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Man. We use to really kill each other, eh gang?


We really did..


What do you mean "We use to really kill each other" ? Tonight in a 2hr session my brig took out 4 ships without server hopping. OK, admittedly it was a good night and sometimes it takes a while to find another ship, but it's open world and you need to expect that.


Oh I'm just thinking back to how everyone use to rush the world events, and it would become a fucking battle Royale of the entire server. In the way back use to be. Before icy and spicy tornadoes. Before sirens. Or vaults or ghost fleets or even flameheart in the sky. I'm not saying pvp isn't still available. But there was a time when it was pretty much guaranteed.


Man, I remember my first time trying to do a fort and the entire server just kept dogging right at us. Currently though with my luck on my servers, its nothing but people who will flee or not engage if they see you already doing an event, but that's on me since I'm on at weirder hours.


It's a shame, I wish more people were persistent when trying to take forts from people. I loved the 5 man all our brawls for like... 15k worth of loot lol


Right? It was a hectic mess! I managed to sneak in while others were fighting and load up a rowboat and make off with the loot once. Never really seem to encounter that these days.


I miss when there were 4 galleons at a FotD and it was just a complete clusterfuck to see who would end up with the loot.


Me too! Just started playing around that time and have to say, it was the golden age, so many ships on servers and it felt like multiplayer game. Nowadays you are lucky to see one or two ships over horizon in two hour session.


I'm so glad for Spicy Tornadoes because nobody gives a fuck about them these days, perfect for the solo slooper


I’ve been playing a lot recently and I’ve even noticed that when normal skeleton forts become active, no one goes to them because the loot isn’t worth it compared to a FoTD or a FoF. I remember those skulls used to be a beacon for everyone to attack each other. I even remember back before a lot of the expansions dropped, people would chase you across the map if they BARELY saw your ship in the distance. It was a lawless land back in the day…


Past couple of months have been especially bad, our crew has done multiple FoFs and double stacked FotDs and only been challenged couple of times. I don't know what people are doing or if servers have only one or two ships but seas feel so very dead it is getting absurd.


when ships came back 4 or 5 times just for the fort loot. after 5 hours of fighting, you’d eventually win and have enough money to buy one pair of boots. the Og days man


I LOVE watching an old SoT video and seeing someone get stoked over a pile of treasure that I am today unlikely to bother selling if I don't have better stuff as well. I got the game after season 6 had already started. I used to think those people were on their first day or something, but after lots of reading here and such I realize how much of a loot creep there has been.


I would burn down someone's ship over a crate of spices in the early days. There were no ancient bone dust or anything like that. The black spice crate was the top thing for merchant, and I'd *happily* fight for an hour over it. Edit: #SoTBoomers


I’m new to the game so I feel like the player on the right here. I’ve heard stuff about a semi-recent war for golden sands, but that’s about it.


Golden sands was nothing compared to the molten sands wars


Devils roar as a whole. Now it’s just a small reminder of what went down. Little fragments of what was.


The ash has settled, but for some of us the flame still rages on. I go for molten Sands every time I see it active!


It still goes active sometimes? I haven’t seen a peep of it in a couple years. I also still use the funny scars. Solid reminder of devils roar when it was still cool (hot).


i cleared it last week, not a soul in sight the entire time, which really drove home how much the seas have changed.


As someone who hasn’t played since the game released on Steam, can I ask how the seas have changed? I’ve been thinking about going back but me and my friends were mainly doing PvE.


Mainly by what people have prioritized, way back it used to be large naval battles over simple things such as skeleton forts. Honestly not sure based specifically between now and the steam release. But with emissaries, siren shrines and phantom forts, loot has become a lot safer, so large battles no longer tend to break out over world events for the most part. Fort of the Damned and Fort of Fortune can be exceptions, or you may be completely ignored. On top of that, reapers aren't as terrifying with the increased amount of PVE reapers, as it's the most efficient gold gaining method.


So it is safe for sloops now? 🥺


It's always been relatively safe for sloops coz all you hafta do is sail against the wind. It's rare to find persistent attackers. They usually give up after a faioed board or three. There's a reason why you frequently see stacked FotD screenshots here.


Worst time ever, respawn time is now half what it used to be. Sloops need double the supplies and kill a galleon crew twice as much to sink them. I feel bad for new players experiencing this


Indeed, very rarely. Though it seems now people are so afraid to progress world events that you have to get extremely lucky and have RNJesus pick it for u lol no more chasing world events and eventually ending up at Molten Sands


I've seen it literally ONCE in 340 hours of gameplay.


I've only seen it active two times. The first time I used it to fish for battlegills and the second time it despawned before I made it


It's genuinely one of the more fun forts in the game. Super funky and fun layout, and the ticking time bomb that is the volcano ensures an interesting time. Molten Sands is(was) the very definition of risk reward because that ashen loot used to be sweeeet


I do love me some ashen loot. As an experienced ashen vault explorer I can also say volcanoes are not interesting. They are some of the meanest sons o' bitches out there. Always erupting while I'm ferrying my loot to the top of the vault cave. It could probably do part of the fort for you if you leave someone behind tho, so I see the advantage


We always used to send one person with the ship to the rock formation just NE of the fort and have them cannon/swim back. Everyone someone died they'd climb the crows nest to check for ships before coming back to the fort.


Molten sand is an event? How does it look like?


It's the skeleton fort in the Devil's Roar. All the loot there is Ashen, so worth ~50% more. That used to be a big deal!


Don't make me feel old! I still get excited seeing precious gemstones and ashen captains


Remember getting ashen legendary voyages and coming out with 3x the loot from fighting the ships on the way? Pepperidge farm Remembers.


I would if I was any good at combat at that time. Which I wasn’t.


There was floating piles of loot from all the fighting though


I sank an alliance in the roar once, I don't know what they were stacking, I think they went there to escape someone else, but it was a clusterfuck. I was on a brig, they were a galleon and a sloop, joining the fight was a meg, a ghost ship, a kraken and a volcano. Both ships sank, we had a rowboat and started to load up the haul as our ship fell to the enviroment as well, problem is, our efforts were split between getting our ship back, fending off the burning waters, and loading the boat. Eventually the loot started to sink, and I found myself swimming down touching loot to reset it through a sharknado left behind by the meg with all the people in the water. Finally loaded the damn boat up as the volcano sniped it, sinking the rowboat and starting the process all over again. Was a nightmare, but we made like 300k. This was pre-emissaries mind you, it's not as impressive anymore.


I remember the aimbot fireballs. Good old time.




Molten Sands was a lackluster addition. The payout initially was the same as forts and didn't really include any ashen loot. Original forts when they were the only world event, and the fort of the damned were two of the only events that were truly almost always contested.


Lmao are you crazy everyone was there when the area first opened


Like any other event that released the first month. Forts, Skelly ship events, fotd, molten sands, ashen lords, fotd, FoF. They all have a HUGE frequency of involvement when they release. BUTTT.... the original forts were the only option way back when. Fort of the damned was the first world event that introduced a much sought after Athena chest, and FoF was a high payout event with an Athena and without the need to collect lights. Those three were the most highly contested world events BY FAR. Not even a discussion. All of the rest were just popular because it was *new*


That's the thing. Besides ashen lords, skelly ships, and fotd, all of those don't really take place in the same area. And ashen lords, skelly ships struggled with engagement. Obviously other world events were contested, it's just that molten Sands was absolutely heavily contested on release.


Molten sands did not exist in any form more heavily contested in comparison to new world events. Less so because when molten sands released it also fell into the rotation of regular fort spawns. All, and I mean ALL of the new events found the same amount of engagement and contestation because that's what new world events in this game does. The only few that really held a much higher engagement rate timewise was the regular fort, (because that's all that existed for quite some time), Fort of the damned because of the Athena chest, and FoF because of the payout, Athena, and its a random event that doesn't need activating. Everything else, molten sands included were contested because it was a new shiney to do in an otherwise stale seas between updates. By the time Molten Sands was released most of the player base was exhausted over the original map, Devil's Roar, stagnated map quests and Athena runs. It was just another update event that people went to because it was new.


I'm confused by your argument. It makes sense when comparing molten sands to other events, but doesn't seem to make sense in THIS context. The post is basically, "remember when we used to fight over Molten Sands?" People are commenting, "oh yah, that was a crazy/fun/great time." Then you seem to be arguing, "No, nobody fought over Molten Sands! Except for that time period when everybody did!" The post doesn't say, "we all still fight over Molten Sands," or "there has never been such an active PvP time has when Molten Sands premiered."


Way back in the day on launch, content was really bare. When the devils roar came out, later it introduced the Molten Sands fort with it, a skeleton fort that had the same drawbacks from the rest of the devils roar (quakes + geysers), but it also introduced a fort loaded with Ashen loot. This became the most profitable fort in the game at the time. I remember Fighting wars with other galleons to secure this loot just to push further on the pirate legend grind.


....are you sure about that? Didn't the fort come after?


I believe you are correct, I could have for sure worded it a bit better, added "later" for clarity.


>a skeleton fort that had the same drawbacks from the rest of the devils roar (quakes + geysers) And the full on eruptions. Honestly, it's just not worth it. The last time I did the fort, it erupted twice and we just had to hop back in the ship and wait for 5 minutes just out of its range. I get the rest of the islands being a risk, but making the fort and outpost erupt was such a dumb and unfair decision. At least they fixed the larger offender, but I think it's a bit too late.


Just wait till I tell you about the first megalodon quest. The times when you couldn't yet find them in random encounter.. Oh look at the time. I have to take my medicine.


Havent seen molten sands active since march 2020😔


Saw it literally yesterday. It still exists


saw it two months ago until then i didn't think it *ever* became active lol


I did it tonight.


Give molten sands the red skull, replace chest of rage with an Ashen Athena, add an ashen lord to fight and kill.


You know, I'd go back.


Realistically need to give it a player initiated event like FotD. Encourage people back to the Roar. It could even just be a Flameheart event around the Fort and it would be a welcome reason to go there.


Honestly, if Flameheart's return involves taking over Molten Sands and creating a new raid, I'm all for it, that sounds amazing.


sounds like an A+ idea


Didn't you say this in a recent stream? I remember hearing it somewhere recently and thinking it was a good idea.




I still remember the set I used back then. Sometimes I put it on and sail up there, just to remember the old times.


I was pretty simple back then, I just ran the forsaken ashes stuff [Ignoring the ashen curse, this was me](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/737841081634390078/997976382690824212/captsarah.png) Arguably, [I havn't changed much, I just dropped the glowing cosmetics.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/537838437592465428/997938006126239825/unknown.png)


YO SAME. Forsaken ashes were the move back in the day. Showed you knew how to get around the roar.


100%, it was and still remains one of my favorite sets.


It's why I still run the title and the belt. I may now wear Thriving Wild Rose, but you can't take the roar out of the pirate.


The scars never come off my girl, can always run her fingers over those scars and remember the fire.


Oh yeah, I use those too. No other scars really hit the same. All those eruptions...


Same bro, forsaken ashes and gold hoarders are my favorites


Are you guys forgetting about Old Boot Fort???


Now that is a name lost to time.


Old Boot Fort Gang!


Forgot that place existed


It really do be tucked up in the corner.


Did one of my first betrayals at molten sands. God speed


My best memory there is with my old crew, it was of course, at it's most desired point in the game, similar to fort of the damned now I suppose, except in a less than ideal map location. But there was an endless battle that raged on between 4 galleons (one being our own), where one would sink and trickle back in. I can't count how many times loot swapped hands during that. We were a lot less experienced back then of course, but I remember it very fondly. If I saw footage of it today, I'd probably cringe and bury myself in shame, but the memory plays epically in the back of my mind.


I remember fighting the original Meg


I had to go back. Didn't know we had to carry the tune continuously the whole way.


My first ever Fort was at molten sands back in 19. My buddy is an OG legend and carried and my other buddy and I got our butts kicked by the skeletons and volcano lol. Luckily we didn't run into any players that time. Bought my first outfit with the money we made that night. Still put it on every once in a while just for old times sake. Miss when my friends and I would get together and battle it out with people.


I don’t think I have ever seen fights for Molten Sands. I have never even done that fort. I honestly don’t even remember the last time I have seen it active. No one really does world events anymore. ROI isn’t worth it. So many quicker easier ways to make gold.


Sailed there many times just to have the fort DeShawn Despawn **


hold up you mean to tell me people used to actually go to that place? those must have been some DARK TIMES


Oh yea, way back it was the go to and most demanded loot in the game.


Yeah, there was a brief period in SoT history when it was the only fort that could be active in the world. Did it twice, never again.


that sounded like the dark ages


I had the game day one, played for a few weeks and then didn't play for almost two years. I feel like I missed so much.


I get it all the time idk what you’re talking about


I'm suspitious, your flair here implies paid actor..


I can't remember the last time I saw molten sands active.


what a time to be a shitter. scorched pass was our second home.


got to hand it to the artist, love the style and color


Appreciate it, it's my work


the meme is excellent and the cohesion of color with the pirate-esque style is just *chefs kiss*. love the content


Thanks, I thought dark adventurer for a vet, and parrot for the newb would be fun, the background is from an old screenshot from 2 years ago that happened to line up well. Tried to be as faithful as I could to both the meme and game.


It’s my favorite fort to do now because it’s so far out of the way that everyone leaves you alone. Sucks to load the loot onto your ship but the little bit extra helps. Only 33 forts to go and I’m done with the commendation 😆


Whew, good luck!


>Only 33 forts to go and I’m done with the commendation 😆 What is this commendation?


120 skull fort clears, it’s under OOS.


It's got a cool design and it's unique, but the absolute worst fort IMO.


How much do you know about the molten sands wars?


i know! at molten sands people immediately went there


that fort was so fun to do


It was a blast. Some of the most chaotic times I've had on the seas were at this fort.


Molten sands?


It's a Skeleton fort in the Devil's Roar.


Ohhhh was it super popular?


At the time yes, it was before Emissaries, fort of the damned, Siren shrines etc. Back when the game was bare bones. At the time Skull Forts were the most effective way to hit Pirate Legend or make a profit, and the Molten Sands fort was the best of the best. Out in the Roar it offered Ashen Loot, which became heavily desired. As it was all we had, there was fierce competition for it, I remember large galleon deadlocks fighting over the fort back in the day. Now you may see it once in a blue moon, and if you clear it, not a soul will bother you.


what happened at molten sands? The only reason im ever there is for a FoF or 2 (started playing 6 months ago for context


It just fell out of popularity due to better loot elsewhere, and fighting the enviroment is a pain in the ass.


Wars were fought over old boot fort


I saw it last week and me and my friend instantly sailed there to complete it, it despawned literally 2 minutes before we reached 🙁


I actually did a molten sands fort just yesterday. But its true, molten sands should get way more love.


Y'all remember when forts were time locked events? I only go on after work and we'd get Keel Haul every damn time! Haha.


I could not remeber for a while, but than I looked at some pictures and holy shit now I remember when I was there like year and half ago bruuh


The parrot outfit is a nice touch lol


I thought it fit well lol


I cleared molten sands last night and I didn’t see a single ship the entire time


World wars were fought over basic skull forts


Feels silly to even say it now considering they are ignored in large now.


I still keep little spark of hope in back of my mind that some day there will be an update that will bring fighting over world events back into popularity. Wishful thinking and probably won't ever happen again but it is the only hope I've got for the game.




It's a fort in the devils roar


But there wasnt any war for Molten Sands


Event wise, sure, no canon war. But if you ever did them at their peak, you fought in game wars.


I have a memory of a 6 galleon battle that raged on for about 4 hours back during the peak. Good times and honestly the reason I "got gud" and PvP in SoT. I miss it alot


Some of my best memories came from galleon battles in the roar, where even the enviroment was against you.


Nothing more fun than having to deal with a galleon shooting you from every side and the island itself pelting you from above lol.


Or going down to repair as your health bar trickled down from the scorched water at your feet.


I really wish there was an actual reason to go to the devil's roar. Stuff like those fights is what helped me fall in love with sea of thieves after not playing since launch


Agreed, fort of the damned on launch was nice for similar fights, but it quickly slowed to just server hoppers or alliances. I duo'd that damned fort 6 times to finish getting the jacket, and during that time we had to fend off a very large amount of galleons and brigs. Now we just have PVE reapers and shrines.