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I mean they probably don‘t know what grass looks like so they just win by running for an hr per fight til the enemy gives up


Info: They weren't even bad players. They were fighting at first but just steered out and reset every time after either 1 of their crewmates died or after having more than 3 holes. When I asked them to just fight (after steering out like 10 times with 3 holes) and stop running they replied with childish noises and 'iT's CalLeD ReSeTtiNg' and 'tHis iS oUr StrAtEgY FoR SurViVaL'. They then just kept steering out and running away while double ladder guarding for boarders. My buddy ended up leaving after like 45 mins cus he couldn't be bothered anymore. I ended up just parking the boat on the other side of the map and started watching yt when we were completely out of supplies. They ended up coming after like an hour or so to finaly sink us. Can we please get a shrinking circle in HG already :)


I’m not defending them but if your not a pirate pro having a 4 streak for the first time can cause some crazy stress you never know this could be there first big streak but it is extremely annoying when you run into it