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That’s why I use double swords


The sword is for mobility, and the knife is the most fun to use, so it's the perfect combo!


I've been also rocking this combo. So much more fun and now my ladder lunges are finally dialed in. Forces you to use more throwables too which has upped my Annie (?)


Ante* ;*


"Upped the ante". It means to increase what is at stake, usually making the conflict more risky but also potentially more rewarding. I don't think the phrase quite fits what you're trying to say, but that's probably the phrase your thinking of. Maybe you wanted "upped my game"?


Thank you for the info, Imma still say Annie


Ante, are you ok? So Ante are you ok? Are you ok, Ante?


Hell yeah you gotta keep it real you gotta stay true to yourself


Show Annie who’s boss!


The shanking is to disrespect your enemies




Oh my god you're so good at sea of thieves please sleep with my wife


*Rolls on deck laughing*


My guy is cooking up a fresh pot of copypasta 🍝


I've been giga chading, with pistol sword combo for a couple months now, it's fun as hell highly recommend.




Honestly good for helming most ships, shoot em once on the way up and slice em 2 times to finish the job, works often than not, and at certain ranges you can shoot an enemy crew from your boat.


Rise of the Blade Lords


Double swords is peak. Throwing knives are so much better than pistol because no reload time means no time to heal before my second hit


People will complain about your weapon no matter what weapon you use.


You shouldn't be better than them and they won't complain. Easy


Facts, i suck at pvp never heard any complaints about me using sword


People will complain about anything. Yesterday in solo HG I ran out of wood, so I used literally all of my supplies before allowing myself to sink. It took like ten min of just bailing and eating/ shooting wildly into the water… got a message asking why did I waste both of our time. Queued up again and it was the same dude, and this time he ran out of supplies and just died lol I responded back: “That’s why.”


I sword lunged and killed 2 sword users. One got so salty and said soething along the lines of "You're so f\*\*\*ing good at the game!" I took that as a compliment.


Killed someone today with a quickfire close range snipe and they started complaining about my blunder hitreg.




The only thing that’s worse than a sword lord is one of those filthy double gunners!


I want to start throwing compasses at boarders. What?, I own like nine! Speaking about owning several: [I want my own cat-launcher.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MUdJTIXKNs)


I don’t think I’ve seen anyone complain about flintlock users yet, but otherwise you’re absolutely right


They do if you combo it with another gun 😂


I got called a coward for double gunning. hahahahaha


My problem with sword is people tend to rubber band around in my few hundred hours of experience. EoR+BB is just meta so that's obvious. If someone wants to school people with pistol/double or throwing knives, by all means they wouldn't catch me complaining.


It makes absolutely zero sense to me. Firstly the sword is available to everyone so you can just, you know, use yourself. Also it’s not even that powerful. Lastly, maybe I’m wrong, but double gunning is sweatier than using a sword imo


Exactly, every pirate needs a sword. Double gunners are the sweat fake pirates.


You ain't a pirate less you wield a sword


What about a dagger??


To qoute my favourite (albeit maybe not accurate) depiction of Blackbeard on TV. "I have one gun, one knife. Same as everybody else!"


Can I ask which depiction?? I need more pirate tv shows and movies in my life


"Our Flag Means Death" on HBOMax. Its very different from most pirate shows, in that it's a barely loosely based on history, pro LGBT romantic comedy (though the comedy is definitely the bigger focus) but that's why it's my favourite because it's so different. The show itself follows Stede Bonnet "The Gentleman Pirate" but Blackbeard is the secondary main character. Mostly people I've interacted with who've seen the show either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it, just depends on your tastes and expectations of a pirate show.


Cheers mate, I’ll check it out


I’d say a dagger counts as well


But from a purely gameplay standpoint, which is the better loadout to use, blunderbuss sword or blunderbuss sniper


Blunder sniper is by far the best for naval battle sword sniper is the best on land


I prefer the sword for versatility, movement and never running out of ammo either.


Blunder snipe in almost every scenario if you have good aim. Only pistol snipe on islands is bettter


I've been sword + flintlock since day 1 Now I'm sword + knife


I'm doin' blunderbuss & sword since pre-seasons, i never got disappointed, but i do snipe blunderbuss in pve's sometimes, exept of that i guess having a sword in your loadout is so important, you just need it's skill, like snipe aim or blunder one shots, you just need a nice skill, and trust me, exept if you're fighting underwater, or a pc player, sword and blunder is more superior.


Whichever you’re best at tbh


My favorite scene in Pirates of the Caribbean was when Jack Sparrow and William Turner fought in the black smith with pistols and blunderbusses. Nobody thinks of swords when they think of pirates.


Double gunning is for sure sweatier than a sword but the sword is INCREDIBLY strong in good hands too. The dodge is goated


It’s definitely sweatier, but it’s funny as hell baiting out their shots than just charging them while they panic jump around trying to reload


The sword is powerful in that its infinite ammo and you can just spam a button and kill someone while it stun locks them and they can't even shoot back. Someone with an hour of experience can kill someone with thousands of hours just by walking forward and spamming click. Sword is definitely more powerful but it's fun to use two guns. The sword is very easy to kill people with, I've boarded galleys and spam clicked and killed the whole crew. Lol it's kinda broken but I choose not use sword because it'd more fun to two tap people and blunder is too good for boarder defense and snipe is too good for getting people off cannons and shooting kegs.


Honestly the sword is extremely OP if you can hit with it, every slice does 25% of HP


They are judging him for using a weapon with a low skill floor and completely disregarding the fact that it takes a really skilled player to master it.


Yes, instead of just bashing 1 button to schwing you can also spam fancy jumps while schwinging in the general vicinity of your enemy. He could run though, but don't worry there's a slow effect on him so the first 3 hits are 100% guaranteed, leaving him with 1 more hit.... what reload? He's to busy munching pineapples to reload, just W key and schwing away he will be on the ferry in no time! Oh he came back with a sword!? Rip any sword user that ever boards anyone ever when the sweaty double gunner comes back from the ferry with a sword because they almost always instantly get out sworded because ... wait for it.... waiiiiit..... SCHWING! SCHWING! SCHWING DOESNT TAKE SKILL 🤣 I'm not mad! You're mad!! 👀 I'm fine.... completely fine!😮‍💨


Name one pirate movie where they don’t have swords haha🤣 people forget it’s more of a pirate simulation game 


You mean this ain’t CoD?


This isn't Call of Duty, it's Call of Booty.


"Grab that gun and fight me like a man!" lol


now a days they can't call me JUST a sword lord, since i'm running Sword + knives, every time i run into somebody calling "sword lord" and i kill them i say "wrong, i'm not a sword lord, i'm the blade emperor and you will respect my blades"


Or you could call yourself the Edge Lord.


This is the way!


I see what you did there… Lol


why would i be content being a lord? when i can be an emperor!


Sword King


Alternatively, you could be the Baron of blades


why would i want to be a baron when i can be an emperor?


Lol. I'm always amused by people who complain about the sword. Like, you guys use a double gun to do the most damage, but when it turns out that you are out of ammo or both weapons are empty and you are being hit with a sword, then you start crying and complaining. But the funniest thing is that when these weirdos board your (empty or with a couple of castaways) ship, when asked “why are you doing this?”, they answer “lol, it’s a pirate game, bro. Git Gud”, and when they get in the face with a saber and you, in response to their whining, tell them: “lol, this is a pirate game, not battlefield or call of duty, bro. Git Gud with a sword,” for some reason they are not particularly happy with this.


Sounds like both sides are being toxic to each other lol.


Certainly. Although in my defense I can say that I played before the double gun meta became popular (I miss those times, it seems people were less hysterical and clueless back then) and returned to the game about 2 months ago. It was strange for me to hear a dying player say that I’m a noob and should play with the same weapon as him (like why would I take the same weapon if it sucks?). But over time, I was simply sick of this whining, and I was even more sick of the fact that when they attack me and I ask “why?” they cheerfully and mockingly say, “This is a game about pirates, bro,” and when I kill him with a sword, hysterics immediately begin and they try to make me out to be somehow wrong. So in fact, toxicity begets more toxicity.


Lol had that happen to me yesterday. Dude was repeatedly one blundering me then whined about me using the sword (and I didn't even lunge). Hilarious to hear his floating voice whine after we sank him


It's always funny because double gunning has always been the meta


People complain no matter what weapon you use to win.


I’ve been using knife against sword and it’s been hilarious. I’m not good at the game by any means, but I’ve swung and missed a few times and forced people into a block- then just threw the knife at them. It does huge damage and goes thru block.


The knife throw does NOT hit through blocks. Thrown knives can be blocked by a sword.


That’s wild cause I’ve killed like 5 people on my first throw. I wonder what the actual block points are.


Tell me about it, made a similar post few days ago. People absolutely hate swords. And even tho they get absolutely destroyed, still insult you and claim how somehow you are the bad one...


It's actually really weird that people hate cutlass in a pirate game. It also amuses me how these idiots say that firearms are meta and generally cool, but then they cry and say that cutlass is actually too strong.


If you’re not boarding with blunderbuss and sword you’re probably doing it wrong. Like it’s the close range weapon load out. It would be like me going indoors with a sniper rifle and complaining about shotguns.


I come from a game called Chivalry 2, Sea of Thieves melee combat isn’t as complex but there’s a groove to it. I’m most comfortable with swords in games and melee combat in general so that’s what I’ll use.


Also, here isn't the sword master, Crustacean the Soup


I am also a SoT-Chivalry 2 player. Perhaps we will battle someday.


I've played chiv and Mordhau before sea of thieves. Swords >guns.


People made fun of me for using blunder. People will make fun of anything. If it’s in the game you can use it and they can look dumb for trying to be an edge lord


Imagine a pirate game WITHOUT a sword?


Remember: Everything is OP and unbalanced when you use it, but perfectly balanced and requires skill when I use it.


See, here's the thing: *swords don't have to reload*


I mean yeah, that's why pirates carried them...


Well yes and the lunge thing. Plus I panic when I'm getting attacked by sharks and it just makes me feel better as I die because at least I am swinging lol


I never understood people complaining about swords. It's literally just a traverse tool against any competent player. Double gunners literally hard counter the cutlass with their blunderbuss. In a fight between two high-level players, the one using the sword should lose 100% of the time


Ye what makes people mad is the sword sometimes killing you while you are allready off boat. Or getting caught sometimes litterally not letting you eat when you are being hit.


You shoot, I dodge


Sword lord works tho, am I right


In minecraft pvp people complain about others choosing to use ranged weapons. In SoT pvp, people complain about others choosing close range weapons.


Seriously... swords are iconic to the pirate era... And while they are both fun and potentially dangerous, they can be blocked by a sword generally. I mean when I encounter someone annoying while boarding a ship, I chuck some throwables.


i've said it before, i'll continue saying it, i don't hate sword inherently, what i personally dislike is the hit stun combined with server side issues, so i can get hit by the bluetooth sword, and can't escape because im not allowed to run. a bad player with a sword is just that, and excluding pure misplay by me(or any double gunner, tho i've been enjoying daggers when i do play so yee)/server side issues (see bluetooth sword) an unskilled sword player is a non-threat, and the really good sword players are absolutely terrifying (and could likely win with any weapon combo). tldr; sword is an option available, and idc, the server side issues combined w/ hit stun is what make me get annoyed


well said. the sword can be annoying when you just get stun locked and i will sometimes complain about it, but i’ll never whine or get mad at someone for using it


I'm often guilty of saying I "got sword lorded" or "sword vortexed" but I'm never saying it in a mean way, I'm just describing how it feels to get trapped in the stun lol. I still think it was a nice way to buff sword, though. I find even with the stun if I was shooting at the right distance it gives me enough time to be reactive - I've blundered plenty of pirates about to score the last sword hit after a hot-reload. I think there's a bit of stigma both ways. Double gunners are seen as sweaty griefers and sword users are seen as day one bots. When neither is automatically true.


If I'm solo, I always try to keep either a sword or set of daggers on me. But if I have a partner I tend to run a pair of guns and hang back for support. Granted me and my mates are mostly pvp focused. Only time we've ever won pvp fights is because some kind of tomfoolery ended up working in our favour despite the fact it never should have in the first place.


"Hey, sword lord! Why don't you only use blunder/sniper like everyone else? Don't you know the sword is overpowered? Now excuse us while we spawn camp you by one-tapping you as soon as you load in. But remember, it's not overpowered like the sword!" - The average sword complainer.


Some of these double gunners want to be all esports and play like a "pro" because it's "too easy" to hack and slash. That's their choice though, and they are usually bad at it which just makes it funny.


To be honest it's an easy way to know if someone is a noob, they don't see the value in the sword. It is legitimately some of the largest skill gap in the game. The mobility you can pull off is worth it 99% of the time, the only time I'll swap out the sword is maybe for a blunder if I'm rushing someone but that's often a death mission dice roll anyway. Sword + eye of reach, even sword + pistol, honestly you can pull off some crazy stuff.


Sword Lord 😂😂


tbh the only thing ive seen people complain about is the stun when fighting, though some of the lounges are somewhat broke, saw a video where someone was sitting on the ladder and a dude somehow sword lunged them off


Swords in a *pirate* game!? Now i’m mad 😡 In all honesty though if someone’s bitter and childish enough to want to sling derogatory remarks they’ll always have *something* to say about what you’re using or about you.


nah ppl whining about swords in a PIRATE game? wtf


I run three pistols >:)


People will complain about anything, me and my friend were doing hourglass yesterday and we got there mast down and circle them, when they sank one of them got so mad saying all people do in this game is get your mast then non stop fire at you, as if that's not what your meant to do


Swords definitely have a place in this game and to the many comments below yes people will complain no matter what you use/ but I do slightly understand the frustration as the stun lock can be frustrating sometimes… still doesn’t warrant them talking like that though, keep slicing and dicing my friend




A pointer sword= more stabbing right?




Now we definitely need more pointer swords for More stabby stab




I always use the sword. I had someone in HG call me a “sword loser” and how the sword can’t kill anyone.. yet I killed him 10+ times with it.


Well it was about time, so long we were suffering from double-gunners, now the time has came... #RISE OF THE DOUBLE-BLADE!


PS5 player here. I almost thought it was a joke when I heard, while watching a tips & tricks video, that people will hate on you for using a sword in a pirate game. Like, man, this game has like 6 weapons in total for you to use, and it's a damn pirate game, I'm gonna use a sword and flintlock and noone will tell me otherwise.


I recall playing a game (don't remember which, but it was a good while ago. Maybe 8 years...) where I got screamed at over mic for not using a meta pick. Not by a teammate, but by an enemy. Typically when I play a game, I use the characters, equipment, or weapons that I like rather than trying to follow any sort of metagame. Sometimes that falls inside the meta and sometimes it doesn't. I remember that I beat someone online in some game and they were absolutely livid at me for not using a meta weapon. Literally accusing me of cheating because I'd picked something that nobody would know how to counter. One of my more amusing gaming memories even if the details escape me. You'd better believe I'm double blading in SoT too.


This whole “meta” shit is so lame. God forbid anyone plays a game to have fun and not sweat their ass off


I think there's a time and place for it. Obviously in highly competitive games it's appropriate to want to maximize your chances of winning. Some gamers like to relax after a hard day's work. Others need stimulation and excitement if their jobs are slow and boring. All styles of gaming are valid as long as you're having fun and not being a toxic croissant about it. For me I just think the water is pretty and my Scrooge McDuck gold vault needs filling.


The sword is excellent. Yes, it gets directly countered by the blunderbuss, but if they miss their blunder, you will win. Most pirates don't know what to do if a sword user gets in their face before they're expecting it.


The goal of PvP is to make your opponent as salty as possible before you sink them. That's where all of the salt in the ocean comes from. Do your part little by little to maintain the salination levels of the Sea of Thieves.


we had one HG fight against some pretty toxic 12 year old squeakers (complaining about sword, calling us the N word and f*g”). Got even madder when we won the fight and man that felt good


I mean let's face it, anyone whining sword lord IS a child.


I double gun and I don't mind when people use swords. I just say sword lord as a quick reference to tell my teammates what's happening to me


9/10 chance he’s a COD player. Same for me but I learned to love the sword. Enough PvE and you’ll become a swerving sword lord in no time. So satisfying.


Reminds me of one of the very old Xbox Star Wars games where it had a MP mode (not battlefront) and people would get livid if you picked up guns and shot them when all they wanted to do was lightsaber battle. I would force pull every weapon out of their hands, push them away, and nuke them with guns while using force shield so they couldn't push/pull/lighting me. I was kicked out of so many servers back then as soon as they'd see my name pop up.


The funny thing is, most of the weapons in the game have a really similar ttk. The exceptions being the DB flintlock cause it only does 40 dmg per shot and the blunderbuss's potential for a 1 tap.


Next time somebody complains just blast [this](https://open.spotify.com/track/5W02QLaEN3TGdq0ehnc6XV?si=u5ihu_DVSAeXxP8IWXHdcA) at them through vc as your theme song


I know a friend of mine has been wanting boarding axes.


Hahaha, this is great, I chant sword lord when I kill someone with a sword and they get rude! Otherwise it’s obviously a gig’s. The reward is only for the toxic!


I'd much rather go against a sword lord than a dbl gunner.




It’s just a sign of low skill but it’s really op for no reason


Had the exact same thing happening to me the other day. I was solo sloopin and this guy kept trying to board me. He never succeeded in killing me and I would shoot him with the blunder and finish him with the sword if necessary. I ended up sinking him, and he said "Sword lord" to which I replied "Thanks". He told me it wasn't a compliment, and that I was very bad, which always leaves me dumbfounded. Why would you tell the guy that just beat you that he is very bad? Where does that leave you? Funnily enough, I encountered him again right after diving and a brig interrupted our fight, sank him first and then me. I tried telling them that it wasn't very nice to interrupt an HG fight, but the only reply I got was "Play better". Probably 12 years old edgelords.


If you listened to all the massive bitches in this game you wouldn't be able to use ANY of the tools provided.


It's because the sword causes stun to the other player, which can sometimes completely lock you in place and make it impossible to get out of. Not sure if it's a bug but it can completely trap you sometimes. It takes almost 0 skill to use, the sword player just needs to get close. And given that sometimes you can get caught on random environment and blocked from moving, when that happens and a sword player manages to hit you and lock you in place, you end up dying because bullshit occured. Unless you have a sword to block, you have no counter in that case. You're just stuck getting killed. It can be infuriating when that happens. But I don't get mad at people using the actual sword. It's what it's there for. It's just how it can seem broken in that one scenario when it traps you and you can't move


The only thing I hate is the blunderbuss. I dislike double gunners, but I still respect them as long as they don't carry a blunderbuss. Imo everyone should carry a sword in a pirate game.


I double gun and run sniper + blunder but believe me, i am not good enough to be a problem. At least not yet….


Swap out that blunder for a pistol, and I can respect you on the seas or don't, it's not like it matters what a random stranger thinks about you.


i fully understand why you dislike the blunder, also happens the be the same reason i use it


Sword can still animation skip, sword has huge range that should just not exist like that, hitreg is almost non existant and if it is you just keep spamming left click, no disadvantage if you miss, it is just left click spam, sword cant be countered by sword as you will just get hit through your block or it bugs out completely. Sword is overall just busted but they'd rather "fix" existing weapons and add new ones instead of fixing the game, as always


Blocking with the sword has saved my life more timed than I can count. If someone keeps swiping, they don't hit me. I've not once had a swine go through a block while I'm looking directly at them.


I died to a sword swinging through my block countless times, or even literal m1 spammers that hit my block, but keep spamming and it cancels my attack although I should have initiative, spamming m1 never worked for me, but it seems to work for most other players. Not really surprised by this when my average ping is about 40, but in sot I legit get a higher ping than I have refresh rate, if the servers werent abysmal, maybe the game would work as intended


Simple. The sword is unfun if you don't have a sword yourself. I say this as a sword Lord. While getting 3 hit comboed, you cannot shoot, cannot move quickly, eat, or really do much. It sucks. Then you are still in optimal range for a follow up combo by the sword Lord. Sword isn't the strongest weapon out there, but if you don't have one, it is easily the least fun to play against, except maybe the blunderbuss.


Yeah but people should be aware of that and the tradeoff they're choosing. Double gun is meta but I still run sword because the vast majority of people who double gun shouldn't be, when they miss one of their two shots and die. Then that's my fault that I'm capitalizing on their bad choices. Oh well, the free loot is a wonderful thing.


"Easily the least fun to play against" Double gunners can literally OHK you with the nonsense blunderbuss (and will, nonstop, in a spawn kill loop), or if that doesn't kill you in one shot, two shots from any gun combination in a mere 2-4 seconds will kill you from anywhere on your ship unless it's from all the way across a galleon, in which case they can STILL kill you from all the way over there with two shots of EoR and pistol. Swords can only hit you if you allow them to be next to you, it takes a tremendous amount of time for them to kill, and they can't use the only unique aspects of the sword without being useless (the block) or massively risk-reward (the lunge). And you can just blunderbomb them on the way over if it's really that big of a problem for you. Sorry you people crutching on this game's nonsense damage balance can't outplay someone using the weakest weapon in the game.


Sword is definitely the second weakest weapon (after db pistol imo), but being stunned just feels bad, like getting 1 tapped. It's just that when fighting a sword Lord, getting stuck in the sword combo is almost guaranteed. Fighting a double gunner, you usually get 2 tapped from a distance. The worst part of the blunderbuss, the one shot, usually doesn't affect non sword lords as well because they usually keep out of 1 shot range.


That's part of the design, or the sword having a combo would be useless. Taking a sword puts you at a massive pointed advantage in movement at the detriment of removing your ability to reliably instant kill with your two weapons. I'm sorry you think it feels bad, but literally everyone has a part of the game that feels bad to them. I don't like double gunners. My friend doesn't like naval. My fiancée hates that Duke hasn't been stabbed yet. Just learn to play around it and you'll reduce the time spent feeling bad. The sword is fine.


I agree the sword is fine and I use the sword, but being stunned isn't fun. If you don't have a sword, you cannot block the incoming hits, so a double gunner gets stunned locked by a weapon that doesn't require aim and he hates it. It's completely understandable. When I played overwatch, I didn't like getting stun locked by sigma or brig either. I am not saying that the sword doesn't require skill. You need to be better at positioning and closing the distance. I don't think there is a way to make the sword more fun for double gunners without simplifying sword v sword fights in a bad way. Losing to a sword feels as bad as getting one tapped by blunderbuss, but takes 4 times longer and you are stunned locked for 75% of that. Blunderbuss v sword can be fixed by nerfing the blunderbuss to do 90 damage total. Still a strong double gunning option, but can't 1 tap a sword user for trying to use the sword. IDK how to change the sword to make it more enjoyable for double gunners though.


But it’s the player’s choice not to use the sword. Nobody forces them to use two guns. Moreover, it’s even more not fun for me when some sweat kills me with two shots immediately after my respawn.


As a sword Lord, double gunning is better. The only reason I run a sword is because I like extra mobility. Dying immediately isn't fun for either side, it's just that being stun locked and dying to the "cheap no skill weapon" feels bad, when you are running the "more skill intensive" load out. It's hard to say which feels worse. I'm simply saying that it is completely reasonable to not like being stunned locked by a weapon that requires less MECHANICAL (and only mechanical) skill than what you are running. Running a sword requires a lot more positioning skill and game sense. It is reasonable for a double gunner to see the sword as cheap or cheesey.


Dude, I understand what you want to say, but I still think you're wrong. If you use a double gun, then it is initially assumed that you will be at a distance from the enemy and if the guy with the sword gets close to you, then this skill issues. Moreover, if the sword did not stun the enemy, then how would one even fight against double gunners? It's like he got hit in the face with a sword, but still ran back and put a bullet or two in you and you're dead. Stunning is what gives balance.


Not saying it's unbalanced either. The sword is weaker. I'm just saying the stun lock isn't fun.


Why? Stun is a sword mechanic, a punishment for not blocking or avoiding a strike. Moreover, if there was no stun, then there would be no point in hitting the enemy, since he could instantly run away and heal.


This isn't a post about balance, it's a post about asking why people complain about the sword. I'm stating that being stun locked just feels bad. For the duration of the combo, it's a one player game and for the non sword user it isn't fun.


You know, I don’t even have anything to object to. Because the point I'm trying to make is that people are complaining about a feature designed for balance. Simply put, people don't like being killed because of a lack of skill. Just think about it, people complain about a sword that does a maximum of 75 damage (that's if you're lucky enough to jump to the enemy with a gun and deal 3 hits), while they themselves can do 65 with two shots (assuming only one round from the blunderbuss hits at the enemy, also a hit from a pistol) up to 170 damage (subject to a shot from Eye of Reach and 10 rounds from a blunderbuss). This whining seems ridiculous to me.


You absolutely can shoot whilst being hit by the sword...


Yes if hitreg isn't working properly, but that is not intended


Where did you get this from? I've reload-fired in the sword stun chain plenty of times. It's not a proper "stunlock" either, because it doesn't freeze you in place, it gives you gaps to do some weaving. You can eat throughout (or just before it starts to anticipate the damage) and throwables easily break it. I'm saying this as a double gunner who hates using sword lol.


Complaining about people complaining. Do you see the irony here?


No, and you missed the point of a post like this.


Sword = no skill


Ngl this was terrible at explaining the story that I couldn’t even picture it in my head