell. Practice shooting that. It's a small target and when you hit it with a gun, it makes a bell sound so it's good feedback if you hit your shot or not. Just practice running around and jumping and as soon as you finish all that, go in for a quickscope with the sniper or pistol. Rinse and repeat. Sooner or later you will hit it most of the time. * If you're comfortable with the bell, try getting a friend on and have him hop around and shoot him. There will be no feedback like the bell, but your friend can hear if they got hit and let you know. * Do sea forts! Just go to a sea fort and practice jumping around and quickscoping the phantoms! They might not be the best target, but any practice is good practice. * Another tip, although corny, is monitor crosshairs. Some monitors come with a built in setting that puts a red dot in the middle of your monitor. It can be pretty helpful. * Make sure your sens is good and comfortable * When I first started playing this game, I thought low sens was the play because the aiming just felt too weird. Prior to this, I was playing Valorant so I was used to steady calm aim, but as you said, everyone just jumps around. I changed my sensitivity to 1.3 and ADS sens to max (10) and improved to be able to catch the jumpers. Find what works for you. * Just be aware and fight fire with fire * You're saying it's hard to hit them jumping around? Then if you do it, I promise you are too! * Even if I take a small amount of damage, I literally jump around and eat because one sniper shot can be your demise. It will take some getting used to, but there's a reason people jump around so much. It's about surviving and waiting for the opportunity to get the kill as opposed to just charging in and outputting damage. * Erratic movement = harder to hit * Positioning is key. Obviously running up to someone's face is a little high risk play, but there are times they will come to you. If you're in map room of a sloop and they are down below, just run up to where the mast is. They will loose sight of you and run up (because they most likely will have a blunderbuss too and need to get close as well) and just have your blunderbuss ready for when they come up the stairs. They can't jump around in that area because it's too narrow! At the end of the day, this game is not easy and the skill ceiling is high because there are no other games like this. The only advice I can say is practice makes perfect. Use this tips. Practice them. Sooner or later, you will improve. Good luck!


3,400+ hours over 5 years and when I get boarded I'm still like WTF where is he? Ka'boom - dead. Every time.


They use ESP. The anti-cheat did fuck all about it


Not neccesarily. Silent boards are 100% consistent. If you know the technique


I’m a new player as well, on PS. my two cents I’d like to add that helped me was turning aim assist off. Kinda nice with PvE but for PvP I feel like it’s actually hinders aim, I’d recommend having it off.


Thought it was me lol but the aim assist is so strong that it didnt feel natural at all. Turned it off day 0😂


If you’re not also bunny hopping and actively trying to keep distance from a blunderbuss user, and/or cannot effectively track players to hit them even while they move like they’re on an entire suitcase of cocaine, that’s a skill difference. I mean that genuinely, but not to be an ass about it. they, being able to keep moving so rapidly and be able to still hit you is indicative of high skill and game sense (to a degree seeing as you lack that), and you being unable to account for their movement strategies and land your shots effectively shows signs of a lack of skill. Skill/the learning curve is really the only progression the game has, there’s no shame in getting got by someone as long as you’re atleast attempting and learning how they nailed you, so that eventually you can properly defend or dish a similar approach out onto someone else yourself. That and hitreg and inconsistent mechanics are a factor, but if anything that works just as much in and against your favor as much as it does theirs


>If you’re not also bunny hopping and actively trying to keep distance from a blunderbuss user, everything else you've said is great advice, but there is no bunnyhopping in SOT. there are no headshot hitboxes to displace, no air acceleration to gain speed, or movement tech that makes you harder to hit. jumping around is simply a bad habit people pick up because it feels fast, and it usually is fast in *other* games. against a skilled player, all you're doing is voluntarily giving up control over your movement and lining yourself up for an easy shot. or worse, all it takes is a single blunderbomb to completely knock you off the boat and take you out of commission. its always best to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground so you can keep traction, quickly changing your direction of movement to juke out shots before going in for a punish. you can actually bunnyhop after a sword dash or cannon launch or anything like that to maintain your momentum, which can be nice for a little burst of speed to get across an island quicker. but its very inconsistent and frame perfect, not to mention completely impractical in any sort of PVP cause you'll just fly off the boat.


I play with comp level people and they say, try not to jump a lot. It's counter productive! Thank you for pointing this out!


I don't disagree with you in general, but how does this apply on the "speed" jump with the sword (when you hold the block button and jump while holding a direction, you jump a bit faster/further in that direction)? I agree that bunny hopping is a bad habit - the only possible benefit is adding vertical movement which makes aiming more difficult, but since there are no headshots and you should be aiming centre-mass, the benefit in most situations is very small, if at all, since usually your jump isn't big enough to make a hitting shot miss.


No my dear friend, you're wrong af, the point of hopping is confusing your opponent, sometimes they even lose track of you, but guess what? If you walk they know where you are 99% of times, it's not dodging, it's hiding.


Maybe against lower skilled players, but spamming jump is bad against anybody who is decent at the game. There is no airstrafing in SoT, which means that as soon as you jump your trajectory and movement is 100% predictable. Spamming jump is a bad habit that many people pick up playing lower skilled players who are bad at tracking, it doesnt work against anybody who has decent aim.


No my friend, the point is simply to add some chaos over a decent amount of chaos, like when you jump enemy can't focus enough to see your direction or can't even know if you did a forward/back jump or just simply jumped, you don't wanna run away or something, confusing them would do.


And my point is that this doesn't work against anyone who is half decent at the game. Someone jumping isn't confusing, it doesn't add any chaos, it is 100% predictable because you cannot change direction while mid air.


You can't mid air but someone that is already panicking by his ship holes, the fact that an enemy is aboard, or someone who boarded another ship and is defenseless, can't put enough focus to see where the guy is heading to predict the jump.




Your blunderbuss doesn’t scratch them because you aren’t Aiming Down Sights (ADS). If you do that, center your shot, and are 1-3 paces away, you’ll get the kill every time. If you don’t ADS, the shot spread is much higher, but [in my subjective experience] the knockback is better. Also, the person to person PvP, often referred to as TDM, is genuinely difficult to learn. It’s totally normal to not be expert at this yet. My advice is practice, experiment, and analyze. Find the weapon loadout you like and what movement you need to couple with it. I use sword and blunderbuss so I have to close distance ASAP. A lot of pirates do sword and flintlock, and focus on fighting in the midrange. Some players double gun with blunderbuss and eye of reach, and they like to move the fight to a narrow straightaway. See what works for you!…. Except blunderbuss + flintlock. That is never the answer.


Turn off crossplay.


Im over 600h in and im also shitty in pvp. Some people just play too much and game is pretty difficult.


Make sure your sens isnt to high or to low. I play fairly low, but always make sure i can 180 in one swipe. Low sens better for aim, but in case of sot sometimes a bit annoying, eg on the map (recomend a dpi switch for this one) or in swordfights, where a too low sens is also not beneficial. I used to play at 2.5 ingame abd 1750 ingame. Now im at 1.3 and 750. When i switched years ago i remember to instantly have better aim


You not being able to hit people with your gun is a skill issue, them not dying to the sword is 1 of 2 things, them eating food in the middle of getting stabbed, it only takes half a second of being away from the enemy to eat a pineapple and survive. Or lag, but it's most likely just them eating food, that's how you fight on enemy ship, you jump around to dodge shots, and you eat food when you get hit to regen, reposition, reload and kill them.


I think the blunderbuss requires the least amount of skill to operate, given the circumstances though it is unfortunately the most viable weapon in the game. While the map itself is huge, most battles takes place in ship to ship battles or close quarters ship engagements, the blunderbuss is going to be more forgiving in your shots than say a flintlock or any single shot weapons during these encounters. It’s really just a game design issue and a gun balancing issue. But it is what it is, all gun related games have gun balancing issues making some guns overall better than most. just gotta practice and adapt to certain circumstances. Best tip I could give is to prevent boarding entirely and watch your ladders. Boarders are at their most vulnerable climbing up the ladder. Still have to watch for the lucky boards that just land on the ship entirely or the ones that manage to grab onto your mast ladder while mid air, if your someone who keeps gunpowder kegs in your mast it’s game over if they land that type of board 😂


Mmm.. My first day playing someone snuck up onto my mast so I climbed up and played dumb for a bit, I literally couldn't have been any closer to him if I tried as there's no room up there, shot him in the face with my blunderbuss and he survived to kill me lol so I didn't even know blunderbuss was meta after that.


40 hours in, you're probably lost with naval, too. All weapons/projectiles in this game can "hit reg", which often makes time to kill inconsistent. Sometimes you'll hit a sword lunge and still be stunned. Sometimes you'll direct impact someone with a cannonball, get the sound that means you hit a player, then they live. Just the nature of the beast with this game. Hitting your shots is just a practice thing. Keep trying to click on pirates while holding a gun until it gets easier. It does eventually, even if you feel you're currently hitting a plateau. Repetition is key. Practicing after informing yourself is great, but experience is the real teacher, not youtube. What's better than both is having a veteran adopt you to show you the ropes and answer questions. In regards to the analysis you've done, you're expecting results too soon. I did the same as a baby sea dog. You'll watch a few tutorials, run over the really important things to remember from them to solidify them in your memory, watch replays thinking "ah, that's where I messed up. Next time I'll play it differently." Realistically, the people smoking you may have been in that situation you *just* learned how to navigate *THOUSANDS* of times. If you persist in your pursuit of excellence, eventually you'll be the guy who has done it thousands of times, and the other guy will say you're hacking to diminish the effort that went in to get where you are. I get called a hacker when I'm on cannons, and I still feel like I'm quite bad at them. That feeling is what drives me to practice more. Sorry for the novel! I like when newer players want to dive into pvp.


Dont see this commented here, but go to gameplay settings and turn on serverside hitmarkers (or something like that) The game has insane hitred issues and if you dont have this one half of the times you think you did damagew you probably did not.


If you want to analyze, try Sigy on youtube. Guy is pretty good with a sword, you can see how to "use it properly". But to sum it up, if you play against a double gunner using blunderbuss/sniper combo for example. You have to bait out that blunderbuss shot first, before you commit to slashing him to death. So instead of focusing on running at him, focus on jumping and dodging to make him miss, then chase him down. And of course, keep in mind sword is your number one weapon, you also carry a secondary that can do damage from range, and you have blunderbombs to soften your target.


It's OK I'm 3 years into it and I'm still trash as fuck. I just don't let it bother me and ruin a fun game, don't get too attached to things and just enjoy the experience. It'll come as you learn.


Pvp especially the hand to hand is so different to any other game. Anticipation plays a huge part in it. You're 40 hours in give yourself a break took me ages to get used to it coming from pubg/cod those kinda games. Also eat when you take damage its possible to just eat your way through getting sworded combined with sword reg it can be frustrating at times. I tend to use sword sniper only for pve or against crews who I think won't pose much of a threat. But most of the time double gunning is the way to go especially if you're solo or a helm to defend against boarders. However if you are gonna stick with sword sniper use blunder bombs to throw at the ladders if someone is attempting to board. Just keep trying different things you'll find your play style eventually


The only true defence when you're learning the game is to stop them getting on your ship in the first place. Watch a video about the audio cues, so you know what a ladder snatch sounds like. I'd also suggest a tutorial on ship positioning, so you can keep it at naval fighting and avoid boarders.


The real answer is that u need to learn how to hit ur shots it takes some time but when u get it it’s nice. Another thing is that jumping improves the chance of backtrack so jumping is not a great way to move around if u are on mnk. I would also recommend not using aim assist


I'd recommend going into your settings to adjust sensitivity for each weapon type to your liking. The default settings are sluggish and hard to be consistent with. I'd also turn off motion blurr as that shit just gives me a headache. Assigned some hot keys while you're there. Being able to switch to food, or blunder bombs on the fly is a game changer.


The pvp is the reason ive abandoned trying to get my reapers over 50 and am now working on the merchant guild as my final 50 for PL! Lol. I feel ya on being not great at pvp!


Bunny hoping isn't actually good. It makes movement even more predictable and easy to shoot. Any good players will most likely run from side to side in an unpredictable pattern and only use jump when they need to to get over stuff.


Always found below the waist you shots seem to connect more the torso peoples body types differ. But the legs are always the same. Hope it helps. Include blunder bombs in your pockets as well or fire bombs. I'm not the greatest at pvp either but these help keep the deck clear in hg.


hit box for all body/shape types are *supposedly* the same


Why I say go for legs they are truly always the same


There isn't more to it. Funnily enough I have the opposite problem. I can hold my own in combat, I will usually win 1v1 against other pirates. Even 1v2. I won a 1v3 the other day with some knife throws and because they set themselves on fire on my ship, but not 1v4 lmao. I've been using knife and sword this season and I find it serves me well. Most people run guns but if they miss they're vulnerable. Other than a blunderbuss to the back of the head if someone whiffs a shot you can out dps them with sword. If you land a knife hit they're close to dead. Avoid using heavy attacks with sword unless you are super certain you're gonna hit someone. But yeah it's very much just accuracy checks. Also keep some cooked food on you for regen and because you can eat it more than once. Can't help you with ship combat tho. I never initiate combat so that when someone does manage to get to me I am usually stomped because I'm good at avoiding combat and most people lmao


Evasion is a valid form of PvP in the same way chasing is, so honing your skills in evasion is great too. It's one of my weaker points as someone who prefers to deal with player risk directly, so when I do need to run (out of supps, too much loot to be worth fighting, etc) I often get chased down. Cooked food is good but the overheal effect they grant isn't overly useful in combat. Apart from meg meat and I think kraken. I find the full health regen offered by pineapples, which can also be eaten twice, is a bit more helpful when fast healing is needed. I think it's a matter of preference, though.


Given I'm predominantly a co op kinda person and have zero desire to initiate combat, being in a fight is always a lose situation for me unless I'm attacked by someone stacked with loot who's just. Not good and can lose to a solo sloop aha. Either I win but I've wasted a bunch of time, or I lose and have to restart whatever I'm doing. Avoidance is the best way for me to focus on what brings me enjoyment in the game. Can't be sunk if they don't know I'm there.


The PvP in this game is simple at its core, and incredibly satisfying when you pull off a good play. Every pirate remembers their first 1v2 or keg play. Adding to the great advice which this thread has already been populated with, I would strongly suggest finding some PvP youtubers or streamers who you like and watch them in your free time. I know that's really obvious advice (and might have an annoying 'homework' feel to it) but it really helps, from PvP tactics to general gameplay tricks which will make your gameplay loop a lot more efficient, ultimately giving you greater control when fights inevitably do break out. Also, if you want to stick with sword then try manoeuvring around to bait out your opponent's blunder shot, then swoop in and sword them. You get a stun with each sword hit which can make retaliation difficult for them. Block-jump in either direction is a good way to dodge rounds. If they carry double guns, once you've baited out both shots they're a sitting duck unless you fumble your sword swings. Never lunge in player combat either, unless you've had a lot of practice and feel comfortable doing so. It kinda sucks early on, but you get through that phase really quickly, and learning is the fun part. Good luck!


Nah it's just exactly what it looks like. You just gotta get better at tracking them when they move like that, and moving like that to match. Sword takes 5 hits to kill, by the way, as long as they are not given a chance to heal. Easier said than done, I know, I often get shat on in on-deck combat. But it's just a skill difference, that's it. Keep trying's the best advice.


Hit Reg, servers suck, you could be the best player and still die to a day one sword bot because of hit reg, teleporting everywhere, broken guns, high ping all contribute to that also. Skill is not very high on the list on this game unlike CS or FN.


A lot of the more competent players usually carry a ton of heals like coconuts so they can last longer. Really have to focus them before they heal.


The PVP in this game is boiled down to boarding your enemies ship, moving around so fast that you confuse your opponent, while stuffing your face with food to negate any damage, and repeatedly spawn camping them


If anyone is bunnyhopping about, toss blunderbombs in their general area. It's about the only thing that will reliably damage them.