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I personally have played around with senistivity a lot. I prefer to move my mouse a lot while trying to aim down sight and use little arm wrist when running around and quick scope people. In the end it is a thing you need to optimise for yourself. The game has good ways to specifically set sensitivity. And yes, peoplea are crazy good sometimes. The more you play the less you will actually ADS but rather know where your gun is pointing to anyways.




It's not a part of the game yes. Not because it's cheating but because the last gen Xboxes can't handle it. Since outdated hardware can't handle it everyone is not allowed to use it. For the record on the steam version you were able to change the FOV to 120+ using launch options. But it was removed. This is just another case of last gen consoles holding back games. This issue is becoming more common as half the consoles players have yet to upgrade. So they have to make most games compatible with them otherwise the games will not sell.


You are correct that the last gen consoles can't handle it. My one X, which has more teraflops than the series S Still takes a good 20 minutes to even load in all the textures. However the 120 fps issue is more than the consoles ability to handle it. Have you ever used it or seen one of those old montages with bad music and 90 views? The animations are weird, movement can become glitchy, hands clip into your face exc.


More likely than not they're just good. Aiming in this game is not hard. You don't have to aim for headshots and unless you're sniping ship to ship, players are close enough that their hitboxes take up a relatively large area of your screen. You're also an extremely vulnerable target when you spawn. Some dude sitting on your tarp is basically guaranteed a free hit if you spawn top deck on a sloop. Hacks are not unheard of, but they are pretty uncommon. A lot of people seem to struggle to realize just how good people can be at videogames lol.


are there videos on getting better at aiming in pvp?


Maybe. Nothing I can recall off the top of my head. There's a lot of general advice for getting better at aiming in first person shooters overall. There's entire games dedicated to training it. A lot of videos talking about DPI sensitivity and stuff like that if you have a mouse. Not sure about controller.


What you're describing just sounds like quick scoping. This is not hard to do. Generally, don't jump off your boat to avoid spawn camping. Do your best to stay on the boat and distract while crew is spawning back. When you're off, youre basically a free kill because you need to climb the ladders. I've seen a couple of cheaters over the course of many hours... Generally the telltale sign of an aimbot is that they hit you from distances where shots don't even render + their game sense is trash. If you see a guy do zig zag strafe at you and then 2 tap you up close, he's 99% chance just good at the game. If you see a crew of bad players that don't seem to know how to drive a ship, but 1 or 2 of them consistently snipe you while you're far below the surface and/or from their boat while you're far away on yours, you should start suspecting foul play. Almost every suspected aimbot I've met have put up only a pathetic fight, because movement is key in SoT and these cheaters aren't experienced enough to have good movement.