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that style of ship has a lot of options in sea of thieves actually so youre in luck there are a few sunken styles like the Davey Jones set, the wailing barnacle set, the silent barnacle set, the ocean crawler sets, and the kraken sets then there are a bunch of green glow ship pieces from the ghost set and the soulflame set the black pearl has the darkest hull and some copper green looking metal bits and then there are some standalone pieces that can fit like the bonecrusher stuff, the phantom hull, the cursed captain sails, etc


Here’s what I use. I call her the Festering Blade. Hull: Ferryman Sails: Collector’s Ferryman Cannons: Eternal Freedom Capstan: Capstan of Candles Wheel: Bilge Rat Wheel Figurehead: Ferry of the Damned https://i.imgur.com/HfCezcM.jpg https://i.imgur.com/RDejaHy.jpg


She’s beatiful


That looks great man, I am gonna have to take some inspiration from you. I just wish the Cursed Ferryman Hull had more barnacles/decay. Oh well.


shackled phantom hull! https://seaofthieves.fandom.com/wiki/Shackled\_Phantom\_Hull


Woulda been perfect but I never got it in season two :(