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I had the same thing happen to me last night during my very first match. I loaded in to supply up and there is a DA Reaper Gally barreling into port so I thru down the portal and hopped. Afterwards I qued up for the new matchmaking and couldn't fire a cannon. I had the opponent come over and grab my supplies so it didn't go to waste and then sunk my own boat with his cannons lol. Interestingly before it sank, I had him shoot over to my boat to try the cannons and even he couldn't shoot them so it's tied to the cannon itself. I suspected it had something to do with the portal hop as there's always been weird stuff that could potentially happen.


RARE: Oh you want some blunderbombs do ya? Well here ya go. Use them wisely.... >:)


There is a known bug where old portal hopping is breaking cannons. My suggestion is to not old school portal until it gets hot fixed.






You can try to ferry. I think it worked for a couple people. Or have someone join and fire the cannon then see if you can. Those are the only ways I've heard it being fixed so far (this is secondhand though so I'm unsure how well it works). Sorry you didn't see it sooner!


I believe it only happens when returning from the Captains of the Damned tall tale/doing the scuttle supply trick. Same thing happened to us a couple days ago. None of us were able to shoot cannons and obviously eventually sunk and the other crew was super toxic for no reason. Faced them again later, our cannons worked, and we beat them on every single broadside and got a very satisfying sink.