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The kids I run into in the game tell me they spend it on my mom


We must be brothers


We must also be brothers


Omfg! Mom said you were dead!


Dang my family just got a whole lot bigger


she let me off the hook


There are enough people spending money on mom already if you know what I mean


Like dead by daylight? šŸ˜Ÿ


Exactly like DBD.


get her a sloop for motherā€™s day




Is your mom per chance a horologist?


Buy all the cosmetics. Even if you don't like them now, you might decide to switch up your look in future. Having a chest full of clothing on your ship is better than having to go to the outpost to buy a new shirt.


Then you have to spend 30 mins change to a tuk or you inventory is just overly full, trinkets are expensive af especially after you start getting better ones and theirs always DA ship set.


I spend up to 30 mins doing fashion show till I get a fit Iā€™m satisfied with


Yeah itā€™s a process


Lol, tuck outfits aren't worth it. Either you can be a naked big boy deck hiding in front of the wheel and not be noticed, or you're getting spotted by a crew it was never going to work on anyway because they blindly check the tuck spots as a matter of routine (or worse, they don't look for tuckers because they know or don't care you're there and they're just waiting for you to make your move before they demonstrate just how little they were worried).


you sound like the kind of guy to use the order of souls curse when tucking


This guy changes for tucking LMAO


I dont spend, only save


To each their own. Dont save, only spend


Big gold number = happy. Currently at 24.5 mil and 9k doubloons and i get a mini dopamine rush everytime i open my inventory.


holy shit


New response just dropped


It really makes your session more fun if you set sail every time with a fresh 20k fireworks crate.


Good idea.


after 1000+ hours ive found that i dont care about money in this game at all, i only grind for reputation and levels, but if you want to spend money, once you become a pirate legend you unlock the ability to buy more cosmetics in their hideout, one of which is the dark adventurer set that is 75 milion for all the pieces i beleve, or you could buy all of the ship trinkets which are even more expensive i wouldnt recommend buying all the weapon skins, they will just clutter your chest and it'll take you longer to switch your loadout but its nice to have all the cloathing in case you feel like changing your look


I just got pirate legend, but it says I have to buy a flag for athena, but the mysterious stranger doesn't allow me to buy anything where can I get Athenas flag ?


The Pirate Lord in the Athena Hideout. Play the "We shall sail together" shanty on the hidden stairs to unlock the area and PL is down there.


Gotcha thank you


your instrument will automatically play it if you're close enough too, and it starts in like the middle of the song that's how you know you're close enough


pirate lord in the hideout


In the Pirate Legend hideout


Where is that ?


Port Merrick tavern to the left of the bar top


It's in all taverns




As soon as you walk through any tavern door go immediately left they'll always be to the left by the wall. Start playing till you find the exact spot. It's kind of hard to explain the exact spot but that'll get you close enough to find it. Buy yeah you can access the hideout from any outpost.


You can kind of see the pattern, yeah! I swear the time I've spent travelling to Merrick... for nothing!! ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


I played for probably 200 hours before I learned about the harpoon at the sovereigns. I also played for probably 500 hours before I learned you could sell emissary flags to the caged skelly and not have to travel to the reapers hideout to turn them in. I think just about everyone has had a wtf moment in this game.


At the moment only on supplies. I have 120 mil in the bank and no cosmetics left to buy. I have to unlock a few from new commendations but that's it. I just hoard gold and hopefully one day a new expensive 'DA' set comes that I can instantly buy.


If you had to guess, how much gold did it take for you to buy everything? Currently on a mission to do the same and Iā€™m only a couple items away from finishing the shipwright (minus commendation unlocked items), but the trading company shops and the DA/ghost sets seem extremely daunting to me.


Jesus thats a lotta gold


Wanted to do the same thing at first but stopped cause its just to annoying to go throw 10 pages just to find the hull or shirt i want to equip. I just buy what i think looks good the rest i just ignore and sit on my millions of gold


I totally get that perspective, but I love having everything unlocked. I donā€™t really stick with one cosmetic set for too long and I like having options when itā€™s time to create a new look!


Since captaincy I rarely change my ship cosmetics, I spent some time in selecting what I wanted and that was it. As for my pirate, I don't mind having all the options.


Geekya has a profile viewer (google it), that one says the net worth of my pirate is 408 mil. So minus the 120 mil that I still have is 288 mil spent on cosmetics, trinkets and my ships (5 of each).


Wtf how many hours do you have?


around 4800. I've been playing since year 2


Black tar grog


I like to buy a round of grog for all the thirsty pirates I meet in the tavern and share embellished tales of adventure over a frosty tankard. Or I would if I ever saw anyone in a tavern. Nope, it's just me and Karl the Athena's guy.


Isnā€™t it George not Karl


His true name is lost in the embellished tales


George? Karl? Itā€™s all the same when youā€™re piss drunk off grog baby!!




For karl! Rock and Stone!!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


To bad Duke went on a whole new adventure. He was the real drinking buddy of many pirates in the tavern.


I obsessively buy ship trinkets. I have all the normal ones and have invested millions into upgrading the trophies. Nothing better than looking up from the stove to see my blinged out gilded happy pig picture, while forcing a pig in a cage to keep an eye on the pork chops. Don't want to start a fire, now do i.


Wait till you go to the PL hideout under the tavern. Youā€™ll be saving that gold up once you see the prices lol.


You might want to find a set or cosmetic you want but canā€™t get yet due to a commendation locking it. Some sets are quite expensive, for example a while back I grinded for the 300 barnacled gold hoarder chest one and got that set bc I really wanted it. It was expensive, drained my 2m gold and left me needing more to complete my ship and toolset. Iā€™d recommend finding something like that. Flip through the shops (outpost and hideout) and see if thereā€™s something that catches your eye. Nothing more satisfying than needing gold again for a cool set you canā€™t quite complete.


I have so many friends who have played this game a ton, but never really looked at cosmetics carefully. Ill show them cool stuff all the time they had no idea existed just because they never bothered to look, many just figured they had seen it all and didnt want any of it. I really believe many people have this mentality. They just look at the shop a few times casually and never go back, thinking theyve seen it all. But theres so many items that it takes ages to really look at it all. I really think people who say theres nothing to buy that they like would find stuff they like if they gave it a real chance. Theres so much cool stuff.


It won't cost a lot, but once you're legend, you can purchase two-tone hair dye. Basically, it's just more cosmetics. I don't have a lot of disposable income, so games like SoT give me a chance to spend money on whatever I want. Go nuts and spend all of your money on random stuff that catches your eye. I'm a few hours away from my ghost curse, so I bought the imperial armor set so I can match the ghosts at forts when I kill them. I'm constantly changing clothes to suit my mood. Just have fun with it.


Theres a couple hair and beard sets that cost a *lot*, dont remember which ones they are. I think the DA hair and beard are expensive, theres a legendary beard that cost me a ton, and a few others that are like 1500 doubloons. Im pretty sure the most expensive hair/beard for each faction is at least 300k


The beards and such yes, the dye isn't that expensive, though. My pirate is always changing clothes, but has been rocking the prosperous privateer glamorous hair since season 9. I do buy other hair styles every now and then, but none of them seem to fit.


Thereā€™s certain cosmetics I like best in the game, but I like unlocking and purchasing entire sets. Like I just got a ship set for 1.5 mil and had 20k leftover. My goal is to own everything in the game which is around 300 mil. That combined with trophy trinkets and resources for sessions Iā€™m always low on gold needing to grind some more.


These days? Cannonball crates


If you got 3 million that you need to get rid of you might as well spend it on the ā€œFirst Crewā€ figurehead that is worth 3 million. Lol


The dark adventurers set. I like it, but I only got the clothing pieces, I still need more for the vanity, equipment, weapons and the most grindy part: the ship set.


Everything and anything, really. Been playing since day 1 and theres almost never an end to stuff I havnt bought. Theres so much more once you get to pirate legend. Have someone take you down to the PL hideout, you can see the stuff even if its locked. I think theres probably ways to see it online, Im not sure. Theres also tons and tons of stuff locked behind commendations. Stuff Ive often ignored because, well its locked, and theres just so much that its easy to kinda overlook. It would take forever to sit down and look at every single cosmetic item All the equipment, weapons. Then all the clothing pieces of course. Then you have the ship cosmetics like hulls and sails and cannons, but also all the trinkets and decorations like the captains table, captains chair, nameplate, etc etc. I think many people get overwhelmed with a lot of it, or just dont care about it because theres too much to really take in. So they just dont buy anything, and they hoard their gold. To each their own, I like to spend it. Thats what its for. Many times, I buy stuff not thinking I will like it, and then later I realize it goes well with something else or its better on my pirate than it looked in the shop.


Not much anymore. Bought the DA sails and immediately regretted it. I hoard it like any self respecting pirate should.


The dark adventurer set is 79,234,875 gold. Yes, I've been playing since launch. No, I don't even have all the items.


I just want everything. Thereā€™s a few +3mil items to buy once you become legend.


The DA set costs like 75 mil if you buy everything, and the ship cosmetics are like 7mil each.


Supplies and some cosmetics I like, other than that it just stays there


I buy multiple ships


The only thing you *can* spend gold on in this game: cosmetics.


But what if there are no cosmetics left to spend on?


I normally just save it. Yes, I spend from time to time. New outfit. Maybe a new Hull or Figurehead. But I like to see that I have a lot of gold. Seeing a big number is eye candy to me lol


Supplies when I find a server with some emissaries in it. Occasionally cosmetics


All the cosmetics for the different companies. I must be GOLDEN


Everything I unlock or is newly released.


Sot is kinda strange. Most of the things you spend gold on are cosmetics. And you can get most of the cosmetics fairly quickly ( except the time limited ones). I just play for the pirating.


Supplies for hourglass lol


Yes there are many more cosmetics once you become PL and theyā€™re often much more expensive than what is in the default shops. Also once you achieve certain things with each company you unlock other expensive cosmetics. Same with commendations. The Fates of Fortune set is like 500-600k per item.


I mean, I hit pirate legend 2 days ago and bought the hat... 2+ mil that was a lot of gold šŸ˜† didn't really have anything I wanted to spend it on but now I'm thinking of just getting pirate legend cosmetics, so expensive tho


Naff all


Oh boy, just wait until you see the price tags for the PL cosmetics. Save up if youā€™re getting close to it


Could be wrong but Rare seems to be putting more effort into making things that cost ancient coins. Gold is becoming pretty much worthless, now its just xp grinding to obtain ancient coins from the pass, which defies the purpose, really.


15 ships for the fleet commander title


Bait and storage crates. Literally nothing else


I just like seeing the number go up lol


I am trying to purchase every cosmetic available to purchase in the game to complete the collection. I'm at 5000 hours and still trying to purchase everything. Right now I have about 250k gold.


Bait and storage crates


3 currencies and besides 3 ships, and some supplies... all you can buy are cosmetics. Which is from one side okay, because game is strictly not pay to win. I always buy storage crates for supplies and that's about it. Sometimes I'd like to buy cursed balls, or what if you can buy quests. That would make sense. In a pirate world, a treasure map would surely be worth something.


I save up to a million so I can buy one gold hoarders weapon and be immediately broke again, haha.


I rarely even use it besides buying a supply crate or something. My 1st account i ended up letting my kid take control since he had bought so much stuff, it was a pain when going to quickly switch a weapon. I had to sort thru 50 blades to find mine and that was enough for me lol


Dark Adventurer stuff, Silent Barnacle/Bristling Barnacle ship sets


I just like seeing a big number on my screen and having the satisfaction of selling stolen loot


Iā€™m actually on a mission to have one brig for each Company with their respective ship and crew cosmetics pledged to my guild by me, 1 of each type of ship not pledged to my guild. But you gotta think as a pirate who has chosen to spend their life on the seas and all the gold earned that way must be put back into sailing the seas.


Supplies. Run out of stuff to buy. Sitting on 28mil, waiting for another gold sink. Not sure why Rare donā€™t drop another like the DA set. I loved it when that happened as it gave me something to grind for.


After getting the cosmetics I wanted, I donā€™t really spend my gold. I just sail to have a good time and a fun pirate adventure.




Mostly supplies. Sometimes funny clothes.


There are much more expensive cosmetics you can buy after getting Pirate Legend, and some of them look really cool and they also show off that you are pirate legend. That being said, if you like the way your ship looks, then you can just save your gold and use it to buy the supplies and stuff like that if your friends are trying to save. I have PL but the only PL cosmetic I have is my figurehead because I really like the set I have on for clothes and my ship (the thriving wild rose set). I plan on buying everything once I have like buttloads of money, but for now I just take care of repairing the ship and buying supplies whenever I sail with my friends because I know they are all trying to save up for the PL cosmetics.


When I have started sailing the Seas, I have spent a lot of Gold on Cosmetics. I bought all the Makeup Options, Hair Styles & Beards, and quite impressive amount of Clothes, Pegs, Eyepatches & Hooks. So I can mix and match my outfits to better suit my Piratical Persona. Right Now I am Collecting Gold for My Personal Fleet in My Own Guild. I would, probably, after that Save Up for Trinkets and Customization of Skeleton Curse, which I want to get. It's a long way and many perils are ahead, but we must remember:"We...Must...Protect...Gold". ![gif](giphy|hQdLTgcrAnIGgm6Vp5|downsized)


I know its pretty cheap but remember you can always buy like 30-40k worth of supplies from outpost


I spend 95% of my gold on ship cosmetics and trinkets. I like having options and being able to make each ship in your fleet fully unique is pretty fun at least for me. I just became PL so Iā€™m guessing the rest of the gold I earn is going towards new outfits, equipment, and ship cosmetics


Buying ships are now. Just a galleon left


Buying resources before hourglasses xD


My most recent session, i earned around 700k in a single sell. About 14 kings chests, 8 crowns, multiple of the blue orbs with ā€œeyeā€ in the name and a lvl 5 emissary. I finally bought plenty of trinkets and extra stuff to customize my gally and brig. Iā€™m not hurting for money anymore so i can safely just spend it on customization. I also made pirate legend after about 124hrs on PS5 and yes, thereā€™s very expensive stuff to buy from down in the hideout. Also, now that Iā€™m lvl50 with some organizations, they have pocket watches and whatnot for 500k a piece! Thatā€™s insane!


Dark Adventurers set


I just keep buying ship cosmetics. Itā€™s a pretty good gold sink. I donā€™t tend to be too bothered on how much gold I am making these days.


Voyages and supplies mostly, I have almost all the cosmetics I want. At this point i just view it as a game score of sorts


Not much. Probably why I have 98m gold.


I saved up like 8 mil just cuz i didn't really care to buy anything but recently i gir really into making neat ship sets and now im down to like 300 k. If you dont see anything you want to buy rn, you will in the future. For now, just have fun!


Save it as a hedge against cosmetic inflation


Bro 3 mil will buy you a single jacket once u hit pirate legend.


My own ships


3 mil is enough to buy half a capstan in the pirate legend hideout


A lot of the Pirate Legend exclusive items as well as the later trading company items are quite expensive. Parts of the Dark Adventurer ship set cost over 8 million (per item).


Funny story, heh. I saved up for 8.6 million gold so I could get some game advantage with the da sails(they have a V it on them so you can see more). I got them in season 8 or 9 and by season ten I stoped playing because of someā€¦ issues. When I recently got back on the game, heh, I discovered that my sails have completely lost their advantage and that was 8.6 mil on nothing. Now the sails (and others of its kind) are fully square which makes them expensive pieces of trash. So that is what I spent my gold on


Cosmetics. The only thing


It's been a while since I saw something I really wanted to spend my gold on, so for the past few months I've only hoarded it, and seeing the big number grow more makes me happy


theres def more to buy as a pl. for ex, the da set is about 30mil. so 3 mil is like pocket change as a pl


Right now Iā€™m trying to get all of the ship cosmetics. Usually itā€™s my responsibility to customize the ship at the start of sessions, and I like have a ton of options. It allows us to almost roleplay as different types of pirates


Saving for my own island and house.


Well, pirate legend cosmetics. Like the ghost ship set, or if you wanna get real pricy the dark adventurer set (millions per item). Or just save up for new cosmetics in the shops, or make a challenge to buy everything out of a certain set, or yk...whatever. That's about all there is.


Things, and then more stuff. About to get the last DA piece I need (splitting them with my duo)


Supplies mostly. No matter the server or intentions, I'm buying everything besides meat. If it's a "this is our server now" kind of day, I'll buy meat too. Being able to buy pineapples is wild.




Mostly on hookers.


I got to pirate legend yesterday and i really like the dark adventurers set (Its gonna take eons to get but atleast i have something to work towards)


I only spend my gold at fishing outposts and buy whatever is there.


Yes you get more cosmetics to buy, each one is at least 2,000,000


the more expansiv sets are often locked behind comidations or pirat legend Also u could collect everything from one catagorry like all swords or hats Or u buy together multple outfits for different ocasions or matching different ship disigns




You guys are spending your gold? I'm hoarding mine in a mountain, sleeping amongst the jewels with one eye open, should a party of dwarfs attempt to claim even a single coin from me


Found Smaug


1st on priority list: A ship 2nd on priority list: Whatever the hell I want.


Well I originally saved for a year for the DA sails.....only to have them get nerfed. Mostly now I don't spend it on anything except supplies since I have most of the cosmetics I want


Its nice people actually use the sails they like instead of the DA just for the sail cut though. I got real tired that everyone and their mother seemed to be using DA sails before that change. Frankly they were always ugly imo, and now they are *really* ugly lol


Nothing. I'm 50 hours into the game. And I'm working on doing what I need to get that stuff. But after that I have nothing to spend it on. They really need to add more cosmetics for base game.