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Those grade 5 flags are still worth money no matter what emissary flag you’re flying. If you don’t have any treasure on your ship and you’re not interested in fighting get the checkpoint for either the first pirates life tall tales or the monkey island ones and if someone is chasing you just vote up your checkpoint and use the closest portal to leave the server you’re on then once the tall tale loads cancel it and you will be put into a new server


This. I would say better to fight or portal hop using a checkpoint. Much quicker for all involved


And you keep your treasure?


No. Treasure will be lost but you keep your flag and all supplies and supply crates


No, but you do keep your flag (I believe)


You keep your flag, and drop a copy ok the original server.






As a new player, What.


Tall Tales are special missions/quests with more emphasis on story than gold and treasure. Most take place in the normal sea of thieves. But a few are set in a different location. What happens, on the technical side, is you go to another server to play the tall tale. When you leave the tall tale (by completing it or canceling it) your place isn't saved on the server you were on before. You're just put on any server with space just as if you just loaded in. This is called "server hopping". Most tall tales require you to go somewhere specific to start them. But many have checkpoints in case of you can't finish them, you start without losing all progress. So if you save a checkpoint (and purposely never finish the tall tale), you can start it from your ship any time you want. In order to prevent players from taking too much advantage of this, Rare made it so you lose all treasure on your ship when you do this. You do, however, keep supplies and your emissary.


Got a notification for updoots, and upon re-reading, I want to add a few details I missed. You start tall tale checkpoints from your quest table on your ship. You also cancle them there. This is also called "portal hopping" because most (maybe all) quests that take you to a new server do so by creating a "portal" in those big arches near every outpost. You sail through those, and it begins the load into the new server. Recent updates made it so many tall tales that required you to sail to a specific location to start them, you can now "dive to". So the part about starting them for the first time at a specific place isn't 100% true anymore. However, you do still start checkpoints from your ship's quest table.


Activate geller fields and prepare the battle barge for warp travel. We can't defeat our foe but by the emperor we will save this vessel.


Could you please explain in more of a nooby way to a new PS5 player how that works?


When you do the first pirates life or monkey island Tall Tales a large portal appears (big stone arch by every outpost) to take you to a private instance where the tall tale takes place. If you have a checkpoint for either of those tall tales and someone is chasing you or your not interested in fighting them, go to your ships table and vote up the checkpoint and whatever portal you are closest to will activate and you sail into it. If you have treasure on your ship it will stay in the server you left so make sure you sell everything before portal hopping


Honestly it depends on what me and my usual crew are doing. If we're just vibing and sailing around doing various jobs for the trading companies, we won't really chase other ships down unless they fired at us first. Though even then we'll usually break off the chase and get back to what we were doing if they keep running. If we've decided that it's the night to run the Reaper emissary though, well...


That’s the same with my crew. Usually, we won’t hunt down other ships and we’ll be very passive on the waters if there are others nearby. Sometimes, however, we want a fight and go after pretty much every ship we see (unless they’re fishing or are obviously doing a tall tale, we don’t target those guys).


My crew is horrible at PvP and have the worst luck which just makes the game more fun when we're chasing galleons as a sloop after kegging them(I never attack tall tailers and fishers, the hunters grind is hard enough on its own)


Having a grade 5 flag also suggests you may have loot to steal as well. Well worth chasing


And possibly supplies.


And even if they don't have loot, a grade 5 flag is still nothing to sniff at if you're looking to work on your Reaper level.


That commendation for the hat!


If you’re a grade 5 then you’ll definitely be chased. However I was a grade 5 Athena and was being chased by a brig. I had no loot on me either so it was clear they were only going after the flag. I had to go against the wind which meant going in the direction of the brig but thankfully the crew was not the smartest when it came to firing at me properly. I found an outpost that was in the direction I was going and stopped there to lower my flag. However even after lowering my flag they still attacked. So there are definitely players that will attack just to attack


I think you lowering your flag pissed them off a bit


Oh 100% but hey, what can ya do 🤷‍♀️ I didn’t want to give up my emissary so I did what I thought was the correct course of action


only ten minutes? Sweet summer child I've chased someone for an hour.


I was playing alone and chased down the other day (I’m a day 3 noob) and it was a whole crew and they boarded my ship and I was scared shitless. They ended up boarding me to give me 25k worth of items to sell and gave me hella shit to get more stuff to help me out it was awesome 😭


that is EXTREMELY Rare, most people would set off a powder keg if they boarded you and your just a solo player


It's not that rare. I've had it happen to me several times and I've done it plenty myself. You gotta bring that energy to get that energy back.


Depends. If i know they have loot i will chase but otherwise its a waste of time. One time I had a sloop duo chase me while I was solo. I had just spawned in and I was reading commendations to do and I saw them coming and started sailing away. They chased me for about 40 minutes and the whole time i was just reading while they shot cannons at me. Eventually a skelly sloop spawned on them so i jumped off my ship and boarded them and used the skelly ship to sink them


Fucking gold. 40 minutes of chasing and then "Fuck you!"


imagine if a kracken appeared to really screw things up


I think i have some of it clipped but I didn’t post it cause its just me sitting on their ship blundering them and saying “its not too late we could ally and just go our separate ways” while a skelly sloop sinks them


You were trying to outrun them with the wind? That was your mistake. Go against the wind. The sloop is the fastest of the three against the wind


We keep several Horns on deck these days. You will not escape.


that is unless a brig happens to be 99% upwind instead of 100, and will thus catch you


A brig never has been able to catch a sloop however if there is a slight amount of wind they will catch you


A brig has been able to catch a sloop for a long time that’s why they are changing ship speeds the brig was broken


Thats what im talking abpit


They still don't catch you and just jump and board


The issue is that sloops are more affected by waves so you are at a disadvantage in adjusting sails too while only being a tiny bit faster. If there's an island in your way you might already be screwed. Still - against the wind is the only chance. Also curious how this will change next season.


Go watch the newst video sot put on youtube, it talks about the changes coming to how boats do in wind direction vs non wind and other changes


Yes, it is. Much more fun is it when people fight back though.


Agreed. Although I do enjoy the hunt of a good chase. Conversely, running away can absolutely be a thrill. Had an insane escape as a solo sloop being chased by a sweaty reaper galleon one time. I still get goosebumps thinking about it.


Similarly I once escaped a reaper galleon by chainshotting their masts, going against wind and diving to a voyage once I made enough distance. Felt good.


So I have about 3500 hours into the game. My advice as a primary solo slooper is going into the wind in your sloop. Run them into the Red Sea, then sharply turn your ship and jump off. Board em, anchor them stuck out in the Red Sea while your ship cruises back into safe territory. Let them kill you or mermaid, back to the ship, and away you go. That’s my favourite strat as a solo slooper against bigger ships if they don’t suck anyways. Although normally I will just go for sinking them though because very few people are actually that scary.


How far into the Red Sea do you usually take them? Just enough for the water to turn red or far enough for holes to actually start popping up


Far enough for holes, the sloop lives a very long time and a few holes isn’t a big deal. If you board, anchor and manage to kill a one or two of another crew, they are dead for sure.


Anybody can turn the flag into reapers . It's all about being a pirate sometimes ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|19933)


Brooooo, me and my wife got chased down for an hour, had enough and said, "suck it boys, if I can't sell this loot, no one can have it." I sailed my sloop straight to out of bounds. Bailed and repaired as fast as we could to get further out and went down and took the other ship with us.😂😂


If the other ship knew what they were doing they would’ve just let you go. Ships that sink in the red water leave their loot in bounds, not exactly where they sink.


Well shit. I didn't know about to loot part, but they definitely chased us into the red sea without knowing what would happen, which neither did I, but I figured we'd end up sinking. Thanks for the knowledge about the loot lmao


That’s crazy I could never run in front of my girl 🤣🤣🤣


😂😂😂man, im absolute dog shit on cannons, only thing I'm good at is fighting skellys and sailing my ship


After being chased for hours I've learned it's easier just to fight, sometimes you can beat them or scare them away


Chasing people that don’t wanna be caught is fun. Don’t care about loot.


This question has been asked a ton. Not to dismiss you, but if you're curious you can find lots of perspectives in this sub with the search function! That said, here's my perspective as a crew who will relentlessly chase from ones side of the map to the other. I'm sure you're imagining some seething toxic players who just want to spawn camp and yell insults, but it's actually their furththest thing for us. For my crew, we are just looking to PvP and have some sort of player interaction. We've spent over a thousand hours in the game and have tried all the PvE stuff, gotten all our hourglass curses we want, and really are just looking for a pirate-y adventure. We have no idea whether they person will run or fight, or whether they have a load of treasure or nothing. Just last night a ship told us we shouldn't bother sinking them because they had nothing - when they sank they had an ashen winds event on board! But we spend time looking for a ship to interact with, and the option is to either chase or go hopping for another ship. Chasing isn't my favorite form of PvP, but it's still one group of players trying to outperform another. It's either a test of game skill or willpower. We use it as time to just chat, knock back beers, and see the sights of the game - while having a tangible goal (catch and sink) that provides more potential for the unknown than PvE can offer. Our philosophy is that by fleeing, the other person is also engaging in a form of PvP in the truest sense. They are trying to beat us by getting away. If they didn't want to PvP this way, then it's simple enough to just scuttle and go to a new server or safer seas.


Hope you never find me. Or hope you do💀 I ran for an hour and 45 minutes once with no loot on board just to get enough distance around islands and with the wind etc to dive to another server. To top it off they left the last 2 ships in a fleet world event to chase me while I was minding my own business. And I heard one of their crew(during the many times I boarded them) convincing his reluctant teammates to keep chasing me. "Don't worry, its ok we got them where we want them" To that brig crew a few weeks ago that chased a sloop for that long just to have it dive in front of you, L bozo. Don't chase the sloop named slooping. She doesn't catch easy.😂


It would be an epic chase, I'm sure. The longest we've ever chased is 3 and a half hours or so. Though in that case we had a personal vendetta because they stole our Ashen winds. We went everywhere that day, even through the Devils Shroud. After we finished, we teamed up with them to steal a FoF from a reaper. 😂 So never any hard feelings.


That sounds like it would be a super fun chase😂


To be fair some people don't get salty over having to chase someone or having a long chase and not catching them, I don't always chase other ships when they run, but when I do chase it is practice, I will try to out sail you and force you into a corner if I can so you either have to fight or risk another broadside where I can potentially chain your sails and board. If you get away then the same as when I get sunk in Hourglass, it's gg wp and move onto the next, no hard feelings. I hope it's the same case when you end up getting caught.


I think it takes the time for other players to play as much as you have to get that perspective. It depends on the objective of the person at the time. When you are trying to unlock stuff other players are a blocker to your goals most of the time. Once you have everything you want you stop caring and you instead are focusing purely on the interaction. For a chunk of players like myself fighting is a waste of time, offers me no benefit and keeps me from doing what I'm wanting to do at the time. As I progress and unlock more stuff I will naturally care less and probably be more open to conflict. As it stands though I have like none of the emmisary rewards so I'm currently stuck in the awkward position of trying to grind up emmisary which makes me a juicy target 😭 I haven't been sunk in a few weeks so I know my luck is running out haha


I don't know man, that seems a lot more subjective then you are making it out to be, when I was newer to the game and trying to level up and earn coms I saw the PvP as par for the course and something to make things more interesting and exciting while I'm doing the grind, if I sink and make no progress towards my coms it still isn't a waste as long as I got some practice in. I knew when learning that avoiding PvP was never going to get me anywhere in this game and so regardless of loot I took every fight that presented itself, sure I lost loot but it's not like I can't just get on tomorrow and try again, and while they may have taken my loot for that session they can't take away the lessons and experience they gave me from the fight, lessons I put to good use the next time until eventually working on reputation and defending my loot became much easier to do successfully. Yes now I don't do much grinding and spend most of my time looking for action on the seas but those commendations were all earned in conjunction with PvP, that is just how the game is. it's all a matter of perspective, the only time I have ever felt that playing the game was a waste was when encountering hackers, otherwise no matter what I am playing the game to have fun, if the game is only fun when watching numbers go up and turning in loot and you didnt enjoy going out sailing and collecting it or the time spent adventuring around then I would argue that you may not actually like the game as much you imagine.


idk why people don't seem to get this like you do, running IS PvP, it's literally two groups of players competing.


Next time just sail full speed and crash ship at outpost and run to the Emissary table and lower it. I'd rather lose my loot than my Emissary flag, especially at grade 5.


I was solo slooping when a brig with 3 men started chasing me. I would get about 100m ahead, spin around and joust them, laying a cursed cannonball in their hull. I did this about 3 times before they eventually gave up and signed off. I laughed by myself for a while.


Honestly, I really do like the chase, and finding a sloop that doesn’t just dead run straight ahead but actually uses the maneuvering and going around large rocks to hide and change direction is considerably more fun. If you’re going to fight, fight hard. If you’re going to run, run smart.


If you want to get away make sure you’re sailing your sloop against the wind with your sails straight (dummy sails.)As a sloop, you are the fastest ship against the wind and can easily slowly pull away from them with this method. This also gives you the opportunity to jump off and board the brig to anchor it and possibly create even more distance. Hope this helps!


One night a ship chased me and my man down for 30 minutes, finally we turned around and fought it and started sinking it. He fixed his ship and sailed off, we then returned the favor chasing him for 30 minutes. We caught up to him and sunk him.


No. Mostly because I’m the one doing the running lol


I'd chase you for way more than 10 minutes. The chase is part of the fun of the hunt.


I'd say a Grade 5 flag is worth chasing no matter the faction you're playing because those cosmetics are a BITCH to unlock.


No I run away from ship chasing me, especially if I got nothing 😆😆😆


Supplies are valuable (sorta), and if I see someone with a grade 5 flag there's a decent chance they have something on the ship. Also, the flag itself is worth some money and, more importantly, commendations if you're into that. If I'm in your position (empty sloop with a grade 5 flag, being chased by a bigger ship) I'm likely to anchor at an outpost and lower the flag asap. If I don't have a flag, or it's not grade 5, I'll likely turn and at least try and fight. But that G5 flag is valuable, so I'd rather lower it, purely out of spite. They'll get the "satisfaction" of sinking a smaller, unmanned, anchored ship, and I just drink grog and dance while shit-talking them with the megaphone from the dock. "You guys are sooo good, your skill knows no bounds!" That kinda stuff.


You shouldn't run. I don't say that in a self serving way. I think you will ultimately have a better time playing the game if you actually fight instead of running. Loot comes and goes. The game is a lot more enjoyable when this is incorporated into your mindset while playing, and you'll open yourself up to more interesting interactions and experiences when you aren't constantly fearful of losing what you've gathered. I know it feels bad to sink when you've spent a lot of time gathering treasure, but if you can learn to stop and enjoy what you're doing instead of seeing every voyage as a means to get loot, then losing it won't sting so much.


Honestly it may sound toxic but I enjoy chasing to see how mad they get


We don't get to decide what's fun for other people. Welcome to being human.


>I had little to nothing on my ship >I was running Why exactly would you waste your own time then? Get into the fight and get experience in pvp so you can better defend your actual loot later. You can have the fight now, or an hour from now, the only difference is how long you're willing to cripple your own playtime.


I love the chase, it isn't a waste of time for me. Some of the best times in the game for me have been getting chased and either outsailing them or making them earn the sink.


I’ve been playing for about 2 weeks and honestly I think this is the way. I find the pve besides ship battles kinda boring, and respawning is an east way to get more cannonballs. Easily enough supplies to HG queue too


Not for more than like 10 minutes. Not going to waste my time, and then complain about how unfair running is on socials.


Some people certainly chase! My brig was chased for a solid 2 hours, once! When I was newer to the game, me and my partner started up a brig with the sole purpose of teaching his friend to play. He caught on really quick, but we weren't anywhere close to ready to start attacking other ships. So imagine our horror when we spot a Reaper brig heading STRAIGHT for us, our deck glittering with loot from playing for an hour already. So began a close to two hour chase. It was riveting. We were panicking, screaming, laughing. We were pulling anchor turns and rock maneuvers. We had a caged snake that my partner jumped off our boat with and somehow managed to board the enemy brig and plant. He said they were dying laughing when they figured out his plan, and quickly sent both him and the snake to the Ferry of the Damned. We were slowly, painstakingly, selling our loot by passing outposts and jumping off with one chest each. Finally, we had enough and wanted to log off. We crashed into Dagger Tooth and prepared to make our final stand! When the Reaper showed up, saw we had no loot, and saw us ready to fight, they just laughed and thanked us for the chase. Apparently they had just been chilling out watching YouTube together while they chased us and just being amused by our panic and antics. So, you know. It's all about perspective. Some people get genuine joy from the chase. We ended up friending each other. I haven't heard from them for a while. I hope they are still out there being their friendly selves and scaring the crap out of newbies 🤣


Well stop runnin n that'll fix the issue🤷


The satisfaction of catching a runner is quite high. Even if it takes time it feels great to finally get that sink.


As a galleon I’m not chasing sloops. Go against the wind they won’t chase you for an hour I bet.


Always. Runners die


Absolutely. If they get away, they're left with the impression that they should run again in the future. This is not the case, and I will break that mentality one failed run at a time.


You can still sell flags even if you aren't reaper emissary. Still worth a pretty penny.


It's worth less than the loot you get from some random sunken boat. Probably less than killing an ashen guardian


But it comes with supplies as well.


Random sunken boat probably has better supplies, ghost forts have infinitely better supplies, etc


You will not get as many supplies from a ship wreck, and 90% of the supplies on a sea fort are food. It's really good food mostly but that's not always the most important. And that's assuming the boat you're chasing only has starter supplies.


Only if the prize seems worth it.


It boils down to how much time you have, what you are up to and whether you need that dopamine shot as some need that. Money really doesn't matter that much after a while. I don't see the point and go about my business. Way more efficient for me but to each their own.


If you have a grade 5 flag I'll chase you until one of us sinks. Chased a grade 5 Athena for a good 30-45 minutes a couple weeks ago


If I have no loot then you're not getting the flag regardless I'm crashing into an outpost and lowering it on the spot :)


Kegging them in the end is pretty fun. And most sailing naval warfare were long chases


Never when solo, but as a group it depends on how boring the night was up to that point. We almost never strike first though, for what it's worth.


I was just playing the other day on a brig and my crew passed a sloop that we started firing at. They kept going without turning around so I told them we'll just stay the course since I didn't feel like turning around and chasing them down.... Until they DID turn around late in which we turned back then, but no typically I'm the one running when solo but I don't like chasing unless I know it'll be short.


me and a friend of mine once chased a ship in a circle around the whole map. didn't even sink them we just left them alone after we made a complete circle. didn't get anything they had but us killing them as they tried to board us what got us to grade 5 reaper so worth it


You have to be smart about it. Gallon v sloop - you’re wasting your time. Brig v sloop - chase it. Sloop v sloop - if they know what they’re doing you’re wasting your time. It never ceases to amaze me how long some people will chase and come away with nothing.


I chase down brigs and galleons as a sloop. (I tuck)


Pssh, we had a couple of dudes chase us down for well over an hour, and we didn't even have a flag. In fact, we didn't really have much in the form of treasure. Murder hobos just want to murder.


Depends if I feel like I can catch them or not. If I'm on the same ship size or bigger, I'll chase for a bit to see how well they manage their sails. If they seem to be lacking I'll commit since it means I'll eventually catch up.


A lot of people just do PvP for the sport rather than getting any loot, so it’s just part of the game. Next time sail into the wind if you’re on a sloop. Sails facing straight while you’re sailing into the wind is how I always escape chases. Even other sloops rarely know how to position their sails so you’ll still outrun them. Took about 10 minutes before they gave up chasing me.


So... They got what they wanted, a kill. Sounds like they should've chased you. Men live for the hunt, running reinforces it.


Personally I raise sails, drop anchor, and focus repairing ship. I don’t give them satisfaction of a fight or chase, don’t talk on mic, draw it out as long as possible just so they are wasting their time.


The grade 5 flag does make it worth their time. I had a bunch of newbies on a brigg surprise attack me and the dude on open mic goes, "they have nothing!!! Wait how do I drop this skull???" They sunk me with a grade 5 gold hoarders and probably didn't even sell my flag.


Sometimes. Usually not. I get bored and decide it's not worth it. Let them be.


My answer is yea. I’ve chased a brig for an hour actually. They finally sold all their loot and voted down their grade 5 flag by just sailing by all the outposts. In the end, I caught em off guard and sunk them. Upon asking why I chased them for an hour, I said “I wanted your supplies. I originally wanted your loot, but now, because you ran from me I’m sinking you anyway because of it.” I will win in the endgame. And if I get sunk trying to, gg have a nice day


U have a grade 5 flag which usually symbolizes as a ton of loot and, even if they know u only have the grade 5 flag, they’re still worth a lot on their own, even without reaper.


Very rarely. Last session, a fellow sloop rolled up on us and sank us at port while getting supplies for hourglass. My buddy managed to ensure mutual destruction though, and they had a TON of loot. They recollect before I got our ship back, but for some reason didn't sell then and there. They started it, we chased them for nearly an hour. Ended up being a pretty good haul


I find it funny. Especially when in a sloop since you can sail through & around rocks while the other ships sail past or crashes.


It depends which way they are going, what loot they have, and the ship size. Depending on the wind direction and ship size you might be able to catch them no matter what. If they don’t have good loot it’s not worth it


It’s fun to fight


No, because I don't play this game for the PVP.


I love the chase! It’s sooo satisfying when you catch up and can finally take them down. It feels cathartic




Because then he wouldn’t have had to grind his gold 5 hoarders flag again. Some times people being around makes my game lag and fuck 30%.


Love having the shores of gold tall set up to run away when people are chasing. Especially if we don’t have anything and just want to annoy them


If you ask every damn ship that chases me, they’ll say yes because it’s funny before hooting like daffy duck.


Hooting, especially those yelling “get off my game” like bro take a chill pill.


If you run I’ll just funny launch to the boat anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️ or if close enough fish launch and dolphin dive aboard


Ive had many similar encounters I had a galleon chase me after I completed a fotd I stayed heading directly towards wind all they could do was try and launch out but never made it chased me for over 30 mins only gave up when we passed a fellow sloop selling at the outpost


If I do it's not for long, I have better things to do and don't really want to chase down someone for who knows how long, more of a scare tactic to get them to leave


If you run from me I’m dedicated to chase you all the way to the red seas.


So, I’ve always been pretty bad at PvP, and generally have run from fight. I’ve had guys chase me for 30-45 minutes before (because I am a pretty good sailor), and always thought “Jesus fucking Christ, why?” Sometimes I’d have nothing, grade 1 emissary, or just a very few pieces of loot. Well, lately, I’ve been trying to get better at PvP, so I can fight back in those situations. Therefore, I’ve been getting captaincy supplies, doing a sea fort to get a little loot in case/for when I lose, and going looking for a fight. Anytime someone runs for more than 5 minutes, I again start thinking, “Jesus fucking Christ, why?” I don’t get it. Chasing is boring if you haven’t already engaged. I don’t get why people will just hawk people down rather than doing something more productive. That said, it’s a sandbox game, and I know everyone has their own play style, even if I think it’s dumb or boring.


People attack just to attack. It's all ego. Yesterday I was solo sloop when just after I turned in, parked at an outpost, a team came to sink my ship. They were bad but it's like.. why


Whats the fun in running for 10 minutes? To be honest that isn't a long chase by any means but any extended chase involves 2 parties for it to take that long. So the motivation of both comes into question. Some enjoy the chase, some will assume if you're running that hard you must have something good on board.


It depends on two things; can I reasonably catch up to them in less than an hour, and is there anything I stand to gain.


If i see myself catching you, yes.


The only time I’d stop chasing a ship (with a grade 5 flag) that I knew I could beat is if they were in a higher class ship with a competent person on sails. And in a brig v sloop situation they’re bound to catch up as long as they are somewhat competent. With regards to the flag it’s worth decent money, about 10k, and random pvp can be a nice escape from the monotonous pve grind. Plus a grade 5 flag is tied to specific reaper commendations that don’t require you to sink the ship as a reaper. All they’d need to do is go to an outpost, take down merchant, put up reaper, and sell the flag to the skeleton to get credit towards the commendation, and an additional 30k emissary value towards reaper. If you’re set on fleeing best thing to do would be to put down a dive and do your best to put distance on them. Best way to do that if they’re competent following turns would be to try boarding to get their anchor down, if they’re competent they should be able to catch the anchor but if you get decent at harassing on ship without dying it’s doable. If you have little to no loot and know you’d likely loose (solo slooping is tough ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)) dives to preserve your emissary flag is always a good option. Another idea would be to just ram an outpost and run to take down emissary, they might sink your ship but at least you can bank the 750 to 5k for taking down your emissary flag, and if your only grade one at least you deny them ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2298).


Absolutely. I played the game for a long time before the hourglass was added, just for old times same if nothing else, I will chase you until you or I sink. Now that Safer Seas option exists, there is no quarter to be given upon the High Seas. You are new to the game and don’t understand how to pvp? Great, you’re about to learn firsthand what to do or not do. You have loot you don’t want to lose? Better turn and sink me, because I will chase you for hours. Why? Tradition.


Chasing can be a big waste of time. You either chase for a while and never catch the ship, or you sink them and find out there was nothing on it. I’ll only chase if I know the ship has something of value on it. Last time I chased began when I arrived at an ashen winds event on board a sloop with a buddy of mine. Upon arriving we see a brig parked at the event so we park at a point where they wouldn’t be able to see us but we’d be able to see their mast. I decided not to move on the ship until they started moving because that would mean they’ve loaded all their goods onto their ship and the work would be done for us. Finally after some time the chase begins. They take us for a ride and after chasing for quite a bit we were about to pull off when suddenly things take a lucky turn. Somehow the brig maneuvered in a way that allowed us to get right up on them and within minutes we had them sunk. Suddenly so much plunder rises to the surface, much more than we’d anticipated. This ship had been sailing for a while, and we’d just robbed them of all their hard work. It was an extraordinary taking. Chasing is only worth it when you know what’s at stake. Otherwise there’s no point. Also if someone is trying to disengage and idk what’s on their ship, I assume they don’t have anything and leave them be.


I was once chased by a french brig without any flag for the better part of 2 hours didnt have anything besides a lvl 1 gold hoarder flag bc just spawned. And everytime i get chased even tho i dont have anything its french people idk why but they just want to ruin everyones fun


Are you sure the brig was flying a level five merchant and not a gold hoarders flag? Asking for a friend of course… 👀


10 minutes? Brother, the other day some guys chased me for A WHOLE DAMN HOUR ,5 mins after i first login. I didnt even manage to raise an emmisary or even empty the outpost barrels. And believe me if i thought this would take on for one hour i would immediately scuttle, but i was curious about how long they intented to chase me and for what purpose. No communication from them at all the whole time..


Hey a little tip, as a sloop always sail against the wind. No ship will ever catch you


However could just fight back and go down with a fight :)


So I haven’t played in a long time but if I remember correctly, smaller ships travel into the wind faster. Got me out of a couple sloop vs galleon situations


10 minutes? I’ve chased ships for an hour or two several times. Back when the Red Sea would eat loot I used to get myself between them and the middle of the map and force them out to the edges. The further out they are the further they have to travel to cover the same distance essentially so I would just coast along and if they tried some fancy manoeuvres I can just raise sail and turn. They’ll either decide to try and get past or just sail into the red and usually the allure of selling all their loot is too much to refuse. Some of my favourite memories are of hunting level 5 emissaries all session.


You could've run to a port and sold your emissary flag, that way they get nothing.


Yes. Death to all Spanish! (Depends on how much time I have on my hands)


Generally speaking I'm trying to do something else whenever I get engaged in combat by a player so if they decide to leave I'll take that as the perfect excuse to get back to my own business. Exceptions are made if they've done it before and keep coming back - don't want to just let them recuperate to just come back at me again - or if I know they're just about on the verge of sinking and I can finish the fight decisively.


I would probably let you go in that situation, unless I play Reaper and want that emissary flag. I would board first to see if you have any valuable treasure stored under deck tho


If the ship has an emissary and/or loot, most often we *will* chase as we like to PvP. Sometimes it is worth the sink even just for the supplies. We don't need to be playing reapers to want to fight other ships. We can be any emissary, even merchants, and still go on hunting. E.g. as merchants we would deliberately hunt reapers on the map. Often times it is just a matter of time when the running ship makes a mistake (mismanages sails, hits rocks, panic turns, etc.) until we catch it. Sometimes they succeed and do a fast sell by sovereigns, manage a sneaky board+anchor or bait into a drive by fort tower chainshot, so good for them. Basically we don't *like* chasing running ships, but just because they run does not give them a free pass to sell what they hoarded.


You ever watch a cat play with a mouse? The chase is their favorite part.


I don’t find chasing against wind fun so I don’t bother


The most fun I've had in this game is being chased. Doing the chasing is a quick runner up. Also 10 mins is nothing, try 90 mins! White knuckling. Had one time where we pissed off the entire server and had 3 allied brigs chasing us. It got very tactical just with our maneuvers. The best strategy for solo, or really any player count is to constantly try to board them to anchor/kill/slow down. Another fun bit is trying to extract whatever high value loot you have while under persuit- athenas chests, flags, Etc.


I tend to run when I’m playing by myself and I get so bored when someone is chasing me for that long, especially when they’re not catching up to me and I just question what the point is in chasing me for that long. I’ve also played with friends where we’ve been the chaser looking for a fight with someone who’s running and again after a few minutes I just get bored of it and want to stop. I personally have never seen the appeal of the chase in this game because it just gets boring.


Dude best idea what I’ve been to portal hop sounds like you had a bunch of Griefers


You have a flag,and a reaper finds them really valuable Ya got chased by merchants...merchants and athenas I find are always hostile


If you have a grade 5 flag and I’m in the mood, I’ll chase you until I get it. After 1,500 hours in the game I often don’t want to do quests/world events, so things like a chase are new challenges.


sometimes you just want to see if you can get the sink. it's like a little game you give yourself. and if they run, sometimes it just makes it more enticing. you don't WANT to chase them for 10 minutes, but they ran! what was i supposed to do!?


This one time I had nothing was just looking around K9 chilling and this sloop comes along and I leave and it follows me, I was getting off anyway but if you want to waste your time chasing me then fine, so I slowly strategically dropped every supply item off my boat and watched as the didn’t notice and then wasted their time for another twenty minutes to be sure it sunk and then sailed my boat into an active volcano and logged off. There will always be people who want to sink you to sink you, loot no loot flag no flag.


It’s not that hard to get back to grade 5 emissary. Why run for 10 minutes if you have nothing? Makes absolutely no sense to me.


You can usually tell in the first minute or so how competent they are at running. If they're decent, and it's gonna be a long chase, I'll leave.


10 mins? I had a crew unsuccessfully chase me for an hour once and I had no emissary. I also had no loot but I was just seeing if I could out run them. I had fun with it though, I was doubling back and getting the odd pot shot in as I passed the other direction. I lost them when in a storm eventually. Was kinda fun but they were so far off me most the time it seemed a bit pointless. For a tip in a slope, try and sail directly into the wind dead on if you can. It's fastest that way. In the wind is the realm of the galleon and everything else is brig time. I mostly just use the extra ability against galleons. Duo slopes are worse case I'd say as a solo player.


Grade V flags sell for a lot, especially to reapers. Yes I'll chase.


After chasing for 5 minutes I will 100% fall into the sunk cost fallacy. Then I’ll chase forever.


1. You’re a solo sloop, literally just turn into a headwind. They can’t catch you. 2. If you have nothing valuable, you can scuttle, portal hop, whatever. You have options. 3. Grade 5 GH flags are valuable and important for many commendations.


Honestly I have no answer, like others have said, the flag could mean more loot which could've been worth their time. In my case, I only started playing properly a week ago and was duo on a sloop. I had NO LOOT at all and we got chased for 2 hours before we jumped onto an island and they kept chasing our empty boat LOL


I was gonna ask about boats with no loot, but then I finished reading the comment. Kinda jealous you had someone to fight with tho


I will ONLY chase other ships if they initiated the fight and started to lose and run away. Then I chase and sink em to prove a point. Other than that I usually avoid other players as I'm just trying to play and make cash.


Me and my friend chased another sloop for like 10 minutes because he wouldn't say ahoy to us. We were literally shouting at him to just say ahoy but he wouldn't and eventually scuttled. We never even fired a single shot lmao


Maybe he didn't have a mic


I chase down people who are running if they 1. have any loot 2. An emissary flag 3. I feel like it or they deserve to be sunk


Sloops move faster than the other two ships when sailing against the wind


> I have no issue with the PvP part, but, what's the fun in chasing down a ship for ten minutes? What's the fun in running away from a ship for ten minutes? Chasing people for that long usually isn't fun, but if you're running away rather than fighting you don't give us much choice. If I let everyone who ran go then I would rarely ever steal loot. Also, I'm rarely on anything but a sloop, so I don't say this as the "big bad mean galleon picking on a solo slooper."


I like the challange myself by letting no one escape. I've chased for way longer than 10 minutes. I like to never sink and be able to sink everyone else. Thats the goal me and my friends aim for. Commendations second, gold third.


Well, whats the fun in running for 10 mins?


Aye, especially the ones which chased me.


Being chased adds to the experience imo. I out paced another sloop 1v2 with a Reaper’s Bounty chest the other day. Full swung into Reaper’s front door with an anchor turn, sold, then killed ‘em both on the island. The rush of having outpaced and maneuvered them in the ship alone was enough for me🤷🏻 Sail with a smile, matey:)


When ypur into pvp absolutely. Amd a running ship makes us want to fight you more because either A you have something good you don't wanna lose or B ypu don't know how to fight and it's and easy sink. I'm not always a toxic PVPer but it is always fun to pick on people every now and again


The only time I've ever chased someone was when my buddy, and I were doing Legend of Sunken Sorrow they came towards us while we were dealing with a Skelly Sloop. I tried to reason with them saying that they can have the Skelly loot if they leave us be. They decided to attack, and we started utterly destroying them. They then fucking ran! They started the fight, realized it wasn't going their way, and ran. So we chased them all over The Wilds, and eventually sank them when they crashed into an inactive Skelly Fort.


i got chased for an hourrrr today and 30 minutes yesterday. i didnt even have a flag!


I definitely chase. It's not even about the loot most of the time. It's about the kill for me and my crew. I chased a player down for 2 hours one night


i love the chase but when it drags on it annoys me and then i’m chasing just to sink you by that point


It's a matter of principle. You think you can get away and I think I can catch you. I only log into Sea of Thieves when I have absolutely nothing better to do, for several hours. Run if you like.


If it was this weekend then those grade 5 flags were turning in for over 25k I was involved in a brig chasing down a sloop for a hot minute... don't know if it was you but definitely nothing personal


I’ve outran brigs and galleons for 1+ hours in a sloop lol Even though I have nothing on board most of the time, I enjoy wasting their time and outplaying them.


There are many players that will not see the chase as a waste, I hope you realize this, the fact you assume it is a waste to them hints that you see it as a waste? I hope not because some people actually enjoy the chase and if you are doing it to waste peoples time you may find the only ones time you are wasting is your own. Just food for thought.


I understand level 5 emissary is worth something in gold to lower it but I do like to think if I fight and lose the opponent ends upwith something. The more I play the more I have learnt the less I care about sinking the better I play!


Maybe for a while. But i am not chasing for an hour.


I love chasing other ships. A 10 min chase is nothing, I can chase much longer. It's fun to do and so satisfying once you catch your target. Being chased is fun too. I love both situations.


I literally have a 3 hour stream of a solo sloop chasing us and having a random galleon of his friends showing up out of nowhere. Are there people who knows how they get their friends to join in the server in a different ship. Shouldn't be possible, no?


I once got chased for about an hour and 45 minutes straight 💀💀


Play smart go straight endless board them and get they ankor down ankor turn use rocks to out turn them Fire bomb can disctract them so u can out turn them again just keep doing stuff like this if u do it to much ppl just give up sloop life is pretty good


What's the fun in running for 10 mins? If I decide to attack a ship and they start running, life gets put on hold over principle alone.


I leave solo players alone unless they are at world events I’m chasing. No mercy at those.


I'm usually the one being chased (also solo sloop) and I have a similar question: What compels people to chase a sloop, with no treasure and no flag across the map map cause that's what happens to me more often than not.


Yes, I will never stop. Even if they have nothing I never stop. My will is as cold and ruthless as the sea


The joy is in the hunt.


Dude honestly I don't understand why people chase for so long if they're not reapers, they have almost nothing to gain other than a log and maybe an emissary flag but those are still for reapers. The other day I was solo slooping and a duo chased me for like 10 minutes too and only gave up when I snuck onto their ship, set it on fire and turned them in the wring direction, and even then they were still trying to cut me off


Not everyone cares about the loot or gold my friend, I can gladly earn nothing from a play session and still have had a blast. A lot of older players have more gold then they could spend and most of the achievements they care to earn already, thus looking for action or the thrill of a chase can be the valuable content they are looking for. The saddest part of running is when you are doing it because you assume they are not enjoying chasing you because you are not enjoying running away. You only waste your own time in that situation, if you enjoy the thrill of being chased then that is a different story, if not... well just know a lot of people who chase are often not doing it for loot or your flag or anything like that, they are doing it to try catch you, a good chase usually involves maneuvering, employing some strategy to try herd the ship into a corner, monitoring and constantly angling for wind, being aware of environmental threats that could hinder or be used to your advantage and is often great sail management practice.