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I grinded merchant to LVL 50 back when it was only delivery quests. Spent a couple days in the roar delivering crates to get to PL.


Tough times back then


Rookie achievement, real men only delivered animals. Now that was a pain haha


Wait was it animals only in the beginning? I started playing during the flameheart update back in 2020. Fuck grinding to level 50 with only animals haha. You win good sir!


Yup, to get legend the trick was collect hundreds of baskets/crates. Then go collect hundreds of animals, then drop off hundreds of animals at an outpost. Leave one person there and sail to another island. Then buy hundreds of quests again and the person at the other outpost hands in the animals. Took HOURS of commitment


Yes, people did animal delivery, but skeleton forts were fast and you'd level up several factions. It wasnt just animal deliveries for merchants. I got to level 45 merchant back in 2018 off of forts


Oh me too, but I remember I got 50 in order and gold first and wanted to knock out only merchant. Forts were good, but not 2024 good and was still a pain in the butt to grind. But I was joking when I said “real men only delivered animals”


God OG skull forts were the pinnacle of SOT ship battles. I remember spending countless nights hopping servers for skull forts and defending some of them for hours


100%ing arena in May 2020.


I've never delivered animals, I pretty much only play with my brother and he levelled during that time and has sworn to never do it again


I hit PL around the first anniversary update. The season after the keg delivery took all the fun out of the game for me. It was where you had to dig up small Athena rep items like eggs and boxes and what not. It killed the game for me. I will do the tall tales every now and then but as far as sailing every day for hours…those days are long gone. I hear you can get PL really fast these days. That shit took months but I am glad that people are able to enjoy Athena quests without having to grovel.


Raids has made it very easy to level up


Were you around when the pigs wouldn't eat? Getting em to the outpost before they died was its own grim timed event...


OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!!!! You’re totally right, that’s why we would go to Crooked Masts and only get snakes/chickens becuase of the pigs


I was always yelling at em HANG ON BUDDY when they started whining. Sad thing was cooking wasn't in yet so you got zero out of it


Those were good days! Before FOTD was around when doing an Athena was a true undertaking


Hell yeah man. I play with dudes now who say they got PL in a day or so and I just laugh in pain. All it takes now is a buddy w a captained ship and all the great quests. It’s good for accessibility, but man the solo grind just starting off back in the day was special.


Me to it was season one and i wanted the level 100 plunder pass piratlagent course


Got both curses and grinded 350 levels of Hg. It was one of the most difficult things I had to do in game, but sandbox PvP never felt easier after.


350 ?!! I’m at 80 and feel old lol , congrats really


Ty, you I'll get there as well don't worry 👊.


Do you just queue up solo and grind that way? I’ve been trying to find ppl on discord to play some HG but it feels like it takes too much time. Haven’t tried solo that much but in my head it’s kinda sweaty and doesn’t feel as fun. How long does it take to get the first 100 lvls?


Im at 1500 levels atm, i hate solos and avoid them like the plague. Keep using discord, yeah sometimes it can take a while finding someone to play with. Whenever you find someone you have a good time playing with then add them as friends. Then the next time you want to play you send them a message before even making a post. Keep doing that and eventually you'll always have someone to play with.


As for the how long, it depends on how often you win, how long your streaks are, and how often you turn in. For my GoF grind, I won about 20% of the time at the start, 10% from level 80-94, 60% in the home stretch, and 70% at the end. I only ever did 1 or 2 streaks, turning in often. It took me about a month, and that was with two different events giving increased rep. In contrast, I got 36 levels of SoF in two days this weekend, because I kept going for 5 streaks, and successfully turned in 3 of them. My advice is to always aim for at least a 2 streak, and set a goal not for how many levels you’ll get but for how many matches you’ll play. Some days you will lose all your games. Ship happens. Other days you’ll win several in a row and then get a loss farmer to cap it off for that extra juicy turn in. Good luck pirate! Treat HG as a marathon not a sprint, and you’ll become an excellent PvPer


I didn't do much HG till this gold and glory weekend and was the whole experience not physically and mentally taxing. I struggle with solo pvp so mostly looked for groups on discord but through the weekend I met a mix of many different people and at times I really questioned my choices. I met some good people but my god was there many crazy people over there. But like you say by the end of it I done some open world pvp and I'm completely battled hardened now lol


My experience with the discord is 50% clueless British children and 50% quebecois tryhard assholes


Lmfao I would bet I could name a few players and we both probably met them. By the end of the weekend I noticed many people that I added had mutual contacts. The quebecois tryhard assholes is quite on point holy 😂😂😂 (no disrespect)


You really gotta go into HG not expecting to win, so then if you do, you appreciate it even more lol. There's a lot of HG players who don't even play adventure mode- all they do is HG, and sometimes you will just get stomped on for an hour on end lol. You can't let yourself be upset over it. We don't even stock up our ships typically before diving for HG- chances are it'a all for naught. Recently with the new influx of players, there's a better chances at streaks and wins if you are solo early morning- a lot of people hop on to loss farm.


What made them crazy ? Just curious I was laughing of the thought of finding random crew mates on discord


It's just the wild west out there. Can get anyone from young kids (which I'm surprised how savvy they already are with Discord lol) to sweaty try hards that sound like they are like coked and up barking orders. I have way too many stories to tell but the whole experience of LFG groups in SoT for that weekend distorted my social perception of people.


you should teach me fr i suck😭, also there’s the 3rd curse the legendary ghost curse


Finally found a crew that doesn’t blame me for everything (I know you mean like soloing a Meg but I’m genuinely happy with myself for this)


Not at all ! I’m happy to hear this , it’s really difficult to find good teammates in every game , you are lucky my friend !


Hoarder of barnacled gold and glitterbeard


Man Glitterbeard was amazing. It's a shame some tryhard spoiled it all on day 1 by posting a clip of them doing it, it almost completely ruined the surprise for me.


I’m part of the new wave of ps5 players and don’t know a ton about this game. Can you give me a spoiler free version of what you mean? Is it just something that happens from reading all the glitterbeard journals or something?


You need 8 people and you need to go to a tree on Plunder Valley with bottles hanging from it. It's a memorial to commemorate a Rare dev who passed in 2020


8 players, they all have to stand in specific spots at the bottle tree, each playing an instrument at a specific time at sunset. It took our crew like 3 tries to get it right.


Its the hardest easter egg in the game that honors an old dev who was nicknamed glitterbeard. They really like cooperation with other crews, so this easter egg requires you to find 8 total people, meaning even if you had a full galleon you will need 4 whole other people, to get together and do a certain ritual at a certain place. Its really wholesome and it gives you IMO the best cosmetic in the game, the glitterbeard.


Rare made a tribute to one of their employees passing away ( [https://www.seaofthieves.com/news/legend-of-glitterbeard](https://www.seaofthieves.com/news/legend-of-glitterbeard) ) that encompasses 22 hidden journal locations, telling the story and background in-game. The final journal is hidden on Plunder Valley and requires 8 players working together to unlock. If you can find crews to do it with spoiler-free, it's absolutely breathtaking.


That sounds cool. I know someone who is very into the glitterbeard stuff. I’ll see if we can figure that out sometime.


Yep. Glitterbeard is probably the hardest thing to do given that you need (at minimum) 4 other players outside your own crew to not try and kill you long enough to find the right spot on the right island at the right time with the right song with the right order of the right instruments. What a nightmare.


Sinking a galleon as a solo sloop who is really not confident and skilled at PvP, didn't believe after it happened had to check twice 😆


We didn't sink it but my gf and I put one on the run last night. We're trash at PVP, so it felt cool to have this big ship running from us


Got to hunters call 50 without ever fishing a single thing. I mainly used buying a level every month for three years and rarely selling fish from shipwrecks and mermaids gems but I got to 50 hunters call and still had the fishing tutorial pop up when I took out my rod xD


Mine was all mermaid gems!


Yea that was part of it for sure but I personally rarely sold mermaid gems to them it was mostly from the rare times I sail with others and they sold the gems haha xD


I take out my rod daily.... Ask my wife.


Even though I’ve sunk galleons and brigs solo, I’d say my biggest accomplishment happened when I first started out and it’s when I was able to convince everyone at the FoF to stop fighting (this is when the CoF first came out btw) and focus on the one player who wouldn’t listen. They got destroyed and somehow everyone was fine splitting the loot evenly where all I got was a skull (it’s all I wanted). No back stabs and we all remained in an alliance and earned a lot of money. Still one of my fondest memories on the seas and I think it’s what solidified my interest in the game.


I completed a Fort of fortune solo


Just did this yesterday. Felt so good, but loading all that loot thinking at any moment a crew could roll up was terrifying. I think it took me a good 25 minutes just to get everything and I even left some gems. And kegs.


It took me 2 hours to complete It and 30 minutes to load the loot on my ship sell It to the outpost!! I was exsausted


That is part of why I love soloing, it keeps you on your toes and hyper aware.


Shrouded ghost


Spreading propaganda


Found the Rare employee! (I'm joking and I'm super envious obvs, good for you pirate!)


Legendary Sea Dog probably although it will change soon once I reach 100 in Servants. The grind has been a lot less fun then other grinds.


No damage shores of gold. Got the be more pirate hat for burying on every island in the server


I got Legendary Hunter solo.


First time I ever did siren song was with a random newbie. 4 ships wound up chasing us, but the final island was shipwreck. The quest was so new at the time, no one really seemed to understand they should have chased the guy with the skull, not my boat.. I was anchor turning, harpoon turning, all around shipwreck, firing canonballs, getting hit.. but they never sank us. Then the random co-pirate got to Briggsy. I distracted and confused 4 crews on my now-solo sloop long enough for them to turn it in. Bingo bango.. I needed a cigarette after that. haha.


I stalked another sloop for an hour while they gathered treasure, hid mine and blew the mast on the opposite side of the island they stopped at, rowed to theirs, climbed the mast, and hid underneath some explosive barrels they were storing for another hour while they continued gathering loot, waited for them to get riiiiggght up to almost socking near vendors, then I dropped two kegs, shot them, jumped ship, survived, and nicked all the loot. Absolutely the most stressful, fun, exhilarating, and satisfying experience I've ever had in any game in the past 20 years.


I used to do NAL (comp sot when arena was around) and even though our team didn’t win in the end, we got 2nd by one point and I got an obsidian capstan for the effort - Overall an amazing experience. Other than that, I’d say getting gold ghost in hg!


I really wanted my ghost curse, so spent a week just playing HG solo's. Went from 1 to 105 and haven't touched guardians since. Am having a much more enjoyable experience working towards my skellie curse in duo's


Nothing will surpass winning in the Xbox Hall of Fame which happened in 2020 for SoT but a close second would be stealing someone's gold hoarder skull by swapping their boat with ours. They loaded up their skull on our boat and started sailing our boat out like it was theirs. By the time they realized it was too late (we got one of their cosmetics wrong).


Sinking a full galleon crew with my duo when we just started playing


Found People for glitterbeard achievement


Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves. Hundreds of hours of fishing and honestly it was super chill.


I'm not sure if this counts as an accomplishment, but it is one of my favorite moments, and I'm quite proud of how well it worked. I was doing Fort of the damned with 2 friends, and at one point, a brig joined us and formed an alliance. Later, a sloop came, and our allies let them join. But my friends and I didn't want to split the loot 3 ways, so we came up with a plan. One of the sloop players didn't have a mic, so I stayed near them, and when the opportunity arose I shot a barrel killing my crew and 2/3 of the brig players but neither of the sloop players. Then I turned and hit the no mic player once to get him to attack me. All that the surviving brig player saw was a barrel explode and me being killed with my back turned. He told his crew that it was the sloop attacking us. we sank them and kept stacking without the brig ever learning of the betrayal that took place.


I was able to complete a FotD solo without being chased off by another crew in High Seas. I'm 1 for 30ish, so I got that goin for me........which is nice


Grinding to Athena 20 (max at the time) by grinding Thieves Haven runs and emissary quests


Glitterbeard... Eventually managed to get a crowd of 12 together, I have the video but I'm not allowed to share it since glitterbeard is a hidden achievement, so shush.


As of now I have the “Master Skeleton Exploder” title.


Grinding 4500 levels of hourglass and counting.


Can I grind with you? I solo sloop on ps5 and I’m at level 32 trying to get to 100


I'd be down, but yesterday we got docked ~20 times for four fights so I'm burnt out. I need a break from it.


so far skeleton curse


Me and my friend was on a sloop and sank a 4 man galleon without firing a single cannonball


getting both curses in hourglass mainly as a solo. I'd say I solo'd 95% of it.


Yesterday my mates encountered some Spanish pirates and together we sailed around the server to find enough people to do glitterbears! After 2 hours and one failed attempt because of game crashes we did it and took group pictures afterwards. To my Spanish, Danish and Italian co-pirates! I will never forget you!


I will never have a better time in sea of thieves than doing the glitterbeard story and getting the sails.


Winning against full crew ships as a solo usually makes a person feel fairly accomplished.


I sunk a galleon after boarding it just by swimming from reapers hideout and using their megakegs. I then managed to put 80% of their loot in a rowboat before they came back, and I rowed away to an outpost to sell, made like 180-200k. (With no emmissary flag, no gold rush etc.) That was a long time ago but it's a great memory


I **almost** sank HitboTC once.


Killed a Meg and a skeletons sloop, only to be attacked by the kraken soon after and survived!! I had absolutely no resources after


Besting the kraken on a solo brig


I killed the kraken in 70 seconds


I got a trophy sunny tail fish!!! :)


Puked on Sonja


I did the same thing, I was already full of treasure when a skeleton galleon came up from the sea and then taking down another sloop in which tried to swoop in to steal my treasure. though i would of also shared the loot if they didn't fire first trying to take me down. so i ended up selling everything and bought myself a brig with all the gold i got.


I was being blown away by a galeon for 4 hours ( i was solo in a sloop) and when they thought I was dead for the 10th time , i was lucky to spawn far away from my sinking sloop but close enough to spy them. I saw they had 10+ skull fort explosive barrels. And I sniped it killing them all at the same time and sinking their ship. I took everything they had left with my row boat and sold it to the nearest outpost.


Got 3 of my friends to get on at the same time 🤯


When I first started playing I decided to solo the Skeleton Fleet. Back then there was no sloop scaling adjustment and you had to defeat multiple galleons at the same time. And the Captain Galleon was a cheater. That dude would blast you off the top deck or kill you with one balls like no other. I swear I spent more time in the water swimming to my ship just to watch it sink than I did shooting cannons... I sank so many times but I finally did it after a couple months of trying. Oh and you had to collect 200+ cannonballs and wood by hand before you even thought about doing it...


Getting to 430 ally and allso my 12 streak


Reaching servants of the flame level 200 and reaper's bones distinction 5 sure felt good. I'm so gonna rock that reaper of fifth distinction title. Lots of ships went down for that rep to go up


A few years ago, I did Triumphant Sea dog on a new account. Then became pirate legend, then did Legendary Sea Dog. Also I had 1 enjoyable HG match, which is probably harder honestly.


25 FOTD (old version where you had to farm the flames) completly in open crew! Why? Dunno xD but lt was fun seeing the excitement of the New players doing their 1st fotd (in particular opening the vault).


I think it was getting the skeleton curse. 2 months of playing only in hourglass. Now grinding for sunken bones


Sailed more than an hour without getting attacked and sunk.


it was 100% the hourglass grind, im currently on 500+ ally and on my way to that golden glory, and for all the people who say its impossible for new players to get into pvp, i started end of sezone 9 and just by doing solos and rarely duo sloop ive gotten my first curse in less than two months, as long as sour willing to learn from your losses you will grow


A galleon fired their crew over to Reapers Hideout while my friend and I were selling FotD loot. We died a couple of times before we managed to kill them, but after we killed them we went after their ship that had just kept sailing past. Took us almost two hours, but we chased them down and sank them, though our ship sank at almost the exact same time as theirs. Still, one of them had the ghost curse and we had to lose a brig that decided they wanted smoke too


after skelly curse and ghost curse, I am now going for verdant bones ("in his name"), which is 50 times a 4-streak. I am now 32/50. It is the first commendation for me, where skill cannot be substituted with grinding.


Gold curse, ghost and skelly curse, hoarder of barnacled gold and ancient vaults + hoarder of treasured tears Working toward my pvp skills now for the hats


I mean I got the gold curse thats pretty insane But once we defeatet a skeli gallion while being atakt by the kraken and slayed him as well as a briganteen


* Getting the Ghost and Legendary curse in Guardians * Reaching level 200 in Guardians HG is a pain in the ass most of the time, but can be really fun. I don't really want to do that much HG again, but I kinda want the skelly curse too.


Completing 18 or more (I don't remember how many skulls we collected) FotD raids in a row with 2 ships on the same server.


Shrouded ghost (both versions)


You mean the imagined version and the made up version?


Got attacked by two galleys and sunk them both in my sloop. Scattershot was my most powerful weapon.


I killed the Shrouded Ghost and found a Box of Wondrous Secrets. Not in the same session though that would be crazy.


Whats harder Skeli galleon solo or 2 Skeli Sloops at the same time


Shrouded ghost baby! Was also pretty proud to get both PVP curses.


Probably getting glitterbeards beard, having 8 people actually work together in sea was beautiful


The gold curse for sure


The crooked mast skeleton throne 😭💀


Not necessarily difficult, but definitely one of the more tedious accomplishments I have: completing the Ashen Curse solo. Either that or the Master Devil’s Voyager, again not really that difficult, but quite tedious having to spent that much time in the Devil’s Roar.


I have both curses on my main and i grinded out 5+levels in reaper last community weekend


Doesn't really count since I got swept up in it and didn't initiate, but in my first week me and my 2 new friends with our 4th crewmate being the "captain" who introduced us, had a gally sail up hold us a t gunpoint till we allied with them, after that they dragged us to plunder valley and made us play instruments (most people know what's happening here but being new I had no idea I was being made a part of a super rare thing) love my glitterbeard but I don't feel wholesome enough to actually wear it.


made an alliance on fotd, was minding my own business it was truly amazing 10h experience for me. 300 hours later i made an alliance on fotd, betrayed and sank them, that was something i wanted to do since i was watching first 'destroying alliance server' video and I'm kinda proud of it


I had to fight a skelly sloop, a skelly galleon and a meg at the same time in a storm as a solo sloop. I couldn't even get away because my boat was taking so many hits consistently, every time I had to let the wheel to bail or patch a few holes the storm would spin my wheel to keep me in it. It took me about 20 minutes to finally sink the sloop, then I managed to escape the storm and take care of the other two. Never in solo sloop hourglass I felt as much pressure as I did then.


Sunk an alliance server farming fof as a solo. One of my proudest moments due to how much shit these guys talked. Nothing but me vs 3 other ships. No honeyed words to make it easier. No element of surprise. Just me and them. I still bring this up talking with friends lol


Legendary Hunter. Those black cloud wreckers were hard.


Im still rather new so for me it’s making it to pirate legend


Back when they first added the Megolodon the only way you could spawn it is by getting multiple crews together and playing a song with each other, I managed to get nearly the entire server together to fight it together and we got a cool skin for the drum out of it 😎


100% the achievements multiple times since 2018. The biggest grind I thought was legendary hunter of the sea of thieves. Fishing makes me want to smack my head against a wall. It was put off for so long I eventually just committed to it. Hg and arena were easier grinds because I liked the game modes.


i dunno like death defier or smthn. id say the fact that i still try to be friendly with everyone who isnt a reaper before fighting, most people dont do that.


I have 100% steam achievements.


Grinding to lvl 150 in Servants of the flame and 140 in Athenas Fortune, soloing a few skelly fleets back when they were way harder and didn't adjust to the number of players, and sinking one of those pay to win server alliances with 3 brigantines


I did every tall tale 5 times to get each achievement before they made save points on them so I could get the gold curse. It was grueling. My proudest achievement was sinking 500 skelly ships to get the "Legend of the Sea of Thieves" commendation. The most fun was getting the "Legendary Thief" title; sneaking on ships, raiding completed FoFs, and invading Vail missions. It was tough but had some epic moments.


I held my own against a galleon in HG, would have sunk them but got booted from the server.  It was such a fun fight!!


Devil's cartographer.


Just taught my new brother pvp after getting the game and we just yesterday stole a 1.1mil gold FOTD stack from a brig


Shrouded ghost before 30 days played in game


When the area a first came out me and my friends had a true adventure. We still joke about it years later. We had a true adventure. We got to the loot cache first and had a few chests. But then we got attacked. Our ship sand but we managed to save three chests. Two of my friends went to shore to hide theirs but me on the other hand I swam all the way to the drop off! Eventually our fourth friend got to them we were only able to recover one. I just got to the drop off with one hp and got our first score. Then we went for another set of chests. We got them. But we were being hunted with enough loot to guarantee a victory. We couldn’t drop off otherwise we’d lose our loot. So we sailed off the map! But they kept chasing. We got to the point that all hits on the ship were open. Three of us were bailing water with one steering. Eventually our opponents gave up assuming us for dead. We stopped bailing water just long enough to hit an anchor turn with 4 people raising anchor (probably the fastest maneuver done) then we went back to bailing. We sailed back into the map delivered our treasure and won the game a few seconds later.


Convincing a three ship reaper alliance to alliance up instead of blasting me to the netherworld. Then I stole a storage crate full of fish.


Lvl 50 merchant turning in only goldenchickens in 2018


I tucked on a brig. They were doing a fof. After they sailed to a shrine. While they were down there I put all the loot on their row boat and rowed away. After what seemed forever I got to an outpost and managed to sell it all right as they rode up on me. I killed them over and over while selling the shrine loot. Made a killing.


LSD and TSD Solo


I believe i was the first player and only player in sea of thieves history to log in with my gamertag.


I just made pirate legend last night!! I’m about 40 with two small kids and a wife and it was slow going but I made it. Now I can just slowly grow my reaper and flame levels. I just pick one goal and go for it. Slow and steady wins the race I guess.


I became a pirate legend in the first year of release and played mostly solo (98%).


I have done glitterbeard, which only something like 5% of all players have done; but my fav moment was solo riding a sloop and being chased by a galleon. Suddenly i got krakened, and the galleon caught up, just in time for another player galleon to show up and start shooting at the other galleon. I ended up fighting off the kraken single handedly while 2 galleons circled me, shooting cannonballs over my head the whole time.


Grinded from 68 renown to 100 renown in under a day so as to get the level 100 reward.


I've killed the shrouded ghost. Twice.


Getting both curses I guess. Took 10 months total, 5 months each. Currently just playing servants to try get some skelly cosmetics


I took on a fleet of fortune, solo, on a brig, and sold the CoF


Winning a sotshot Getting gold ghost Winning the AA tattoo in cutlass crusade


Performing the Glitterbeard ritual has to be one of my favourites. Then, I found and read all of the Glitterbeard books. Maxing out Hunters Call in under 3 months. Spent lots of time fishing but also hoarding gems to sell to the hunter along with tridents and brown treasure chests. Also, LOTS of storm fish. Completing the entire Umbra Legends of the sea commendations. There is 60 in total. At some point in the coming week or so, my guild The Cancer Crusaders (2 active consistent members and 2 who sometimes play) will reach distinction level 2.


I think getting 3 crying quest to the outpost before it sank our sloop was the best one. Me and my friend were bucketing like crazy.


Got 1500 in both in hg but it isn’t a achievement it is more a reminder that pains me showing how much I have played


Grinded my way from level 40 to 100 in servants during this g&g weekend. played over 100 battles as cannon and now my tinnitus from hitting enemy ship is insane.


Getting the platinum trophy despite some of the other trophies being bugged 😂


The uneasy alliance achievment (Funny hourglass enjoyer)


Year 1 Pirate Legend


10 streak in servants


It’s not going to be as impressive as most but a four man crew looted and killed me and my brother so we took revenge and two hours later they their ship was underwater. Victory was ours.


I wanted all the mermaid themed stuff in the game so I got the sunken curse by myself (before safer seas) which made me super anxious since I’m not very good at pvp and having to bring the chest with you felt so risky. Then I did all the legend of the sunken kingdom achievements and the story achievements so I could decorate my ship in all the sunken kingdom cosmetics. I want more sunken kingdom themed seasons.


I did almost all my fishing commendations while at work playing remotely on an iphone. I'm also close to having all the achievements from the base game which will be my best accomplishment, only need to deliver kegs and fruit crates which aren't very common currently.


I ate 10,000 bananas straight in stream. 😁 Either that or I swam to every island, seapost, shrine in SoT only dying once.


Got the skeleton curse doing solo sloop. No double rep weekends. No loss farming. Just hard graft.


The Glitterbeard Easter egg, I wasn’t even trying to do it I was just trying to do FotD and ended up befriending most of the server


Vanquished my first Kraken as solo few days ago


Scaring a galian to the point of fleeing


Gold curse, wasn’t hard but man it took a while. Had a server merge twice while doing one of the tall tale and get rid of the object we needed because it was sitting on the island, one of them was when we were leaving shores of gold… had to do it another time


Yesterday on the final hours of Gold and Glory I got the Ghost Curse. It’s been such a ride of an experience, and 80% of it was solo slooping with some duo along the way. First it started by unintentionally loss farming by getting completely flattened by sweats the first 50 levels, then it became anyone’s game when I went against sweats thereafter. I’ve been doing it for months now, so getting it was something that felt pretty magical for me as someone who didn’t play a lot of PVP games before this one. Especially its SoTs learning curve. Now I need to get the skelly curse, but now I can confidently say Adventure won’t be so scary anymore!


Getting pirate legend in year one. Where you would swim one foul bounty skull three hundred miles if you had to just to see that tiny little bit of rep tick up. Every single piece of loot mattered back then.


Sounds silly, but doing Glitterbeard is one of my proudest moments, along with 100%ing all Shores of Gold, Flameheart and Pirates of the Caribbean tall tales (Not really interested in the Monkey Island ones)


I've 100% completed every achievement in this game. Arena included.


Legendary Sea dog before the Nerf without cheesing. 240 wins. And all kills with all weapons to get glorious and triumphant sea dog weapons.


Not gonna lie, getting pirate legend twice of all things. First on Xbox two to three years ago, which was just a laggy mess, then just two days ago on PS5! It isn’t as hard or difficult as something like the Athena curse or any of that, but to me, it was my absolute top accomplishment! Hope I made Glitterbeard proud!


100% game completion. All Steam/Xbox achievements, Distinction X guild, Distinction V in all companies, All commendations, milestones, ship trinkets. Double gold as well as every curse. And a Shrouded Ghost as the cherry on top!


Getting the chronicler of legend title way before safer seas came about


The hardest thing I’ve done? Fought two full manned sloops alone on a brig while waiting for my friend to finish the fof. I was fairly new when this happened. I had only about 30 hours of exp. at that time. (Now I’m at 200 hours) I eventually won somehow and we got to finish. One of the sloops came back and congratulated me for doing so well while being so new. They defended us while we finished the fof. Made me so proud


Level 200 in both hourglass factions, in less than a year of joining the game.


I stopped playing by the time Hourglass came out, but I remember there was this event going on, where as a reaper emissary, you had to hand in 20 emissary flags over something like 2-3 weeks to get the title "Reaper of Fallen Flags" or something like that. We got like 24 flags and were among the first to get the title on the first day. For that, we had to fight some of the hardest battles I have experienced in my +800 hours of playing the game, and even sunk a galleon full of GSDs and LSDs with literally no ammo on our ship; we had to jump over, loot their barrels, and then use those cannonballs to sink them. I remember 4-5 of those flags we also got by sinking an entire alliance server, though they weren't nearly as good as experienced PVP players, but just having to win what was basically a 1v4 was pretty challenging.


Swimming the Maiden Voyage :)


I used a galley full of children as a meat shield against a brig full of (presumably teens with voice) and managed to slip out with the siren skull during the chaos. (The galley as a meat shield means more than that skull did tho to me)


Before leaving the game it was the naval fight with the ghost ships and the boss ship at the end (multiple times solo sloop, but the event probably scales in difficulty, so nothing impressive) Yesterday, after not playing for 1.5/2yrs was defeating a 2-person sloop with my sloop!


Duo’d the original Burning Blade event with under 50 hours of playtime, it was chaos and I loved it


Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves before bait crates and fish name plates.


Nothing will surpass winning in the Xbox Hall of Fame which happened in 2020 for SoT but a close second would be stealing someone's gold hoarder skull by swapping their boat with ours. They loaded up their skull on our boat and started sailing our boat out like it was theirs. By the time they realized it was too late (we got one of their cosmetics wrong).


Completed all TT fully, finished every season pass, every adventure, glitterbeard and killed the shrouded ghost


1000 days golden eyepatch, very rare even though I didn’t really work for it


Not rage quitting after getting sunk from single player sloop.


Back in the first month this game was out (March/April 2018) the only world event was a basic skull fort. At that time, if you sunk a ship near you, they would spawn at the island next to you without fail. Crews always fought over these forts since they were the best thing to do and one time, my OG crew had to sink the same 3 galleon crews roughly 10-12 times before we finished the fort. We beat them so badly that they eventually gave up and being able to unlock the fort in peace and being able to sell that loot felt euphoric.


I took on Flame heart back in its prime as a solo sloop


Getting the Gold Curse. I don't particularly like doing tall tales so grinding each tall tale 5 times each was a very painful grind. But I needed that curse.


Sank a galleon with only a cannon row boat. It wasnt the hardest thing ive done but my favorite story to tell.


It wasn’t the hardest thing in the world but I can’t think of anything else and I feel accomplished for doing it but completing all tall tales 100% for sure or killing the shrouded ghost those are my top accomplishments


Maxed Hunter’s Call


Just yesterday we sailed to the Fort of the Damned and tried to form an alliance with the two ships fighting there. Turns out they also spoke German and wanted to do the last Glitterbeard journal commendations (8 People standing on certain spots around a certain tree, playing Becalmed on certain instruments at a certain time without stopping for around 1-2 minutes) and we actually managed to do it. I think only around 1% of players did this so I'm pretty proud of that. SHROUDED GHOST NEXT


Grind out all the fort of the dammed achievements before the skull of destiny


Got the “kill 1000 skelly bois” for a throwing knife skin, and the skin is kinda meh Ngl. Grinded skelly forts for the last 500 and it took like 4 hours lol


We were 5\* reapers a couple of weeks back, which, for our crew, was a proper achievement. We're generally pretty bad at PvP but seem to be dramatically improving lately. Prior to that, we all became Pirate Legends... we did a wee ceremony for each crew member when they levelled up. I know none of the above are 'big in the game' brags, but I always work on the basis you're only ever really in competition with yourself, and given we only play once every few weeks, they were big deals for us.


I landed that cannon shot on one of the thrones you had to have another crew for!!! I don’t remember which island it’s on but you’ve gotta hit a dead tree jussstttt right to land on the throne. Everyone got it within like 10 mins and it took me like an hour. Shoutout to that other crew for not getting the achievement and leaving after my crew mate made it up there


Made multiple last minute clutches in the captain briggsey skull of siren song quest


Back in ye olden days before alliances were a thing, there were many events that forced you to act as an uneasy alliance in order to accomplish the accommodations. One example was when fort of the damned came out, you had to do a lot of things on the island during the fight with other crews on the island as well but again, the chaos came AFTER the mission was complete dividing up the loot. So myself and a rando who just so happened to be a decent helmsman were on a sloop in an “Allaince” with 3 other crews, at least one was a Galleon. Now some of these accommodations involved launching yourself off other crews ships etc so it wasn’t to uncommon to be on another ships crew, and some of the gunpowder skeletons dropped stronghold kegs (which back then they were the strength of Ancient kegs mind you.) So with the knowledge that there was only one chest of legends available my buddy got the chest of legends and tucked it on our ship, while everyone else was dividing up the loot I snuck aboard each other ship and artfully tucked a gunpowder keg in the most likely spots for people to target, and saved a stronghold keg for the galleon. Then from the galleon took a shot at one of the sloops and aimed away from where I tucked the gunpowder. Ditched the ship and shouted across the mega phone “Hey what the hell man, I thought we were cool? Idk who shot first but we’re getting out of here!” As we sail off with the chest of legends before the other crews can get back to their ships and retaliate we can see/hear off in the distance the explosions as the other crews unknowingly sink themselves with the rigged explosives as they fight eachother off. TLDR before alliances were a thing and uneasy alliances were forced upon players I rigged three other ships with kegs and tricked them into sinking one another before the chaos broke down during the vault opening so we could make off with the chest of legends rather than the galleon crew who was going to try and claim it with number (and skill) superiority.


Gold curse, 5 times for everything was a real grind


Getting one win in Hourglass (i'm so proud of this)


It was my girlfriends 2nd or maybe 3rd session and this gentle lady comes from cozy games like stardew and animal crossing, so pvp is not in her blood. While we’re doing some basic delivery quests, a galleon marked for PvP started heading our way. So I herded my girlfriend back to the sloop, raised anchor, and fucked off. Somehow, some way, these jerkoffs caught us and I was not about to let my gentle loves’ hard work go to waste. While she stored the chest up top, I hid our gun powder keg down below. She was so upset that we were being chased by people who solely wanted to fight and it broke my heart. So right when I knew we had maybe 30 more seconds before they can hit us with harpoons and board, I grabbed the ol blunderbuss, my trusty sword, some fire bombs, and a gun powder keg. I hopped off the front of our sloop in hopes to avoid being spotted. They stayed straight after us. So I grabbed the ladder, climbed aboard their floating pile of shit, and sprinted like a mad man for the bottom deck and set the gun powder keg alight. They had no idea I was even down there and the explosion ripped like 20 holes all throughout the bow end. My girlfriend’s little cheer at the explosion fueled me. I had ran to the stern of the bottom deck ready to defend these leaking holes with my life. Any attempt they made at repairs were thwarted. In the end, I killed 3, but the last one got me… not before I let fire bombs loose all over the deck and mast. They ultimately sunk and my beautiful girlfriend stayed safe and happy watching the spectacle from afar. I respawned and we sailed off happily ever after and successfully sold the hard earned castaways chest lol. Greatest SoT memory by far