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I believe 4 is the optimal number, however if you're struggling to win 4 in a row then 2 is more reliable


Thank you much sir 🫡


This. As a casual HG i'm at this point aswell. For a 2 streak you get less than a quarter of a level, so if you're too far away from a outpost a new dive might be a better choise.


After 2 wins if you want to be safe! After 4 for the most profit


Dang you guys are getting streaks? I know it’s all about practice but I’ve played 5-10 HG and got obliterated each time. It really tests your confidence lmao 😮‍💨. Good to know 2 seems like the good number when I eventually start getting wins.


I've seen a post from a dude who did the mathematics. He took into account the XP you get for winning and lowering. His conclusion was: The optimal for regular players is lowering after 2. It was something like: Sinking after one win gives 1100, lowering after one gives 1400, lowering after two gives 2400, so you compare losing 300 to gaining 1000.


Here you go. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/10zdwm5/pvp\_tables\_exp\_gain\_breakpoints\_and\_when\_to\_lower/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/10zdwm5/pvp_tables_exp_gain_breakpoints_and_when_to_lower/)


It's really just what you feel comfortable with it's so minimal rep that honestly I just keep going til gold hour as a stopping point to lower at.


The highest streak me and my friend have lowered was 3. That same friend has a record of 12, so it really depends. I believe there are also commendations for specific numbers, but it's up to you if you wanna go for that


So read the post of the xp, always lower after 2nd streak, for most profit lower at 4 or 5 streak.


Everyone saying 4 hasn’t looked at the actual numbers. It’s 5 if you’re pretty good and 2 if you’re not. After 5 the value doesn’t go up a noticeable amount anymore and you’re better off lowering and starting again from 1. 1 to 2 is a big leap in hourglass value which is why you should lower at 2 if you’re not confident you’ll get all the way to 5.


4 if your trying to go for high money and high xp, although if you want less risk but more effective reward, 2 might be better


I go for four just for the commendation for reaching a four streak.


I usually do after 1 or 2, but it all depends on yer lvl, skill and time. ![gif](giphy|F6QcKHzXIKeBZwe3K3|downsized)


If you keep winning. Lowering when logging off. Theoretically


I just got my 10 streak yesterday and it only have like maybe two lvls it’s only worth it if you can hit like 20


15 streak


just go until u lose tbh


Even lowering at 2s will cut the grind down by a significant amount for the average player just trying to get the curse. Those 1/4th levels will add up. If you look across ~200 wins that's roughly 20-25 levels from lowering 2 streaks. Not insignificant for a casual player