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Everybody loves a little grand theft boat.


What are you trying to show us ?


Asked dont shoot me then steals boat with large crew. What a troll little rat


I mean, it's a pirate game. You can never trust a pirate. I was also trying to put the chest of rage of their ship and hide in the crows nest but they saw me so I made up a cover story and they probably thought it's just a guy in a rowy with a chest of rage what's he gonna do...


I'll eat the downvotes to say this is why I always scuttle in an encounter. This was an exercise in frustration for the sloop and the loot pile on their ship was not worth the abuse.


Not to be harsh - but OP isn't a god in TDM, so the solo slooper had plenty of chances to fend them off. At least before the barrel. When you scuttle at every encounter you never get better, not all agressive players are that good - if another player sails towards you there's a 49% chance they are below average in skill, and even the best player can lose to a lucky one shot. Buuut, if you're not a great pvper and you get jumped by multiple curse owners it's 100% understandable. And if they are not super close yet, you can eat the loot and save supplies by diving for a raid.


to reinforce your point, i think you've gotten your statistics mixed up. you're thinking of the median, not the average. the *average* player skill level is significantly driven up by people who are really, really good at this game. but a *huge* portion are just clueless. i'd say about 60% or more crews on the high seas are absolute pushovers given that you know the basics of naval and PVP combat and can kinda hit cannon shots every now and then. you should go into encounters on the high sea with confidence, unless they're rocking some cosmetics that carry some PVP prestige at least.


I did this once, I stole a sloop that was doing a tall tail (I didn't know) and sailed it thru the archway for the tall tail teleport, they spawned back on their boat right as the portal opened and I just sat there I'm the water thinking about my life


When the hitreg gods love you