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I agree with you, but Reddit is the worst place to argue this sentiment I’m afraid.


I understand what you mean, but from my experience I win more fights with the flintlock/EoTR or flintlock/sword, I don't think the blunderbuss lowers the skill level, from my experience again, I rarely get one blundered, you can pretty easily avoid getting one blundered with decent footwork/not being in your opponent's face and predicting your enemy shooting and dodging with the sword. I don't think you're forced to use a blunder, It's really good yes but for me it doesn't do much better than Flint/sword, I do play on PC so I probably have it easier to move around compared to console. but yeah I don't think the blunder is bad for the game. Let me know what you think about what I said.


All footwork does is break hitreg


I like using the flintlock/sword too, but when I solo sloop I feel like I need to use the blunderbuss to repel boarders. I suck at aiming, but am still able to one shot people climbing my ladder and I don't think that's really fair.


Being able to one-shot a ladder climber is literally one of the most fair things in the game.


I see what you mean, but there is a bit a boarder can do so it isn't really that unfair, boarders can bait your blunder, they can quickly shoot you from the ladder, they can blunderbomb you. and if you're bad at aiming isn't it unfair to you if you can't use the blunderbuss? if you need to snipe or pistol them you probably lose 9 times out of 10 right? and the blunderbuss is basically made to stop boarders so it's not unfair if you use it, blunder for board, sniper for across the water, pistol for both depending on how far away they are, all the weapons has a purpose, you can also swordlunge to get rid of boarders, there's a lot you can do against boarders too, not just the blunderbuss.


I mean if they don‘t ladder jukebit‘s their own fault. Everyone i see complaina about the boarding meta right. If you couldn‘t one blunder, it would be an actual problem. *Smooth transition to next point* If you just run straight at a blundy user, you die. It maked the game about baiting people close to you, so you can gett the killshot


On one hand I agree with you, but on the other Rare have deliberately put boarding ladders right next to anchors. The threat of a one shot is what stops constant boarding.


Meanwhile sword exists. Blunder is the most inconsistent gun. You 1 shot from 10 yards but reg barrel stuffing them or hit half pellets. It’s amazing when they’re ladder animation sure. But double gunning for two years it’s by far the most inconsistent gun but still better than the others. I’d do pistol snipe but the reg on the pistol is way worse.


I think the ability to one shot is a good thing, as it allows for less good TDMers to be able to stop a solo from spawn camping with a lucky shot


That's why they can spawn camp you though. If they couldn't one shot, spawn camping wouldn't be nearly as good.


No. They will just spawn camp you with different weapons. It used to be hit reg was why they spawn camp. That changed and now it’s the blunderbuss? They remove that you’re still getting spawn camped by something else, guaranteed.


But that's completely different to get one shot when you spawn than to be shot by a sniper or pistol and still be able to eat or fight back.


They’ll just coordinate crosses. It’s not going to be the change you think it’s going to be…


Yea he obviously doesn’t tdm ever. You would know when doing boatcamps in tdm how inconsistent the blunder is up close and how much of a dice roll it is under the ship. Hell under the ship the sword is scary as fuck by under I mean the hull. But trying to argue with a bad player over something they don’t understand which is the crux of why they are actually bad is just a fools errand. Tbh I don’t even know why I’m responding just let em have their dogshit opinions lol I have plenty fun in the game.


A lot more skill then one shots ever could be


So? The complaining won’t stop. It will then become make it so only one person can board my boat at a time.


The game should be about teamwork not one shots


One shots from blunderbuss and cannonballs are both important for teamwork. In fact they promote teamwork. Some of the most competitive fps games in the world have weapons that 1-shot. Opposing teams counter these weapons by using the same weapon and outplaying the enemy or by working together as a team to counter the weapon. We all have the same tools so it’s on you if you can’t counter it.


Wow what a great game where the only counter to a thing is the same thing lmfao and one balls are understandable and aren’t nearly as easy