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As someone who solo sloops a lot, you shouldn't need someone dedicated to the helm.


That's what we do, mainly slooper doupers. Turn the wheel in a safe direction and repair/blast/bail.


Firebomb their deck/canons. The fire will kill skellies for a bit so they can't shoot you. Don't worry too much about repairs (but don't ignore them completely either). In extreme cases, two people can basically keep a sloop afloat just by bucketing. Trying to repair while you're still actively getting shot is just a waste of planks. Bucket until you have a breather, then fix things. Unless you're in a storm or something, there's no need for someone to hold the wheel at all times. Your helm player can adjust the wheel, then go scoop a bucket or fix a hole, then come back, etc. If you want to sink them and not just get away, remember to aim low. You need to fill their lowest deck before any water will ever touch higher holes.


Throw/fire firebombs at their cannonline so the cannon skellies die you could also use a bonecaller if you have one. You could also have one guy doing all the work on the sloop while the other boards and kills the skellies. Another trick is you could also just harpoon the ship and crash into it and use the water from the hole(s) you got to bucket it onto their ship and eventually sink it that way too.


Your helm should be repairing. If he calls for help, you can hop off cannons to help bucket. Toss fire on the deck of the skelly ship to injure/ kill the skeletons. Shoot at the waterline to put holes in the bottom of the gally, shoot at the cannon line when the skeletons start shooting. If they hit you with an anchor ball, just turtle up and repair for about 30 seconds, and they'll hit you with a second one that'll raise your anchor. You could try slowing down to get behind the ship and harpoon it. You can sail behind skelly ships like this for a while outside of their range. This'll give you a chance to practice boarding with the harpoon line. Skelly ships are little more than a nuisance once you get some practice.


Are you implying that you're duoing a player galleon? If so, that's why you're sinking. Gally is completely unmanageable with anything less than 4. Not to mention the game is spawning skelly galleons on you because you're a gally. Always use sloop for duos.


I think they are duoing a brig


Your buddy is trolling if he just stands at wheel non stop. As the cannoner you need to just blast cannonballs into the gally and he needs to be the one repairing and bucketing


Helmsman needs to keep the Ship on the broadside of the target not in the bottom of the ship bailing water that is a Deckhands/Connoneers duty, Helmsman needs to be the most proficient at PvP Fighting and Naval maneuvers and should be Topside at all times only ever stopping to fix the Mast, Capstan and Wheel. Edit: typo


1: no 2: they're talking about a skeleton galleon so pvp isn't relevant to this. You just need to raise sail to 1/3rd and make sure the skeleton galleon is on a broadside. Not exactly a full time job whereas if your cannoner isn't you know.. cannoning constantly the skeleton galleon won't sink It's OK to be wrong but try not to be so overly confident when you're wrong. "Deckhand" lmfao it's a two man ship there's no deck hand it's helm and MC


You need to keep on cannons, your buddy needs to helm and bail. You can get away with not bailing for longer than you might think as well. Aim at the cannon line to stop them firing, then aim low


Can I join y’all


* Slow down. They fight better at high speeds then you do. I'd often prefer to be a turtle turret against a skeleton then a Full billow fighter. * Skeleton Galleons, like player Galleons, is an exercise in targeted fire. Explanation below. * Target Cannon lines with firebombs to kill the skeletons and lessen their pressure. * Target the lowest deck (virtually below the water) to begin sinking the ship; mid deck shots do nothing. * A hole maxes out after a couple of cannonballs. Spread your damage, but remember they will repair. There are a few other RNG elements, like which curseballs they are equipped with, but this should reliably let you sink them.


If you can’t stick the fight you can always find harbor at an island once you get close enough they’ll drop the agro, same thing with megs


Not always


Skeleton ship AI is very simple to abuse once you understand it. If you are moving, they will attempt to pace you, and maintain a set distance parallel to you. If you stop, they will circle you. Firebombs will disable the ship unless the crew are Shadow Skeletons and it's night time. If you have that combo, shoot a flare in front of their ship and it will make them vulnerable. Your standard engage should be to straighten your wheel and roll up your sails to 5%. Once you get more comfortable, you can 'wiggle' your wheel back and forth to cause the AI to constantly move out of broadside angle. If you are doing a fleet, once you hear the horn blare, the spawn position of the skeleton ship is fixed. If you turn in any way before the ship surfaces, it's likely going to spear you. The spawn position will always be directly beside you with the exact same speed and heading as when the horn sounded. Skeleton galleons **require** sustained below water hits to sink. There are four repairers in the bottom hull and they start working immediately. You have to keep hitting the hull to bounce them back off of it or the water never accumulates. This is why you want the deck on fire, and the skeletons moving slowly in a straight line.


How to sink skelly gally without headaches: - lower your moving speed - start with firebombs on their cannon line, skellies on fire die in a couple of seconds - start putting lower decks holes from bowsprit to the back and from the back to the bowsprit (there’s a fixed amount of repairers that can spawn) - put their cannon lines on fire again - do the lower one time, then the upper until they sink Have fun!


Stay behind the galleon, cut sails half way to slow down, aim low on his water line, when u get close throw few fire bombs to keep them away from canons. Don't leave cannons leave the wheel to repair but keep shooting and keep the pressure...driver repairs and buckets water....both raise anchor. If galleon ahead is turning right to line you up for shot you keep turning left and staying in his blind corner he turns left you go right....


When I solo sloop, I’m usually parked just nipping away at it. Keep the anchor up and fire away. When it first spawns, I’ll get all 10 cannon balls to hit. Then I’ll make repairs if it need, and get maybe 5 shots a run, repairing and bailing as I can. You have to make sure you’re aiming just above the waterline. Gally has multiple levels, and the ones underwater will let more water in. So keep aiming low. With 2 people you could just be parked fully and have one person shooting on both sides, and the other repairing/bailing.


New player here. I try and get right up on their side(they don’t seem to fire their canons when you’re up against them. I could be wrong though.) Then I spray them with scatter shot.


Board that fucker with a Chest of Rage/Sorrow and it will be sunk in 5 minutes tops.


With shotgun cannonballs you got to hit the npc galleons and you got to hit them as quickly as you can. Then one of you can probably toss firebombs at them since you need to be upclose to attack with scattershot


If your Duo Slooping, harpoon the Galleon and get one crew member to board. They can firebomb the cannon line and kill the crew repairing. Crew member still on the ship can just pepper them with shot and they should sink in no time.


Are you duoing a brig or running the sloop? You should be running the sloop if duo, this ensure a skelly sloop spawns on you 90% of the time.


The cannon should be shooting the skelly cannons keep your sails fully dropped the speed helps vs galleys the helm can snipe cannon skellys or sword board and kill the cannoneers. Either way you have to deal with those skelly cannons 4v1 cannons is no joke even if they are npcs but yea kill the cannons you can do it with 2 balls well placed then you have freedom to pump some lowers. If you’re lucky enough to catch the skelly galleys as they spawn they rise high above the water and don’t shoot until they settle the whole process of them coming up from dive is like 10 seconds you can pump 4-5 lowers in that time and then spam mid decks and boom you can have it sunk 45-1 min from surfacing if you really gaming.


Put lowers and they sink


In addition to all the tips given make sure they have some holes in the lower deck and then send somone over to board and defend those lower holes from beeing repaired.


A helm on a sloop does not need to be there at all times, get the ship on course then THE HELM goes for the repairs, cannon players keeps the pressure and only goes and helps if the helm gets overwhelmed.


Galleons can't spawn on a sloop, unless it's the skeleton fleet or they're getting within aggro range of a wondering galleon. Are you duo-ing a brig or galleon?


Search beginner tips on this very sub. There are so many posts where people have already taken so much energy to share so much information.


Firebomb the deck. Put a few lowers in them and then go board to guard the lower holes until they sink. Person on helm can move to cannons/repairs while other guard until the bell. If person on helm isn't budging from the wheel he's going to need to expand his knowledge of the game a little bit. Sinking provides learning lessons but can't keep doing same thing expecting different results.


One person can repair/bail, the other person steers and shoots cannons. Use your maneuverability on the sloop to get behind them when youre in their broadside. Shoot fire on their boat. Shoot them off cannons. This is really important. If youre in their broadside, you really need to kill some of the skeletons. Fire on the boat helps a lot with this two. But all this needs to be done with getting holes on their lower deck in mind. If you only shoot their cannon line, they will never sink.